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● Do not reuse or share without credit.

● This is a rough summary and translation of the first TPN novel “The Letter From
Norman”, as posted by @angerylab and @hoshiwotadoreba on Twitter from 2 to 13
May 2019.
● Each thread is linked at the start of the respective section, and has been compiled
mostly as-is, with some reactions removed for readability. A master thread of the
links can be found on Twitter here.
● This is not intended as a comprehensive translation of the novel – some parts have
been skipped, and there are probably errors as this was done live on our first read
through it. Please read and support the full translation if/when it happens, whether
fan or official!
● The novel consists of a prologue and four chapters, but the prologue and first chapter
are omitted in this compilation, as a fan translation is already available online.
● Reading this document:
○ Left-aligned paragraphs are rough translations, right-aligned ones are
summary notes.
○ Navigate between chapters/thread markers via View > Show document
CHAPTER 2: the day emma cried
note: more detailed summary for first half of this chapter posted further down

"The reason he was drawn to Emma – surely there was some admiration mixed in there."

seven year old trio this time!!

norman & emma mid-tag, ray comes to call them back on isabella's behalf because the
weather's turning bad

> "thanks, ray. better tell the other kids too"

> "you're the only two left who haven't been caught. because the catcher couldn't find you,
that's why i was sent to search"

emma realises her handkerchief (that isabella embroidered) is missing just as they're about
to run back in the rain – then they reach the house and realise that norman is missing… right
before he turns up utterly soaked through and with her handkerchief :`)

the handkerchief is also plain white (like their clothes) but has E embroidered in orange on
the corner

"Towards Emma, who was frowning, Norman gave a reassuring smile."

norman: "yes, i'm fine. ray will play in my place"

ray: "haa!? don't volunteer me as representative as you like!"

ray kicks the ball back to emma without even closing his book despite his protests
norman claps while hiding a cough

so the gf house kids got the ball stuck ON THE ROOF before this. how did that even happen

anyway isabella apparently got it down for them that time (what kind of mental image even)
and banned them from playing ball for a long while. aaaand now it's stuck in a tree so they're
done for.... but emma to the rescue!!


"Norman who'd been watching the game and Ray who should've been reading his book had
also approached at some point."
"'Emma–, you okay–?' Norman put his hands to his mouth, and called out to Emma above

just to put things in perspective she's already at the height of the house's second storey,
which is proportionate to my sense of impending doom

"Emma, who'd fallen to the ground, pushed herself up while rubbing gently at her shoulder
that'd been hit. Then she saw Norman, who'd also fallen right beside her with his arm
reaching out."

"Emma stood hurriedly and shook Norman's shoulders. 'Sorry, Norman! Are you okay?'
Norman, who must've tried to catch her and fell, was so warm it could be felt through his
'Oi, Norman!' Ray, who'd realised something was off, tossed his book aside and ran to

"Ray tapped the shoulder of Emma, who was in a daze. Only then did Emma come back to
herself and start walking."

"'Ray, treat Emma.'

Nodding, Ray took the first-aid kit. Emma didn't even try to sit on the stool, approaching
Norman's bed. 'Mama… what's wrong with Norman?'
Emma, too, had fallen from the height of two storeys, but she'd utterly forgotten about that,
and worried about Norman."

"Ray forcibly pulled Emma, who'd been about to say something, back to the chair. 'Emma,
worry about yourself first.'
'I'm fine.'
'Shut up and sit down.'"

"Isabella, who'd been listening to his chest sounds with a stethoscope, frowned. Ray did not
miss her expression turning grim for just an instant."

"On exiting into the hallway, Emma stopped, staring at the floor.
'Ray, what should I do? It's my fault.'
Emma gripped her skirt tightly. Since the moment she found that Norman had a fever and
fell, yesterday's events had been whirling in Emma's mind."
"Still looking down, she realised that a thin layer of tears had formed on her lower eyelids.
So that those tears would not fall, Emma stared at her shoes and the floor without blinking.
'Because I dropped my handkerchief, Norman searched in the rain, and caught a cold…'"
"Ray, who'd turned to look at Emma, scratched his head irritably. 'Haa… he hid it because
you'd think that, right?'
'Eh?' To Ray's near-grumble, Emma asked. This time Ray spoke in a clear voice. 'It's okay.
Norman getting a cold, that's just normal. He'll recover soon enough.'"
emma regrets her thoughtless words that led to norman searching for her handkerchief
isabella said no cup phone....
ray deducing from isabella's expression that norman's condition must be bad yet still
managing to comfort and encourage emma, hi i'm dead
next day. emma goes to the library in search of what is effective against colds......... and
almost drops a whole bunch of thick books on ray. from atop the ladder
which is to say that she /did/ drop them, they just landed right beside him
Emma: "Sorry, Ray!"
Ray: "Don't drop them, the books'll get damaged! And what's this anyway, 'Whitman's
Dictionary'? And this one, 'Soltio's World Illustrations'?"
oh hey, info about the library's books? little about martial arts, weaponry etc – only
introductory texts, no books explaining in detail enough to learn from.
lots of academic books (math, chem, engineering etc) and novels (many different genres
including mystery and fantasy)
lots of philosophy and arts books too.
only very simple medical texts, and only a few: anatomy charts for children, basic illness
symptoms and treatment (it's literally only one corner of a shelf)

"'To start with, you're looking at the entirely wrong shelf.'

