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Ryan Vincent C.

Noguera BSN 3J


Social Learning Theory states that individuals develop gender by imitating role
models. SLT states that observational learning takes place, and that this learning is
reinforced vicariously.

1.) A girl being praised for playing quietly with her dolls. The children or child who
observed it will imitate the girl so that he or she can also get a praise or reward.

2.) A girl grew up with his brothers; she could imitate masculine behaviors like playing
with cars, trucks, robots and superhero action figures.

3.) A child grew up with abusive parents, most likely he or she will possibly imitate what
they are doing in the future if that child will become a parent soon.

Tutor2u. (2020, September 24). Social Learning Theory : Gender Development

:Psychology. Retrieved on 09/26/2020 from

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