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Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 20 (2013) 225–233

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Obsolescence risk in advanced technologies for retailing:

A management perspective
Eleonora Pantano n, Gianpaolo Iazzolino 1, Giuseppe Migliano 1
Department of Mechanical, Energy and Management Engineering, University of Calabria, Via P. Bucci, cubo 46C 87036 Arcavacata di Rende CS, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o abstract

Article history: In recent years, a great deal of research focused on the introduction of advanced technologies for
Received 31 July 2012 making traditional stores more appealing and attractive, with several benefits for the retail process.
Received in revised form Since the introduction of these innovative systems involves several risks that can have a negative
3 December 2012
impact on business profitability, this paper aims at investigating to what extent it is possible to reduce
Accepted 2 January 2013
Available online 1 February 2013
these risks by proposing an explorative framework for a successful risk management strategies in retail
context. Key results of this research concern the importance of the risk management also for retail
Keywords: sector, with emphasis on the introduction/adoption decision of innovative technologies in the points of
Risk management sale, with consequences for retail-oriented industries. To achieve this task, the current study
synthesizes findings from several fields such as management, marketing, and computer science.
Technology management
& 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Technology obsolescence risk
Innovation management

1. Introduction adopting technology-based innovations for the points of sale. In fact,

this sector can exploit the current advances in technology for making
Capacity of innovating has become a critical factor for firms and the points of sales more efficient and appealing by introducing
organizations in order to improve competitiveness, sales growth, innovative and interactive systems (Pantano and Laria, 2012;
efficiency and productivity (Guan et al., 2006). Hence, innovation Pantano and Servidio, 2012; Breugelmans and Campo, 2011). These
capability of the firms needs to be improved in order to adopt new innovations provide benefits for both consumers by supporting the
advanced systems more quickly than competitors (Wang et al., 2008). decision-making process and retailers by providing updated informa-
For this reason, the global pressure has increased the competitive tion on clients behaviours and market trends (Sorescu et al., 2011,
spirit of enterprises through innovating, and it has reduced the life- Vieira, 2010; Shankar et al., 2011). On the one hand, these technol-
cycle of new technologies. ogies allow consumers to (i) achieve information and customized
Abernathy (1985) suggested describing innovations on the basis of contents on favourite products, services, sales, promotions, etc., (ii)
the impact of these on the firm’s existing technological and market/ compare and choose among alternatives, (iii) search for items, and
business knowledge. Hence, these innovations can be incremental or (iv) calculate total purchases, by providing more convenient experi-
radical (disruptive) according to the importance of the caused changes ences in terms of time saving and providing entertainment (Hsiao,
(Marquis, 1969; Damanpour and Wischnevsky, 2006; Sen and 2009; Yoon and Kim, 2007; Bharadwaj et al., 2009). On the other,
Ghandforoush, 2011). Radical innovations are new functionalities or these technologies provide constantly updated information on market
new technologies that have not been previously identified and they segments, preferences, needs, while shopping, etc., which can be
emerge from a discontinuous process, whereas incremental innova- exploited for the development of more efficient (direct) marketing
tions or adaptations are an improvement of existing functionalities by strategies (Pantano and Laria, 2012). Hence, they are able to improve
reducing cost, improving efficiency, etc. (Sen and Ghandforoush, the traditional points of sale by enriching the provided information
2011). through the most recent advances in 3D graphics, as well as to
Due to the advantages of innovating and the consumers’ expecta- provide retailers with information on consumers’ in-store behaviour.
tions of novel technologies for improving their shopping experience To date, the most powerful innovative technologies are RFID
(Pantano and Laria, 2012), also retailing may take advantages by (Radio Frequency IDentification) systems (reader and writer for
providing additional information on products), storefront displays
enriched with virtual reality elements (i.e. virtual mannequins), smart
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ39 0984492235; fax: þ39 492277.
E-mail addresses:, (E. Pantano),
shopping trolleys capable of supporting consumers during the (G. Iazzolino), (G. Migliano). in-store experience, and recommendation systems for mobiles
Tel.: þ39 0984492235; fax: þ39 492277.

