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Assignment 1

Explain some of the terms below and include the examples of :

1. Advantages and disadvantages of pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy
2. Electrowinning and Electrorefining
3. Mineral Oxides, Sulfides, Carbonates, Hydroxides
4. Reactor
5. Operation Unit and Process Unit
6. Flowsheet
7. Batch Process, semi-batch process and continues process
1. Sdasd
2. Electrorefining
Electrolytic Refining or Electrorefining is a process metal processing when anode
from impure metal or electrowon from leach/solvent extraction solution.
Electrorefining process entails :
a. metal solution.
b. Pure metal anodes (without impurities)
Electrorefining process has purpose, which are:
a. Produce metal essentially free from harmful material (impurities)
b. Separate valuable impurities (e.g. gold and silver from copper electrorefining)
For example in the extractive metallurgy of copper from Davenport book,
electrorefined copper using impure copper anodes or electrowon from copper
solution. This is the principle of electrorefining in copper industry :
Electrowinning is a process metal processing when metal ion in the electrolyte is
electrowon as pure metal
Electrowinning entails :
a. Immersing metal cathodes and inert (but conductive) anodes
b. Applying an electrical potential between anodes and cathodes
c. Platting pure metal from electrolyte onto the cathodes
The electrowinning products are:
(a) pure copper metal at the cathode
(b) oxygen gas at the anode
(c) regenerated sulfuric acid in the solution.
The difference between electrowinning and electrorefining are:
a. The material us as anodes. In the electrorefining using soluble metal anodes.
Meanwhile, electrowinning using inert Pb-alloy
b. Electrowinning use higher applied voltage than electrorefining.

3. Oxide Mineral
Oxygen plus a cation. Oxides are the most important source of iron and aluminum.
Iron oxides are common rock-forming minerals. There are several mineral oxide, one
of them is Hematite (Fe2O3) with defining anion O2-.

Sulfides Mineral
Sulfur plus a metallic cation. Many important ore minerals are in this group. Sulfides
are the source of much, or all, of the world’s lead, zinc and copper. There are several
sulfides mineral, one of them is Pyrite (FeS2) with defining anion is S2-.

Carbonates Mineral
Carbonate anion (CO3) plus a cation.The common rock-forming minerals calcite and
dolomite are in this group. There are several Carbonates mineral, one of them is
Calcite (CaCO3) with defining anion is CO32-.

Hydroxide Mineral
A group of minerals containing metallic elements combined with water (H 2O) or
hydroxyl (OH). The hydroxides are a subgroup of the oxides group. There are several
hydroxide mineral, one of them is Geothite (FeOH) with defining anion is OH-.

No Group Defining Example Photo

1 Oxide O2- Hematite (FeO3)

2 Sulfides S2- Pyrite (FeS2)

3 Carbonates CO32- Calcite (CaCO3)

4 Hydroxide OH- Geothite (FeOH)

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