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NAME: _Davey M. Roa _____________________ Date : __10-04-2020______
Course & Year : _BSED 4 Filipino_______________________________________
Task 5
On Planning Data Analysis Using Statistics
Determine the level of measurement scale of the following:

1. Gender Nominal scale

2. Economic Status Ordinal scale
3. Length of Service Ratio scale
4. Honor roll Ordinal scale
5. Religious preference Nominal scale
6. Time of the day Interval scale
7. Level of happiness Ordinal scale
8. Foot Size Ordinal scale
9. Eye Color Nominal scale
10. Ethnicity Nominal scale
11. Educational Attainment Ordinal scale
12. Size of Shoes Interval scale
13. Level of Agreement Ordinal scale
14. Temperature Ratio scale
15. Number of Children Ratio scale
16. Political Affiliation Nominal scale
17. Income for a year Ratio scale
18. Pain severity Ordinal scale
19. Grade point average Interval scale
20. Pet Type Nominal scale

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