0969-6989/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
226 E. Pantano et al. / Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 20 (2013) 225–233

(Kowatsch and Maass, 2010; Reitberger et al., 2009; Breugelmans and 2011). Since the business competitive battle with competitors is
Campo, 2011). largely influenced by the firm ability to predict future actions and
Since the introduction of these technologies dramatically establish the best strategy to challenge ever-changing circumstances
changes the retail process, in terms of store atmosphere, client– (Verona and Ravasi, 2003), efficient risk management strategies are
vendor relationship, quality of service, and consumers’ shopping compulsory for achieving a sustainable competitive leadership posi-
experience, several risks can be encountered with possible nega- tion (Holzmann and Spiegler, 2010).
tive consequences on business profitability, concerning the con- In particular, the risk management process consists of three
sumers’ acceptance and effective usage, the monetary investment main phases: (i) risk identification, (ii) risk estimation, and
and late returns on investment, the risk of frequent physical (iii) risk evaluation (Rowe, 1977; Charette, 1990). Concerning risk
damages and obsolescence of the technical components, etc. identification, this phase includes the definition of threats occur-
Hence, the aim of this paper is to investigate to what extent it ring in a particular scenario; the risk estimation phase reduces
is possible to reduce these risks by proposing a new framework uncertainly involved in business activities by evaluating the
for technology risk management in retail context. The study consequences and impact of a certain risk; whereas the last phase
provides an explorative and valuable analysis of obsolescence involves actions able to reduce risk and increase risk acceptance.
risks concerning the introduction of a new technology in the Although a detailed and comprehensive list of risks is hard to
points of sale, by highlighting useful tools for scholars and understand and manage, there are some tools for supporting
practitioners for better understanding the critical role of risk managers’ decision-making (Hillson, 2002). For instance, the risk
management for introducing effective innovations in the points of identification phase may exploit few fundamental practices such
sale. In particular, the first part of the paper investigates risk as Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS), which emerges as one of the
analysis with emphasis on the obsolescence from a management most useful tools for effective risk identification. It is a hierarch-
perspective; whereas the second focuses on the major risk issues ical structure that splits potential source of risks into layers of
involved in most current innovations to figure out the new increasing detail and describes sources of risks in a certain
framework for an efficient risk evaluation for innovations adop- context and details each risk starting from a root node represent-
tion in the retail context. ing a general risk source to deeply understand the source in
Key results of this research concern the importance of risk depth, thus it can also be exploited for risk assessment (Hillson,
management regarding the introduction of innovative technolo- 2002, 2003). While the risk estimation phase may involve analysis
gies in retailing, with consequences for retail-oriented industries, tools such as probability–impact grid analysis. This represents the
by synthesizing findings from different fields such as manage- risks estimation through the attribution of ‘‘high’’, ‘‘moderate’’
ment, marketing, and computer science. and ‘‘low’’ rate. It consists of the definition of a grid with two
dimensions: probability of occurrence of event (in columns) and
impact of risks on the object of evaluation (in rows). The risk
2. Theoretical background estimated value is calculated as follows (Ward, 1999):
rating ¼ probability  impact
2.1. Obsolescence risk management
in fact, it is possible to classify the different kind of encountered
Despite the benefits generated by technological innovations, risks and rank them through multicriteria methodologies
innovation process is characterized by uncertainty, which affects (Iazzolino et al., 2012) for reducing their negative effect on firm
also the processes that lead to the technological innovations, by performance. Owing to this evaluation, the organization is able to
making innovating a complex process difficult to assess accu- adapt its behaviour in order to perform actions for mitigating the
rately (Wang et al., 2008; Alkemade and Suurs, 2012). encountered risks, with emphasis on the risks with the ‘‘high’’
Since rapid advances in technology imply huge investments rating. In fact, the risks characterized by this rate have the
and late possibility of returns on investments, the adoption of strongest impact on the firm profitability and thus, they require
innovations is strictly linked to the uncertainty concerning both more attention by the managers.
the nature of technological changes and the threats of further Hence, risk management strategies allow understanding and
technological developments able to reduce dramatically the reducing the critical issues emerging from the introduction of a
technology life-cycle (Fanelli and Maddalena, 2012; Hekkert new technology, such as the introduction of Enterprise Resource
et al., 2007). Similarly, uncertainty concerns the occurrence of Planning (ERP) systems (Aloini et al., 2007), with benefits for the
risks that are unpredictable events able to affect firm’s objectives financial activities (i.e. bank choice of risk management system)
(ANSI/PMI, 2008). In this scenario, an efficient risk management (Danielson et al., 2002; Iazzolino and Fortino, 2012).
may lead to several organizational benefits including the identi- Furthermore, the risk management is strictly linked to the ‘‘life’’
fication of more favourable alternatives, by increasing the con- of a certain technology, by managing the investment decisions and
fidence for achieving the objectives, the chance of developing the threats involved in each phase of the ‘‘life’’. In fact, the
more successful strategies, the reduction of unexpected threats, technological life-cycle (TLC) illustrates the evolution of technical
risks and problems, and the more detailed estimations, with the and market characteristics (such as changes in sales) (Anderson and
subsequent reduction of uncertainty (Ward and Chapman, 2004). Tushman, 1990; Solomon et al., 2000; Narayanan, 2000). It consists
In fact, the new management strategies are devoted to reduce the of five main phases: introduction, growth, maturity, decline and
risks prompted by the dynamic forces that are rapidly modifying phase-out. While each phase has peculiar characteristics, not each
the competitive environment such as the frequent advances in technology follows all phases (Solomon et al., 2000). In fact, few
technology, the rapid growth and diffusion of technology among technologies may have a false start and die out. The main causes of a
consumers and competitors, the increasing number of alterna- false start can be the sudden introduction of a superior competing
tives available for consumers, the increasing effort in innovation, technology, the improvement of a competing technology, the
and the increasing the reliance of providers of innovation. identification of a problem associated with the technology, failure
In particular, efficient risk management strategies allow firms to in achieving the critical mass that enables economies of scale to be
(i) recognize potential threats of the market, (ii) identify the main achieved, and the lack of a unique and compelling application for
consequences on resources and business profitability, and (iii) modify the technology (Solomon et al., 2000). After the decline phase, the
the subsequent behaviour (McGaughey et al., 1994; Alhawari et al., phase out represents the death of a certain technology, implying that
E. Pantano et al. / Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 20 (2013) 225–233 227

