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AM al LEO TIMES “TOGE THE RR ORME G EIR ENG Ey ™ Creative Destruction SEPTEMBER EDITION Regreen Earth Fit Formula GUGRNALSO ’ + Cerne Mecabeyaye Oh ey ORC oie) cacaand go.aa) 5 edaos DOO 7-8 Regreen Earth 9 800 Ercan axe 12 Pn Secretary message As the newly appointed Secretary of the Leo Club of Sri Lanka Technological cam -pus for the year 20/21, it is my pleasure Soe orm AN or laioieecinltele (mek) mts past club presidents, secretaries, treasu -rers and fellow leos for giving us a great opportunity for all of us for the new Leoistic year. As Leos and undergraduates we always seeking new challenges and changes of our lives. | think Leoism is an opportunity to seek challenges and changes to build up our future. As Leos we have a respon -sibility to do our job for society and our -selves. With new ideas and challenges Let's try to give our maximum support to Ca Tee eee eR eR OR future of our club, with spirit and strength let's gather to do our best and continue our service and friendship to everyone. TORT Rol ThA el EL | feel honoured and humbled to become the Secretary of the Leo club of Sri Lanka Technological Campus for year 20/21. With the support of this year executive board and all other club members, I'm sure will be able to achieve great things with our bond and hardworking. As the Secretary of this year | promise to do my job and help my fellow members with my iV cramtle)efeee alla elt eet TM Te ee Ged Secretary Leo Club of Sri Lanka Technological Campus : Leo Times | 01 Leo Updates Former projects Ed ims] 1s] e [el ty Me Cabos Renee ole Melle MnCl Miemelge mci K-le} EXU E20 adequate amount of blood for the Blood Banks in SSMU CRM Me aol Coa (ocele Relat aeRO held on 6th (Sunday),11th (Friday) and 19th (Saturday) of September2020 at University Hospital i

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