Ray, unable to watch Emma hunt in the wrong shelf that she wrongly guessed since just
now, pointed at a far shelf."
emma finds records of a white flower that's a miracle cure for coughs etc, remembers seeing
its leaves in the forest before, and doesn't need any specialised processing before usage.
the catch? it blooms only at night. so that's a no go
instead ray finds a recipe for a drink with honey and lemon etc that are good for fever/cough
and can be made in the house without any herbology excursions (though you know that's
bound to happen anyway)
"'Let's make this and bring it to Norman!'
'Didn't Mama say not to enter…'
On getting told off by an exasperated Ray, Emma looked down.
'But… if it's possible I want to give it to him myself. Because I haven't been able to say sorry
to Norman.'"
"Even if he told her not to mind that, she wouldn't be satisfied without apologising in person,
would she. Ray, who'd been watching Emma, gave a big exhale.
'Fine. Today after dinner, I'll keep Mama in the dining hall, so you bring it over then.'
'Thanks, Ray!'"
"'Norman… are you okay?'
She called out through the narrowly opened door. From behind the curtain, coughs could be
heard, but there was no reply.
'Norman? Are you asleep?'
Emma opened the curtain slightly."
"Norman had an oxygen mask over his mouth, and his eyes were closed. A silver machine
was installed on the black canister, a tube extending from it. On his arm, with the sleeves
rolled up, an IV drip was connected."
"The mug fell from Emma's hands. Fortunately, it didn't break, but the warm contents spilled
at her feet. But right now she couldn't be bothered with anything like her shoes getting wet.
Towards this Norman before her eyes, Emma was struck speechless."
"Emma stepped closer to the bed and looked down at Norman.
(Mama didn't say he's like this…)
'He's in no shape to talk, she said…'
She crouched by the bed, pressing her forehead against the sheets. Gripping the linen with
its freshly-washed scent, she forced out a murmur."
"'Norman, I'm sorry.'
Somewhere in her heart, she'd thought it was a normal cold like Ray said. She'd thought
that, just like always, when she snuck into the infirmary, Norman would scold her saying
'You can't enter!' while smiling.
(That it's this serious, I never…)"
"Emma lifted her face, and grasped Norman's hand. Those fingers with unsettlingly cold. Still
with his head laid on the pillow, Norman coughed in fits.
'…something, anything that I can do…'"
emma realises right as isabella's coming down the hallway, so she's cleaned the floor and
hidden at another bed with the mug (seconds before the door opens)
"Isabella exhaled quietly. Like a sigh, Emma thought, but froze at the subsequent words.
'…it might not be much longer.'
Eh? her voice escaped without thought. She gulped it back. But even if she was quiet she
thought her heartbeat might echo out, that was how hard it beat."
"Even after Isabella left the infirmary, Emma could not move immediately.
(Just now, Mama…)
What did she say. Emma couldn't believe what she'd heard. But definitely she hadn't heard
wrong. Standing up, Emma looked through a gap in the curtain at Norman, laid out on the
"His eyelids were shut, and he kept coughing painfully.
'Norman is…'
Shaking, Emma held back everything about to overflow. She covered her mouth.
She didn't want to cry yet. It felt like it'd really become true, if she cried.
Surely there was still a way Norman could be saved."
"To go outside at night, and to the forest no less, there was no way that'd be allowed.
(There's no getting Mama's help…) Breathing in, Emma suppressed that tremble and spoke
'Norman, just wait.'
Emma left the infirmary, and ran up the stairs to the library."
alright she's sneaking out to get the flower now
"The moment she touched the doorknob, a sharp voice came from behind her. 'Emma, what
are you doing?'
Emma froze on reflex, swallowed, and turned around quietly.
There stood Isabella, holding a candlestick.
The glow lit her expression: a cold that she'd never seen before."
"If she was caught she'd be scolded: she knew that. She'd faltered briefly at that intensity,
but she'd been prepared from the start. Emma turned to face Isabella straight on.
'Mama, please! I want to go pick a flower as medicine for Noman! It only blooms at night, so
"Emma's appeal was completely unexpected, even to Isabella. Her eyes were wide.
'Don't tell me that you planned to go out into the forest at night alone, Emma?'
'Not alone.'
Suddenly, a voice came from the darkness atop the stairs.'"
"The light of the candlestick and hand lantern revealed Ray, coming down the stairs.
'Ray? Even you too, why?'
Isabella frowned. Ray held in one hand the book on medicinal herbs that described that
white flower. He showed Isabella the book."
"'The one than Emma's trying to go pick is this flower. It really does seem to bloom only at
night. So I'm going with her. That way it's fine, right? Mama.'
To Ray's offer, Isabella knit her brows, still with a perplexed expression. Ray didn't give her
time to respond."
"'I said that Norman'd be fine. But Emma isn't convinced at all, and if I leave her be she'd
likely go off on her own, so.'
From the way Ray spoke, Isabella realised what he meant. She flashed a glimpse at Emma.
Emma looked straight back at her with strong will in her eyes."
// note, ray is emphasising the entire second half of his sentence
isabella's trying to dissuade her
"To Emma, who could be called the one least likely in the house's history to listen to reason
at such times, Isabella explained with a desperately troubled expression.
As expected, Emma quietly but stubbornly shook her head.
'I haven't… apologised to Norman for making him ill.'"
"That day, Norman had searched for her handkerchief in the rain. So tonight, she'd wanted
to go search for the flower in the nighttime forest, to be a miracle cure for Norman's sake."
isabella caved!!
but they have to return by midnight even without the flower, and stay away from the fence
"'Ray, I'm counting on you.'
Isabella touched Ray's shoulder. Ray nodded wordlessly, and turned to look back at
'I don't think it can be treated with such a flower like Emma says.'
"'But it's much better than to staying still and doing nothing. Wanting Norman to recover,
that's the same even for Mama too, isn't it?'
'Yes… that's true, but…'
Leaving a doubtful Isabella behind him, Ray swung the hand lantern and left by the front
"'Emma, you okay?'
As if he'd guessed at Emma's internal flinch from the unfamiliar darkness, Ray called out
from behind. Emma shook off the fear.
'Yeah. I'm fine. I know where it grows. Let's go!'"
turns out emma told ray everything earlier: norman's state, isabella's words, and her own
plans to go get the flower. communication!!
"Of course Ray would object, she'd thought.
It's reckless, give up and leave it to Mama; she'd thought he'd say that again. But Ray had
retorted immediately without hesitating."
"'Why're you assuming that you'll go alone?'
Emma was still hugging the book, and a laugh escaped her without thinking.
'Ray, thank you. Honestly, I was a little worried about going alone.'
That Ray was now running right next to her – Emma truly was glad for that."
it's the first time they've been in the forest at night
"The nighttime forest was almost like an unknown place.
(It's scary… but)
Emma thought of Norman in the infirmary. If things continued like this, if Norman really
wasn't saved, then––––. She shook off that dark future which came to mind.
(Norman dying is much scarier…!!)"
she's found the spot...... but no flowers in sight!! oh no
oh damnit she fell down a slope while searching because some rocks crumbled can emma
not catch one damned break here, please
what i'd call fine, emma, wh
"Emma took a handkerchief out from her pocket, unfolded it and held it out to Ray. It was the
handkerchief embroidered with her initial, the one Norman had found for her.
Ray set his hand lantern down, and wordlessly wrapped Emma's hand, binding it tightly."
"Emma silently pressed the bound handkerchief against her forehead.
'Norman… I'll definitely find it.'
Clenching her injured hand, she immediately picked up the lantern with her other hand."
"'Why… go this far?'
Norman seemed to be dying. He was suffering. From that alone, no other reason was
needed to do something. Ray understood that, too. That was why he'd also come here.
But looking at Emma, that alone couldn't explain the force driving her." →
"Ray didn't fear Norman's death like Emma did. Isabella definitely wouldn't let Norman die
before her eyes. No matter how, the golden egg of 'premium goods' should be kept alive.
But him being brought to headquarters if treatment at the house became difficult – that, Ray
"In the darkness, Ray looked intently back at Emma who'd turned around, seemingly
Hypothetically, if he didn't know the truth behind the house, if he was in the same situation
as Emma–––– could he have pursued such a slim possibility so unhesitatingly?"
Emma: "Why… because if I can help Norman, I want to do everything I can!" "Because I've
only ever been helped by Norman. Teaching me things I don't understand, giving me
strength when I'm troubled, but more than just that, how do I say it… that he watches out for
"With her gaze still directed at the ground, Emma searched for words. Then she lifted her
'Because, no matter what happens, he's someone I can definitely trust to be my ally.'"
"In all likelihood, Emma had no concrete reason or anything for being able to say that. It was
more of an intuitive, instinctive trust.
And it was correct.
If it was for Emma's sake, Norman would make any sacrifice. Would unconditionally,
unreservedly be Emma's ally."
"Towards the silent Ray, Emma gave a smile.
'If Ray falls sick, I'd also do the same thing, that's true for Ray too right?'
Instead of agreeing, Ray slowly opened his mouth.
'…Emma, what if–'
Ray began, then shut his mouth." →
"If Norman truly was in critical danger, now should be the time to move. But even if he told
Emma the truth now, escape was impossible. The trackers couldn't be destroyed, and
deceiving Isabella and crossing the wall were beyond Emma's current abilities.
(I still can't say it…)"
also ray already has the pocket watch at this point
ray wanting to keep searching too but their time is up and isabella will suspect him of being
careless otherwise :`) she partly allowed him out with emma to test whether he'd complete a
task faithfully (and she'd come find them via tracker otherwise anyway)
"Frustrated, Emma clenched her hands. The sharp pain running through her right hand, the
exhaustion, the fear – all of that vanished now.
(And when Norman's illness might be treated if we had that flower, at least…!)
Was it that she couldn't do anything useful, yet again?" →
Emma, head hanging down, realised that the lantern she held was illuminating a small white
Emma hurriedly knelt and moved the light closer. Immediately Ray ran over, too, bringing the light he
held closer." →
"With twice the light shining on it, the flower they'd been looking for was revealed."
"Looking at the watch in one hand, Ray shouted.
'Emma, time to run!"
Her body was completely exhausted, but just from having the flowers clutched in her injured
right hand, Emma could run with full force. The joy and relief were almost enough to bring
isabella's waiting at the entrance with her lantern and looking at her watch, of course
"Looking at the flowers that Emma held out, Isabella seemed to notice something, her face
clouding over suddenly."
"To Isabella, who'd opened the front door, Emma was at a loss, still holding the flowers she'd
picked. Ray, standing behind her, also watched with a puzzled look as he extinguished their
'Mama, hurry and give this to Norman.'
'Emma… sorry, but this isn't that flower.'"
"Isabella, who'd knelt before Emma, said this in a calm voice. Emma looked down at the
flowers, which were starting to wither from how she'd clutched them all this time.
'That's a lie.'
Ray snapped out the words, moving in front of Emma."
"Shaking her head, Isabella opened the book that'd been left in the entryway. Ray snatched
it from her, and compared it with the flower Emma had found.
Indeed the leaves were identical. But the flowers differed slightly. The size and shape of the
petals clearly differed."
"To Emma, still holding the flowers and at a loss for words, Isabella gently held out a hand.
'…Let's treat that injury first. Ray has to change, too.'
Emma, gnawing her back teeth, seemed to shake something off as she raised her face.
Those eyes still didn't show resignation."
"'I'll go search again!!'
Emma dashed for the door, and Ray too immediately picked up the hand lanterns once
'Wait, Emma! Ray! Norman already–'
At Isabella's cut-off words, Emma and Ray both turned around.
'–doesn't need medicine.'"
"Isabella said it quietly. With the door still open, Emma looked back at Isabella.
'You mean…'
Without even time to think, Emma ran from the front door to the infirmary like she'd been
physically repelled. Sprung upon the doorknob.
"Into Emma's field of vision came the bed with curtains open. No one was on it. The
equipment for treatment had been put away, and there was no sign of the one who'd been
sleeping there until a few hours ago. The utterly empty bed buried Emma's mind in terrible
"To think that she hadn't made it in time.
(No way, that's…)
Deciding to return to where Isabella was, Emma turned and rushed out of the infirmary.
Emma collided hard with someone standing right in front of the door. That person supported
Emma who was about to fall."
"'–there, …Emma? Are you okay?'
At the voice she hadn't heard in so long, Emma lifted her face.
Before her eyes stood Norman in pajamas. He was still pale and his voice still hoarse, but he
now stood firmly on both feet."
"'What happened? This late at night, all covered in mud…. Ah–, you're even injured!'
Startled, Norman took Emma's right hand. Almost absently, Emma looked back at Norman,
standing healthily before her very eyes.
'Norman's alive…'
"Norman, who'd asked that in reply, looked at Emma's face and was shocked.
'I…, I…'
In those green eyes, tears were filling rapidly. The gathered tears burst forth in an instant.
'I, I, I'm so relieved~!!'
A tight clinging hug – it was Norman's turn to be surprised."
"Even Ray and Isabella, who'd come running, were dumbfounded at Emma's wailing cry.
Patting that sobbing back, Norman asked, still confused.
'Emma? What's wrong?'
'B–because, Norman… might die, I'd thought!'
"The surprised ones were Norman and Isabella. Not understanding the situation, Norman
looked to Ray, as if asking for help.
'R–Ray, what's going on?'
'Ah, sorry… I also mistook all sorts of things…'
Unusually, Ray was looking down in embarrassment, and that shocked Norman too."
"Emma seemed to have finally calmed down, drying her tears as she sobbed.
'I'm glad, Norman… I'm so happy that you're fine!'
From Emma, smiling even with her eyes still red, Norman gathered that he must've had a
very major illness.
"Actually, on the day he'd collapsed, he'd been almost wholly unconscious, and even
breathing had hurt. But with the IV's effect, he'd felt much better when he'd woken just now.
He likely had to stay in the infirmary for a while, but he wasn't at the brink of death anymore."
so it turns out that isabella meant that norman's coughing shouldn't go on for much longer
(because yes, emma slipped up and asked her what she'd meant)
"'I'd thought it was odd. Even for Emma, wanting go out into the forest at night over just a
cold, that seemed unlikely. Much less Ray, too.'
At Isabella's look, Ray thought over his own words and actions, and tsked in shame.
'Eh? The forest at night? Why… so Emma got injured?'"
"I was mistaken, Emma smiled almost wretchedly. That she'd fallen on her hand while
searching – that was added as an afterthought."
"Still with a stunned face, Norman looked at Emma's hand. Not only her hand. Her knees
and arms too were scraped and bruised, her white clothes covered in dirt. Ray's clothes, too,
were equally filthy.
'For my sake, you even went into the forest at night…?'"
anyway isabella finished treating emma and left. ray's noping out too
"Emma was tired, too, but she rubbed at her eyes with a drowsy face.
Norman knelt beside Emma, who was sitting down.
'…Sorry. Getting injured like this, for my sake…'
The dimness in Norman's face when he should've been recovered – this time it was Emma's
turn to be surprised."
"Emma shook her head hard, as if what she'd done was nothing.
'Not at all, because Norman's fine, it's already okay.'
With her cheeks still stained in tears and dirt, Emma gave a broad smile. Simple-minded,
Ray would've probably laughed, but that directness was dazzlingly dear."
With the sleeve of his pajamas, Norman cleaned Emma's face.
'Thank you.'
Norman smiled, but immediately his gaze turned serious.
'But please. Don't be reckless. If anything happens to Emma because of me, I'll never
forgive myself.'"
"At Norman's words, Emma stared blankly for a moment, but quickly a broad smile
'Yeah, got it.'
As she answered, Ray's voice came from outside the infirmary.
'Emma–, go– shower–'
'Eh? Isn't Ray too fast?'
Springing up from the chair, Emma left the infirmary."
"Watching Emma's back as she ran down the hallway, Norman gave a small exhale.
'That was surprising…'
Even after falling from a tree or getting injured, even when she had worries or frustrations,
Emma did not cry. That very Emma had raised her voice as tears had flowed."
"'Norman… might die, I'd thought!'
Even if he accepted that he'd been gravely ill, he'd never thought that Emma would cry like
'What're you being surprised over?'
'Ah– Ray!'
Norman jumped at the sudden voice beside him. He smiled wryly at Ray, who was drying his
"'No… that Emma would cry or anything like that.'
Towel over his shoulders, Ray shrugged. Then averted his gaze.
'If you really had died.'
'…that's morbid…'
'Emma wouldn't have cried, you know.'
Ray said only that, and climbed the stairs."
"Norman didn't comprehend for a moment, but right after he thought it was exactly as Ray
When it was really her suffering, when she was overcome by despair, Emma would grit her
teeth and endure.
That girl would always only shed tears for someone else's sake."
"That strong, awkward, absolutely direct and kind girl.
The white flower that Emma had gotten herself all tattered to pick – Norman pressed it gently
to his chest."
yvette picked him some other white flowers as a congratulations present. norman puts it on
top of the letter he's writing
Yvette, about to go back: "Norman, are you still going to be writing the letter here?"
Norman: "Yes. …ah, can I keep borrowing this pencil?"
Yvette, nodding: "I think everyone's waiting, so once you're done writing, hurry up and come
Norman: "Yes, I know. See you later."
"Knowing the truth would surely make Yvette cry, too.
Just like Emma back then–––.
Emma, Ray, everyone at the house – because he knew how important he was to them,
rather than fearing his own death, he was more pained at taking himself away from them."
"Back then, the hypothetical 'if you really had died' that Ray had said, that was becoming
Norman picked up one of the flowers lying scattered on the letter.
'Emma… I'm sorry.'
After he was shipped out, he'd much rather that Emma be able to cry just like she had then."
"But his plan did not allow that.
To start with, to the siblings who didn't know the truth, leaving the house was to live with a
new family. Yvette, with her carefree congratulations and gifted flowers, thought so too.
Farewells were sad, but if Emma cried they'd find it odd."
"Moreover Emma herself wouldn't show her tears, would she.
(Even though it'd surely be better for her to cry…)
Even so, even if it was a painful road past the point of tears, Norman wanted to walk in a
future where Emma survived."
"No matter what bitter and painful time would pass, after he left the house – even then.
If it was Emma, she definitely would go on without giving up.
Norman gently put the flowers he'd been gifted in the pocket of his cardigan."
"He recalled Emma back then, picking flowers from the forest at night until she got injured all
This plan wouldn't succeed without that strength of Emma's, to endure to the end without
giving up. Because he could completely trust Emma, that was why he could make this plan."
"'Yes… alright.'
Norman touched the surface of that paper. With this, he was almost done writing its
contents. When he went to reread it, something fell lightly atop the words on that drawing
"Thinking they were remnants of petals, Norman was about to brush them off when he
halted his hand.
Those were the down feathers of a small bird."
CHAPTER 3: the NER inside the birdcage
norman, after grabbing the feather reminiscences of when the house "adopted" a bird that
was injured in the forest. the one who named it was norman!
and he also remembers about how he and emma made a miçanga (which is like a bracelet!)
for one of their departing older sisters using a feather that's like the one he's holding, to
decorate it
suddenly he's shook for some reason. he reminds of something he hadn't noticed back then
it's about ray!? :o
he thinks about he's never seen ray crying despite being the one who's had the most trouble
during all those years....
"He's known about the truth all alone, without being able to do anything he's watched his
siblings be shipped out, acted as Mama's spy as he watched over everyone as an insider..."
"How lonely that must've been...
Norman shut his eyes as if he's enduring the pain."
"Why didn't I noticed it sooner..."
"Norman is fully aware that it's pointless to feel regret that at this point, but he still blames
himself for it."
"Thinking about it now, reaching to the conclusion of the truth of the house and Ray's
condition would be way too far-fetched. It's not something you can find out with only
"Norman understands that. But he's still frustrated. Ray was fighting all alone all this time.
"All so the two of you can survive."
"Even now, Ray was still hiding a strategy in which he sacrifices himself for the sake of the
escape. And what he's writing in the letter now is also a plan to prevent that from
"I'm sure that he..."
"He was sure that there were many other siblings Ray wanted to be able to save. Anyone
else would feel the same. He wouldn't want to abandon them. When you're in a situation in
which you're the only one that can be spared, it's far more painful."
"But if he risked it all, all the time in which he had to bear to watch his siblings go would be in
vain. There were too many limits to what he could do.
Ray was just always waiting for the moment in which he could reach absolute victory."
"He waited and waited, and it was finally time.
"Ray, you have to live no matter what."
As if he was praying for him, Norman wished for that inside his heart."
"If he feels remorse for betraying everyone and that's why he thinks so lightly of his life to the
point of abandoning it-- then that's even more the reason why he has to live and become
Emma's, everyone's strength.
No one believes he has to pay for his actions and die."
"After all, now everyone lives in the same reality as him, right?
He isn't alone anymore.
His days of fighting all alone without even being able to apologize are long over."
"Norman thinks about Ray's profile view...
As Ray looks down, he remembers his bangs, which covered nearly all of his face. He
couldn't see him well.
His hands, gently caressing his hair..."
"Norman lets the feather he was holding be blown off by the wind. Flying high... just like the
bird from that day...
He has never seen Ray cry. But maybe he did cried back then...."
okay so this flashback is some days after emma's 9th birthday. emma is excited because it's
summer and she loves summer!!
thoma and lanni tell emma they want to play with water but emma remembers about when
isabella got angry because they got all dirty and they had to do all the laundry by
emma is tempted because it's fun but since she's 9 now she decided to act more like a
grown up
so she suggests hide and seek instead
--- okay that's what i thought but the one who suggested hide and seek was actually suzan.
she cut off emma as she was gonna say "Today, we'll have--"
"No playing with water!! If we get our clothes all dirty again it'll be troublesome~! Let's play
hide and seek in the forest!"
suzan's described as: very long and silky hair, refreshing/cool/beautiful eyes....?
she was the oldest of the house at the time!!
thoma and lanni decide to play hide and seek after remembering how troublesome it was to
wash all the clothes....
emma talks to suzan.
"Suzan, thank you! I nearly lost to my temptation!"
"Ahaha, I don't blame you. Playing with water is fun, and in such a hot weather I completely
understand why you were tempted to!"
"Suzan, count me in." Norman joins in the circle, as Suzan excitedly rolls up her sleeves.
"Oh, if Emma and Norman are gonna join this then I need to get serious! ... Huh? What
about Ray?"
They all look around and see Ray, who's as always, reading a book under the tree. Suzan
places both her hands on her waist. "Ray's all sitting all alone at that tree AGAIN!"
Suzan calls him in a loud voice. "RAY!! COME HERE!!!"
Ray lifts his head after hearing the way his sister called him.
"Am I a dog now."
After saying that in a very low voice, he turns back to his book.
"That Ray, he ignored us!"
Suzan furrowed her brows at her brother. Usually she would let this pass, but today she
decided to use her ultimate weapon.
Emma runs to Ray at a incredible speed and as soon as she reaches him she flops down on
the ground.
With Emma screaming and flapping her arms and legs around, even if it was Ray, he
wouldn't be able to continue reading. He desperately closed his book.
"AHH, GOT IT ALREADY. I just gotta play, right!!!"
"Yay! Then today Ray is joining us in hide and seek~!!"
Emma lifts her arms and cheers. Ray stands up, in a bad mood.
Once Emma brings Ray to them, Suzan energetically pats Ray's back.
"I know it must've been hard being alone all this time, but it's okay now! Cheer up!"
"I'm doing fine though..."
Suzan slowly stops patting his back and moves her hands to his long bangs, messing it all
"You liar!!"
"Stop doing that!!"
Looking at Ray's messed up hair, Emma and all the other kids burst into laughter.
"Alright then, I'll start counting!!"
so, ray looks at suzan while he hides and thinks about how suzan not always forces him to
play with them like this.
there's a small flashback about jimmy, a boy who had been shipped out just yesterday, he
was one year younger than ray and he was a little bit unreliable at times
but was always smiling and positive-- he couldn't get good grades not because he wasn't
intelligent but because the time limit for the questions made him feel anxious so he couldn't
answer them in time at all, ray helped him study at times
"I'll do my best in the next test!!" Jimmy clenched his fist as he said so. Ray was aware that
the children with low scores were shipped out one after the other. He knew that Jimmy was
gonna be the next one.
"Ray!" Emma's loud voice brings him back to reality. She and Norman-
beckon him. "Let's get go further."
"Why do we gotta go so far, that's such a drag. It's hot as hell, we can just stay around here."
"Ehhh? But if we aren't serious about this Suzan will find us soon!!"
"Emma wasn't exaggerating. Suzan had incredible physical abilities and she was good at
thinking fast. When Suzan was "it", not even Norman could be careless.
She excelled at both these abilities, but more than anything, she was very observant.
"She was always well aware of how would one think and act. And not only when they were
playing games, but when someone wasn't feeling well she noticed it right away.
Ray touches his face.
"Cheer up!" (flashback to when suzan said this!)
He recollects himself and makes sure that he isn't showing any emotions. Could it be that
there are minimal changes that not even he's aware of?
Suzan would always play with everyone after someone was shipped out. Ray tried to find out
if she had any suspicions in the past but
it seems nothing had changed. She must just be under the assumption that Ray is a loner.
"How meddlesome... geez."
As Ray stopped walking, he noticed a thicket nearby.
"I'll stay here."
"Ehhhh?" Ignoring Emma's booing, Ray bends down and hides amidst the thicket.
However, there was one unexpected visitor in that thicket.
Hearing Ray's voice, Emma and Norman approach him.
"What's wrong?"
Ray points to a place near his feet. The two of them lean in and try see through the grass. A
small bird was there.