it has become obsolete. For this reason, some authors hypothesized of-mouth communication) (Di Pietro and Pantano, 2012). Espe-
also another phase that represents the obsolescence of the system cially two variables try to take into account the risks emerging
(Concho et al., 2011). Hence, when the technology becomes out of from the innovation usage, privacy and security, even if these
use or out of date; the first is linked to the loss of technology utility variables only focus on the consumer’s point of view. In fact, the
value relative to customer expectation, whereas the latter is linked first one involves the interest towards keeping private the
to the presence of technology on the market from a long lasting personal data during the technology usage (Tsai and Yeh, 2010),
period (Rai and Terpenny, 2008). Hence, the obsolescence-based risk whereas the second one is the degree to which a consumer
management (shortly obsolescence risk management) allows asses- believes that using that technology will be secure, with emphasis
sing proactively and cost-efficiently the risks that are linked to on the online environment (Taylor and Strutton, 2010). Hence, the
technological obsolescence (Romero Rojo et al., 2012; Gravier and TAM usage replies only to the question if consumer will use the
Swartz, 2009). technology without taking into account the effective diffusion.
While the out of use might be measured by the users’ Hence the clients’ intention to use a new technology is not
acceptance level or a certain technology, by taking into account enough for predicting the success of a technology, which could
the number of potential users. To achieve this task, Technology be affected by the introduction of substitute technologies and
Acceptance Model (Davis, 1989) has been largely exploited. subject to the wear and tear of its components. Despite the
Although it has been initially employed for predicting Internet valuation of technology acceptance into the introduction of new
adoption, it is currently applied to several fields by mainly technologies in stores, the ‘‘out of date’’ concerning risks, which
focusing on the constructs of perceived ease of use, perceived are related to physical, technological, and functional character-
usefulness, attitude and behavioural intention. In fact, it is istics, have not been fully exploited in this context and require
currently involved in the retail sector for investigating consumers’ further investigations.
attitude towards a new system, their behavioural intention and
the subsequent actual usage (Kowatsch and Maass, 2010; Pantano
and Servidio, 2012). In particular, Attitude represents user’s 3. Methodology of research
assessment toward the technology, whereas the behavioural
intention represents the degree to which the user is willing to The current work is based on an explorative study design in
perform certain behaviour (in this case to use the technology) order to figure out a new framework for successful identification
(Pantano and Servidio, 2012). and estimation of possible risks encountered while introducing
Concerning the out of date, technologies have internal techni- technological innovations in the point of sales. As a consequence,
cal components, and obsolescence of these has a significant the purpose is to propose a direction for supporting retailers in
impact on the whole technology (Feldman and Sandborn, 2007). understanding, anticipating and reducing the encountered risks.
Hence, obsolescence can be determined by both the software and To achieve this task, the present study focuses on the analysis of
hardware part. Its analysis allows forecasting lifecycles based on the possible obsolescence risks faced during the introduction of a
market and technological factors, by predicting both lifecycle new technology based on the immersive store, which has not yet
curves and time to obsolescence across the lifecycle curves of introduced in the stores, even if preliminary study on the
components and related technological attributes. prototype showed the large consumers’ interest toward this
Although risk management has been introduced also in the innovative system (Pantano and Laria, 2012; Pantano and
retail context, risk evaluation mainly focuses on the price forma- Servidio, 2012).
tion according to actual demand (Ferrer et al., 2011), whereas Since each risk can be analyzed through the three main phases
little attention is paid to the risks involved in the introduction and of Risk Management (risk identification, risk estimation and risk
adoption of innovations in the stores with emphasis on the evaluation), also the obsolescence one would be based on these
importance of obsolescence risk concerning the novel technical three phases, even if our study is limited to the first two phases:
solutions. risk identification and risk estimation, whereas the third one (risk
evaluation) can be object of further detailed studies.
2.2. Risk management in retailing

