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Puedo exigir un servicio educativo de alta calidad académica.

Puedo ser evaluado de forma justa, conociendo los criterios de evaluación.

Debo comportarme respetuosamente con todos los miembros de la comunidad universitaria

Debo acatar las sanciones que le sean impuestas, previo cumplimiento del debido proceso.

Debo hacer buen uso del carnet estudiantil

Podría ser representante estudiantil

I can demand a high quality educational service

I must make good use of the student card.

I could be elected student representative

I may represent the institution in academic, scientific, cultural and sports, subject to compliance
with the requirements

I should participate in the academic activities programmed by the institution


1) I can renew my identity card before it's expired.

2) I could be part of the Scouts in order to become a better citizen and help the others.

3) I may take my driving test again to reinforce some concept and be a better driver.

4) I must do as the Law says.

5) I should follow non written rules.

6) I ought to give the seat to a pregnant woman on the bus.

7) I have to be the example for younger kids.

8) I need to respect the rule of not smoking in certain closed areas.

9) I had better never buy anything in the black market.

10) I would never steal anything from anyone.

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