more about the bird the trio found: it's so young that it's just molted, and it tries to fly off in
surprise, but only flaps its wings before it stops moving again, oh no
norman observes and it isn't injured anywhere but seems a little weak? to which emma
suggests helping it (of course) and is about to reach out when ray stops her
because it's a wild animal so better to leave it alone, and norman agrees – its nest or parent
might be nearby since it seems to have just left the nest, but the parent might abandon it if
they touch it. so far, so logical
…except that they look around but don't see any nests or other birds.
"'…did this bird get strayed from its parents?'
Emma saw the overlap of their own circumstances with that small bird's.
They too lost their parents since young and were brought to this GF house: that was what
she'd heard. They didn't know who or where their real parents were."
"Emma met the little bird's cute round eyes.
Even as an orphan, she had a kind Mama and siblings too. So to Emma it was a happy life
where she'd never even felt lonely. But if she'd really been all alone, how would that be like?
No parents, no siblings, no allies. No warm place."
so of course she declares she can't leave it alone – the more she thinks, the more
abandonment becomes absolutely Not An Option. she reaches her hands out to the bird. ray
attempts reason.
"'What're you going to do if you pick it up. Keep it in the house? Living in a bird cage, is that
happiness for it?'
'But it looks like it can't fly, and if it's left like this it might die!'
'That might be its fate.'"
"Ray said this indifferently over his shoulder, and Emma frustratedly looked from the bird to
her friend and back again. Towards Ray's leaving back, Emma got steadily angrier. She
shouted, in a voice that felt loud enough to echo throughout the entire forest."
"Then meeting Ray here, that's its fate too!"
"At Emma's assertion, Ray turned, dumbfounded. Norman, who'd been watching the
exchange, burst out laughing despite himself.
'Ahaha, indeed. Emma has a point this time.'
Ray made a sour face, looking at the betrayer. There was no chance of winning this two-on-
anyway the bird was wary at first but emma's caught it! possibly because it had no more
energy left to escape
emma's smiling at it when suzan comes asking what happened, since her three most
formidable opponents aren't even hiding at all, just standing together out in the open, so
emma shows her the bird
and the other kids who'd been in hiding over the commotion and gather one after another
they go ask isabella, who's watering the flowers in the flower bed together with the younger
children – she's surprised at first on seeing the bird emma's holding, but quickly goes back to
smiling as usual
"'Ne, Mama, can we keep it?'
'Alright. But you'll have to take good care of it, okay? There should be a bird cage in the
storeroom, I'll go get it.'
As they waited, Suzan looked back at the three of them, her index finger raised."
"'So, caring for the bird will be the responsibility of the three who picked it up!'
At Suzan's declaration, vaguely disappointed voices rose from around them, but Emma
answered vigorously. Norman too nodded.
Only one person asked indignantly in response.
"Ray, who'd already left the circle, complained. 'It's got nothing to do with me, does it!'
'But Ray was the first to spot it.'
Emma looked at Ray. Coming next to him, Norman placed a hand on his shoulder.
'Ray, it's better to give up.'
'Ugh, dammit…'"
"Because he'd grudgingly joined the game, now he was caught up in something awfully
troublesome. Groaning, Ray facepalmed."
the bird's now been moved into its cage, which is (on norman's suggestion) placed on a
stand in the second-floor hallway!
while they're lining the bottom with paper and preparing food and water, the younger kids
who were super interested at first get bored and start other games, and the older kids end up
leaving too since they haven't got much choice, have they? so it's just the three of them,
Emma looked intently at the cage and announced gravely.
'We have to name it!'
'…haa. A name.'
'What should it be? Do we ask everyone?'
Emma prodded at the entirely unenthusiastic Ray.
'Ne, what do you think, Ray?'
'Be serious!'
'Ah– pass. Norman, your turn.'"
"Ray, who hadn't planned to think from the beginning, passed it off to Norman standing
beside him. Smiling wryly, Norman put a hand to his chin.
'Hmmm. Well, if we take the initials of Ray and Emma, then me – how about NER?'"
// note: NER is pronounced ネル ne-ru, and it's subsequently written in katakana so i'll write it as Ner
from now on unless the text spells it out in english again (not sure if it does)
"'Wow, that's really good!'
At Norman's naming, Emma clapped, her face brightening.
'Ray? How about Ner?'
'Anything's fine, I said…'
'Then it's decided, the bird's name will be taken from everyone's initials: Ner!'
Emma called out cheerfully to the bird.
'Ne–r, get well soon!'"
"Emma was thoroughly satisfied. Norman poked her back with a finger.
'More importantly, Emma, isn't it better to find out more about this bird?'
'Yeah. Find out what type it is first before naming it.'
'Um… that's true.'"
"'That said, it's limited to birds of this size around here, so. A robin's chick, probably?'
Ray gave his first impression as it was. Emma, who'd been all but stuck to the cage,
straightened abruptly.
'Right then, let's find out more about Ner!'"
"Ray, who'd been trying to go casually past behind Emma, was caught firmly by her. He
'…I knew it'd come to this.'
Unable to escape cleanly, Ray was dragged to the library by Emma." the grace field library does indeed have quite several illustrated books on birds
from checking the pictures and sizes, it seems that robins are the only possibility as ray
says, but Ner's plumage doesn't match the common type – its tail feathers have a blue tinge,
which is a shade not really seen with the small birds flying around here
free time ends, and suzan comes back into the house to check on things! she's such a good
elder sibling, you can't tell me emma didn't learn a thing or three from her
"'How's the bird?'
Emma ran up to Suzan and reported.
'It's called Ner now! Norman named it, from our initials.'
'Oh, that's interesting! Cute, too.'
Having gained approval of the name, Emma thrust out her chest, as if she'd been the one to
name it herself."
"'Hmmm, it's drinking water, but not really eating the breadcrumbs in there, it looks like.'
'Let's see, food,' Emma opened the illustrated book she'd brought, and read aloud the food
listed. 'Earthworms.'
A choked sound escaped Suzan's throat."
"Not noticing the change in her elder sister's complexion, Emma continued.
'And small bugs. Oh, looks like it eats nuts too.'
'I see… nuts are doable, somehow…'
Next to Suzan, who'd turned pale, Norman crossed his arms too.
'Hmm, earthworms, huh…'"
"'I've got an idea!'
'About the earthworms?'"
"Emma gave a trustworthy thumbs-up to Ray, who was dubiously puzzled, and went out by
the front door. Taking the trowel that Isabella placed there for use in the flower bed, she
unhesitatingly dug up the soil that didn't have flowers planted in it yet."
"Minutes later, Emma returned holding a previously-empty jam jar. She showed it
triumphantly to Suzan.
'See, I got lots of 'em!'
In Emma's jar was a visual that anyone besides Suzan would've shrieked at too. Splendidly
plentiful earthworms wriggled in the jar."
"'Emma–!! That's just, far too big and far too many, isn't it–!'
'Eh, but Ner might be hungry, so…'
'Don't come here holding it~!!'
Suzan, shudders escaping her, seized Ray's shoulder.
'Ray! Ray, do something!'
'Why me of all people!'"
"'…oh, that's right, Suzan's bad with worms.'
Towards Suzan, who was using Ray as a shield to keep from seeing the jar's worth of
earthworms that Emma held, Norman gave a wry smile. As their elder sister who was both
smart and athletic, this was an unexpected weakness."

alright so they started to take care of ner and they changed his food everyday (suzan
REFUSED the worms so isabella got some bird food ready), norman took notes on ner
(about all necessary things/how to take care of him).
all the other kids also checked up on him early in the
morning and before going to sleep. gilda and anna made a nameplate for ner, with a
capitalized "NER" written on it and a feather pattern design (those kids are amazing)

"He's gotten so much better!"

"Yeah. But it seems he still has some trouble flying."

a few more days passed and he's gotten completely better and he was already able to flap
his wings, hm
while everyone was excitedly talking about how soon ner will be able to fly in the vast sky,
the news came to ray.....

"A sudden shipment has been decided."

Inside the warehouse, Isabella reported it to Ray.

"... There was a shipment just last week though."

Ray furrowed his brows. Jimmy's cheerful smile came to his mind for a slight moment.
Regular shipping was once every two months. It's unusual for shippings to happen one after
the other like this. Isabella lets out a sarcastic sigh.

"I'm surprised too. But those are orders from the high-ups. I have to obey them, right?"
Letting out a faint laugh, Isabella's eyes were ice cold."


As if to shut Isabella's mouth, Ray asks, showing no signs of emotion. By the time he asked,
a list of children and their ages was already in his mind.

'It's either him, or her.... or maybe that person?' Just like this, he tried to guess who was the
next candidate.

However, the name that came form Isabella's mouth completely betrayed Ray's convictions.

"The next one to be shipped out is Suzan."

Ray, who was laying his body against the wall, slowly lifted his face. His eyes meet up with
Isabella, who was smiling indifferently.

"Is something wrong?"

"Not really."

"Did you thought she was going to be shipped out at 12 years old?"

Isabella says so, as if she read his mind.

Ray scowls, unpleasantly, but he soon regains his composture and shows his ironic smile.

"Is that okay? It was your chance to ship out the perfect merchandise."

"Yes. I personally would've wanted to do that."

Isabella reminiscences about her talk with Grandma.

"There were some problems with one of the quality goods that were supposed to be shipped
out from plant four. At this moment, your products are fit enough to be a replacement.
Prepare for shipment soon."

Isabella grabs the candelabra from the shelf and lights it up.

"It's unlikely for that to happen, but as you're aware, Suzan is a very smart girl, so keep your
eye on her, just in case she tries anything funny."

"Okay." Ray politely replies and leaves the warehouse.

He proceeds through the corridor and goes down the stairs.

Everytime he was informed of who was going to be sacrificed by the demons next he always
felt his blood run cold. Even though he was already used to this.

'Hah... who said I'm already used to this.'

Ray mocks himself.

Suzan is going to die.

From now on, no one will call him to play out with everyone after someone is shipped out, he

Obviously, there's Emma and Norman. They're always inviting Ray to play with them.
But, the only one who noticed when Ray wasn't feeling well, even when not even he wouldn't
notice it himself, was Suzan.

He was countlessly being saved by how meddlesome she was. More than he ever thought.

Ray was standing in the middle of the stairs. It's as if every further step made him feel tired.

'I know.'

He has to repeat it inside his head over and over again. The number of people he can save
are limited.

If Suzan tries to stay in the house, either Emma or Norman will be-
shipped out. That can't happen. Saving everyone is impossible. He has to choose.

'Now is not the time...'

Holding the handrail strongly, he slowly lifts his heavy leg and goes up the stairs.

Now is not the time. Not yet."

ray sees Ner in the corridor and compares it to the GF children

it's inside the cage, happily eating food without kowing that he is the one responsible for
taking his freedom away....

"You're such an idiot."

he says to the bird

"As he finished climbing the stairs, the sound of wings echoed in the silent hallway. Ray's
shoulders jerked briefly in shock, but then he realised the source of that sound.

In the cage half-covered by cloth, Ner had awoken at Ray's presence and was flapping its
wings noisily."

"Ray approached the cage. Though robins were wild by nature, they were also birds that
took well to people. Thinking that Ray was going to give it something, Ner came closer,
relying on the weak light.


Ray whispered."

"Not knowing that the person before it was exactly why it'd been locked up, just receiving
delicious food in a cage. Not noticing that its freedom had been snatched – simply believing
in that life of temporary peace and living on.

Just like us.

Ray put his hand on the cage door."


At the sharp call of his name, Ray's breath caught in shock yet again. He turned, and Suzan
was there. Whether she'd woken at Ner's noise or just to go to the restroom, he didn't know,
but she'd just left her room, and now stood there."

"Looking at her, Ray recalled his thoughts from just a moment earlier.

He had no choice but to abandon her. No choice but to let her die."

"'What are you doing?'


At that questioning look, Ray unconsciously turned his face away. Suzan came closer, and
closed the cage door that Ray had left open."

suzan scolds ray for trying to let ner escape when everyone's been caring for it, and ray
thinks that it's always been like this – when he refused to join games or said cold things,
she'd scold him without reservation

"If he'd had a real elder sister, connected by blood, surely she'd be just like this – that was
what he'd always thought."

"Don't say it, he told himself, but his mouth moved of its own accord.
'…just like this.'

Looking down, eyes still hidden by his fringe, Ray muttered.

'Living in a cage, I can't think that's happiness for it.'

Eh? Suzan frowned.

Ray said only that, and went swiftly to his room."

the next day before dinner, isabella checks that everyone's around before announcing that
suzan's gonna be adopted, and will be leaving tomorrow night

"Suzan's face flushed red with joy and excitement.

'Wow… I'm finally going to live outside with a new family, too!'

Someday, her turn would come. She'd thought that, but now that time had come, joy and
excitement brimmed alongside loneliness and unease in Suzan's heart."

suzan says that they're gonna be separated now, looking around at her siblings. they gather
to congratulate and hug her, and she hugs them back

"'…so Suzan's also leaving at last, huh.'

After dinner, Emma and Norman were cleaning Ner's cage. Beside them was Suzan, who'd
asked them to let her do it together, if it was going to be the last time."

"'It doesn't feel real to me either. A new family… will they be able to see me like a real

At Suzan's rare show of weakness, Norman spoke brightly as he cleaned the water dish.

'If it's Suzan, even if you go a new home, you'll definitely be loved!'

'Yup, definitely!'"

"At Emma's forceful agreement, Suzan smiled.

'Thank you. Emma, Norman,'

Then Suzan looked around the second floor hallway.

'…Ray's not coming, huh.'"

"He should've known about the night cleanup, but he hadn't showed up. What happened
yesterday night was still on Suzan's mind. But in the daytime Ray had avoided her, keeping
out of her way.

Suzan dropped her gaze to Ner, in the cage."

"Being kept in the house, is that such a hateful thing?"

"Pausing, Emma and Norman too thought about that.

Suzan had only told Norman and Emma about Ray trying to set Ner free. Compared to her
asking as a senior, she'd thought that Ray might talk more easily to his two best friends, but
it seemed that Ray hadn't revealed anything."

"'Ray doesn't show it, but.'

Suzan watched Ner, chirping in its now-clean cage.

'After someone's foster parents are decided and they leave the house, he's always
depressed. He acts like he's fine, but I wonder if he's really lonely?'"

"Norman and Emma looked at each other. Despite always being together, even they hadn't
thought there were any changes in Ray's behaviour. 'It's instead when Ray's high-
spirited…?' muttered Emma on reflex. Ray was a little scary when he was smiling or
laughing energetically."

"Suzan shrugged.

'Well, it's me next, so who knows, Ray might feel it's better for this noisy elder sister to be

'Not at all!'

At Emma's instant denial, Suzan giggled, patting her face like she'd done when they were

"'I think Ray's glad, too, that you two are around.'

Suzan's eyelids swept down.

'But someday, you three will be scattered, won't you. If you could meet again somewhere
even after leaving the house, that'd be good.'"

"All the other elder siblings from Suzan's year had already left the house. During farewells
they'd held hands, hugged, and promised: 'Let's meet again, no matter what'. They'd formed
special bonds as companions of the same age. But she hadn't heard from anyone
"Even when she wrote letters from here, not a single reply had come back."

"Suzan always was strong and collected – even then, in her heart, it felt almost like she'd
been abandoned somewhere."

"Emma put her hands on top of Suzan's.

'Suzan too!'

Grasping those hands, Emma looked straight up at Suzan.

'Let's meet again someday too, Suzan!'"

norman (of course) asks her to write, and suzan regains her smile at their words, wiping
carelessly at her eyes

"'Yes, yes. I'll write. Unlike everyone who's left, I'm super responsible, right?'

It was a weird way of saying it, and Emma burst out laughing.

'Also… there's something I want to talk to you two about.'

Standing in front of the birdcage, Suzan began to speak in a serious tone."

the scene ends here, so we don't get to hear what she says (at least not yet). cut to the next
morning – suzan's last day
as she's getting up, suzan realises: tomorrow, she won't be waking up here together with
memories from these 10 years pass through her mind, but it's swiftly interrupted by missing
socks and thrown pillows, and she smiles wryly at this usual morning chaos
she quickly gets ready and checks that everyone else's done too before coming out into the
hallway, where the scent of breakfast is already drifting up from downstairs

"While looking forward to the menu of her last breakfast, Suzan stopped by the stairs.