The extant literature on risk management strategies on retail- (1) Risk identification
ing mainly focused on the risk aspects that are related to a certain The first phase includes the identification of real and potential
market (i.e. the energy market). In fact, previous studies have threats that might affect obsolescence risk. The main tool that
defined risk management either as a set of practices and tools for allows identifying and categorizing the risks is the RBS (Risk
evaluating, measuring and managing the market risks in a Breakdown Structure) (Hillson, 2002). The RBS structure
retailer’s portfolio of contracts and plan (Boroumand and starts from a root node that identifies the technology obso-
Zachmann, 2012), or as a set of services to provide price stability lescence risk; the second level of RBS identifies the two main
for analysing the volatile price. Other studies focusing on the categories of risks in which the obsolescence risk has been
introduction of innovations in the points of sale, mainly investi- split out of use and out of date risks. The third level of the
gated the risk of users’ acceptance of the novel technology, by structure includes the sub-risks related to the categories
employing the TAM. In this way, past researches tried to predict previously mentioned (Fig. 1).
consumers’ behaviour towards electronic payment modalities In particular, the out of use category of risks contains risks
(Schierz et al., 2010), self-service systems (Weng et al., 2012; which are related to the acceptance of technology; whereas
Eastlick et al., 2012), RFID (Muller-Seitz et al., 2009), and 3D the out of date risks category includes risks related to the
virtual reality (immersive environments) (Pantano and Servidio, physical components of technology and thus, to the TLC
2012). Further variables have been also added to the traditional (technology life-cycle) of these ones.
ones hypothesized by Davis (ease of use, perceived usefulness, (2) Risk Estimation
attitude, and behavioural intention) in order to develop a more Risk Estimation phase aims at evaluating the frequency (or
efficient predictive tool, such as perceived enjoyment (the degree probability of an event) and the impact that might affect the
to which consumer perceives a certain technology as pleasant), specific risk as the obsolescence one. To achieve this task, the
and social pressure (the influence of others, such as friends’ word- probability–impact grid (or PI grid) (Ward, 1999) has been
228 E. Pantano et al. / Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 20 (2013) 225–233

Fig. 1. RBS structure.

employed. This tool allows rating the risks that have been
identified in risk identification step both in terms of fre-
quency (probability of occurrence of a threat) and impact that
the single risk have on the obsolescence one. Thus, PI grid is
characterized by two main axes that are identified by fre-
quency (or probability) on horizontal axis and impact (the
‘‘weight’’ of a certain specific risk on technology obsolescence)
on vertical axis. Each axis is divided into three ranges: high,
moderate, and low; while the rate that can be calculated as
follows (Ward, 1999):

Rate of risk ¼ probability  impact

PI grid allows identifying categories of risks that could be high,
moderate or low risks (Fig. 2). In particular, high probability–high
impact, high probability–moderate impact, and moderate
probability–high impact characterize the high risks; high
probability–low impact, moderate probability–moderate impact,
and low probability–high impact characterize the moderate risks;
Fig. 2. PI grid with score (adapted from Ward (1999)).
whereas moderate probability–low impact, low probability–
moderate impact, and low probability–low impact characterize
the low risks. the use of glasses with polarized lens, and browse the environment
Each quadrant of PI grid is further characterized by a certain score via a special data glove (Fig. 3).
to better understand the value (impact) of each risk (Ward, 1999).
4.2. Major risk issues

