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YEAR & SECTION : II – 2 SUBJECT : BYLIT 1- Society and Literature

1. As a forementioned, there are various definitions of literature

from different authors. Give your definition of literature and
explain it.
Based on my own perception the meaning of literature
is anything that is written. Because of  the term literature is a
latin word ‘litera’ which means Writing based on some
authors who define literature. However, this definition has
recently faced a lot of criticism because some scholars
believe that a piece of art does not need to be written for it to
be called literature. So that I decided to change my
perception about the real definition of Literature. This is to
say that literature exists in many forms, therefore saying that
literature is any written material is being narrow minded
because literature as it is known today exists in many forms
which are both in oral and written form.

2. As a student, what makes studying literature important? Justify

your answer.

As a student, learning more about literature is very

important because of many factors. Because of literature we
can visualize what is the possible outcome of all the things
we do in many different situations, we can learn about and
come to understand people who are different from
us. Academically, studying literature also helps us to refine
our own writing skills and expand our vocabularies.
Literature provides different meanings to different people or
teach different lessons to the same person at different stages
of their life. As a college students, studying literature is very
essential. It can help me to understand more about it my
personality and my decision making ability because the
experienced by others(older people) pass through literature.
Students gain a percpetion of ife, an insight into the meaning
of so many thingsIt is this perception and insight that makes
literature worthwhile. If an individual can go beyond his or her
actual experiences into literary experiences to draw upon
when navigating the world, she or he will have better abilities
at navigating the world.

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