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Lucky Dip

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: 約束のネバーランド | Yakusoku no Neverland | The Promised
Neverland (Manga), 約束のネバーランド | Yakusoku no Neverland |
The Promised Neverland (Anime)
Relationship: Emma/Norman (The Promised Neverland), Emma & Norman (The
Promised Neverland), Anna/Ray (The Promised Neverland), Anna &
Ray (The Promised Neverland), Isabella/Leslie (The Promised
Neverland), Isabella & Leslie (The Promised Neverland)
Character: Emma (The Promised Neverland), Norman (The Promised Neverland),
Ray (The Promised Neverland), Various Characters
Additional Tags: One Shot Collection, Drabble Collection, multiple themes, multiple AUs,
Multiple Ratings, Mostly Noremma but I aim to include some Rayanna
too, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Alternate Universe - High
School, Implied Sexual Content, Dorks in Love, Fluff and Humor, Fluff,
Might include some Lesbella too while I'm at it
Stats: Published: 2020-12-28 Updated: 2021-02-26 Chapters: 2/? Words:

Lucky Dip
by SoleeLunaBacio


A collection of various Noremma drabbles and one-shots of various ratings, presented in a

somewhat organised and hopefully easy to navigate fashion. Come and go as you please :)

Dip 1: 'Papercut'

It was amazing how Emma could still deeply touch his heart with the most innocent of
actions; it was a feeling that Norman could never tire of and only grew in continued
fondness for the incredible girl he loved so dearly.

However, what Emma did next his heart was definitely not prepared for.


Helloo, I originally posted this drabble (ficlet??) on my Twitter, so apologies if you've

already come across it. I thought it would be much more reader friendly and accessible to
be uploaded to AO3, especially for translation purposes :) Please enjoy the first story of this
lucky dip collection of Noremma writings! :3
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes


“Norman, are you okay?!”

It was darkening Thursday night and the Full Score Trio had decided off the cuff to have a final
study session together in preparation for the impending exam taking place the following morning.
All three of the bright young minds were feeling rather confident about the test, what with being
consistently straight A students, but it gave them an extra excuse to hangout on school night.

It was Ray’s turn to host, and the friends had decided to set up camp in his room. Masses of
worksheets were spread out across the plush carpet; two neat piles of notes laid beside Norman and
Ray, with a messy heap of papers adjacent to Emma.

Although making quick progress, the teenagers were thankful they had approached the last topic of
their study. Combined with other homework and their extracurricular activities, the past week had
been particularly gruelling; making each of them grateful and eager for the approaching weekend.

Despite the stifled yawns, overall the evening had been a rather rewarding and standard affair for
the three best friends.

That was until Norman retrieved the last of his notes from his satchel, and what could only be put
down to his tired state, received a gnarly paper cut on the index finger of his left hand.

“Oh it’s fine Emma, don’t worry about it.” Norman waved off her concern with a polite smile,
while awkwardly trying to avoid dripping blood on both their work and the new rug Ray’s father
Leslie had been gifted by a fan the previous week.

Emma who had formerly been sprawled upside down on her back, had flipped over onto all fours
like a protective animal the instant Norman unexpectedly let out a hiss through his teeth.

“Norman it’s really bleeding a lot!” The vivacious girl’s green eyes were filled with worry at the
stark contrast of the crimson liquid flowing heavily against Norman’s pale skin.

“How the hell have you managed to cut yourself that deep on some paper? I swear you’re so fragile
we should wrap you up in cotton wool.” Ray sighed in disbelief at his friend’s chronic physical

The blunt tongued boy languidly rose to his feet in exasperation and began to exit the room.

“I better get you band-aid before we have to add anaemia to your list of ailments.”

“Ray, honestly it’s just a papercut-”

“Norman, I know you hate accepting help or making something a big deal, but I’m not explaining
to my Mom why we let you bleed out on my bedroom floor for fuck’s sake.”

The snowy haired boy gave no further verbal argument, his cool blue stare provided the only
communication of reluctant acceptance.

Rolling his eyes with habitual exaggeration, Ray closed the door and went on his search for
Isabella’s first aid kit.

Emma quickly crawled over to Norman and took his large hand into her own small beckoning

“Norman here, let me take a look.”

The wild ginger haired girl peered intently at the blooming wound, carefully caressing the almost
translucent skin.

Norman sat patiently amused with a small smile gracing his lips as Emma inspected his digit with
childlike scrutiny. Though she could sometimes be boisterous with her actions, the pretty girl
handled him tenderly as if he were a bird with a broken wing.
Like a solar powered lightbulb, focused thoughtful eyes lit up with the emergence of a bright
idea.“Hmmm, oh I know how I can make it better!”

