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Ivy G.

Villavicencio BSED English 1A


Let’s process your understanding (Copy and answer then upload this assessment to UNIT

Direction: Read the statements in the items that follow. Determine whether they are
correct or not. At the end of each statement, put a check mark ( / ) if the idea conveyed is
correct, and an x mark ( x ) if otherwise. Write your answer after the item.

1. Sign language or the language of the deaf is not considered language at all. X

2. If one speaks English, he/she would know that no English word begins with nk. X

3. If you are a French speaking English, you can be heard saying zis for this and zat for that. /

4. Native speakers of a particular language are knowledgeable and aware of all the rules of grammar
and structure governing such language they speak. x

5. Knowing what sounds are in a particular language is part of knowing that language. /

Did you get them all correct? Great job! Proceed to the next level. If you missed an item, retrace your
steps back to the lesson. It pays to master the subject before heading forward.

Express your understanding

Directions: Read the questions carefully and answer by explaining in 3-4 sentences with
depth and substance. (5 pts each)(Copy and answer then upload this assessment to UNIT
1. LESSON 1. TASK 1)

Rubric for grading:

Point Description

5 Answer is sufficient and well-organized and claims are clear and wellsupported with
explanation and examples.

4 Answer is fairly sufficient and organized and claims are well-detailed with

some areas requiring further development.

3 Answer is fairly adequate in most areas with some lapses in a number of


2 Answer is wanting of substance and organization, with significant errors.

1 Answer shows very meager understanding of the topic and there are significant problems

Set to go? Here goes!

1. What makes the languages of the deaf similar with the spoken languages?

The similarity of the language of the deaf and the spoken language is that, both utilizes the production
and understanding of the language. Understanding the language means that one knows how to utilize
it to communicate and interpret any message. They just differ in the modality of the delivering the
message contained in the language.

2. Formulate a rule regarding your observation of the sound pattern represented by these English
words: make, gene, kite, rope, and use. Support your rule with some explanation and further

As I have observed, the following words are having one syllable and a silent e at the end of each word
making the first vowels in front having longer sounds. The words make, gene, kite, rope, and use have
their first vowels: a, e, i, o, and u respectively are having a longer sound than the second vowel which
is a silent e. The same applies to dare, here, fire, done, and tune.

3. Do you agree that language is creative? That more and more words may be added to our existing
language? What do you think of that? Write your insights about these questions in 3 to 4 sentences.

Yes, I agree that language is indeed creative. Everyone who knows any language has the ability to
create and understand new sentences through its creative aspect. Since language have a lot of words,
any person can produce a new sentence that can be understood by everybody.s

How did you fare?

A score of 8-11 is just fair! While a score of 12-15 calls for a nice treat! But a score of 7 and below
might just call for some more reading and study before proceeding to the next lesson.

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