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María Fernanda Godos Téllez

My best friend lie to me a in a lot of stuff…

If my best friend lied to me about many things, I would probably not say anything, I would
just wait for another lie, to be able to unmask it, I do not tolerate hypocritical and lying people
and more if it comes from someone I trust a lot, like my best friend, I probably it would take
a lot to forgive him. But if he did forgive him, he wouldn't have the same confidence in him.
Although I'm not sure, I consider myself a good and even noble person. Maybe I would no
longer feel that she is my friend or I would no longer speak to her, but I would never feel
resentment or hatred towards her. I don't like resentment as you are only hurting yourself. I
also think that being resentful against someone is being committed to bad vibes and that
breaks with the whole scheme that I have created little by little of myself, of "only good
I believe that I have always forgiven someone when they have hurt me, of course
intentionally, but it has been difficult for me to forgive only 3 times, but little by little I have
succeeded. Although it is always good to let go of bad people who want to hurt or humiliate
you. Or that they simply do things so that you do not achieve something that you expected to

I found a wall the full of money on the street…

If I found a wallet full of money on the street, I would probably pick it up, look around for
someone who looked worried, scared or desperate and I would go up and ask him "Are you
okay, did you lose something? And if he says yes and which is your wallet, I would ask you
to tell me your name or something characteristic of the wallet, a photo, a specific card, the
color, something like that. If I see that everything corresponds to what you say, I would give
it to you and I would go with a lot of satisfaction at having helped someone.
If for something I do not see someone around, I would take it to my house and there I would
check it, to be able to find an ID and thus see the address or search for the person on
Facebook. If for something the person did not appear or there was no identification, my
grandmother once told me that if something similar happens you must wait up to 2 years to
be able to take that money, but you have to make / buy something that is to help others.
I remember that a year ago, during the Christmas holidays, my grandmother and I went to
Costco and there were many people, the refrigerator area was crazy and we were looking for
ravioli, so without realizing it when we were about to go to the bakery I saw that in my
supermarket cart there was a red wallet which we had never seen, so we quickly took it to
customer service, where they called out to someone who had lost that wallet with such
characteristics, and in less than a minute two young men aged 26-27 appeared. who did their
Christmas shopping and in an oversight had thrown their wallet into our cart thinking it was
theirs. They were super happy and told us that they thank you very much since it was all the
money for their purchases and Christmas gifts. They wanted to give us a small reward, but
we did not accept. It is very nice to see how you help someone by doing a very small work.

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