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1- The issue presented in this case is that Mrs. Jones seem to show a gender bias

behavior. She does not treat boys and girls equally. Girls are given favorable attention

and are frequently praised whereas boys receive only disciplinary attention. Not to

mention the unfair grading criteria toward the boys, who also are required to stay after

school several times. While the girls are getting higher grades and are exempted from

staying after school. In addition, Mrs. Jones only punishes boys during recess while

the girls always get away with whatever conflict they had with the boys. Also, Mrs.

Jones mistaken the girls for always obeying classroom rule and associates boys only

with bad behavior for example, the problem Larry had with his classmate Annie who

ripped his homework and how Mrs. Jones unfairly dismissed her believing that she

wouldn’t do it.

2- Based on the ideas presented in the book one of the most consistent gender

differences is that boys are more physically aggressive than girls (Underwood, 2011).

This is due to different factors either biological or environmental such as cultural

expectations and adult and peer models. But girls tend to show more verbal

aggression, these differences might be the reason behind Mrs. Jones’s disciplinary

behavior toward the boys in and out of the classroom such as punishing the boys and

not girls during recess. I think that Mrs. Jones’s behavior presents gender bias toward

favoring the girls and relating any disciplinary or aggressive behavior to the boys.

while defending the girls and frequently praising and viewing them as models of

behavior in the class. The reason behind Mrs. Jones’s behavior might be that

according to research girls are more likely to be engaged with academic material, put

more effort into their studies and they’re expected to be more attentive and better at
following classroom rules related to disciplinary behavior (DeZolt & Hull, 2001). In

addition, gender differences is present when Mrs. Jones is unfairly grading the

students’ work and favoring the girl except in math believing that girls outperform the

boys especially in reading and writing, while boys are better at math, and assigning

the boys only to remedial education classes, after school classes for example

(Halpern, 2012). Not to mention, that if we pay a little attention we would notice that

the common thing between the required reading for the class is that in all 3 novels the

heroine is a girl who’s nice, passionate, caring and engage in prosocial behavior. Mrs.

Jones’s choice of such reading might be influenced by the idea that girls are viewed as

more prosocial and empathic than boys (Eisenberg, Spinard, & Knafo-Noam, 2015).

3- The behavior of Mrs. Jones will influence gender controversy in between students.

For example, Mrs. Jones favors girls in almost every situation, so girls will feel that

they can get away with anything they do. By thinking this way the girls would be at a

disadvantage in the future when they become aware that they can’t get away with

things just for being girls, and that they have to be responsible for their behavior.

Whereas, boys will believe that they’ll get into trouble with every minor thing they

do. Which could lead to an increase in their misbehavior since they know they’re

going to get in trouble anyway. Or the boys would most likely engage in troublesome

behavior believing that it’s the only way to get the teacher’s attention. In addition, the

unfair grading by Mrs. Jones might cause the boys to stop putting the same effort for

their academics since they believe that their work won’t be appreciated nor


4- Mrs. Jones should treat both boys and girls equally. For example, she should evaluate

the situation before making the assumption that boys are always wrong and take
disciplinary action against them. Also, she should use both boys and girls as an

example of model behavior for example. Furthermore, Mrs. Jones should add to the

reading curriculum books that both girls and boys can relate to. In order, to highlight

gender equality. Regarding outside assistance, maybe Mrs. Jones should attend

lectures or group discussion about the topics of gender roles, gender equality and how

to deal with gender differences in the school setting. Such discussions could help

improve her behavior and she might become more conscious to her behavior toward

the students. Also, talking about the problem she’s facing to someone such as the

school’s psychology counselor could help her find solutions and realize what’s

influencing such behavior and therefore help her eliminate her point of view toward

gender bias.

5- If I was the teacher in this class, I would evaluate the situations carefully before

taking disciplinary decisions against any student. I would equally reinforce and praise

my students for their work and behavior in and outside the classroom. In order to

reduce gender differences, I would makes both girls and boys work together in small

groups where each one of them would be assigned something to do and they later

need to work all together in cooperative manner to finish their task. In addition, it

would be great to arrange activities that includes boys and girls. And introduce stories

or topics they both could relate to.

6- To maintain gender equality in my own classroom, I would randomly assign students

to participate or choose in a girl-boy order. Also, I would include in the academic

curriculum both gender related books so both boys and girls could relate to the

readings. In addition, I would arrange activities that both girls and boys could be

included in and I would encourage small cooperative groups where there’s boys and
girls together. And I would have several open discussions about the importance of

gender equality and gender roles and how they have changed over the course of

history. This way the students won’t exhibit stereotypical behavior and would

understand the meaning of gender equality.


Rose is a 11 years old girl who comes from a middleclass family, she’s the 3rd and

youngest child in her family. Both her parents have attained a bachelor’s degree, but

her mother preferred to become a stay at home mom after rose was born while her

father is an engineer who enjoys his work. Both rose’s parents are involved in her life

and they adopt the authoritative style. Rose is considered as a high achiever in school,

her parents used to help her with her homework until she entered 5th grade they

decided to let her study on her own. Her parents encouraged her to study and work

hard and they praised her work and supported her to become her best. Rose’s parents

encouraged her to be independent, but still they placed some limits and control over

her actions. Her parents are very nurturing and supportive and if sometimes they

didn’t agree on something she asks or would like to do they would sit down and

discuss it together and they either convince her or she convince them of her point of

view. Rose’s parents made sure that she has good manners and behavior toward others

by modeling to her kind and respectful behaviors.

a) Rose would most probably get along with her peers she might not be the most

popular one but she would be liked by most, since her parents have helped her

develop her communication skills by promoting open conversations and extensive

verbal communication in their household. She would most likely form strong bond

and relationships with her peers since her parents were very nurturing and
affectionate. In addition, since her parents thought her the importance of being

kind and respectful to others rose would know how to behave toward her friends

and would show them both kindness and respect which could be a reason why her

peers would like to be her friend. Rose would be very understanding of others.

b) Self-esteem refers to the individual’s overall view of himself, it’s also referred to

as self-image or self-worth.

As a result of the family environment and parenting style Rose would most

probably have a high self-esteem since her parents have encouraged her to be

independent and speak for herself. Also, her parents are very supportive of her and

gives her the needed attention which helps in building her self-esteem. In addition,

rose’s parents give her opportunities to express herself and her own opinion which

helps her grow her self-esteem. Furthermore, knowing that rose is a high achiever

and that her parents support and praise her hard work this gives her confidence

and makes her able to set and achieve goals in life. all this has a positive impact

on her self-esteem.

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