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Stherlande Faustin

Ms. Parker

1st period - Business and Technology

September 17, 2020

Dairy Queen Hacked

In 2014. Dairy Queen was targeted by a malware called Backoff just like Target when

over 350 stores had their customer's credit card information stolen. Man were affected by the

breach and some stores had to change their systems. Dairy queen had to find a solution to regain

their customers and their trust.

They were able to use the information from stores that allowed remote access of credit

card processing computers. Other companies were also affected, and it was estimated that over

1,000 business were victim. These stores have been affected since October 2013 and was not

detected until August 2014. The company gave its customers that were affected, a year of

identity repair to show how much they value their customers. Many were still weary of paying

with their cards for fear of having their information stolen. It was said that only card information

was stolen and nothing like social security numbers, pin, or emails were taken but were not
confirmed. They used fake copies of cards to make purchases in store. Banks confirmed that they

see about 50 cases in a week. Less than 600,000 credit cards were affected from targeted


The company fell victim to the breach because they had a weak software. They had to

advance their antivirus system to make sure their customers were safe. They could have avoided

this if they used a better system to transport their information. Many owners faced some troubles.

Some customers did not get a chance because they did not know that their identity was stolen

because of the breach. The company faced a short-term effect but now many people have

forgotten about it and no longer care. Now, Dairy Queen uses a better system which benefits

them and their customers. The only international company was Orange Julius that Dairy Queens

own. They had a small number of stores that experienced the same thing as Dairy Queen. They

were able to come back from the breach with their sales intact and their customers.

Dairy Queen went through a rough patch during that year luckily, they were able to

revive. They experienced an identity breach, lost the trust of their customers, and even had their

sales go down. They have made it through and six years later, they have their clients back and

were able to continue with their business.

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