4. The case study of immersive store (i) Risk Identification

Our analysis starts from the Risk Identification phase, by
4.1. Immersive stores employing the RBS in order to identify various risks that
affect the Obsolescence risk (risk 1) of the Immersive Store
This study is based on the applications of methods for evaluating (Fig. 3). This risk is characterized by two main categories of
obsolescence risk to retailing, by investigating the case of immersive risks that are out of use (1.1) and out of date (1.2), as emerged
stores. These are innovative points of sales extensive employing from the literature review analysis. Figs. 4 and 5.
immersive technologies and recent advances in 3D graphics Out of use risks (1.1) can be characterized by six main risks
(Pantano and Laria, 2012; Pantano and Servidio, 2012). In particular, emerging from the Technology Acceptance Model of immer-
our system is based on the stereoscopic technology. It consists of a sive store (Pantano and Servidio, 2012; Pantano and Laria,
wide screen connected to a computer and two projectors that display 2012): perceived difficult of use (1.1.1) (the degree to which
the same object from two different points of view to create the 3D a person believes that using the immersive store will be
vision of the item. Consumer can visualize the 3D scenario through difficult), risk of uselessness (1.1.2) (the degree to which a
E. Pantano et al. / Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 20 (2013) 225–233 229

person believes that using the immersive store will be not components). In order to identify these risks, we have carried out
useful for their shopping activity), risk of boring experience an observation of potential users interacting with the system
(1.1.3) (the degree to which a person believes that using the (from March 2010 to December 2011) for obtaining the historical
immersive store will be not enjoying or pleasant), risk of data on each component that compose the immersive store. From
social pressure in not using (1.1.4) (the degree to which the observation, the following risks emerged: obsolescence of
people are pushed by others to not using the immersive computer (1.2.1), obsolescence of projector (1.2.2), obsolescence
stores), privacy risks (1.1.5) (the degree to which a person of screen (1.2.3), obsolescence of data glove (1.2.4) and obsoles-
believes that using immersive store could have negative cence of glasses (1.2.5). These risks have been decomposed in a
consequences for own privacy), security risks (1.1.6) (the further level of RBS for major details. Obsolescence of computer
degree to which a person believes that the immersive store (1.2.1) arises when the physical components of computer become
will be not secured during the usage). obsolete, thus it includes the risk of slowness computer (,
Concerning the out of date (1.2), the risks included in this lack of new functionalities emerging from new software tools
category are related to the technical components that are (, and limited computer memory capacity ( Obso-
subjected to the internal component obsolescence (physical lescence of the projector (1.2.2) includes the risks retaliated to the
improvements of resolution in new projectors that appear in the
market (, to the improvements of brightness (,

Fig. 3. Consumer exploration of the immersive store. Fig. 5. Probability-impact grid for immersive store risks.

Fig. 4. RBS for immersive stores obsolescence risk.

