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The increasing crime rates caused by youngsters become a major problem facing by all

countries in the world. The causes of this situation appear to be focused on three areas and a
number of solutions also consider to be possible.

Perhaps the most underlying factor here is the limited access to education due to a high cost
should be spent in attending school and thus they become illiterate. This leads young people
with a lack of sufficient knowledge do wrong things, generally known as juvenile deliquency,
such as drug abuse, and committing a crime. Another factor should be the financial condition,
young people who living under poverty line are unable to express their own desire to be exist
among other teenagers. Taking purchasing an update gadget as a very good example, because
of the price is too expensive and they could not afford it, thereby, thieving seems to be an
effective shortcut way to grab it. Furthermore, they would prefer to join with a community
that resemble to their condition and identity, like joining street gengster. As a result they
would be trapped in committing to crimes.

Turning to possible solutions, an obvious way to solve the problem is government should
consider to give a widen access to those who are economically unstable to pursue education.
By this the level of crime could be possibly diminished gradually over the period of time. The
second remedy might be for authority to distribute a financial aid for people living on the
lowest income as well as to give job training in order to ease teenagers from getting a better
well paid job in various companies.

In conclusion, it seems to be appear that the ecomonic and the availability of job
opportunities are highlighted as a prominent causes. However, coordinated response by the
government and individuals may well lessen the severity of the situation.
The line graph shows changes in the number of delivered parcels using two different types of
mail services companies from 1920 to 2000. Overall, it can be seen that, although Federal
Express was initially the most popular type of delivery courier used, but it was overtaken by
TNT towards the end of the survey.

In the first year of 1920, the number of parcels sent by FedEx stood at 15.000, and this
followed by another increase over the next ten years to reach about 17500. After which it
experienced a significant rise to peak at just a little under 25000 in 1940. However, this
upward trend was suddenly broken and declined dramatically over the following 20 years to
hit a low of just above one hundred, before increasing considerably from 1960 to 1980 by
approximately just under 20000 and this levels remained unchanged over the last two decades
of the timeframe.

The figure of TNT was initially three times lower than the previous type, and then it rose
gradually until 1960 with a number of parcels delivered as high as FedEx in the same year.
Then it experienced a small increase of 1000 before climbing sharply until the end of the
survey to hit a number the same as FedEx in 1940.

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