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Week -1 Case study

Table Description
Programmer table
Column name Data type Constraint Description
Pname Varchar2(20) Primary Key Programmer name
DOB Date Date of birth
DOJ Date Date of joining
Sex Char Check M/F Male/Female
PROF1 Varchar2(20) Software Proficiency
PROF2 Varchar2(20) Software Proficiency
Salary number

Studies Table
Column name Data Type Constraint Description
Pname Varchar2(20) Foreign key references Programmer Name
programmer table
Splace Varchar2(20) Study Place
Course Varchar2(20) Not Null Course Name
Ccost number Course Cost

Column name Data Type Constraint Description
Pname Varchar2(20) Foreign key references Programmer name
programmer table
Title Varchar2(20) Software title
Dev_in Varchar2(20) Developed using
programming language
Dcost Number Developed cost
Scost Number Sale cost
Sold Number Number of copied sold
• Enable connection

• Programmer table creation

• Studies table creation

• Software table creation

1. Display the NAMES and DATE OF BIRTH of all programmers born in JANUARY.

2. How many Programmers have done PGDCA Course.

3. Calculate the experience in years for each programmers and display along with the names,in
Descending order.

4. Display the detail of the software developed in c by female programmers of PRAGATHI

5. Display the number of package sold by each programmer.

6. Who is the highest paid Cobol programmer.

7. Who are the programmers who joined in the same day.

8. In which institution does the person who developed the costliest package study.
9. List the programmer name (from the programmer table) and the number of package each has
developed .

10. How many female programmers knowing cobol have more then 2 years experience.

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