230 E. Pantano et al. / Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 20 (2013) 225–233

to the improvements colour contrast ( Obsolescence of impact), risk of privacy (1.1.5) (that have no occurrences) and risk of
the screen (1.2.3) is characterized by the possible substitution by security (1.1.6) (that have no occurrences).
other more efficient monitors (i.e. touch screen monitor, 3D A further risk that has been estimated as ‘‘low–high’’ risk is the
monitor without glasses) ( or physical damages caused risk of slowness of computer ( (that have no occurrence,
by users (touches or impacts which cause the phase shift of even if an excessive slowness could would produce a negative
monitor focus) ( Obsolescence of the data glove (1.2.4) experience for users). The last moderate rated risk is the risk of
includes the risk of substitution by other input devices (i.e. substitution of data glove with other input devices (
motion capture) (, risk of physical damages by users (i.e. (estimated as ‘‘high–low’’ risk). This risk has occurred often and
hurts or improper use) (, and risk of substitution by other in the immersive store due to the frequent developments of new
data glove with better functionalities ( Obsolescence of input devices such as motion capture, even if this substitution has
the glasses (1.2.5) arises when the market shows other glasses not changed the way of using the technology, thus the impact
with better characteristics (like less weight and higher resolution) is low.
(, when users cause physical damages ( or/and The low rated risks (moderate probability and low impact, low
when the glasses become useless due to the introduction of new probability and moderate impact, and low probability and low
technological monitor which allow to watch them without impact) could be the limited capacity memory of the computer
glasses ( (, glasses with better characteristics (, and physical
(ii) Risk Estimation damages to glasses caused by users ( Limited capacity
In order to estimate the risks identified through RBS, we have memory ( has occurred sometimes (for this reason, prob-
applied the Probability–Impact grid for the evaluation of the ability has been considered moderate), the impact is low, because
probability and impact of each risk. Even in this case, the users had no reactions for this event. Other glasses with better
probability was evaluated by the observation of potential characteristics are already available on the market (, but
users interacting with the system (from March 2010 to this event has low impact on technology obsolescence because
December 2011), whereas the impact has been evaluated on users continued to use the technology without complaining.
the base of each problem on the functioning of the whole Physical damages to glasses caused by users ( have
system and on the effect on consumers’ perception. In occurred few times but they had no consequences for the system
particular, after observing the frequency of each problem, (when the glasses have been damaged we provided new glasses
we manually caused them to observe the consumers’ reaction to the users).
(we considered consumers’ exit, complaint, or no reaction) Other possible risks even if with low impact and low frequency
and to evaluate the impact. Thus, for each possible problem are: the lack of new functionalities emerging from software tools
we observed consumers’ reaction and evaluated the impact (, the improvements of projector’s resolution (, the
based on the most frequent reactions. improvements of projector’s brightness (, the improve-
ments of colour contrast (, physical damages to data glove
The PI grid allows classifying the risks into different ranges. caused by users ( and substitution of actual data glove by
From this analysis, no risks with high probability and high impact other data glove better lightweight ( All these events have
emerge. Despite this result, we have identified other high rated no occurrence except physical damages to data glove caused by
risks (classified as ‘‘high–moderate’’): the obsolescence of the users ( which have occurred very rarely. In fact, when this
screen (1.2.3) that shows the risk of physical damages caused by event has happened, a new data glove has been provided rapidly
the users (, through the observation, we noticed that to users.
consumers tend to touch or hurt the screen frequently with From this analysis, the possible links (or conditional probabil-
consequences for the block or damage of whole system; and the ities of occurrence) between risks do not emerge. For this reason,
risk of substitution of the actual screen with other screen more a new tool of risk estimation that allows identifying conditional
efficiently (, through the observation we noted that this probabilities of the events and the links between two or more
event occurs with a moderate frequency (or probability), in fact in risks (interdependencies between risks) could provide a novel and
the last few years we observed that the screen have undergone a useful tool for decision-making process.
pretty fast evolution. The possible evolution of the screen and its
substitution might cause a significant change in the use of 4.3. Development of the new interdependencies structure
technology, thus the impact on immersive store has been con-
sidered high. Another ‘‘moderate–high’’ risk is related to obsoles- Since each risk could have effects on other risks, a new tool taking
cence of glasses (1.2.5), and regarding the uselessness caused by into account the conditional probabilities between risks would
the introduction of new technological monitors without glasses emerge. To achieve this task, we propose a new graphical tool namely
(frequency related to the previous considerations). In fact, if there Risks Interdependencies Matrix, which allows analyzing the relation-
is an introduction of a new advanced monitor that allows using ships between risks, by deeply understanding the most influenced
immersive store without glasses. risks and the most influencing ones. In particular, this matrix
The moderate rated risks (moderate probability and moderate graphically shows the risks with many interdependencies without
impact, low probability and high impact, and high probability and distinguishing their moderate/high rate, thus these risks necessitate
low impact) include also the risks linked to TAM. In particular, risk of of more attention due to the possible impact on the other ones,
social pressure in not using (1.1.4) has been estimated as ‘‘moderate– enhancing the results emerging from the previous analysis.
moderate’’ risk, in fact if they do not have a good experience with the Table 1 shows the interdependencies emerging between the
immersive store they tend to influence behaviour of other users identified risks, as well as the value of these relationships. Inter-
negatively. dependencies have been identified with 1 while occurring, in order to
Other risks related to TAM have been estimated as ‘‘low–high’’ make the impact of single risk clearly emerge.
risks and include perceived difficult of use (1.1.1) (that have occurred Concerning the out of use risks, the threat of perceived difficult of
rarely, but with a high impact), risk of uselessness (1.1.2) (that have use (1.1.1) influences the occurrence of risk of boring experience
occurred rarely with negative consequence for consumers’ intention (1.1.3), thus a conditional probability exists between these two risks.
to use further the system, thus caused a high impact), risk of boring In fact, if a user believes that the immersive store is too difficult to
experience (1.1.3) (that has been verified seldom, but with a high use, the emerging experience is not pleasant. Similarly, the risk of
E. Pantano et al. / Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 20 (2013) 225–233 231

boring experience (1.1.3) has relations with the risk of uselessness

(1.1.2) and the risk of social pressure in not using (1.1.4); when
consumers have a boring experience in using technology, they tend to

1 share the bad experience with other friends, influencing others





subsequent behaviours in (not)usage (1.1.4). As a consequence, the

boring experience generates also the risk of uselessness of the

technology (1.1.2).

