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Performance anxiety within group dynamics (orchestra) - slide 1

- fear of negative evaluation by others

- self-imposed high standards

- socially prescribed perfectionism

Fear of performing for a group of people can be drastically reduced by confidence in the player
from the orchestra as a whole

Cognitive behavorial therapy - slide 2

- preventing better than healing

- Adressing underlying anxiety, restructuring thoughts like negative self talk

- no beta-blockers, etc.

- Trial of Clark and Agras (1991), therapy more effective than anti anxiety drugs

Role of musicians and conductor in cognitive behavorial therapy - slide 3

- Positive self talk should be promoted

- Group talk

- Failure as a means of growth —> fixed mindset

- Amateurs often believe they will not grow much anymore, childhood

- Risk taking is encouraged which creates an open situation to develop musicality

- Pressure should most often not be put on the individual but the group as a whole

Stress inoculation - slide 4

- anticipate the symptoms of anxiety and befriend them

- anxiety or nervousness is normal may even be beneficial

Everybody needs the space and trust to grow

Room to fail is very important, teambuilding —> social carrying capacity of the orchestra

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