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_Definition: business ethics are moral principle that

guides the business behaves.
_It is about values in our business.
_everyone has a different thought of business ethics.

The business ethics in MCDONALDS Company

McDonald’s company has a very good experience in

the business ethics on all levels.
1_ McDonalds Company look after about the health of
the animal in order to present a safe food for the
customer so they made a regularly tests for the
animals in their farms. And they arrange them in farm
and they gave each one of them a special code to trace
it when a problem it happened to treat the animal well
So they made a program for 2016 to sustainable beef
and they want to protect all the animals and the farm
and the supplier and the manufacturing of the beef
And the operations manager in the company focus on
the food safety and the hygiene procedures in the
training sessions because it the most important things
in McDonald’s career

2_mcdonalds Company makes a very big efforts to help

the community.
The founder of McDonald’s Ray Crook used to say that,
they have an obligation to give the community some
things back that we gave as too much.
After 50 years of founding McDonald’s the company stay
a good
Neighbor for the community
Is very important section in this company it helps the
children’s and the families to stay together they helps
them in money and in the treatment.
3_mcdonalds company is very interested in the people
who work in the company, because they think that the
people are the face of the company ,they have a
training department in their head office they make a
training class every 6 month to helps their employee
to get higher position in the company.
And they take care about the location of the work to
protect the life of its employee

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