Without anytime to respond, Emma swiftly brought Norman’s now red stained long finger to her
lips and placed a gentle kiss over the cut.

The strikingly handsome pale lad could feel heat rising to colour his face; an instinctual reaction to
the sweet affection gesture.

It was amazing how Emma could still deeply touch his heart with the most innocent of actions; it
was a feeling that Norman could never tire of and only grew in continued fondness for the
incredible girl he loved so dearly.

However, what Emma did next his heart was definitely not prepared for.

As she had carefully pressed the tip of his finger against her plump rosy lips, feeling the warmth of
his blood painting them a deeper shade of red, something deep within the nubile young woman
began to cloud the rationality of her thoughts.

Emma could feel his beautiful soulful eyes watching over her as she tenderly administered her love
to his wound. The familiar and gracious softness of his expression made the butterflies in her
stomach flutter erratically, a result of the unique warming effect Norman had on her insides.

However, rather than being replenished by the sweet nectar of the regular flower of innocent
intimacy that had always taken to blossom in actions between them both; this particular sip made
Emma hungry for further fruition.

Overtook by what could only be surmised as a surfacing of deep rooted desire; instead of foregoing
Norman’s hand after finishing her healing kiss, she unabashedly parted her lips and slowly slipped
his finger into her hot little mouth.

The young man instantly choked back a gasp of hormonal bewilderment.

Previously calm blue eyes were now wide and swirling with utter shock, absolutely transfixed in
disbelief. Emma had always been an affectionately forward person, especially with Norman
himself, but this was something entirely different.
Norman could feel Emma stroke her wet tongue up and down the length of his long index finger,
savouring him slowly as if he were a quenching popsicle on a sweltering summer day. The cheerful
girls’ cheeks which were normally puffed into a dazzling smile were slightly hollowed, the suction
of pressure locking him in place of her conduct.

If he couldn’t speak before, he certainly couldn’t even form a noise now. It was as if by sucking
sensually on his finger, she had also drawn all the air out of his already weak lungs leaving him
completely breathless.

Despite the saturation of her caressing mouth, Norman could feel himself burning up as the fire of
his loins was ignited by the sole object of his desire.

Emma, who’s eyes had been shut throughout the whole engagement, finally fluttered open her
vision to meet Norman’s completely mesmerised stare.

The highly astute boy’s mind instantly went blank as he looked down into big glittering green doe
eyes, seeking his lustful appraisal.

Oh fuck...

“Ugh I don’t know why my Mom insists on having such an assortment of band-aids.”

Suddenly the sound of approaching footsteps echoing in the outside corridor became alarmingly
apparent, totally diminishing any remnants of unfolding sexual tension between the capitaved

As if abruptly awoken from a hypnotic trance, Emma’s expression flashed with immediate
awareness and mortifying embarrassment at acting out her carnal yearnings on her secret love. The
inadvertent seductress’ face sizzled to a deep shade of red and she quickly released Norman’s
finger with a loud pop. A telling trail of saliva hung between the attended digit and her opulent

The room door impatiently swung open. “Yo Nurse Emma, have you been taking good care of
your special patient…”
Ray froze in the doorway perplexed by his two best friends’ strange positioning and the heated
complexations that faced him. It was very obvious that something fleeting yet intense had
transpired in his momentary absence. That and the connecting line of drool which then dripped
unceremoniously onto his bedroom carpet.

A knowing smirk flickered on to Ray’s lips. “That’s funny, I didn’t realise biology was on the test
too. Here I was thinking your blood would be the only bodily fluid that needed cleaning up-”

Taking notice of the band-aid in the teasing sceptic’s hand, Norman hastily scrambled to his feet
and stroad across the room. Meanwhile Emma had flung herself in the opposite direction to
rummage in her backpack for a nonexistent item while attempting to hide away from Ray’s
accusatory sneer as he lazily leaned against the doorway.

“Ah thanks Ray! Now if you’ll excuse me, I actually need to use the bathroom.” Norman
expeditiously seized the now redundant band-aid all the while avoiding eye contact with his
brotherly best friend. However both he and Ray knew that the action was entirely in vain, as his
blatant blush and rigid posture was all too revealing of his inner turmoil.

Ray briefly glanced over Norman’s shoulder at the other perpetrator in the room who was
currently doing an excellent impression of an ostrich burying their head in the sand.

“Oh sure, sure. Go ahead, be my guest.” The raven haired boy’s smile was laced with utter
amusement as he nonchalantly sidestepped to let Norman escape into the corridor.