The cloth had been removed, and Ner pecked at its food in the cage.

'Morning, Ner!'

Suzan called out to the bird, and traced the NER letters on that cage with a finger.

'Everyone's initials…'"

"As if to burn it into her memory, Suzan looked around at the house's interior. The desire to
know the outside world warred in her heart with the wish to stay here forever.

'Really, it'd be nice if I could go with everyone else, but.'

That's impossible, huh…."

suzan's been talking softly to ner, but now she goes down the stairs, and spots ray in the line
heading to the dining hall


At Suzan's voice from behind, Ray's shoulders jolted in surprise for a moment.


Ray turned around sullenly. Suzan, who'd caught up with him, dropped her gaze a little
awkwardly. Since scolding Ray that night, she hadn't really spoken to him at all."

"'Um… if you object to keeping Ner in the house, how about I bring it with me?'

Ray stopped in front of the dining hall.


What had come out of Suzan's mouth was an unexpected suggestion.


"The conclusion to that flashed through Ray's mind in an instant. There wasn't any new
home. Nor any outside world. Suzan bringing Ner out with her would only mean that Ner,
too, would go the same way as Suzan."

"At Ray's reaction, Suzan looked surprised.

'Eh? B–because Ray seems to dislike Ner being here, so I thought it might be better if I
brought it with me and looked after it. That's fine, right, Mama?'"

"'Hmm, let's see. Bringing it with you is fine, but… only if everyone agrees, okay?'

Putting a hand to her cheek, Isabella readily agreed. Ray looked reflexively at that face. It
was unchanged, the usual cool expression."
of course everyone has opinions about this: entrusting ner to suzan is fine! but they'd be

lonely if both suzan and ner left together… but (don says) isn't that true for suzan too if she
leaves alone?
suzan watches this exchange while dabbing at the tears in her eyes, while don rubs at his
nose in embarrassment at being called kind, everyone laughs – and then a sharp voice
breaks this happy harmony

"'You can't.'

At Ray's low voice, the friendly atmosphere fell silent.

Sensing Isabella's gaze on him, Ray said in a subdued voice.

'I'm against you bringing it out.'

At Ray's near-glare, Suzan's expression turned briefly hurt. Then she yelled at Ray."

"…what's your problem, Ray! You dislike keeping it in the house, but you also say I can't
bring it along – that's selfish!"

emma and norman, who'd arrived earlier and were preparing breakfast in the storeroom,
come running to the entrance at suzan's raised voice. they immediately realise that the
words are about suzan's suggestion yesterday

they'd thought that ray, who'd kept saying that the bird was troublesome, would surely agree
with suzan's suggestion. so both emma and norman had said that they didn't mind entrusting
it to suzan, and also accepted suzan's reason for wanting to bring it with her

but instead ray's opposed it – contrary to not only emma and norman's expectations, but
even suzan's as well
"Unthinkingly, Suzan blurted out.

'Even if I leave it in the house, you'll just try to set it free after all, won't you!'

Eh? rose the surprised voices from around them. The gaze of everyone gathered there fixed
on Ray.

Ray said nothing, and Suzan bit her lip."

"To bring it with her was the conclusion Suzan had reached after seeing Ray's actions.

Whatever the reason, Ray had tried to release Ner from its cage.

Freedom was better. If he followed that belief, he'd still try to return Ner to the wild in the
future, whatever its condition."

"So, she'd thought that this problem would be solved if she brought Ner with her.

(Besides… really…)

That reason – she couldn't say it to Ray's face.

At Suzan's unrelenting attitude, Ray turned his face away. Muttered inaudibly.

'…you're going to bring it with you anyway…'"

"Frustrated, Ray swallowed the words he'd been about to say. Yet again, Ray too could not
speak his reason for disagreeing. Only his lower lip, that he'd bitten down hard on, showed
from beneath the shadow of his fringe."

"'Either way, to bring it or not… you're also doing as you please, aren't you.'

Not waiting for a reply, Ray went past Suzan and entered the dining hall. Mouth still tightly
shut, he washed his hands and took out the dishes."

everyone around suzan breaks into discussion. emma and norman, who'd been keeping an
eye on the situation, glance at ray who's still doing the preparations silently

"'What's the matter with Ray, I wonder?'

'Somehow… it feels like he gets touchy when it's about Ner, doesn't he.'

But as to why Ray would react that way – neither had the faintest idea."

"Still watching Ray, Emma opened her mouth.

'Hey, Norman, let's make some kind of present for Suzan. Something that can make her feel
like she's together with us, even after she leaves.'

At Emma's sudden suggestion, Norman tilted his head in puzzlement."

"But on seeing Emma's face, he immediately caught her intent.

'Yeah, let's.'

Ray didn't want to say anything about Ner. But Ray wouldn't stick stubbornly to something
without even a reason."

"If nothing else, that was something that even Emma and Norman, who couldn't notice
minute changes like Suzan did, could understand for certain."

"Inside the empty library, Ray lays against a bookshelf. He could hear his siblings's laughing
voices from the half opened door.
Almost in an instant, the free time reached its end.
Through the library's window, he could feel the cool evening breeze come through."
"After the breakfast, Suzan grabbed Ner's birdcage and strongly proclaimed.
"So Ray doesn't selfishly tries to free Ner again, I'll keep watch on him for today."
It seems she was slightly irritated with the whole ordeal involving her and Ner."
"Even during the free time, Suzan kept Ner in a distance in which she could always keep
watch. In the end, there was not a single moment in which he was able to set it free.
"Why did things got to troublesome. Damn it!"
Ray punches the bookshelf."
there's an explanation about how some of the objects the shipped out children put in their
luggage tend to be brought back to the basement by isabella but there are exceptions that
are thrown away..... ner.... :'(
"Will Isabella spare the bird's life and set it free?
The answer is definitely no."
"Surely the other children have already seen other birds that are of the same type of bird as
Ner. But there are slight differences from one to another. If one of the children find it and
notices it's Ner, they would raise suspicions. Isabella would never take such a risk."
"She would make sure the bird would never appear in the front of the children again. That's
the safer option.
If Suzan leaves the house along with Ner, it'll definitely be killed."
"Isabella said..."
"That time, when Suzan asked if she could take Ner with her, she could've just said "You
can't" and it would be over there. She didn't had to make his job harder."
"Instead, she allowed her to take it.
"She's testing me..."
Isabella doesn't completely trusts Ray. It wouldn't be weird if she were to complicate things
at a time in which Ray could potentially betray her."
"However, she always controls him so he can continue to be useful as her watchdog. Suzan
is high-quality merchandise. If Ray were to plan an escape, Isabella would theorize that Ray
would definitely bring partners that are of the same type as her. That's why she would try to
eliminate factors that could possibly mean the beginning of a plan. The bird could be that."
"He's always given up on plans that could go wrong.
Stopping any of the shipments, revealing his identity at once and pulling his partners into
But if it was to save a lone bird, couldn't he take the risks at least once? He even thought
"Ray feels irritated as his feelings sway back and forth.
"Why did it turn out this way!?"
He keeps asking himself again and again, going in circles.
It's just a bird. Once Isabella reaches the gate all she has to do is dispose of it."
"He's always watched all of his siblings go like this. To not be able to let go of a simple bird,
how foolish of him. Like always, he doesn't has to do anything at all.
If he just does nothing--
"So, caring for the bird will be the responsibility of the three who picked it up!"
"Hmmm. Well, if we take the initials of Ray and Emma, then me – how about NER?"
"Then meeting Ray here, that's its fate too!"
"The words inside his head swing back and forth as if they're crushing him to death.
"... Damn it."
Ray can't free his siblings from here. Not now.
But not even a small bird can be freed?
All he has to do is act as if it just happened to fly away."
"If the bird is here or not, that has nothing to do with the shipment.
If he can't save Suzan, then at least the bird... he wishes for that, but that was being
prevented by Suzan herself."
The evening's scarlet sun illuminates Ray's face.
The pocket watch in his hand points at 5'o'clock.
The bells ring, indicating it's time to assemble.
There's no time left.
No matter how much he thinks now, he can't find a way to free the bird.
He groans one last time before leaving the library.
By the time they finished eating dinner, Suzan had already changed from her usual white
clothes to her brand new outfit to wear outside.
"Ehehe, look!"
Suzan tied the jacket on her and was striking some poses. The luggage that was left on the
bed was packed with stuff.
The birdcage with Ner inside was placed next to the bed. It was surrounded by the younger
children, as they were playing with it one last time.
Gilda was admiring Suzan's new clothes.
"Suzan, you look great!!"
"Ahaha, this feels kinda weird though!"
Smiling, she puts her hat on.
It could've been because she was embarassed, but she doesn't looks too satisfied when she
peeks the letter Anna delivered to her.
Norman opens the door and calls Suzan.
"Suzan, mama is calling!"
"Got it!"
Emma, who had been observing her expressions from up close, pointed at Ner's birdcage.
"We'll bring you Ner's birdcage once we're done cleaning it up one last time."
"Thank you."
Suzan grabs her hat and luggage and goes downstairs. So they can spend some last time
with their older sister, the others follow her.
"Mama, I changed my clothes!"
Isabella, who was waiting at the entrance hall shows Suzan a bright smile.
"My, you look wonderful! Have you finished packing everything up?"
"Yes! Everything is ready."
As she did a peace sign, Suzan noticed Ray laying against the wall.
Even during dinner, he hadn't talked to her at all.
He approaches her with his unchanging expression.
"Sorry for everything I said about Ner. You can take him with you."
It's was like he was trying to be honest one last time. But his expression was the usual Ray.
However, Suzan saw through the shadows of his eye.
"Ray? Is something wrong...?"
Suzan looked puzzled but as the children came after her, she couldn't question him any
"Suzan, I wrote a letter for you!"
"And this is a flower origami!"
"Thank you, everyone!"
Receiving a lot from her younger siblings, Suzan's pocket was filled with presents in an
There was not too much time left with them all.
"Everything is ready, then?" Isabella asks, as Suzan places her luggage next to the door.
"Yeah. All that's left is Ner's cage."
Soon after saying so, Norman and Emma come down the stairs holding the birdcage. They
both look down, for some reason.
"I'm sorry, Suzan." Norman says in an apologetic tone, as they lift up the cage.
The small door was open, and nothing was left inside.
"Ner is gone."


At Suzan's surprised sound, a chorus also rose from their siblings.

Only Ray, eyes still wide, looked to the two who'd descended the stairs.

'We thought it couldn't fly, but it slipped out from between the window lattices.'

'Suzan, we're really sorry.'"

getting over her shock, suzan smiles almost forlornly, and wonders if that means ner's fine
now since it was able to fly away

"Releasing it to the forest once it became able to fly properly: they'd said that when first
adopting it. In some way, this was the best outcome. Suzan told herself that."

"'Um, there's also this. It can't replace Ner, but.'

To the morose Suzan, Emma took out the item that'd been in her pocket.

That was a miçanga woven from threads of different colours."

"'It was made in a hurry after we knew that Suzan's leaving the house, so it's a bit sloppy,
but please accept this matching miçanga.'

Small feathers were tied on the cords of that miçanga. Suzan gently touched those feathers
on the miçanga she'd been given."

"'These are Ner's feathers?'

'Yeah. We tied those it shed.'

Emma showed her own wrist. An identical one was knotted there. Norman held out his left
hand, too.

'Mine and Norman's, then Ray's too.'

In Emma's hand, besides the miçanga she'd given Suzan, there was another one left."


At the sound of his name, Ray looked at Emma in complete shock, not understanding what
was going on."

"Smiling, Emma dragged Ray away from the wall, until he was in front of Suzan. Then she
tied the miçanga around his hand, while Norman tied Suzan's.

Identical miçangas were now looped around the hands of these four."

"'See, Suzan. Like this, we can be together even after leaving the house, right?'
At the meaning Emma had put into the gift, Suzan teared up despite herself.

'Thank you, Emma.'"

suzan wraps her other hand around the miçanga, clearly treasuring it, and chaos breaks

"'Emma, Norman, why didn't you make one for all of us~'

To their envious siblings, Norman smiled wryly in apology.

'Sorry, we didn't have time.'

'Besides, if we'd made one for everyone, Ner would've gone bald!'

At Emma's interjection, laughter burst forth around them."

"Suzan spoke to Ray, who stood by himself, frozen, still looking at his wrist.
'Ray, sorry for talking like that in front of everyone.'

At Suzan's voice, Ray lifted his gaze. Suzan smiled, as if embarrassed."

"'It'd be a little lonely to leave the house by myself, so I said that selfish thing about bringing
Ner with me.'

Suzan touched the feathers on the miçanga.

'Didn't Emma say that Ner's name was taken from you three? So I thought of Ner as being
somewhat like the three of you.'"

"She'd wanted to go outside together. When Suzan revealed the real reason behind wanting
to bring Ner with her, Ray's eyes widened despite himself, his jaw clenching. Comparing Ner
to themselves – Suzan had done that, too."

"So as to not worry Ray, whose face had stiffened, Suzan showed her wrist, showed a broad
smile on her face.
'But now I have this miçanga, so it's fine!'"

"Isabella, who'd been watching over the farewell, gently placed a hand on Suzan's shoulder.

'Suzan, it's almost time.'"

"Yes, Suzan answered with a nod, and looked around at the faces of each and every one of
her family surrounding her.

'Thank you, everyone. Thank you, Emma, Norman.'

And then, finally, her gaze returned to Ray.

'See you, Ray.'"

"Ray had unconsciously lowered his face. Suzan reached out a hand to his head.

'Don't keep doing things alone as you please, okay?'

Just like always, she ruffled his hair messily, but he didn't shake her off.


He couldn't give anything but a hoarse answer."

"At the thought of what was waiting for his elder sister after this, Ray could do nothing but
stay still and endure. If he moved even in the slightest, right now, it felt like the emotions he'd
been suppressing would all overflow."

"Even then, in that moment when that hand was lifted, softly– softly, Ray was able to say
those words.

'Suzan… I'm sorry, too.'

The ones who heard that voice, faint as an escaped breath, surely that was only the ones
beside him: Suzan, Emma, and Norman."

"Suzan smiled brilliantly. Her long hair shook lightly.

'It's fine. Bye then, everyone, be well!'

Suzan said, raising her hand, and her face no longer reflected any unease. Tied around that
hand was the colourful miçanga. With each wave of her hand, the small feathers fluttered."

"And then – heart leaping excitedly at her new life that would begin from here, Suzan set off
into the night, onto that path stretching out beyond that door Isabella had opened."

the door closes

the other children scatter until they're the only ones left standing there

"'Suzan's gone…'

'Yeah. Ner, too.'

Lifting the cage, Norman spoke to Emma.

'We'd better tidy the cage up again.'

'After it's cleaned, we can store it right away.'

Without saying anything, Emma and Norman were about to return to the second floor – then
Ray called them to stop."


Though he'd uttered it aloud, he didn't know how to say the rest of it. Ner having escaped
was definitely a lie. But Ray couldn't understand why the two of them had taken that action.
Both Norman and Emma should have agreed with handing Ner over to Suzan. So, why."

"Turning back, Norman answered easily.

'Because for Ray to be so insistent, there's got to be some reason, right?'

Emma nodded with the same expression.

'Also, the thing Ray said – I get it.'


'Back when I first tried to help Ner, Ray said it, right?'"

"'Living in a bird cage, is that happiness for it?' you said."

"Emma continued as she climbed the stairs.

'I've been thinking since then.'

Silently, Ray followed, listening to Emma's voice.

