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Activity In English

Lesly Dayana Hurtado Palacio Id: 288287
Silvia Patricia Soto Murguía ID:323019
Jose Ivan Apache Morales ID: 351108

Occupational Health Administration Program

Faculty Business Sciences Ninth
Seventh Semester
Neiva - Huila
May 28

Disorder Of Anxiety

Lesly Dayana Hurtado Palacio Id: 288287
Silvia Patricia Soto Murguía ID:323019
Jose Ivan Apache Morales ID: 351108

Maria Mercedes Becerra Medina
Nrc: 28092

Occupational Health Administration Program

Faculty Business Sciences Ninth
Seventh Semester
Neiva - Huila
May 28

Table of Contents

Activity in english..............................................................................................................5


Everyone feels anxiety at some point in life. Sometimes, feel Anxiety is perfectly
normal. However, for those who have anxiety generalized, the feeling of anxiety is
much more constant, and tends to affect daily life.

Generalized anxiety is a prolonged illness that makes you feel anxious because of a
broad set of situations and problems, rather than a concrete event. People with
generalized anxiety feel anxious about most days, and often find it hard to remember the
last time They felt relaxed. Generalized anxiety can cause psychological symptoms and

Generalized anxiety affects 1 in 50 people at some time during the lifetime. It affects
women a little more than men, and the disorder is more common in the twenties.
Generalized anxiety can greatly affect daily life making it difficult to perform daily
tasks. However, there are several treatments that can alleviate psychological and
physical symptoms.


Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness or fear of an event or situation. It is a normal

reaction to stress.

Anxiety and anguish according to the linguistic roots and their idiomatic use have the

same meaning: Anxiety is derived from the Latin "anxietas", which means "state of

agitation, restlessness or anguish of the mind" and anguish comes from the Latin

"anguish", " angor ", which includes meanings such as" Narrowness, difficulty,

affliction, anguish, oppressive fear without precise cause, narrowness of place or time.

What are anxiety disorders?

Anxiety disorders occur when excessive anxiety interferes with your daily activities

such as going to work, attending classes or spending time with friends or family.

Anxiety disorders are serious mental illnesses.

Which are the most serious anxiety types:

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): People with GAD worry excessively about

common and everyday problems, such as health, money, work and family. With the

TAG, the mind imagines the worst scenario, even when there is almost no reason to

worry. Women who suffer from GAD can feel anxiety just from spending a day. They

may suffer from muscle tension and other physical symptoms caused by stress, such as

insomnia or stomach problems.

Panic disorder: Panic disorders are twice as common in women as in men. People with

panic disorders have sudden terror attacks when there is no real danger. Panic attacks

can cause a sense of unreality, fear of impending doom or fear of losing control. Fear of

unexplained physical symptoms is also a sign of panic disorder. People who suffer from

panic attacks sometimes believe that they are having a heart attack, going crazy or


Social phobia: Social phobia, also known as social anxiety disorder, is diagnosed when

people become very anxious and cohabited in everyday social situations. People with

social phobia feel an intense fear of being observed and judged by others. They feel

easily embarrassed and often suffer the symptoms of a panic attack.

Specific phobia: A specific phobia is an intense fear of something that involves little or

no risk. Specific phobias can be fears to enclosed places, heights, water, objects,

animals or specific situations. People who have specific phobias usually find that facing

that dreaded object or situation, or even the idea of facing them, causes them a panic

attack or severe anxiety.

There are other conditions that are not considered anxiety disorders but that are similar,

for example:

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD): People who have OCD have unwanted

thoughts (obsessions) or behaviors (compulsions) that cause anxiety. They control the

oven or the iron again and again, or they carry out the same routine repeatedly to

manage the anxiety generated by these thoughts. Often the rituals end up controlling

their lives.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): PTSD begins after a frightening event that

involves physical harm or the threat of physical harm. The person suffering from PTSD

may have been the victim, or the damage may have happened to a loved one or even to

a stranger.

Who can have anxiety disorder?

Women are more than twice as likely to have an anxiety disorder during their life as

men. In addition, some anxiety disorders affect some women more than others:

 Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) affects more women from the United States

and Alaska than women from other races and ethnicities. GAD also affects white

and Hispanic women more than Asian or African-American women.

 Social phobia and panic disorder affect more white women than women of other

races and ethnicities.

What are the causes of the anxiety disorder:

Medical science considers that anxiety disorders are caused by a combination of factors,

which may include:

 Hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle Genetics.

