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Latihan 1

Identify the proper noun in each sentence.
(Coba Anda tandai ‘proper noun’ yang terdapat pada masing-masing kalimat di bawah ini
dengan cara menggaris-bawahi atau mewarnai):

1. The boy threw the ball to his dog, Wilson.

2. I’d like you to meet my friend Jeremy.
3. We’ll be vacationing in Aspen this year.
4. My second grade teacher was Mrs. Gilbert, an old battle-axe.
5. We went to Smith’s Furniture and bought a new couch to replace our old one.
6. Do you think the Dolphins will win the game?
7. I’m flying first-class on Emirate Airlines.
8. Thomas Jefferson was a president and philosopher.
9. My best friend moved to Israel to study.
10. When the Titanic sank, the captain went down with the ship.

Decide whether the following verbs are transitive or intransitive:
(Coba Anda tentukan apakah kata kerja dengan huruf tebal pada kalimat di bawah ini
merupakan kata kerja transitive atau intransitive.)

11. The workmen have been painting for hours. = transitive

12. When they call from the charity, Mrs. Alpert always gives generously. = transitive
13. Before you send the proposal, make sure you edit it carefully. = intransitive
14. That perfume smells nice. = transitive
15. My new car cost me a small fortune. . = transitive
16. Jim owed his landlord $450. = intransitive
17. Pete emigrated from Australia in 1998. = intransitive
18. The customer was tired of waiting, so he got up and left. = transitive
19. Are you sure you want to paint the ceiling too? = intransitive
20. Please take the documents over to Mrs. Samuels’ office. = transitive

Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
(Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat berikut.)

A. The driver stopped the bus Abruptly

B. Financially
C. Exactly
D. Abruptly
E. Now

F. During autumn, colorful leaves can be seen falling Everywhere from trees.
G. Everywhere
H. Very
I. Gently
J. Loudly

K. My grandmother always smiled Cheerfully

L. Cheerfully
M. Sadly
N. Never
O. Yesterday

P. After the party, confetti was strewn Everywhere

Q. Blandly
R. Everywhere
S. Later
T. Carefully

U. It’s time to go Now

V. Before
W. Now
X. Yesterday
Y. Lightly


Find the adjective or adjectives that fit in each of the blanks best.
(Pilihlah kata sifat (adjective) yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di bawah ini.)

A. We visited the museum, where we saw A room filled with artifacts.

B. A lot of
C. Ancient
D. John’s
E. A room filled with

27. I received Two awards at the ceremony today.

A. The manager’s
B. Two
C. Information about
D. Motivation at the

E. Please get me a bag of Ripe red apples.

F. Interesting
G. Ripe red
H. Oranges and
I. Real

J. The president sat in a Leather chair.

K. Important
L. Barber’s
M. Funny
N. Leather

O. The best weather is the norm in San Francisco.

P. Blue
Q. Big
R. Foggy
S. The best

Decide whether you have to use much or many:

Coba Anda tentukan apakah Anda harus menggunakan much atau many untuk melengkapi
kalimat di bawah ini.)

31. We saw many animals at the zoo.

32. How many oranges did you put in the box?
33. There isn’t much sugar in my coffee.
34. I don’t have many friends.
35. The old man hasn’t got much hair on his head.
36. I’ve packed much bottles of water.
37. I didn’t get many sleep last night.
38. How much fruit do you eat in an average day?
39. He has many money in his pocket.
40. The rich man has much houses..

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