'Being left alone in that thicket, maybe even dying – I thought it was pitiful. But if I were a
small bird, I'd hate to always live in a narrow cage.'"

"Emma declared this decisively, in a strong tone.

'Even if that was a safe place where I'd be able to get plenty of food without doing anything,
I'd want to fly around freely in the sky, that's what I think.'"

"Leaping up the last step, Emma looked to be in high spirits as she spread out her arms and
turned back to Ray. At that radiant smile, Ray felt almost like the strength had been sapped
from his shoulders."

"No matter how many dangers there were in the outside world.

No matter if it was a place where you needed to keep fighting in order to survive.

––– Freedom was not something easily replaced."

ray thinks back on his deal with isabella: to live comfortably until he was 12, and to let emma
and norman be without knowing the truth. but of course those aren't his real intentions.

"He wouldn't let them die. He'd definitely have them escape from the house and show her.
Having sworn that, he'd always done this alone: making preparations for that time, seeing
their siblings off."

"But sometimes inescapable doubt would come and go, in the back of his heart.
Ray recalled nights when he hadn't been able to sleep. Days when he'd been about to fall to
his knees, moments when he'd wanted to give up and be done with it all.

"To be made aware of the truth – was that really happiness for these two?

To know that all the siblings they'd thought had gone to foster parents, had instead become
food for demons?

And while knowing that truth, to learn that he'd been standing at Isabella's side all this time?"

"Would it not be happier for them to keep living like this, not knowing anything? Ray had lost
confidence in his own actions before. Because once it was revealed, there was no going

The cost of seeking freedom was to shoulder grief and suffering."

"Or so he'd always worried, but.

'I'd want to fly around freely in the sky, that's what I think.'

Neither Emma nor Norman would choose a cage. Ray scrunched up his face, feeling that his
doubts had been terribly silly."

"'Ha, haha…'

Laughter spilled unconsciously from Ray's mouth. He covered his face with one hand.

'Really, you two…'"

"Thinking that Ray's astonished laughter was at them setting Ner free, Norman spoke.

'Emma was the one who suggested it. Let's release Ner, she said. And that she wanted to
make something in replacement, so that Suzan wouldn't be sad.'"

"'I thought we mightn't be on time so I was rushing. Ah, I braided Ray's one, so I think it's a
little uneven.'

Sticking out her tongue, Emma showed her miçanga. Ray looked down at the slanted braid
of his own miçanga, and couldn't help laughing.
'That's what I thought.'


ray takes a (figurative) step back and looks at all of it: himself here, cracking jokes, his
complicated emotional mess of sadness and relief

"Surely, around now, Suzan had become prey to demons. The elder sister that had always
lived together with them until now was no longer in this world. Even so, he was having
conversations like always, trying to return once again to the everyday.

(That's alright…)"

"Lifting his face, Ray looked at Emma and Norman.

If he'd been alone here, he'd have given up ages ago. Would've despaired, unable to
withstand it."

"No matter how much sacrifice he had to make, he'd definitely let Emma and Norman
escape. Having so decided, he'd relied on that to kill his heart and come to this point."

"'Emma, Norman.'

They were here.

So he would still be able to continue this solitary fight tomorrow, and after that.

It was alright. All his doubts were gone.

Because he now knew: even if they learned the truth, these two would definitely choose

'Thank you.'"

"At Ray's unexpected line, both were lost for a moment, then gave nearly identical smiles.

'Ah, but someday, you're going to properly tell us the reason, hm?'

At Norman's careful addition, Ray smiled wryly.

'Yeah, definitely.'"

"'Well then, Ray. In exchange for that,'

Emma's expression changed to a toothy grin of mischief.

'Play with us tomorrow, too!'"

"Suzan was gone.

Their elder sister who could sense his slightest of changes, who would call out to him – she
was gone."

But he had friends who never tired of extending their hands in invitation to play, to pull him
back into their circle."

"'…okay, fine.'

Ray shoved his hand into his pocket – and smiled.

Knotted around that hand was the miçanga, with Ner's feathers tied to it."

end flashback scene


"The feather that was soaring through the wind was identical to the one they used to make
the miçanga back then. Norman yearningly remembers of it.

Though the miçanga has been broken apart a long time ago, he still treasures it.

He's sure that both Emma and Ray also still keep it inside their drawers.

Norman remembers of the other person who owns one of those. Her miçanga is the only one
whose whereabouts are unknown. Back then, he believed that Suzan had departed to her
foster parents's side."

"He was sure that at her new home, she would be beloved by her parents. He remembers
he told her so, as an attempt to encourage her.

When he thinks of all siblings he had seen off, he feels like a cold wind is blowing inside his

"It's far too late now, and he is unable to do something for his lost siblings.

He was fully aware of that. But he couldn't let go of these emotions."

"The sadness. The emptiness.

And the fear."

"Tonight, he'll meet the same destiny as them.

His hand begins to tremble. As an attempt to shake it off, he clenches his fist."
"What can I do for our lost siblings now....?"

That is, to not allow the others to walk the same path as them.

He'll be the last one.

That night, he and Emma brought Ner's bircage to the window. At first, Ner didn't tried to fly
away from them."

"Now, go!"

Emma shakes the cage. Ner flapped his wings inside the cage, and by the time Norman
began to wonder if he was already able to fly or not, it simply flew away through the open
window and broke free from that prison.

The sound of flapping wings and Ner's figure from that day were engraved in Norman's

The bird that thought to be weak and unable to live unless he stayed inside the cage flapped
his wings with all of its strength and flew to the vast sky."

"It was as if Ner was pushing the three of them forward.

Norman laughs at himself. He isn't included in that count anymore, though.

But that's fine.

If that's needed for Emma and the others to escape."

"The reason Ray was so desperate to set Ner free back then was because he saw us in that

Trapped inside this cage. With the only destiny of being shipped out and served as food.

The time to be freed from that cage has arrived."

"The sun was soon setting.

Norman had already finished writing his plan. As if to stretch his stiffened back, he looks up
to the sky. That moment, a certain bird flew through the tree's branches.


He was only able to see it for a few moments, but the bird looked like

it had greenish feathers...

"It couldn't be it, right....?"

Norman lets out a soft laugh.


CHAPTER 4: the gift from the 39th girl
as always we start with present day norman – and sunset is nearing quickly.

"Though Norman knew it couldn't be fulfilled, if there was even the shortest of last moments
after this, he'd wanted to take a long look at the faces of those two, even if only for a bit – he

"Emma on that day, when she'd shed tears for him, ran until she was injured all over to save

Ray, who'd fought alone all this time until now, so that they could escape.

(I'm glad I was able to deceive both of them…)"

"Yesterday night, he'd said that he would choose to live, and the three of them had gathered
close together. At the sight of him returning, what faces would those two make? Norman
smiled desolately. That alone was clenching down on his heart."

"This was a betrayal.

In order to keep those two alive, he had lie.

But he had no plans to yield in this resolution."

regret, dread, loneliness: they've all been raging in his heart like a storm – but among it, only
his resolution has not shaken, like a flag planted deep in the ground. this, alone, he won't let
go of. and with its support he too can still lift his face and stand in that storm.
and that flag is this letter, to which he's entrusting the future.

"By deceiving his two reliable and brilliant best friends, he'd now made the perfect plan.
Norman imagined not the despairing faces of those two, but instead Emma's face on
receiving this letter, and Ray's at seeing their siblings cross the cliff.

(…surely they'll be surprised)"

and on thinking that, norman suddenly recalls something, from the spring of this year…
for once, he'd been spectacularly deceived by them both. and not just emma and ray –
norman was successfully deceived by all the siblings in the house.

"Recalling that night's events, Norman's heart overflowed with warmth and pain.

Unconsciously he closed his eyes. Thought back on that important memory, that had taught
him how much everyone loved him."
"Remembering the words of the promise he'd made back then, Norman helplessly, miserably
opened his closed eyes.

'Someday, when we're adults–' those very words."

start flashback

"'Norman! Over here, here!'

From atop the low hill overlooking the house, Phil waved vigorously alongside Emma.

'I'm on my way!'"

they called norman over because they have something to show him?
it's warm enough that the snow left in the forest's shadows has completely melted, grass is
growing on the once-frozen ground… and even norman's taken off his cardigan
although there was a cuttingly cold wind blowing til a while ago, at some point it's become
warm enough to be outside without feeling cold – to the point where you'll sweat beneath the
woollen cardigans from even moving a bit

"'Norman, look, look!'

Norman stooped down where the two were pointing.

'Ah, the dandelions are blooming.'

'Phil spotted them yesterday! They're early this year.'"

dandelions bloom around the house every spring!

although right now it's just a solitary one that's bloomed, surely the rest of the buds will be
blooming really soon, too

"'It's already spring before we know it, huh.'

Norman looked comfortably up at the sky. The scents of spring were melting into the air. The
scent of ground being warmed by the sun, the fresh fragrance of sprouting buds drifting

the three's sky-gazing is interrupted by two voices from not too far off – "found them!"
"emma's there!" – which turn out to be thoma and lannion (who's holding a big box in his

"'Emma, look at this, we caught a mysterious creature!'

'Eh– what's that!'

Emma took the box from the smiling duo. Standing on his tiptoes, Phil too looked up. From
beside Emma, Norman also peered over.
'What is it~?'

Gleefully, Emma lifted the cover. Right then–


– a soft toy monster springs out! and hits emma in the face (adding insult to injury, lol) before
bouncing back
thoma and lannion high-five and cheer! seems like it's a jack-in-the-box that they converted
from an old toy

"'Mou–! You surprised me!'

Emma scolded, pressing down on her nose, but right after she couldn't help bursting into
laughter. This made Phil, who'd tripped over in surprise, laugh too."

"'Oh, this is well-made, hm!'

Taking a close look at the box their younger brothers had made, Norman praised. But rather
than pride Thoma and Lannion were disappointed.

'Aaaah, as expected, Norman wasn't surprised…'

'Even though it's easy to shock Emma…'"

"What did you say!? Emma made a show of turning on them, but she had no choice but to
concede their opinion. Crossing her arms, she searched through her memory."

"'Hmm, but that's true, I've never seen Norman shocked…'

'Is that so?'

Returning the box to the duo, Norman raised his eyebrows slightly, in apparent surprise.

'Although Emma's gotten shocked a lot…'"

emma shakes her head, saying she wants to see norman going "i didn't see through that!",
and of course thoma and lannion enthusiastically agree – they want to surprise norman!

"At the duo who seemed to be thinking of some new prank yet again, Norman broke into a

'In the future, you two can become inventors, huh.'

At Norman's words, both Thoma and Lannion's eyes shone happily.

'Ooh! That'd be great!'"

"'Eh– Norman, what about me?'

At the fun topic, Emma joined in, pointing at herself. Lannion burst into snickers, hand over
his mouth.

'Someone like Emma, even when you're an adult you're definitely gonna be just like this!'

'Ehh, not at all! I'm gonna become a lady like Mama!'"

thoma laughs his head off. emma visits a fist upon him ("ouch–! ladies don't hit people––!")
phil, who'd been laughing beside all this, says innocently that emma's going to become a
kind mama like theirs. emma hugs him tightly and declares he's the only valid kid ever

"'Phil's a good kid. Ah, what do you want to become, Phil?'

'A train conductor–!'

'That's nice! You'll have to let me ride that train someday, Phil.'"

"In Emma's mind, she imagined such a future. They knew about the outside only from books,
but Phil was pulling his train into a splendid station built of bricks just in time. And there she
was, an adult, getting jauntily on that train. Emma's heart leapt at her own imaginations."

"'Say, Norman, what do you want to be when you're an adult? What do you want to do?'

At the sudden question, Norman's tongue got tied."

"'Eh, um. When I'm an adult, huh…'

In front of Norman, who'd put a finger to his chin in thought, there was Emma's face, eyes
sparkling as she awaited his answer. That answer that came to his mind first before all else:
Norman pushed it away and spoke.

'It's a secret, I'd say.'"

"Ehh~ came the collective pout from Emma and the rest, but Norman responded with 'I'll say
it someday!', smiling.

Atop that warm hill, a spring wind whistled gently past."

and then we skip to an afternoon, about one week after this blissfully sweet domesticity....

they're playing hide&seek with don as "it", where you're caught once you're seen (unlike tag)
– so it's more difficult for those good at running like emma, but easier for those who can't,
like mark and yvette

norman immediately hides up in a tree once he enters the forest. from here, he can see on
one side the house and garden, plus he's hidden by the dense branches from below
and because in hide&seek you'd tend to go search for hiding spots deeper in the forest, the
forest entrance is actually a blind spot. it's dark right beneath the candlestick – so to speak

don's countdown finishes, and he sets off to search!

......passing right under the branches where norman's hiding.

"He probably won't return for a while, Norman thought as he gave a small smile, and shifted
his position on the branches.

Right then, something like a person's silhouette was reflected in the window of the house.


"That figure was dressed in clothes of a bright coral-orange he'd never seen here before.
Through the latticed window, only the figure's back could be seen, but he could tell that long
hair cascaded down that back.

It was a girl he'd never seen before."

"The girl spun once. For that one moment her smiling lips could be seen, but immediately
after she turned away again. And then she vanished from the window.


Norman climbed down from the tree, intending to return to the house and check."

right as he reaches the ground, don exclaims from behind him

"eh!? i found norman–!?"
sherry, having been the first one that don found, is standing behind him too

"Norman turned, apologising over his shoulder.

'Sorry, Don, is it okay if I go back to the house for a bit?'

'Ah, it's fine, but…'"

"Norman dashed off. Don cocked his head in puzzlement.

'What's Norman hurrying off for? The toilet?'

'Mou! Don!'

Sherry shoved at her completely undelicate elder brother with all her might."

norman runs up to the second storey of the deserted house. he'd seen the girl in the window
of the kid's room – the biggest room at the back. but (of course) when he rushes there, the
room has nothing but empty beds. nobody's there.
"'–a girl you've never seen before, in the house?'

At dinner, he told Emma and Ray. Emma's eyes widened, the fork still in her mouth; Ray
lifted only his gaze from the cup he'd brought to his lips."

"'Yeah, not in this uniform but something like a dress, a girl with long hair.'

At Norman's description, Emma's gaze went diagonally up, and she murmured as if in

'…a girl from the outside who got lost and ended up here, maybe?'"

"'That's impossible.'

Ray flatly rejected Emma's idea. Emma choked back the rest of her words, and glared at her


'In that case, there's no way that Mama wouldn't have noticed, would there.'

'That's true, but…'"

emma turns her gaze to isabella, and of course norman's thought of that as well. if someone
had come, mama should've informed them. but isabella is still acting like normal, nothing's

"'I wonder who it was…?'

In contrast to Norman's frown, Ray looked entirely unconcerned. Like he was enjoying it,

'If it'd been Emma who said this, I'd have concluded it right off as a mistake.'


'But if it's Norman saying it, I guess it's not a simple mistake.'"

"Ray, looking amused, rested his chin on his hands.

'Let's look for her: that mysterious girl!'

'Yeah, if she really exists I want to meet her!'

Launching herself forward, Emma said this. Norman too nodded, but there was something
bothering him."
scene cut to that night. norman is thinking
they've never gone out, nor have any visitors come. he'd thought that only natural… but then
again, there should be someplace beyond the forest, and so it's not unconceivable for
people come from there
but the girl had been wearing something like a dress, so it doesn't seem like she could pass
through the forest in that. possibility dismissed
the gate is the only remaining option. but they've seen before that the gate is locked, and it's
not the kind of structure where people can just coincidentally get lost and end up at

"Perhaps… Norman turned over in his bed, looking at the ceiling.

(If she didn't come from somewhere, but was in the house to begin with?)"

"Now, there were 38 siblings living in the house.

