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Dari 3 teks yang sudah kalian pelajari tuliskan 15 vocabulary beserta artinya kemudian
masing-masing vocabulary kalian buatkan satu kalimat dalam bentuk past tense seperti pada
form dibawah ini:


Class : BAJ 49

Vocabulary Meaning Sentences

Bury Menguburkan I can bury your cat in my garden in
Duncan and you can come and visit him
Wear Mengenakan She to wear her hat, coat and gloves and
Said Mengatakan said he was the friend of the friend of
the man who
Anything Sesuatu Didn't you study anything at school?”
demanded the professor, surprised.
Spend Menghabiskan Then you Spend half your life

Wasted Membuang Then you wasted ALL of your life,”

said Nasreddin. “We are sinking
Which Mengangkut Which he used to ferry people across
the river
Silent Diam Nasreddin was silent for a little while.
Then he said:
Invited Mengundang Nasreddin invited him in and gave him
a good meal
visitor Pengunjung Then another visitor came
waited Menunggu She waited a long time for the bus

Remembered Ingat Suddenly she remembered she had left

the shopping bag on the bus.
Arrive Sampai I arrive at school at 07.00 a.m
Tastes Rasanya "It tastes just like warm water

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