Concerning the out of date risks, the risk of slowness computer

( influences the risk of boring experience (1.1.3), because a

slow computer affects the speed of human–computer interactions by

making it not pleasant. Similarly, limited capacity memory of

computer ( influences the risk of uselessness (1.1.2) and the

risk of slowness computer ( Since each computer has a

limited capacity of memory, the memory capacity reduces the system

performances ( A limited capacity of memory generates also

the uselessness of immersive store, because it not allows adding new

products to the data repository, thus the usefulness of the technology

decreases. The risk of screen substitution ( is linked to the risk

of perceived difficult of use (1.1.1), boring experience (1.1.3), sub-

stitution of input devices ( and uselessness of glasses by

introduction of new advanced monitors ( The introduction

of new technological screen could cause the substitution of input

devices (; indeed the new monitor might change the use of

new input devices (i.e. motion capture). The introduction of new

screens without glasses, would avoid their usage (

The risk of physical damages caused by users to the screen

( is related to risk of boring experience (1.1.3) and risk of

substitution of screen with other new monitors ( If physical

damages occur to monitors, the immersive store becomes impossible

to use, thus, users may have a bad experience with technology (1.1.3).
Furthermore, the damage may cause the substitution of screen with

new monitors (i.e. touch screen monitors or 3D monitor without

glasses) in order to introduce a monitor with less users damages risks.

Risk of substitution of data glove by other technologies (i.e. motion

capture) ( is linked to the perceived difficult of use (1.1.1). In

fact, the substitution of data glove with other new technologies could
cause in users a change in their usage behaviour with consequences

for the perceived ease of use of the system. Physical damages caused

by users to data glove ( could be one of the main causes that
force to substitution of data glove with other technologies (as motion

capture) ( or the substitution with new data gloves with better

functionalities or more resistant ( Regarding the glasses, the

risk of substitution by other glasses with better lightweight and

resolution ( may impact the risk of boring experience (1.1.3).

The glasses physical damages caused by users ( may influence

risk of substitution by other glasses with better lightweight and

resolution ( Furthermore, the risk of introduction of new


technological monitors without glasses (i.e. 3D monitors without


glasses) ( is related to the risk of perceived difficult of use

(1.1.1), because the introduction of a new advanced monitor may

cause a change in consumer’s usage behaviour, by arising the

Risks Interdependencies Matrix for immersive store.

perceived difficult of immersive store usage.


A further finding is related to the risks that emerge as the most


influencing and the ones that emerge as the most influenced. The
Risks Interdependencies Relations Matrix shows the risk of substitu-

tion of the screen ( as the most influencing risk (it has a direct

impact on other three risks) and risk of boring experience as the most

influenced risk (this risks is influenced of other four risks).


The matrix represents a further tool for identifying the critical

risks that could be not emerge clearly from the RBS and PI grid. Since

the high rated risks (one or more) have a greater impact on the


obsolescence of the immersive store, the more influencing risks could


increase their rate, because their occurrence may generate a series of

risky events chain. Indeed, risk classified as more influenced risks,
Table 1


allow retailers to understand which risks could be occurred if various

risks occurs.
232 E. Pantano et al. / Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 20 (2013) 225–233