If the girl he'd seen was really in the house, she'd be their 39th sibling, a sister."

"(…that's absurd.)

Silently Norman rejected the idea he'd had. Yet oddly enough, that imagination was tinged
with a curious sense of reality – more than even the thought of a visitor from beyond the
forest or gate.

(I wonder who it is…)"

"Norman closed his eyes. It was imprinted behind those eyelids: smiling lips and a coral

"In the gloom of early morning, Norman got out of bed. From the surrounding beds, the
breaths of those asleep could still be heard. Norman gently pulled the blanket over Rossy,
who was sleeping with her midriff uncovered."

"An unknown person was hiding in the house. The imagination of that possibility – it had
become something that Norman couldn't simply laugh off and ignore.

(Even briefly, in that instant, she had undoubtedly been there.)"

norman's investigation commences!

the house is big, but the places where someone can hide are limited. he starts checking in
the second storey: an empty children's room, the library, and music room. and one more –
the storeroom at the end, but that's always locked
norman stands before the storeroom door and strains his ears, but it really doesn't seem like
anyone's in there. and not to mention there are other suspicious places
down to the first storey (he checks the playroom and the infirmary), then back up to the
second. no signs of someone living in hiding, anywhere

"'Next is… up, huh.'

Norman climbed the stairs."

the house's third floor is basically a wide and empty attic. the children usually don't come up
here, so it's the most likely place for someone to hide in

"On reaching the third storey, dusty air drifted past. At the same time, a nasty but unfamiliar
smell came faintly to his nose.


Relying on the weak light from the entrance, Norman looked around the attic."

along the walls several wooden boxes have been placed, to keep all the seasonal stuff in.
behind that is something covered in cloth…?
approaching, norman notices that there are footprints in the dust beside his own – and a little
smaller than his, too
avoiding those footsteps, norman removes the unfamiliar cloth…
beneath that cloth are buckets. and not just one, but five of varying sizes, each filled with
dark liquid of different thickness. it's where the smell is coming from

"Just as he was about to reach out to touch the liquid, the wake-up bell rang. Norman quickly
replaced the cloth, and immediately checked the adjoining two rooms before hurrying back
to the second storey."

"Already the second storey hallway was milling with their siblings who'd woken up. Ray gave
Norman, who'd descended the stairs, a strange look.

'Where'd you go?'

'I'll tell you later.'

Norman's face was thoughtful. Ray frowned, and cast a glance at the attic."

after the morning's test, and before even going to draw water for the laundry, norman calls
out to ray and emma

"'There's something I want you two to see.'

'What is it?'

Emma tilted her head, and followed Norman up to the second storey.

'This morning, I woke up early and searched for the girl I saw yesterday.'


"'And then in the attic, there was this liquid in buckets.'

'Liquid? Not water?'

At Ray's query, Norman nodded. Reaching the second storey, they climbed the stairs going
yet further up.

'Yes, it was dark, but that definitely had some colour. And a somewhat unique smell, too.'"

"Once again, Norman opened the attic door. Similarly, the smell of dust came from within,
but in contrast the other smell he'd detected this morning had faded."

"On entering, Norman immediately noticed a change on the floor, too.

'The footsteps have been erased…'


Ray asked, in a puzzled voice."

norman rushes into the room. he's got a hunch from the faded smell – and yep, there's now
nothing behind the wooden box!

"'The buckets are all gone… even though they were definitely here.'

'Those… with the water-like stuff in them?'

'Yeah… and there were footsteps too, slightly smaller than mine.'

Ray gave the floor a light kick. The light from the entrance reflected off the accumulated

"This floor… someone's swept it, huh.'

Norman put a hand to his chin. It'd been right before the wake-up bell, when he'd last seen
this place. And then now, they'd come right after the test. This had happened in that

"'During the test, someone moved it.'

'The ones who could do that are…'

Continuing from Emma's words, Ray spoke.

'Mama, or that girl – right?'"

and now, back to laundry it is!

emma cheerfully announces they're all done so time for lunch, and the younger siblings
enthusiastically agree. as he watches her leaving back, norman Thinks.
"(Emma seems to know something, but…)

Yesterday, when he said that he'd seen an unknown girl in the house, there'd been
something off about Emma's reaction. Her gaze had wandered, and immediately she'd said
things like someone from the outside getting lost."

"On him bringing up the topic like an unfamiliar girl, Emma should've been more surprised.


he doesn't yet know if or how the buckets and the girl are connected, but at least with regard
to the former, it's certain that none of their siblings couldn't have moved the buckets
anywhere… which leaves only–

"Norman spoke softly to Isabella, who had holding the now-empty laundry basket.

'Say, Mama.'

Isabella turned around. Norman looked to her with eyes of unreadable emotion, and asked.

'No one's come to this house from the outside, right?'"


Her eyes widening slightly, Isabella looked intently back at Norman. Then, as if oddly, she
asked in return.


Immediately Norman shook his head with a carefree smile.

'Nothing, just a little curious.'

Accepting the basket from Isabella, he went back inside."

"With a very similar look to the one Norman had earlier, Isabella watched that retreating


And then, with a sudden smile, Isabella too went into the house."

.......and just as norman's heading to the dining hall to join in on the lunch preparations, he
spots emma and ray talking in front of the restroom

"'Eh? But doing something like that seems excessively…'

'No, it's fine. If things stay like this it'll definitely–'

Ray shut his mouth on whatever he'd been about to say. Clearly because he'd come up next
to them, Norman supposed."

"'What're you talking about?'

At his casual question, Emma shook her head with a smile.

'Nothing much.'

'Yeah, just about those buckets from earlier.'

Ray turned to face Norman. He knew that Ray had changed the topic, but Norman decided
to just listen to what he said."

"'Probably better not to ask Mama about it, I was thinking.'

Norman too could agree with that.

'Yeah. Just now I asked Mama about the girl.'

Ray's eyebrows shot up in apparent surprise.

'Huh, and then?'"

"'No one's come to this house from the outside, right?' I asked, but of course she didn't give
me any answer and her reaction was normal. But if Mama really was hiding the girl's
existence, I think I'd have noticed something, or she might show some movements after

"I see. Right now we still don't know if the buckets are connected, but given that they were
moved while all of us where gathered, it's likely that Mama moved them, huh."

"'Assuming Mama moved them, to go out of her way to move it while we're doing tests, that's
odd too. Because for something as minor as moving buckets elsewhere, usually she'd ask
us to help do it.'

'Yeah, that's true.'"

"Emma, who'd been listening to Norman and Ray talk, said in shock.

'…so the two of you have thought to that extent?'

At Emma's admiration, Norman gave her a smile.

'It's just raising things that are possible given the current information. Might even be
completely off the mark.'"
don interrupts the very thinky moment by calling for them to come help with lunch
preparations, so they head to the dining hall

ok so norman decides to look for the Mysterious Girl during his free time because the house
will be completely empty because in such a great weather everyone tends to go outside to
-- or that's what he thought but some of his siblings were going up the stairs for some reason

"Huh? Aren't you guys going outside, Nat?"

Nat jumps up at Norman's voice, as he turns around. He rubs his nose and points at the
second floor.

"We decided we're playing inside today."

"Yes, um. Because there's something we want to do."

Anna, who was standing right beside Nat, adds.

Norman turns his eyes to Conny, who was holding hands with Anna.

"You too, Conny?"

"Yes! We'll all be--"

The little girls around Conny desperately cover her mouth. Nat completes her sentence

"We're gonna study (benkyou) together!!"

"Didn't you just said you were gonna play inside?"

"... Ah, NO!! I said that we were gonna play /after/ we were done studying!!"

Nat places his hand over his bangs as if to show that he's completely calm but that failed

With his usual calm and gentle smile, Norman slightly tilts his head before speaking up

"Hmmm! Then I'll stay inside too."

"Oooooh! Norman, there you are!! Yesterday's win felt too easy so today I wanna find you
with my real strength!!"

Don rapidly barges in through the front door and wraps his arm around Norman's neck.
"Uh-- Eh-- Don?"

"Come on, come on! Let's go outside!!"

"I-I can't breathe, Don--"

And so, Norman was forcibly brought outside by Don.

In the corner of his eye, Norman could see the children rushing to the second floor.

"What could they be hiding...?"

Conny said something...


As he was deep in thought, he could feel his conscience fading... his hands drop down,

"Heeey! Emma! I brought Norman so let's play hide and seek!"

"Alright!!! Hey-- WAIT. DON!? NORMAN IS DYING"


Thanks to Emma, Don finally realized he still had Norman headlocked in his arm.

"WOAH--- Sorry, Norman!!"

"I-It's okay..."

Coughing intensively, Norman holds his neck that was being held firmly a moment ago.

"Are you really okay!?"

"Don, that was too much!!"

"I said I'm sorry!!"

despite having a near death experience norman still checks everyone who's participating in
the hide and seek game: don, emma, thoma, lannion, sadie, dominic, mark, hao. phil and the
other 3 years old children were all glued to their older siblings

ray is reading a book as always, the 2 years old are all together with isabella.

the children that are inside the house: nat, anna, conny, cindy, alicia, ivet, rosie and christie
he doesn't understands why are these 8 going to study together considering they have
nothing in common

also gilda and jemima are nowhere to be seen, he points out. since they don't seem to be
outside, he assumes they're also somewhere inside the house.

the hide and seek game results were the same as always: norman wasn't found until the end

while don was frustrated by defeat all norman was bothered about all the mysteries going on
- an unknown girl
- the 8 people inside the house
- gilda and jemima
11 people total. he wonders what's the connection between them all

until yesterday the only ones he was suspecting were emma and ray but now there's the
possibility //all// of them are suspects

that night the three of them avoided the crowded second floor and brushed their teeths
together-- they could hear their siblings laughing from the first floor though

"So, what are you planning to do?"

Ray suddenly talks-- toothbrush still inside his mouth.

Norman puts the towel over his mouth to wipe his slightly wet mouth.

"Hmm, I've been thinking about it the whole day and I believe that unless Mama is involved,
it's impossible for someone to hide for so long inside the house."

"So you mean Mama is hiding that unknown girl?"

Emma puts her cup and toothbrush back on the shelf as she turns back to Norman. He

"Is there a reason why she can't allow us to meet her...? To begin with, we don't know for
how long she has been around."

"If Mama is the one hiding her, then finding her will be hard."

Ray looks up at the ceiling. If she's in an room that isn't being used then finding her is gonna
be as easy as hide and seek. But- if there's the possibility she's in Isabella's bed-
room or study, finding her will be troublesome, considering they don't have easy access to
those areas.

Norman glares at his face that was reflected in the mirror.

"Just what kind of existence is that girl, anyway...?"

An unknown girl. 39 siblings.

Is Mama really hiding her? Or could she be an intruder that's on her own?

Norman pictures the girl inside his head. He puts his hand over his forehead.

"That girl... I'm sure I already met her before..."

He tries to collect information inside his head but nothing comes up. Ray raises his finger.

"Anyway, isn't it impossible to just hide inside the house without leaving any traces? To
begin with, we would need enough food for one more person."

"Ah, you're right! Then we should check the warehouse, just in case!"

Emma clasps her hands together, as she says so.

Norman blinks a few times. Why didn't he thought of that before? It must've been because
she was in a dress-- he must've unconsciously assumed she wasn't a normal human being.

"Meals, huh... you're right."

"Then, let's check the warehouse and then wander around the house until it's time to sleep?"

"Yeah. Besides I'm curious about the mysterious liquid Norman mentioned too."
ok so they go to the corridor to begin their plan AND-

On the opposite side of the corridor, the bright-coral-orange dress passes by- the girl had a
shawl over her head, fluttering by.

It seemed like she was going to the direction of Mama's bedroom. Emma, who was holding
her breathe by his side saw the exact same thing.

"Someone's there!?"

"That's the dress!!"

Norman instantly began running after her-- Ray surpasses him, and says

"Keep following her!! We'll surround her in the second floor!"


Emma and Norman follow Ray's orders.

The stairs are by the end of the long corridor theres no other place she can run away to.
ok so norman and emma go up the stairs meanwhile ray went up through the opposite side's
stairs so they could surround the mysterious girl who went up to the second floor

the three of them arrive the floor and see naila and mark who were happily reading a book--
norman asks if they haven't seen a girl passing by and they both confusedly say they haven't

norman thinks "They don't look like they're lying..."

If a girl wearing such a flashy outfit passed by there's no way the two of them wouldn't have
noticed. She simply mysteriously disappeared like smoke once she arrived the second floor.

"Where did she go...? The library, maybe?"

the three of them check the library-- no one is there

they also check the rooms that aren't being used at the moment but the result is the same

norman can't stop thinking about how the heck did she passed by through mark and naila
without them noticing her-- it's time to sleep,
so the three of them return to their respective rooms.

even after waking up to the sound of bells, norman isn't satisfied-- even inside his DREAMS
he was still thinking about all that happened please norman get some SLEEP
he even sneaked out in the middle of the night to find her but he found absolutely nothing.
he was feeling completely drowsy that morning

"As he was going down the stairs, he could hear someone else who, just like him, was

"Fwahhh~ Good morning, Norman."

"Morning. Looks like you're sleepy too, Gilda?"

As Gilda pushes her glasses up, Emma is seen by her side, rubbing her eyes.

Even her seemed more sleepy than usual.

"You look like you're tired, is everything okay?"

"Ahaha, I'm fine!" Gilda replies, letting out a soft laugh.

As they reach the first floor, Norman stops walking and asks.

"Hey, didn't you saw or hear something different yesterday?"

"Eh?" Gilda stands still, as Norman stares her eyes, deeply.

He smiles and shakes his head. "No, forget that."

"Hm? Okay."

As Gilda walks past Norman, he smells a familiar fragance coming from her...

'This smell....'

The smell that came from Gilda was the same gross smell of the liquid he found that day.
5 days passed since Norman saw the girl passing by outside the dining room.

These past days, unconsciously, everytime he looked at the windows or saw through the
gaps of the doors, Norman was always seeking that light-orange dress. Even when they
were out in the forest, all he could think of was about the house-- even when they were
playing hide and seek of tag, he was unusually easy to find.

"Norman, are you alright?"

Ray asks him, his hands placed on the well's water pump.


After Ray says so, he finally noticed that all the other buckets with water were carried away
and the only ones left at the backyard were them.

"Why are you so bothered by that girl?"

Norman stiffens at Ray's simple question.

"You've been searching for her since then, right? I heard you even went as far as going to
Mama's study and bedroom. You must be serious about this."

Norman attempted to laugh it off but it didn't went well. He was surprised by the
question itself but what surprised him much more than that was the fact that all this time, he
continued to search for her making sure no one noticed it-- yet Ray found out.

Since then, he searched every nook and cranny of the house when he had the time to.
Obviously, he was curious about the identity of the girl, but the liquid inside the bucked also
bothered him.

The reason he did this all in secret was exactly because he had no idea /who/ and /what/
were the others hiding from him.

"And you thought no one was going to notice? Well, no one other than me has noticed that
you're looking for something but if you act the way you do, even Phil will begin suspecting

Norman attempts to vaguely answer Ray, who seemed like he was done with Norman's shit
"Well... y'know, there's an unknown girl lurking inside the house? Obviously I would look for

"Yeah, alright. But it's like you're at your wits end but even so you can't stay still.... kinda."

He stares at Norman.

"Norman, are you... in love with that g--"

"No, that's wrong. I--"

"I didn't even finished asking."

Delighted to watch Norman panicking, Ray says so as he leaves his side.

"Hahh.... geez."

Norman covers his mouth.

Thinking about the words he nearly slipped out, he feels a cold sweat. He sighs and
murmurs to himself.

"... The girl I love is someone else."