I’m never going to hear the last of this.

“Oi, Norman.”

The tall young man begrudgingly turned to face Ray’s dark eyes that twinkled with mocking

“It's your finger that needs attending to, remember?”

Chapter End Notes

Hope you enjoyed this very random bit of fun that came to me as an idea one day

Yes this also means I am back from my annoyingly unintentional writing hiatus! Just
had a couple of irl things to get in order, but I'm back to fic business now! Much love
and appreciation as always ❤
Teasing Enticement (Short drabble)
Chapter Summary

Dip 2: 'Teasing Enticement'

Set years ahead in the future where the older kids are young adults; the gang while
travelling on a trip, stop for refreshments and relax. However, Emma has other ideas
and wants Norman's attention all to herself...

Chapter Notes

Again I originally posted this on Twitter, but I thought it would be fitting to add it here
in this collection too c:

It's only very short but I hope you enjoy :P


At some point throughout the group’s hearty and cheerful conversation, settled by the comfortable
and relaxing atmosphere; Norman began to unconsciously trace lazy patterns against Emma’s bare
thigh under the table.

Although she had just a moment ago been jovially laughing with Anna at Ray’s exasperation
following Don’s determined statement to dare himself to drink his next pint of beer even quicker
than the one he had only finished, Emma immediately reacted to the intimate contact gracing atop
her leg. Instinctively, she melted to the personal soft caress of her husband’s long graceful nimble
fingers playing innocently on her exposed skin.

This was a normal action that often transpired between the couple throughout their lives; a soothing
natural gesture that typically held no underlying intentions, only loving assuring comfort.
However, even though the last two days had been immensely fun travelling on an impromptu trip
with her family, Emma had yet to have spent any time alone with Norman, and was growing
particularly hungry and yearning for his exclusive affection.

Restraining herself, she had to use every ounce of her willpower not to move his hand over a few
inches between her legs and ask him to write out the whole of War and Peace. Although attempting
to keep her blush inwards and her amorous thoughts under control, Norman’s delicate touch was
making this an irresistible task. Emma needed to outlet a subtle degree of her flirtatious desires
without drawing attention to the rest of their friends, but relieve some of her craving for physicality
from her sweet husband.

Stealthy, Emma popped-off her scuffed faded tennis shoe with the toes of her other foot, all the
while trying to appear to remain engaged with Don’s important debate over what differentiates a
taco from a hotdog. Sneaking her foot to the side, she quickly found Norman’s ankle and began to
lift up the edge of his pressed slacks, snaking her colourful socked-bound toes underneath the
material against his lean leg.

Halting his airy sketch, Norman suddenly laid his large palm flat on top of her thigh just beneath
the fraying hem of her shorts; his cool wedding band pressing into her heating skin. Emma drew in
a short sharp breath entirely susceptible at his gentle but firm action, which led to Gilda to pause
mid-sip of her icy G&T and flash her eyes over suspiciously in her sister’s direction from across
the table. Immediately averting Gilda’s questioning look and hiding her blushed visage, Emma
pretended to observe the dark surroundings of the old pub, twirling the end of her braid between
her fingers absently.

While poorly trying to feign interest in a scabby faded painting of a single boot hung on the
adjacent peeling wall, Emma strained in her peripheral vision to scan Norman for his reaction to
her private intrusion. Apart from the presence of his now still hand on her leg, he bared no other
notable response to her romantic prelude. Ever so the experienced connoisseur at masking his
emotions, he had not given away to any lusty shift radiating from his zesty wife in the open
bustling environment. The skilful young man was impressively controlled, his facial expression
remained placid and soft, as he remained presently amused in their friends’ fervid snack
controversy kafuffle.

Just as she was starting to feel slightly sheepish by her public carnal advances, Emma’s eyes
sparked with delight when she caught sight of the familiar involuntary reaction that only she solely
caused Norman to have since their childhood. A present tinge of telling pink had flushed the tops
of his ears, and at a closer inspection was beginning to spread across his cheeks, easily identifiable
against the contrast of his platinum locks and alabaster complexion.

The fiery antenna that sprang from her wild hair began to twitch together mischievously.

Ah, so despite his collective façade he is too longing for more, Emma thought gleefully to herself,
recognising Norman’s mutual pining for intimacy.

Moving forward to rest her elbows on the wooden table before them, with an impish smirk on her
cute face, Emma continued her playful administrations. Curling and stroking her toes further up the
leg of Norman’s trousers, the young nymph beguiled to entice a response from the unwittingly
seductive man beside her.

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