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International Conference on Research Advances in Integrated Navigation Systems (RAINS - 2016),

April 06-07, 2016, R. L. Jalappa Institute of Technology, Doddaballapur, Bangalore, India

Analysis on Botnet Detection Techniques

Asha S Harsha T Soniya B
M.Tech Student M.Tech Student Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Department of Computer
and Engineering Science and Engineering Science and Engineering
SCT College of Engineering SCT College of Engineering SCT College of Engineering
Trivandrum, India Trivandrum, India Trivandrum, India

Abstract². Botnet detection plays an important role in network

security. Botnet are collection of compromised computers called key aspect of botnet. Bots communicate over legitimate
the bot. For detecting the presence of bots in a network, there are channel [3].
many detection techniques available. Network based detection
method is the one of the efficient method in detecting bots. Paper To identify the presence of botnet and to overcome from
reviews four different botnet detection techniques and a their negative impact on network, many detection techniques
comparison of all these techniques are done. are available [4], [5], [6]. Network based botnet detection is
one of the effective detection technique. The other detection
Keywords²bots; botnet; C&C server; DNS; IRC server techniques used for the review were signature-based
technique, anomaly-based technique and host-based technique.
Internet have been frequently threatened by various types
of attacks such as viruses, worms etc. These attacks play a II. LIFE CYCLE OF BOTNET
negative impact on the network, which result in network
Bot life cycle passes through five different stages. In order
congestion, wastage of network bandwidth as well as
for a vulnerable machine to become active bot and to be a part
corruption on users' computers and data. In addition, some of
of botnet, the machine go through a cycle of phases.
these attacks are used to control Internet hosts and then use
these hosts to launch denial-of-service (DoS) attacks against The first phase is called the initial infection phase. Here
other entities [1]. If an attacker can gain access to network the machine is infected and becomes a potential bot. A
hosts, this can lead to enormous damage to the network such machine gets infected by unwanted downloading of malwares
as disrupting e-commerce sites, news outlets, network from website, by using infected removable disk etc.
infrastructure, routers and root name servers.
The second phase is the secondary injection phase. Here
In modern life, malware, the malicious software has the infected host runs a program that searches bot binaries in
occupied an important position. From the earliest use of the network database. Once the machine downloads and
programmable systems, techniques to infect those systems execute the file the machine will start to behave like a real bot.
with software containing malicious code have existed but, in
the past the malware often had just limited or local impact [2]. The third phase is the connection or rallying phase where
The network success have became an initial point for reporting the bot tries to locate and connect to the command and control
the malicious infections which affects several million systems server. Once it is connected it can receive and respond to the
around the world. Thus, the remotely controlled networks of commands from the botmaster. This phase occurs several
hijacked computers, so-called botnet, became popular. Botnets times in the bot life cycle. Bots become vulnerable during this
are the collection of compromised, remotely controlled phase.
computer systems. The main purpose of botnet includes the The fourth phase is the malicious phase where the bot tries
distribution of email spam, DDoS (distributed DoS) attacks, to perform series of malicious activities based on the
distribution of malicious software etc. commands from its botmaster. The bot can perform several
Botnet is a combination of two words 'robot' and 'work'. disruptive attacks such as email spamming, distributed denial
Bots are vulnerable machine which gets infected by running of service attack, distributing malicious software etc.
malicious code or bot binaries. Once the bot gets infected, it The final phase is the maintenance and upgrading phase.
tries to locale and connect with the C&C server. C&C server The botmaster tries to keep its bot under its control as long as
is the command and control server which provides a channel possible. Maintenance is required in order to keep the
for communication between bots and its master. Bots are botmaster with their army of bots up to date for further to
controlled by a master known as botmaster or botherder. The coordinated activities. In this phase the bot update their
main aim of botnet is to perform malicious activities on behalf behaviour and perform new malicious activities based on the
of its server for making profit since bots are inexpensive and information received from the botmaster.
easy to propagate. Communication architecture of botnet is the

978-1-4673-8819-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

International Conference on Research Advances in Integrated Navigation Systems (RAINS - 2016),
April 06-07, 2016, R. L. Jalappa Institute of Technology, Doddaballapur, Bangalore, India