That's what he believes, but he was so attracted to the girl in the light orange dress to the
extent of being fully aware that he was acting weird himself.

He shakes his head, as an attempt to forget about her for now.

existential crisis temporarily concluded, norman rejoins the laundry line
"jeez, what were you doing, norman!" don scolds. norman smiles and apologises

as norman's hanging up the sheets to dry, he goes right back to thinking about the odd
things he's found while investigating
odd thing 1: small lights (used for the christmas tree) that appeared at the bottom of the toy
box. wondering why it was here, he pulled it out and found something attached – a shoelace
tied to the end of the lights, with a king chess piece tied to the other end
odd thing 2: a cup made of thick paper/cardboard, stuck to some kind of catapult toy…? he
found multiple copies of this, in fact. he thinks it might be a toy to make noise with (by hitting
the base of the cup with the catapult)
both seem to be things made by the younger siblings, but he can't figure out the actual intent
behind them…?

"Perhaps, everyone but him knew the true identity of the girl, and were making some kind of
preparations – Norman had considered that.
(But why hide it from me…)

Was there some reason they didn't want to let them meet, or some reason they couldn't say

"(Did Mama make them promise to keep quiet?)

As Ray said, Norman had picked the times when Isabella was away to search in the study
and bedroom. But he found nothing. Even if he'd searched thoroughly, he'd refrained from
searching her personal drawers or shelves, unsurprisingly."

but gilda's almost definitely connected, he thinks. he's even considered that gilda is actually
that mystery girl. there's a possibility that it's someone disguise, even if he doesn't know
why. and gilda wasn't beside him on either time he witnessed the girl

BUT! norman had memorised the girl's height when they'd been chasing her down the
hallway… because coincidentally there was a handmade "please be quiet in the hallway"
poster stuck there, and by comparison of heights, gilda just isn't tall enough to match

"(…taller than me, even.)

There wasn't any girl of that height in the house. He really did have to discard the theory of a
disguise, it seemed."

but if the girl had been a complete stranger, he doesn't get why naila and mark didn't notice
her that night? and those two didn't seem at all like they were hiding anything from him…

"Just as he'd thought to this point, Norman saw that colour. He startled.

From the narrowly opened door of the house, someone was looking over here. What he
could see in the gap was that coral colour. In the moment Norman noticed, that figure
disappeared behind the door."


As if he'd been propelled, Norman ran towards the door.

On opening the door, his vision was immediately caught by the hem of that dress. The stairs!
Without even a pause, Norman rushed up the stairs.

'Wait! Who are you!?'"

"The girl vanished to the second storey. No more than 10 seconds could have passed before
Norman also arrived at the second storey.

Looking at the place where the girl had turned, Norman's breath caught in shock.
'Norman, what's wrong?'

Emma and Phil were there."

phil's holding a pajama – seems like he forgot to put it in the laundry earlier.

"Gasping for breath, Norman blurted.

'Emma? Over there…'

He didn't even need to ask. Entering one of the rooms facing the hallway before Emma
showed up – that should be considered first.

'Let's search!'"

"Norman hurriedly opened the unused kids' room. 'Was that girl here?' Emma and Phil too
joined the search. Norman opened and looked around his room last. In the room lined with
beds, of course there wasn't any space where someone could hide."

"'Norman, wouldn't it be difficult to hide here?'

'Yeah. I'm looking for something else.'


"Norman entered the room where he'd woken up this morning. He ran his gaze over the
room to see if anything had changed, and noticed a box in the shadows of a bed that hadn't
been there this morning."

it's a square box handmade from paper, and reasonably big too – 30 centimetres on each
side, he thinks?

"Norman approached the box. Placed his hand on the cover.

'Ah! Norman, over here–'

Emma called out from behind, but Norman ignored it and opened the box.


Inside, it was completely empty.

'…nothing, hm?'

Setting the box aside, Norman stood."

phil, who's beside emma and looking confused, grabs her hand and says they have to wash
the pajama shirt
"'Ah, that's true. Sorry, Norman, I'm going downstairs with Phil.'

At Emma, who was pointing down, Norman also nodded.

'Yeah. I'm going back too.'"

"From what he'd done so far, Norman had learned something. But the critical proof: only
that, he couldn't find no matter what.

How could he––?

Norman looked intently at Emma and Phil, who were heading down to the first storey."

"Why did that girl sometimes appear before him? That was the question, for Norman. Except
for that first sighting by the window, both times when he'd seen her outside the dining hall
and through the front door, it was almost as if she wanted him to notice her existence."

"(…it's like she's intentionally drawing my attention…)

That night, as he headed to his bedroom while thinking, he ran right into someone on turning
the corner.


The one he'd bumped into was Don. Something fell from his hand to the floor."

"'Ah, oh no!'

With a small screech, Don hurriedly picked up the picture book he'd dropped, hugging it with
the cover on the inside. Norman tilted his head.

'Don, what's that?'"

don explains that it's just a picture book he was reading to conny so he's just gonna return it
to the library now
so why're you hiding "just a picture book", norman asks

"'Eh? No, it's just, see, a picture book like this with princesses and princes and all that, it's
not cool for me to be holding it right?!'

Ha ha ha, Don laughed, and left like he was escaping."

"It was only for an instant, but Norman had the time to read the text on that back cover."

"After Don left the library, he snuck in. In one corner of the picture book shelf, he was able to
find it immediately. Probably because it'd been returned in a panic, so only that one was
pushed in at an angle."
"Pulling out the book, Norman saw its cover – and stared.


He flicked through its pages. Each and every page showed a figure he knew.

The princess depicted in that picture book was identical to the figure he'd seen through the
window, from her hairstyle to the dress."

it's been 10 days since he first saw the girl. norman's connecting the dots of the strange
things happening in the house:
> the contents of those buckets
> them and the footprints both disappearing while everyone was gathered
> emma and ray, who were hiding something. mama, too
> the 10 siblings who'd been doing something inside the house while it was sunny outside
> the same smell (of the buckets) from a sleepy gilda
> the xmas tree lights, and the slingshots
> and of course… the 39th girl

"And then, the 39th girl.

The girl in the coral dress, who couldn't possibly in in the house. Her appearance exactly
resembled a character from a picture book."

"In his mind, Norman had connected nearly all these disparate pieces. At least, he knew who
the girl from that time had been. Only one last thing didn't fit.

(I just don't understand the reason behind keeping a secret on such a large scale…)"

deep in thought, norman heads to the dining hall to prepare for dinner, but gets stopped by a
tug on his shirt

"'Hey, Norman, can we play hide-and-seek?'

Sherry had caught hold of his shirt hem and was looking up at him. Norman smiled wryly.
'But it's going to be dinnertime soon, you know?'"

"'Just one round!'

'Let's play in the house–!'

Surrounded by the younger children who'd flocked over, Norman gave in.

'Okay, okay. So, we'll play one round then help with dinner, alright?'
"If it'd been the slightly older siblings, he'd have admonished them saying it wasn't time to
play, but he couldn't help being lenient with their youngest siblings. He'd be able to find them
right away, and they'd be satisfied as long as he played once – Norman concluded."

"'I'll start counting!'

Loud shouts rose, and he listened to the running footsteps of their younger siblings.

'One–, two–'

He counted. As he counted, Norman thought something was odd."

"'5, 6'

With each number, the noise around him faded. Even the sounds of conversation he'd been
able to hear from the dining hall, and the noise of cutlery – he couldn't hear them anymore.
The noises of cleaning from the second storey had also stopped."

"'9, 10…'

Norman lifted his face from the wall.

As if it'd suddenly become midnight, the house had fallen utterly silent.

'Everyone's hiding…?'

That was impossible. Only those who'd been there should've heard the talk about hide-and-
seek: Sherry, Phil, and the rest."

"Norman headed towards the dining hall.

There was no cutlery on the table. No one was there.


Norman spun on his heel. Swiftly he looked around in the house. Brooms and buckets had
been left in the hallway midway through. The children who'd been using them weren't there."

"He went up to the second storey.

If it came to searching like this, the house was huge.

There was no sign at the second storey either. Only the sound of his own footsteps
descending the stairs. Norman returned to the first storey, and a voice called out to him from

At the sudden voice, he turned like he'd been spun around.

'Can you come here for a moment?'

Isabella stood alone in the hallway. Norman asked without thinking.

'Where's everyone?'

'Over here.'"

"Isabella went down the hallway and entered the dining hall. Moving along the tables, she
opened the back door. The outside was pitch dark.

'They're over here.'

'Outside? Why?'

'You'll know once you go out.'

Isabella gave only a meaningful smile, and said nothing else."

"Having decided, Norman slowly went out. He walked until the very edge of where the light

In that moment, the back door shut with a slam. 'Eh– Mama?' Norman spun around. Isabella
wasn't there."

"The light that had spilled out from the dining hall was blocked out, and the light from the
windows too vanished right after. His surroundings were completely enveloped in darkness."


–going on, Norman had been about to blurt, when his surroundings suddenly turned bright.

At the same time, the gratifying sound of crackers rang out from all around him.

'Norman, happy 11th birthday~!!'"

"Surprised, Norman turned towards the voices. His siblings were lined up there, dressed in
clothes he'd never seen.

'Eh– birth… day…?

Gilda, wearing a light blue dress, smiled widely.

'It's March 21, Norman's birthday!'

At those words, Norman finally realised today's date."

"Because he'd constantly been pursuing the house's mysteries all this while, he'd lost track
of the date. He took another look around. That twinkling above him was the Christmas tree
lights, joined between the tree branches and the roof."

"And, amongst all the differently coloured clothes, one colour caught his eye.


The girl with the coral-coloured dress and long red hair was there.

Spinning lightly around with a smile, that girl was–––– none other than Emma.

'Were you surprised?'


"Norman was dumbfounded. Emma pointed at herself with a deeply satisfied smile.

'Ehehe, that girl was me!'

If she smiled like this, with her usual boyish grin – it was unmistakably Emma indeed."

"Norman himself had also deduced that the girl who'd appeared during laundry time couldn't
have been anyone else but Emma. But she'd felt so completely different that Norman
couldn't believe what he'd seen with his own eyes."

"In long hair extenders and a dress, it was almost as if she wasn't the Emma he was
together with every day.

He couldn't take his eyes off that girlish figure that stood before his eyes."

"Without noticing Norman's reaction, Emma casually lifted the hem of the long skirt that she
didn't usually get to wear.

'I made this together with Gilda while Mama taught us.'

'Don't– Emma!'"

"Before even the panicked Norman, Gilda put a stop to that from beside them.

'Mou! Even though it fits you, it's still the same Emma inside!'


Gilda shrugged, shaking her head."

"'Even if we did make it together, Emma was super bad at it. I was the one who finished it in
the end.'

'Ahaha… but I did try…'

Emma scratched her head, embarrassed. Norman turned a surprised look on Gilda, who'd
crossed her arms.

'Wow. I didn't know you could make clothes.'"

"'Mama taught me at first. Taking measurements, making the paper patterns – Mama did
almost all of that for me.'

'So that Norman wouldn't see, we had her teach us while we were taking care of the

"'And the coloured cloth was dyed?'

Norman was looking intently at the shade of the dress. Gilda's eyes turned round behind her

'No way! So Norman really did notice?'

'Those buckets in the attic had dye in them, right?'"

if emma had been disguised as the girl, the dress must've been either brought in via isabella,
or made from items in the house, for which they'd first need coloured cloth. on thinking this,
norman had realised that the smell from the buckets was like the scent of boiled plants

he asks if the scent that morning was because gilda had been dyeing it earlier that morning.
surprised, gilda says it's probably because she was sewing all the way til lights out, and fell
asleep with it covering her, since the scent stayed for quite a while after it was dyed

at gilda's explanation, norman understands – even thinking in terms of time, by then the
clothes should've been mostly done

"Then he looked around them. Their siblings, who usually wore white all over, were clad in
pastel coloured clothes today."

"'You made everyone's too?'

'No, there was no way I could've made all of it from scratch. Most of them were made by
dyeing the clothes that aren't worn anymore, then decorating patterns with lace or beads.'

'Even so, it must've been tough work.'"

"At Norman's admiring voice, Gilda answered emphatically.

'It was suuuper hard work! But I heard from Emma that she wanted to surprise Norman, so I
figured I had to do this much at least. Besides, it's something special we can't do usually, so
it was suuuper fun!'"

norman narrows his eyes at gilda, who's smiling. he'd been suspicious at how gilda looked
when she'd woken up, but that'd actually been to make the clothes for today. she must've
racked her brains to make all this, because of him

"Norman reached a hand out to the hair flowing down Emma's shoulders.

'What about the hair? That's hair extenders, right?'

'Yes. Mama gave us some of the doll-making materials for this hair.'


"Then Emma pulled out the hairpins from behind her head. Shaking it vigorously, bright-
coloured hair extensions came tumbling down.

'Ah– what a bother! They're so ticklish!'

Gilda seemed regretful. 'And when they'd been so cute, too~'"

"'Look, Norman. Just like Emma, right?'

Norman turned around at the tug on his clothes. There stood Jemima with an open picture
book. 'That book…' It was the picture book Don had returned to the library. Anna, standing
beside her, pointed at the illustration of the princess."

"'The dress' design was based on this picture book.'

'I see. It does really resemble her.'

In front of Norman, who'd nodded, Jemima flipped the pages with a smile. Drawn there was
a prince wearing a crown.

'And Norman's clothes have been made too. A princely one!'"

"Anna unfolded the cloth she'd been holding. It turned out to be a deep blue-green jacket
and cloak.


'That's right! Since you're the main star of today.'

'Try it on, try it on!'

Still bewildered, Norman put the clothes on as he'd been told, and the makers cheered."
"'Wow– terrific, I knew it'd match!'

'Ray said his was fine just like that.'

'Rather than a magician, isn't that more like the grim reaper?'

'It's just a cloth…'"

"The one unpopular with the costuming department's girls was Ray, who wore a black
robe. Indeed, it could be said to just be black cloth with string on it."

"'My bad, it wasn't worth doing.'

Rising from the chair, Ray shoved his hands in his pockets and declared sharply.

'After all, I did say right at the start that surprising Norman is absurd. But Emma didn't listen
and said it'd be possible if everyone got involved.'"

"'But it worked, see! Big success!'

'…how much follow-up work do you think I did. Thanks to you getting yourself seen and that
bloody fatal mistake.'

'I–I'm shorry!'

Pulling Emma's cheeks, Ray cursed."

so it turns out that gilda left the buckets in the attic, and ray asked isabella to move them
before the test (she erased the footprints too)

"'So those initial footprints really were Gilda's.'

Norman immediately connected the revealed information to previous events.

'Yep. Besides the dye buckets, Ray helped hide the clothes and other stuff.'

At Gilda's words, Norman had an abrupt realisation."

"'That's right. Even when I searched, I didn't find anything like this. Ray, where did you hide

At Norman, whose expression seemed earnestly wondering, Ray smirked.

'Somewhere Norman hasn't searched until now.'

(Don't tell me it's outside the house, or under the floor…?)"

"That Ray had gone that far to seriously hide it – Norman amended his assessment of his
close friend. Indeed, this might not have worked without Ray's help. Norman put a hand to
his chin.

'So, to turn my focus towards that girl, Ray told Emma to show herself again… right.'"

"Instead of agreeing, Ray heaved a deep sigh.

'I'm never doing anything this troublesome again.'

'Eh– then what about my birthday party next–? You're not doing it?'

'If you ask for it then it can't be a surprise, can it.'

