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(Covid -19)

As of now, the world feels paralyzed. It’s quiet, with almost no one is outside and
about, the only sounds that can be heard are the occasional birds chirping, the soft drops of
the spring rain, and the wind whistling through the trees. Everyone is scared straight and
stiff in their homes, with nearly no one even daring to leave and waits everyday hoping for
the pandemic to pass. The corona virus started as much less of a real threat than it is now.
Most of the country was not worried about how it might affect us when we first heard
about it but now, we are all now well aware of how much of a threat it is.
We all have a common enemy for once, the virus. This common suffering and
challenge will make the world see each other as one thing, as one people. Not that our
countries and cultures aren’t important, but that we can all help each other prepare to limit
the suffering and unnecessary death that has surprised the world this time with this virus.
We are lucky to know many of the greatest minds in our field who are now working on this
crisis through the frontline delivery of care, influencing funding, keeping the public
informed, and working on vaccines, treatment, and other services.

As the cases of COVID-19 goes higher, online, new articles, hash tags, and posts
about every little update are being pumped out every second, every minute, every hour,
every day and in every corner, leaving no digital stones untouched. Fear floods the internet
with so much information that it overwhelms everyone on it, causing chaos and panic. It’s
as if the internet has been set in burning with no fire-exits to escape and no fire fighters to
extinguish the flames. As global citizens, this is the moment that all of us should do what we
can to help each other, locally and globally. It is our responsible to help in combating this
pandemic not in a way that we go outside and help them physically. But, even though there
are many people and organizations that are helping the Filipino people, still it is not
enough. The country contains a hundred and 4 million Filipinos but there are many places
that contain many people who live here in our country who are still not get any help or
support from the government and other organizations or company. That’s why many
people still compelling to the government and they did not follow to the protocols in their
barangay because they want to look for things that they can do in order to have money and
foods for their family. Some people lost their confidence on how they survive on their
everyday life if there is no income to sustain their everyday needs. As I hear the perception
of some people here in our barangay, they said that for them, it is much better if there is a
typhoon than to have this pandemic. Why? Because for them, if there is a typhoon, it will
only last in 2 days and after that the weather will be back to normal again, but this covid-19
is really a big problem because no one can tell how and until when it will stop from
Despite of this pandemic, I feel incredibly optimistic about the future, there is an
antidote to fear, as it is HOPE that will pull us through these difficult times. By having faith
that this virus will pass, listening to the medical professionals and authorities, staying
indoors, keeping good hygiene, social distancing, not giving in to the fear-mongering (like
hoarding toilet paper and such), and being mindful and supportive for those deeply
affected either physically or emotionally, I whole- heartily believe that we will be able to
persevere and come out stronger than ever. Even if were at home, we can do simple things
that can help, as said on the lyrics sung in the advertisement on television, “DON’T SHARE

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