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What is the relevance of NSTP in our lives?

In the Philippines, upon entering college, all of the first year students are required to undergo

the National Service Training Program or NSTP. The program was established by virtue of

Republic Act 9163 or the National Service Training Program of 2001. Aside from being just

another class students need to pass in order to push through college, this program aims to

amplify the awareness of one's community. It also trains defense preparedness and civic welfare

by enhancing the physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well-being of the Filipino

youth. While going through training in any of its three components, it focuses on flourishing the

ethics of services and patriotism of students. As a youth, what exactly is the relevance of NSTP

in our lives, as both citizen and "iskolar" of the nation?

"The youth is the hope of the motherland." This is just one of the famous quotes that our

Philippine National Hero Dr. Jose Rizal, once articulated. This means that the future of our

nation lies on the hands of the youth of today. More so, the youth, the most valuable resource of

the nation, have the power to reshape the country's present condition. Needless to say, the

Philippines is currently overrun by problems, from community to political issues such as:

teenage pregnancy, water and electricity shortage, poverty, environmental contamination, health

disparities and injustices in the government. There is more to that than the aforementioned. In

light of that, one thing that NSTP teaches us is to develop civic consciousness to recognize that

we have a vital role in nation-building. Then, we will not be bystanders of our own country for

we will be aware of what is going on around us. Thus, the program sheds light on present issues

that affects us and the generations to come. As the nation's hope, we will become involved to

respond and continually seek what we can contribute to the community when we are able to do
so. NSTP firmly initiates discipline because it is not only needed in military trainings, but all of

our future work fields.

Through NSTP, the spirit of nationalism, volunteerism and solidarity earnestly lives through

us. We translate our civic consciousness into works and actions. As "iskolars ng bayan", we

become philanthropists by giving back what we owe to the people of our nation. On that context,

we acknowledge the ones who paid their taxes to guarantee us the opportunity for free and high-

quality education and a good future. Furthermore, the activities included in the NSTP program

serves as the avenue for our services we that give to our community. We fulfill our duties by

means of conducting outreach programs; promoting literacy by teaching unprivileged children;

and protecting the nation against possible attacks. We are raised to be competitive and competent

citizens to increase the recognition of the country's capabilities in the global arena. Altogether,

the National Service Training Program is relevant to our lives simply because we are conditioned

to be the best versions of ourselves. This is not solely for our own benefit but mostly for the

service of the Filipino people.

Mayumi S. Ampon


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