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Crack the case:

1- Mrs. Jones’s gender bias behavior is the issue in this case. Mrs. Jones treat her

students from both genders unequally, she favors the girls over the boys and this is

obviously perceived by the frequency of praise and recognition girls receive whereas

the boys receive attention of disciplinary nature only. Also, the unfair grading criteria

that Mrs. jones uses against boys while giving girls only the highest grades. In

addition, only boys are required to stay for additional classes after school. Also, Mrs.

Jones always mistaken the boys to be the troublemakers and punishes them while

defending the girls whom she consider to be models of behavior. Mrs. Jones’s unjust

behavior could be seen during recess whenever a conflict happens between boys and

girls and she interferes and punishes the boys by forcing them to stand against the

wall and letting the girls without any punishment or remark.

2- By referring to the book we might come across several research and ideas that could

present a possible influence on Mrs. Jones’s ideas of gender. according to research by

DeZolt & Hull, 2001 it was found that girls are most likely to be engaged in academic

activities and put a great effort into their academical studies. And they’re usually

more attentive and better at obeying classroom rules than boys. This could influence

Mrs. Jones’s behavior toward favoring the girls and frequently considering them as

models of behavior in the classroom. also, Mrs. Jones’s unfair grading criteria

towards the boys and assigning them to after school classes while giving the girls the

highest grades except in math could be influenced by research done by Halpern, 2012

which considers boys to have better visuospatial skills than girls which put them at an

advantage to outperform the girls in math and attain higher scores whereas girls are
considered to have better verbal skills which allows them to attain high score in

reading and writing. In addition, one of the most consistent gender differences is that

boys are more physically aggressive than girls according to Underwood, 2011. This

differences could result from biological/hereditary factors or environmental one such

as cultural expectations. On the other hand, girls are expected to show more verbal

aggression such as yelling. These differences might be influencing Mrs. Jones’s

gender bias behavior toward favoring the girls and associating the boys to every

disciplinary or aggressive behavior while defending the girls thinking they’re

uncapable of such aggressive behavior. This is clearly demonstrated by the way Mrs.

Jones blamed Larry for disturbing his classmate Annie and didn’t consider the fact

she might be the one who bothered Larry first by ripping his homework, “you know

Annie would never do that” Mrs. Jones said to Larry. Last, the required reading

assigned for the classroom all have the protagonist who only girls could relate to since

she’s a female who’s caring, nice and engage in prosocial behavior. According to

research done by Einsenberg, Spinrad & Knafo-Noam, 2015 girls are more likely to

engage in prosocial behavior and view them as more empathic than boys. Mrs.

Jones’s choice of these reading may be influenced by similar research and ideas.

3- Mrs. jones’s behavior would most probably influence gender controversy between her

students. For example, Mrs. jones treats boys in her classroom in an unjust way. In the

classroom they’re at risk of getting into trouble regardless of how minor their actions

are. If Mrs. Jones continues to treat them in such an unfair way the boys will most

likely engage in more disturbing behavior and would be more prone to develop a

careless attitude since they know they’re going to get in trouble no matter what they

do. Also, the lack of attention from Mrs. Jones’s side toward the boys except for
disciplinary nature could play the role of a positive reinforcement for the boys’

troublesome behavior since they believe it’s the only way to get her attention.

Furthermore, the unfair grading criteria toward the boys might lead them to lose

interest in academic work and stop putting the same effort they used to put into their

studies since they know that the girls are the ones who will have the higher scores.

Regarding the girls in Mrs. Jones’s class they’re always considered as the teacher’s

favorites which would lead them to get away with things almost all the time. Mrs.

jones’s behavior would most probably put the girls at disadvantage in the future since

they might think that they’ll be able to get away with stuff just for being girls but

when reality hits them and they realize that they have to be responsible for their

behavior and similar to the boys they would be punished for any misbehavior.

4- In order to solve the problem Mrs. Jones should understand the reasons behind her

gender bias behavior. This could be through joining open discussions and lectures that

discuss the topic of gender equality and gender roles and how to prevent gender

differences from influencing a teacher’s behavior toward her students. If Mrs. Jones

engages in these discussions she might be able to become more aware of the problem

which would help improve her behavior. Also, it might be beneficial if Mrs. Jones

discuss the problem she’s facing with a professional in the topic of gender equality

like a psychologist or a counselor since talking could make her aware of the factors

influencing her behavior. And a professional would provide her with the assistance

needed. In addition, Mrs. Jones should start treating boys and girls equally and

evaluate each situation individually before taking disciplinary actions against her

students and listen two both parties without making prior misconceptions about their

behavior. Also, Mrs. Jones should uses both girls and boys as models of behavior and
praise her students’ achievement regardless of their gender. finally, Mrs. Jones should

include in the curriculum material that both boys and girls can relate to instead of

excluding a certain gender.