5. Discussion Wischnevsky, 2006; Sen and Ghandforoush, 2011), each innovation

can be considered ‘‘incremental’’ or ‘‘radical/disruptive’’. Similarly,
Since the innovations in the stores generate important also risks can be defined as ‘‘radical’’ or ‘‘incremental’’ according to
changes, wide costs and high level of uncertainty (Fanelli and the different effects on the obsolescence risk of the innovative
Maddalena, 2012), an efficient management risk analysis plays a technology to be introduced. While the technical improvements of
key role for predicting and reducing the possible risks, by the systems can regard small enhancements in the features, we might
modifying the subsequent firm’s behaviour (McGaughey et al., face an ‘‘incremental’’ risk for the system obsolescence. If a strong
1994; Alhawari et al., 2011; Holzmann and Spiegler, 2010). improvement in the system functionalities is implemented (for
Despite the increasing attention in this direction, it is difficult to example a deep change in payment methods), we encounter a
predict which technology has the most potential to become part ‘‘radical’’ (or disruptive) risk for system obsolescence. Hence, the high
of the new points of sale by improving the traditional retail rated risks in the PI matrix and the ones with the strongest impact on
process. In fact, the current studies on the introduction of the others can be considered as radical risks, due to the weight of
advanced technologies mainly focus on the risk of acceptance their effect on both the system functioning and the acceptance by
by consumers (Kowatsch and Maass, 2010; Pantano and Servidio, consumers. As the consequence, decision makers would take more
2012), thus the present study aims at proposing a new framework into account the radical ones while evaluating the obsolescence risk
that focuses on the technology risk management for well per- for the adoption choice of a new technology to be introduced in the
forming the technology-based innovation management for retail- point of sale. If they are combined with the information emerging
ing. After explaining this framework and embedding it in a from the analysis of Technology Life Cycle, retailers achieve more
existing promising technology, we propose a method for better information for reducing uncertainty and better evaluating the
mapping the risks encountering in innovation systems and investment on this technology. In our case study, the screen is the
resulting in technological change for the traditional points of sale. core element of the immersive environment, thus its malfunctioning,
According to the literature (Solomon et al., 2000; Hillson, damage or improvements have impact both for consumers’ experi-
2002; Feldman and Sandborn, 2007), we identified the physical, ence and other components. As a consequence, its effect can be
technical and market risks of internal technological components disruptive from the obsolescence risk analysis, by prompting retailers
that might affect the obsolescence of the whole technology. To to focus especially on this element for reducing the global obsoles-
achieve this task, we used the Risk Breakdown Structure (Hillson, cence risk emerging from the adoption of immersive technologies in
2002) and the Probability–Impact grid (Ward, 1999). Since these the points of sale.
tools do not take into account the interdependencies between Furthermore, our findings show how the radical innovations such
risks that would be able to increase the negative effect of each as the immersive stores may encounter both incremental and radical
risk, we introduce a further analysis focusing on the risks inter- risks able to affect the whole technology in different ways. In
dependencies that shows to what extent some risks with low particular, each technology-based innovation to be introduced in
impact in the probability–impact grid acquire more importance, the point of sale would encounter incremental and radical risks which
owing to the great influence on other risks. From this analysis, the are not mutually exclusive (rather, usually it could have both risk’s
risk of screen substitution (, previously evaluated as a types) that should be exploited in with different modalities; particular
moderate–high risk, emerge as one of the most important due to attention have to be paid to the radical risks and interdependencies
the impact on others. In fact, the risk of perceived difficult of use (conditional probabilities) which may generate them.
system (1.1.1), of data glove substitution with other technologies
(, and of introduction of new technologies that do not
require glasses with polarized lens ( are directly affected 6. Future works
by this one. Hence, this component of the immersive store would
be able to determine the obsolescence of the whole system, and Owing to the great number of risks involved in the introduc-
its damages, malfunctioning, improvements have high impact tion of innovations at the points of sale with emphasis on the
both from a technical point of view and consumers’ usage. critical role of obsolescence risk, tools for the efficient manage-
Similarly, improvements and investments in this direction will ment are necessary for reducing the uncertainty. In this work, we
be able to enhance the quality of the whole system and the users’ propose a further tool for supporting managers, by considering
satisfaction. the impact of each risk on the others. This tool supports the
For this reason, the matrix of interdependencies emerges as a evaluation of the real impact of a risk: the interdependencies risks
new useful tool for providing further critical information able to relationship matrix. In particular, we tested the tool on a new
reduce the uncertainty concerning the introduction of a new technology (the immersive store) not introduced yet in the stores,
technology and supporting retailers in the decision-making pro- thus still in the early phase of the life cycle.
cess and risk management, by facilitating the evaluation of the Furthermore, from our analysis the different weight of each
actual influence of any kind of risk on the others. In fact, the risk on the total obsolescence risk of the whole system emerges.
interdependencies matrix is able to provide a ‘‘qualitative’’ In fact, some risks are more critical due to both frequency of their
measure of the risk impact by considering the ‘‘width’’ of the occurrence and the impact on the system and impact on other
influence of one risk on the others. single risks. For this reason, we introduced the concept of radical
Furthermore, our findings show the different importance of each and incremental risk, for better distinguish the value of these ones
risk, owing to the different role of each risk on the obsolescence of the and suggest retailers (or decision-makers) to focus their effort on
innovation at the point of sale. the radical/disruptive ones.
Hence, the different risks have a different impact on the total Although important issues emerged from our work, there are
obsolescence of the whole system, by acting at a different level. In some limitations which should be taken into account. The first
fact, some risks have a stronger impact on the system, because concerns the total amount of the investigated risk. In fact, the risk
their occurrence may cause the malfunctioning of the entire analysis does not focus on all the possible risks for immersive
system or the occurrence of other risks (as emerging from the store, by emphasizing only the most important ones. For instance,
matrix of interdependencies). there are more risks related to the malfunctioning or damage of
Since the introduced innovations have a different importance smaller components such as the cables for electricity or batteries
according to the elicited changes (Marquis, 1969; Damanpour and concerned that are not included in this work. Another limit
E. Pantano et al. / Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 20 (2013) 225–233 233

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