'That's true, but~'

Emma puffed her cheeks in discontent."

ok so after emma pouts norman laughs at the fact that after she dropped the long hair she
was back to same old emma
"It was a huge surprise to me though, specially with how everyone was acting these past
days. I would've never expected it was all for my birthday partu."
"I mean, I bet you forgot it was your birthday today anyway. It's like this every single year."
Ray mutters to himself like he's done with Norman's shit again
Then, he side-eyes Norman and smirks.
"Besides, all this time you've been busy thinking about a 'certain person' so you were quite
out of the loop, right?"
"That was.....--"
Surprised by Emma who just popped up in the middle of their conversation, Norman
desperately grabs Ray and pulls him to somewhere far away from her.
"Ray! Are you trying to provoke me by saying suggestive things like that!? I know you're
enjoying this!!"
"Man, it's just too funny. Plus Emma asking even though she's fully aware of who I was
talking about-- I was this close to burst out laughing."
Reacting to Ray's wicked reply, Norman's face turns bright red.
He covers his face with both his hands.
Ray's personality is something else.
If Ray knew that norman held the same feelings towards the real Emma, he knew that Ray's
teasing would be boundless.
"Norman! Over here, come here!!"
Suddenly, all of the dining rooms's chairs were arranged side by side in the garden. Mark
and Naila lead Norman to the seat that's in the very middle.
"Norman, happy birthday!!"
"Happy birthday!!!!"
What their younger siblings brought to him was a crown made with golden paper.
Norman puts it in his head, with a big smile on his face.
"Thank you! All this time you all have been telling me to play hide and seek with you but that
was also part of the plan, huh! That's amazing!"
Sherry hops as Norman kindly pats her head.
"Norman, stay here and listen!"
Sherry says so, as she leaves his side.
The siblings stand in the front of the arranged seats. They were all holding instruments. Nat
held an accordion, Conny and Christie had handbells. Sherry joins the two of them.
Cindy sets up her toy violin.
"One, two!"
Following Nat's sign, a birthday song begins.
"Happy birthday to you,"
The siblings that weren't playing an instrument were singing along. Each one of them wore
varied costumes in many different colors-- it really was like a scene out of a book.
norman realizes that the reason they were inside the house during the free time was
because they were practicing for this and that when conny said "be--" and was interrupted it
was because she was gonna say "bell"
".... dear Norman... happy birthday to you!"
Norman gives them a round of applauses.
"That was incredible, everyone!"
Everyone seemed reliefed that their performance was a success. Two of the younger
siblings approach Norman, who happily watched his other siblings celebrate.
"Hey Norman, did you see our crackers!?" Thoma and Lanion say.

"'Thoma and Lannion made these?'

The pair were holding the crackers that'd gone off when the lights came on. They'd made
them by putting cut bits of colourful paper and ribbons into the cups, so when the bottom
was hit by the catapult it'd make a noise while the contents flew."

"Lannion pointed up.

'We asked Ray how to connect the lights, so he taught us.'

Even if they tried climbing the trees to install them, they couldn't go out to the house's roof by
the window, and moreover directly tying them was impossible."

if you look closely in the darkness, you can see the chesspiece stuck on the edge of the roof.
they'd thrown it up from below (hence the king piece for weight) then stretched the lights to
the trees

"'So that's how it was.'

Solving the mystery, Norman gave a big nod. Seeing that expression, Thoma and Lannion
seemed satisfied.

'Heheh, we finally managed to surprise Norman!'

They did fist pumps of victory."

"'But we were surprised by Emma too!'

Thoma pointed at Emma, sitting beside Norman. Lannion too nodded vigorously.

'We already knew, but for a moment we didn't realise it was Emma.'

'And I'd thought a dress definitely wouldn't fit her…'"

"At their thoughts, Emma seemed proud. Lifting the hem of her dress, she gave a carefree

'Ehehe, right–?'

'Well, only if she's quiet.'

'It's just in looks, in looks.'

'Oi, you two!'

At Emma's balled fists, the two raised their hands and shook their heads: there, see?"

"'Ladies and gentlemen! Now, let me show you some magic!'

Suddenly, Don's theatrical words rang out over the party grounds."

the space used for the musical performance earlier now has a round table with a white cloth!

"With dramatic steps, Don appeared carrying a deck of cards. His red bowtie and silk hat
seemed to have been made from thick paper.
Norman's eyes went round at Don's outfit.


'Don's good at it!'

Beside him, Emma gave a toothy smile."

humming an odd tune, don spreads the cards, and calls conny over from the front row

"'In a blink, there! The card's disappeared!'

'Ehh~! Where'd it go?'

'Aha, well, that's~'

Don reached for Conny's collar. And from between that collar, he took the card smoothly out.


'Amazing! That's the card I picked! Don, how'd you do it?'

'Magic, it's magic…'"

satisfied at the applause, don shuffles the cards. though norman had predicted the probable
trick (hiding the card in the sleeve then taking it out again), don was skilled, and even
watching closely norman couldn't tell when it was done

"'Next, from this empty box~'

At the box Don took out, Norman had a sense of déjà vu.

'Huh… that box…'

Norman noticed that it was the box that'd been in his room."

"Don showed them that the box was empty, then closed the lid, counted to three, and stuck
his hand inside. A stuffed bunny emerged.

'Ah– Little Bunny!'

'Heh, it's magic!'

'The box's got a false bottom, duh.'

'Oi– Ray!! Why must you reveal the trick like that!'"
"Don, who'd returned Little Bunny to Conny, went to yell at Ray. In that gap Thoma and
Lannion ran up to the table and opened the box.

'It's true–!'

'Ahh, the trick's out~'

'But I don't understand the card one!'

'Don's unexpectedly skilful…'

'Well then, one more card trick!'"

while watching the magic show, norman figures out what'd happened back then......?

"'A box with a false bottom… ah, I see.'

'Norman's really quick to realise things…'

Beside him, Emma, who'd used that box, gave a wry smile. Norman put a hand to his chin.

'I knew Emma was that girl back then, so that's why I always wondered about that.'"

norman knew that emma must've changed from the dress to her usual clothes back then.
and she was probably wearing those under the dress, but she'd still need somewhere
nearby to hide the dress…
norman had thought that he'd confirmed the box was empty, but actually the dress had been
hidden beneath the false bottom!

"'You'd search the empty room or our rooms, I'd thought, but as expected, you even
searched your own room.'

From Emma's left side, Ray muttered, his legs crossed. It seemed that the box's placement
had been Ray's idea."

"'But in the first place, Norman, when you saw the girl in the dress that night, you already
thought we were involved, right?'

At Ray's bluntness, Norman too simply nodded.

'Yes. Since the chase up to the second storey.'


"'Because, if Emma or Ray or even both were helping with the girl's true identity, a pincer
attack would've been meaningless.'

'That's true–'

Emma, who'd alone thought they hadn't been found out, looked between her two close
friends with wide eyes."

"'But I only didn't know how the dress had been hidden, so…'

'Right, right! My idea surprised you, didn't it? Norman.'

Don, who'd come down from the stage, put a hand around Norman's shoulder and pointed at
himself with his thumb."

"'By the way, the girl who appeared in the hallway that night, that was me too–!'


Emma's screech of surprise was even louder than Norman's.

'I thought Gilda was gonna do that!? Ah, it makes sense now, I'd thought the back seam now
seemed like it's about to break!?'"

"'Oh no, is that because Don wore it!?'

Gilda leaned forward on reflex. She'd been sitting in the chair behind them.

'Ah, sorry.'

'I changed it so that he'd be able to escape even in the worst case, if Norman caught him.'

Don and Ray replied calmly."

"Norman nodded.

'I see… now I know why Naila and Mark said they hadn't seen a girl.'

Because that the two had seen was Don coming up the stairs, dressed in women's clothes."

"Hand still held to his forehead, Norman felt pleased at the fact that the height he'd
calculated by comparing against the poster had been accurate."

"'So? Polishing my acting skills by reading the original work paid off, right?'

In contrast to the triumphant Don, Norman's and Emma's shoulders drooped glumly.

'…but it was at night, and I'm less confident in my vision then.'

'…me too.'"
"The two, who'd rather have not mistakenly seen that, covered their faces. Don laughed it off

"'Here, Norman. This is from me.'

Phil, who'd come over beside his knees, extended his hands to Norman. What those hands
held was a bouquet of dandelions. Only the lone flower had bloomed the other day, but it'd
fully blossomed before they knew it.

'Haha, thanks, Phil.'"

"Norman stroked Phil's head.

'Phil tricked me too.'

Phil, who'd been at the second storey when Emma had done her quick change, had also
hidden it well so that it wouldn't be revealed. 'Ehehe…' Praised by his brother with the best
brains in the house, Phil smiled proudly back."

the dining hall's door opens, and isabella (who'd gone in) calls out to the kids outside, telling
them to help move the plates – they'll eat outside today!

the kids cheer. everything lined up on the dining hall's tables gets brought out, and more
round tables added to put the food on

"'We did the decorations together with Mama.'

'See, I tried writing "Norman"!'

The regular fare was decorated in bigger plates than usual. Atop the omelette rice, tottering
letters and pictures were outlined in ketchup."

"'Everyone, thank you.'

Norman thanked his younger siblings, who were leading him around by the hand to show
how they'd arranged the food."


He turned at the call of his name. Isabella stood there, holding a big cake.

'Happy 11th birthday.'

Yes, nodded Norman, his eyes half-closing."

"Each and every year, he'd gotten birthday wishes from Mama and his siblings as if it was a
given. He'd thought those were words he could always keep hearing forever, here, but.
(I'm already 11, too…)"

norman thanks isabella.

the outdoors dinner commences, in the garden behind the dining hall

"The twinkling glow from the lights above illuminated their surroundings faintly. Between
those tiny lights, the moon rose and shone.

What a wondrous sight it was."

"Norman gazed at the house's siblings from some distance away. Everyone wearing clothes
in whatever colour they liked, playing in the garden under the night sky. To be outside at this
hour, and to eat outdoors – both were special, almost unconnected to their daily lives til

"When this time now ended, everyone would once again return to their everyday clothes,
and welcome the morning."

"Unnoticed, Emma had come over beside him.

'Ne, Norman, were you surprised?'

'? Yeah.'

At the repeated question, Norman nodded in reply while finding it odd. As if confessing a
valuable secret, Emma smiled happily."

"'For Norman's birthday present, I thought I'd make it something you haven't received until


Norman asked in return. Emma's green eyes sparkled.

'The present is "getting surprised"!!'"

"That must've been right at the start of March. Norman recalled Emma's words on that hill,
when she'd opened the jack-in-the-box.

'That's true, I've never seen Norman shocked…'

(Back then…?)

She wanted to surprise Norman. For that, she'd planned a birthday party of this scale."

A laugh escaped Norman. Then, once again, he said clearly to Emma.

'Yes, I was surprised. Really surprised!'


Satisfied, Emma smiled yet again."

"She still wore that dress. Suddenly, Norman imagined. What if––.

'Say, what if.'

Norman turned his gaze towards the garden, glittering in the night.

The conversation on that hill should've had a continuation."

"What if, when everyone's become adults, we wore all sorts of clothing like this, and gather
to eat outside together?"

"At Norman's question, as if speaking to himself, Emma tried imagining that scene.

'That'd be…'

Under the lights like falling stars, Emma's smile shone.

'Really wonderful, right!'"

"Norman watched Emma, standing beside him.

That day, when Emma had asked what he wanted to be when he became an adult, a future
together with Emma had come to Norman's mind."

"He'd always known Emma well, since they were young. The one who was far more
mischievous and boyish than him. Even now, Emma hadn't changed a bit from those young
days, he'd thought, but.

(When did she become so…)"

"Norman had come to love the lively Emma. He loved Emma, who got angry when their
younger brothers teased her, who laughed vividly covered in mud all over.

But at some point, without him noticing, she'd become a girl suited to a dress like this."

"Perhaps, if he was able to see the Emma of 5 years later, 10 years later–––– surely she'd
have become such a fascinatingly beautiful woman, wouldn't she."

"'Emma… I–'
Hm? Emma tilted her head. Still smiling, Norman shook his head.

'No, it's nothing.'

Someday, he'd say it. Having silenced the rest of his words, Norman promised this in his


After they became adults, when he could meet Emma again–––– at that time."

end flashback, back to present day norman

"All this time, Norman had been hesitating over whether he should add those words at the
end of the letter.

It was no longer something that could be fulfilled, but perhaps that was exactly why he
should leave the words behind. Undecided, Norman closed his eyes."

"The merry lights and sounds of that night came to mind.

The reason why Emma had celebrated his 11th birthday in that way – it'd likely been
because she'd understood somewhere in her heart that it'd be the last birthday party he'd be
able to celebrate with everyone at the house."

"By the time they were 12, they would go to their foster parents. Though they'd never even
dreamed of it happening in this way, as shipments, a farewell had already been set in stone
since that time."

"Thinking of the days leading up to the birthday party, Norman's expression was tinged
faintly with a bitter smile.

(And now, this plan is the surprise gift from me…)"

"If he thought about it, Emma had already been able to trust in their siblings' strength since
that time. Indeed, with everyone working together, even he too hadn't been able to find out
the truth."

"If the preparations for that birthday party had now become practice to deceive Ray and
Isabella like this – that'd be ironic, but somehow it felt destined."

"The strategy to send ropes over the cliff was something he'd thought of from the lights. If
that could be extended further, it should be able to span the cliff too. He'd already calculated
angle and weight from the distance to the other side. That was written in the letter too."

"The trump card that Ray had hidden – he'd been able to find that this time, too.
And Emma, who'd still been bad at lying back then – she'd surely deceive those around her
perfectly and show them, this time."

"Since that night they'd learnt the truth, he'd seen Emma grow with every moment. It was
why he could trust her.

Trust that Emma definitely could make this plan succeed.

Because it was Emma, who'd unhesitatingly chosen what he and Ray had given up on: the
ideal to save everyone."

“’It’s already time, huh…’

His surroundings were dyed in slowly darkening colour. Norman set aside the letter, and
slowly stood.

In his ears, the words of those two had rung like echoes all this while.

'There's no need for you to die!'

'We won't let you die, Norman!'"

"Strangely, those words had hardened this resolve. That must've been unintentional, for the
two who'd said them, but. Norman smiled.

Having friends who'd unhesitatingly throw themselves into danger for his sake – that was
such a dependable, triumphant, lucky thing."

"He was glad, to have lived until now together with Emma and Ray."

"At the same time he thought this, so very strongly:

He still wanted to live.

With Emma and Ray and everyone – he'd wanted to live some more. Wanted to leave the
house together, to see the outside world, to overcome together whatever troubles awaited
them there, and go on."

"But he'd chosen it.

The ideal Emma hoped for, and Ray had given up on: everyone.

This was the answer he was giving, towards that.

'Let's live and escape this place, all of us!'"

"His right hand in Emma's, his left in Ray's – he recalled the warmth of those joined hands.
Norman clenched his hands tightly.
He wouldn't forget. Until the last moment, if he had this warmth, he could look resolutely

"(Thank you. Emma, Ray.)

On my behalf, too, go and see the outside world–– the reality.

A place where humans can live, make one and show them.

Change this world.

Survive, and become adults.

It'll be alright. You can do it, Emma."

"Ray, all our siblings, the escape – I'm leaving the rest to you."

"'Emma, I always loved you.'

Norman didn't need to write that on the letter. He carefully folded up the drawing paper, and
hid it in the tree hollow where the key mould and pen already were.

Just then, from beyond the forest, the bell telling them to gather could be heard."

"In the evening sky, clouds drifted past, dyed a deep red."

"Leaving the forest, Norman's gaze was briefly stolen by the sunset stretching out before his

(Ah, I'm glad…)

He was truly glad, that this was the colour of the last sunset he'd see here. Norman smiled,
his face lit by that orange brightness."

"Norman didn't need to stop, not anymore. Quietly, he began to walk towards the house.

His footsteps were supported, by countless happy memories."



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