5- If I were to be the teacher in this classroom, I would work on equally reinforcing and

praising my students’ work regardless of their gender. I would carefully evaluate each

situation before taking decisions and punishing my students, I would listen to what

both parties have to say without having prior misconceptions and I would give them

the space to defend themselves. Also, I would include material that both boys and

girls can somehow relate to so none can feel left out. In addition, I would organize

class activities that suits both genders equally. To reduce gender differences i would

work on creating small cooperative groups where there’s boys and girls so they get

used to working together and I would divide their tasks equally and fairly so none is at

a disadvantage.

6- To minimize gender bias and maintain a gender equal environment in my own

classroom I would take the following steps: I would reinforce and praise my students

fairly based on their work and behavior. I would allow everyone to participate in class

activities and discussions, I might choose students by going down the attendance

sheet so everyone gets a chance to be part of the class discussion and express what’s

on their mind. Also, I would add to the academic curriculum material that both

genders can relate to so no student would feel left out. I can have open discussions

with my students about gender and gender equality or we could ask the school to host

a guest speaker about gender equality topics and gender roles and how they have

changed. This way my students most likely won’t engage in stereotypical behavior

and would have a better understanding about the meaning and importance of gender

equality. In addition, I would encourage activities that both girls and boys could
participate in. and I would assign them to group projects where the group includes

both girls and boys so they get used to effectively work and communicate together.

All this could minimize gender bias in the classroom since the students would be

treated equally and they won’t feel any type of gender inequality.

Learner case study:

Jad is a 14 years old boy. His family is considered one of the richest in town. He’s an

only child, both his parents have a PhD from one of the most prestigious universities

in the country. Their family business is based outside the country so his dad has to

travel quite a lot but his mother is around all the time. Since Jad’s dad is away from

home his mother take care of him and she’s very paranoid and fears that she cannot

handle the role of both the mother and the father so she’s strict and tough on her son.

She adopts the authoritarian parenting style thinking that this way she’s protecting her

son. She places strict rules and restrictions on her son’s behavior and prevent him

from taking any decision without her approval. Jad’s mother wants him to obey the

rules at all cost. If she takes a decision there’s no further discussion since she believes

that it’s the best for him and he has no say in it. Regarding his academics, Jad is an

average achieving students and this does not satisfy his parents, they won’t him to be

the best of the best. They pressure him to improve his academic achievement and

assign tutors for him to improve. His parents restrict him from hanging out with other

kids so his academic performance won’t decline. They always compare him to his

high achieving peers and tell him that he’s in the most prestigious school in town so

might as well work harder and be grateful for the opportunity he has.

a- Regarding peer status Jad might be considered as the neglected kid. Since he’s

an only child he has no siblings to talk and interact with also his parents adopt
the authoritarian parenting style, they display little to no verbal communication

which could cause him to have poor communication skills and therefore it would

be hard for him to start up conversations with his peers and make it hard for him

to form bonds and friendships like other children. Also, since Jad’s parents are

very strict and won’t let him hangout with the other kids, his peers might stop

asking him to join them knowing that he can’t, this would cause him to stay

alone most of the time especially at his age when other boy would be enjoying

their free time at gaming centers.

b- The definition of self-esteem as present in the book in an individual’s overall

view of himself, his self-worth or self-image. Since Jad’s parents adopt the

authoritarian parenting style he’s most likely going to have a low self-esteem.

Their parenting style causes their son to behave in a socially incompetent ways,

he will tend to conform easily since at home his parents never took his opinion

into consideration. Since Jad’s parents often compared him to his peers this

would affect him negatively by developing anxiety about social comparison. His

parents’ lack of appreciation for his efforts would make him feel that nothing he

does is good enough which could lead him to serious psychological disorder

such as depression. Also, since Jad’s parents always decided what he can and

can’t do he will lack the feeling of independence and won’t be able initiate

activities he would always need someone to decide for him.

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