To identify bot infected host machines Rishi [9] approach

III. EXISTING TAXONOMIES OF BOTNET is used. They are the signature based technique. They apply
In order to detect and understand how botnets work signatures of current bots into IDS detection system. Signature
several studies have been conducted in this area [6]. During is a pattern that is seen inside a packet and it is seen in
earlier times, by setting up and installing honeypots on the different parts. From signature database, we perform the
internet helps to capture malwares as well as to understand the necessary detection task by comparing every byte in the
basic behaviour of botnet. Botnet technology and their packet. For each IRC connection a connection object is
characteristics can be understand with the help of honeypots, created, which stores certain information in addition to an
but do not necessarily detect bot infections [7], [8]. Botnet additional identifier. This additional identifier consists of the
detection techniques based on passive network monitoring and source IP address and destination IP address also the
analysis are useful, these techniques can be further classified destination port. Using this identifier it is possible to update an
into signature-based technique, anomaly based technique, already existing object with new parameters. Rishi listens for
DNS-based technique and mining-based technique. the connection of infected machines to IRC server hosting the
botnet. Then they captures TCP packet contain the IRC
Signature-based detection techniques were used for command [15]. From the captured packets certain information
detecting known form of bots, but they are not useful for are extracted and then analyze the extracted information.
detecting unknown bots [9]. Anomaly-based detection Analysis focus on nickname extracted. Analysis function
techniques[10] tries to detect botnets based on different implements a scoring [15].When the analysis is finished, the
network traffic anomalies such as high volume of network connection object contains the final number of points for the
traffic, high network latency, traffic on unusual ports and nickname and other related information. The higher the score
unusual system behaviour which indicate the presence of bots a nicknames receives, then there is more chance that it is a bot
in the network. Several anomaly-based detection techniques infected machine which tries to contact its C&C server. The
are there [10]. DNS detection techniques uses DNS main advantage of Rishi is that they can detect well known
information of the botnet [11]. Bots execute DNS queries for bots. It has a disadvantage that it is not functional for
locating their Command and Control server. In this way by unknown bots. And also an effort is needed to update
using DNS traffic, bots can be detected. knowledge base with new signature.
Several data mining techniques like machine learning, The anomaly detection technique [10] make use of
classification, clustering etc can be used to efficiently detect network behaviour to identify bots. Anomalies are the
botnet. In [9], Geobl and Holz proposed Rishi, mainly based unexpected behaviour in the network rather than the normal
on traffic monitoring of the network traffic in passive manner. behaviour. A comparison of network behaviour is made with
In [12], Strayer et al. showed that using the passive traffic its previous behaviors. The new behavior is either accepted or
analysis, it is possible to extract the evidence of botnet can be used to initiate events for anomaly detection. The IDS
command and control activities from the network flow. In engine helps in specifying network behavior. It model normal
[13], Livadas et al. suggested a machine learning based or expected behaviour in a system and may detect deviation of
approach for detecting the botnet using some general network interest that may indicate a security breach or an attempted
traffic features of chat like protocols. attack. By examining the headers of the packets in the
network, bots can be detected. Unknown bots are also
IV. REVIEW OF BOTNET DETECTION TECHNIQUES detectable using this method.
Botnet attack is done in a group for cyber crimes; they are Host based detection technique looks for signs of bot like
extremely dangerous and can crash any network, server, behaviour on a host. Schiller et al [18] suggested identifying
organization, or internet as a whole [14]. As C&C traffic the infected host by monitoring the events and the firewall
appears as legitimate traffic among traditional botnet. details to determine the payload and the functions of the bot.
Therefore hard work has to be done to save network They also suggested a method to identify the location of the
organizations, data and economic losses by designing malware by looking for the malicious start up processes.
algorithms and techniques, which can detect Botnet as it is Barford [19] specifies a deep analysis in bot source code taken
formed [15]. from infected hosts. A straight forward host based detection
Data mining techniques which are used to extract, analyze, technique monitors outbound packet from a host and compares
recognize and discover the normal patterns and abnormalities it with destination based white-lists. The white-lists contains
in huge volume of data. For this correlation, classification, the list of uninfected PC.
clustering etc can be used [15]. Honeynet project took the Botnet detection based on network traffic behaviour [3] is
first step in this regard for the recognition of Botnet a network based detection technique. Here network traffic are
characteristics, while after that many used honeynet in analyzed for botnet detection. Traffic behavior analysis
different forms to detect and know the behavior of Botnet [8], methods can work with encrypted channels. If there are bots in
[16]. Other botnet detection techniques such as Signature- the network, then shutting down the IRC server is most
based techniques, Anomaly-based techniques, Host-based suitable measure to prevent from botnet. In network, botnet
techniques and Network-based techniques were discussed are examined by splitting it into multiple time windows[20].
below. Then from each time window extract a set of attributes which

978-1-4673-8819-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

International Conference on Research Advances in Integrated Navigation Systems (RAINS - 2016),
April 06-07, 2016, R. L. Jalappa Institute of Technology, Doddaballapur, Bangalore, India
is then used to classify malicious or non malicious traffic. Bots The host based method helps in efficient detection than
show similarities in there traffic which helps in detecting them signature based and anomaly based detection schemes but has
from the normal traffic. The common features that established very high processing overhead. In network based method, bot
by the bot within a botnet are their uniformity of traffic activities are identified directly from the network flow. This
behaviour, communication behaviour etc. The main idea is helps in detecting bots at its primary stage of development
that there exists a unique signature for flow behaviour of a itself. This method overcomes the problem in signature based
single bot. This signature can be used to detect many bots method by detecting unknown bots with high accuracy. But
within the same botnet. This technique make use of encryption this method cannot be used when payload of the packet is used
algorithms and is cheaper than other approaches. It is able to for malicious activities, since it do not inspect packet payload.
detect bot activity quickly by splitting individual flow into
multiple time windows. VI. CONCLUSION
BotFinder [17] without inspecting the packet content The four different botnet detection techniques for finding
detects bots. BotFinder compares the bot activity features, malwares have been mentioned in the paper. Even though
statistical, with previous results in the network traffic. Multi- several techniques are available for detecting the presence of
faceted models are created for C&C traffic. For this approach bot in the network, the network based technique is commonly
high level network information is required. The bots can be used. Network based technique finds both known as well as
detected even when they use encrypted form of C&C channels unknown bot. The detection becomes a challenge when the
for communicating with other bots. botnets change their C&C architecture. The main challenge in
botnet detection is the difficulty to testing the detection
V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION approaches with real world datasets.
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