 Anxiety disorders are hereditary.

 Traumatic events Suffering an abuse, attack or sexual abuse can lead to serious

health problems, such as anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.

What are the signs or symptoms of anxiety disorder?

Women with anxiety disorders have a combination of anxiety thoughts or beliefs,

physical symptoms and changes in behavior. Each anxiety disorder has different

symptoms. All involve fear and fear of things that could happen now or in the future.

Some of the physical symptoms are:

 Weakness

 Shortness of breath

 Rapid heart rate

 Sickness

 Stomach upset

 Hot flushes

 Dizziness

The physical symptoms of anxiety disorders are usually accompanied by other mental or

physical illnesses. This can mask your anxiety symptoms or make them worse.

As an anxiety triagnosis diagnosis:

Your doctor or nurse will ask you questions about your symptoms and medical history.

He will also do a physical exam or other tests to rule out other health problems that

could be causing your symptoms.

Anxiety disorders are diagnosed when the fear of situations, events, places or harmless

objects becomes excessive and you cannot control it. They are also diagnosed if the

anxiety has lasted for at least six months and interferes with social activities, work,

family and other aspects of daily life.

How anxiety disorders are treated:

The treatment for anxiety disorders depends on the type of disorder you have and your

medical history of health problems, violence or abuse.

Often, treatment may include:

 Psychological consulting (called psychotherapy)

 Medicines

 A combination of psychological help with medicine

What kind of medications can Anxiety Disorder treat?

There are several types of medications to treat anxiety disorders. Some of these factors


Anxiolytics (benzodiazepines): This type of medication is usually prescribed for short

periods of time, as they are addictive. Stopping the use of this medicine very suddenly

may cause withdrawal symptoms.

Beta blockers: These medications can prevent the physical symptoms of an anxiety

disorder, such as tremor or sweating.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs): SSRIs change the serotonin level of

the brain. They increase the amount of serotonin available to help brain cells

communicate with each other. Among the frequent side effects are insomnia or sedation,

stomach problems and decreased sexual desire.

Tricyclics: Tricyclics work like SSRIs. But they often have more side effects than

SSRIs. They can cause dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, constipation or weight gain.

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs): People taking MAOIs should avoid some

foods and beverages (such as Parmesan cheese or cheddar and red wine) that contain an

amino acid called tyramine. Taking an MAOI and consuming these foods can increase

blood pressure to dangerous levels. Women taking MAOIs should also avoid some

medications, such as some types of birth control pills, pain relievers, and cold and

allergy medications. Talk to your doctor about the medications you take.

All medications have risks.

You should talk with your doctor about the risks and benefits of taking any medication.

Learn more about medications to treat anxiety disorders.

How Anxiety Disorder affects other health conditions:

Anxiety disorders can affect other health problems that are very frequent among

women. Some of these factors are:

Depression: Anxiety disorders can occur at the same time as depression. When this

occurs, both treatment for anxiety and depression may not be as effective. You may

need a combination of treatments, such as psychological counseling and medications.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): The symptoms of IBS are frequent in people with

anxiety disorders. Generalized anxiety syndrome is also common in people with IBS.

Worry can worsen the symptoms of IBS, especially with gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms

such as upset stomach or gas. GI symptoms can also generate stress and cause more

anxiety. While treatments for IBS can help treat anxiety, it is important that you take

care of both conditions.

Chronic pain: Anxiety disorders are common in women with certain diseases that

cause chronic pain, such as rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and migraine.

Cardiovascular disease: Anxiety and depression increase the risk of heart disease, the

leading cause of death for American women. Anxiety can hinder recovery after a heart

attack or stroke.

Asthma: Certain studies link asthma with anxiety disorders. Stress and anxiety can

trigger asthma attacks, while difficulty breathing and panting during an asthma attack

can generate anxiety. Studies show that breathing training can help control asthma and

lower anxiety.

Main sources of labor anxiety:

The main problem it produces is a lack of concentration in what he is doing. But also

irritability, insecurity, problems to rest or muscle aches. This can also cause an increase

in work accidents, when thinking about other things while we are working, other causes


 Fear of the future of the Company

 Expectations of layoffs

 Conflict between partners

 Professional frustration

 Degrading customer treatment

 Perception of not having enough training for the task entrusted

 Loss of control of tasks

Jobs where the anxiety disorder is presented:

 Journalists

 Accountants

 Pilots

 Teachers

 Firefighters

 Policemen

 Doctors

 Psychologists











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