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Responde (en inglés o español) las preguntas siguientes sobre

las cuestiones vistas en las páginas precedentes:

1. Why is the language of Mathematics more specialized than

the language of Economics, according to figure 1?
Mathematics is more specialised than the language of Economics due to the fact of belonging to
technical languages instead of belonging to semi-tehnical languages.

2. Why is Business language considered a semi-technical

language in the same figure?
Because business language has a part of science (social science) and informative language
(press, etc).

3. Are Professional and Academic Languages restricted systems

of human communication not accessible to the majority of
people? Why?
To have knowledge regarding academic and professional language is not accessible to most of
people due to restrictive language and specific context which it takes place in.

4. Why do you think the syntax of Professional and Academic

Languages is short and simple?
It is simple and short to avoid ambiguity of the expression.

5. How do you understand the difference between propositional

and expressive meaning in words?
Propositional meaning establishes the relation between words and the real or imaginary world.
However, expressive meaning refers to attitude, feelings and cultural expressions of speakers.

6. What is a professional jargon?

Language, especially the vocabulary, peculiar to a particular trade, profession, or group:
medical jargon.

Contrasta y compara los siguientes periodos sintácticos en
español e inglés de la economía y los negocios

1. It is the right to preserve or sell a property belonging to

someone that is endebted. Many times the property is sold to
pay the debt or is withheld as a guarantee until the debt has
been paid. There are many financial institutions that use this
right to get back the money they are owed, but they are not the
only ones, since the federal government uses withholdings if
taxes are due.
2. Los propietarios tienen derecho a mantener o vender una
propiedad que esté en una situación de endeudamiento lo que
origina que, a menudo, se vean, bien, obligados a venderla para
satisfacer la deuda o a retener la propiedad como aval hasta
que la deuda haya sido liquidada. Muchas entidades financieras
hacen uso de este derecho para obtener la devolución del dinero
que se les debe, pero no son sólo ellas, también el gobierno
federal (estadounidense) recurre al derecho de retención si el
propietario no está al corriente en el pago de sus impuestos.

En el párrafo número uno se observan estructuras pasivas,

impersonales y condicionales. En la estructura española, párrafo
dos, no se observan estructuras pasivas pero si infinitivos y el
condicional se mantiene. Se observan numerosos sintagmas
nominales en ambos párrafos.

Identifica, describe y traduce los elementos comunicativos
especializados en el siguiente texto:
Loans and the Financial Crisis
Loans and the financial crisis is a global crisis triggered by a
dramatic rise in mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures, with
major adverse consequences for banks and financial markets
around the global. This crisis became apparent in 2007 and has
exposed pervasive weaknesses in financial industry regulation
and the global financial system. The entire lending industry
including payday lenders have seen a dramatic rise in the
default of loan repayments.
With the recent global housing market currently undergoing
massive changes in traditional lending practices, borrowers will
find that obtaining a loan during this financial crisis to be more
informative, defined and reliable than in the recent past. Large
lending institutions are now more aware of the financial damage
that subprime mortgages can cause to not only the housing
industry, but the overall economy in general and individual
financial stability more specifically.
To help lenders provide loans during this financial crisis to
borrowers with impaired credit, some lenders are developing
fixed-rate and hybrid ARM products that will provide the lender
with more choices to offer subprime borrowers. Hybrid ARM's
will limit payment stock by offering adjustable rate margins,
longer fixed-rate terms and longer reset periods. Lenders will
require originators to underwrite these products at the fully
indexed and amortizing rate.

Préstamos y Crisis financiera

Los prestamos y la crisis financiera constituye una crisis global
causada por una subida dramática de la morosidad y la
ejecución hipotecaria con las consecuencias adversas para los
bancos y los mercados financieros del mundo. La crisis se
empezó a manifestar en 2007 y ha expuesto las deficiencias
generales de la regulación de la industria financiera y el sistema
financiero global. La duración de los prestamos incluyendo los
prestamistas han visto una subida dramática en la amortización
del préstamo.

Con los recientes grandes cambios masivos que ha

experimentado el mercado laboral a nivel global, los prestatarios
piensan que la obtención de un préstamo durante la crisis
financiera es más informativo, definido y de confianza que el
pasado reciente. Las grandes instituciones de crédito son ahora
más conscientes de que el daño financiero que las hipotecas de
alto riesgo pueden causar no solo a la industria inmobiliaria pero
sobre todo a la economía en general y a la estabilidad financiera
individual de manera más específica.

Para ayudar a que los prestamistas den prestamos durante la

crisis financiera a los prestatarios con créditos deficientes,
algunos prestamistas están desarrollando los productos híbridos
de hipotecas de tasa de interés ajustable , que darán a los
prestamistas con más opciones para ofrecer a los prestatarios
no preferenciales. Las hipotecas híbridas con tasa de interés
ajustable limitarán el pago de reservas ofreciendo márgenes de
tasas ajustables, largo plazo de interés fijo y de periodo de
anulación. Los prestamistas requerirán que los ordenantes
garanticen estos productos plenamente indexados y amortizable
de un préstamo.

Neologismos y jerga en la Nueva economía. Busca en
internet contextos para los términos siguientes y trata de
hallar una traducción al español.
1. Brick and mortar business: tienda física
“Amazon raised eyebrows in November when it opened its first brick and mortar extension – a
bookstore in Seattle’s University Village. The online giant’s rise, after all, is blamed for laying
waste to independent bookshops across the country.”

2. C-level (applied to companies): de alto nivel
“We’re beginning to see C-level executives who have more in common with their executive
peers than they do with the people in the functions they run. And today members of senior
management are expected not only to support the CEO on business strategies but also to offer
their own insights and contribute to key decisions.”

3. Deer market: mercado poco activo

4. Early birding (buying strategy): anticipado

“Advantages of Being the Early Bird

There are at least three different advantages to this particular strategy.

1. There are no competitors to contend with.

You get to both define and play the game all by yourself, which is a supreme advantage.
Prospects aren’t vetting your value proposition against any other competitor on the same
dimensions, so it’s a lot easier to come up with a compelling unique value proposition.

2. The innovative edge is inherently motivating.


5. pausa financiera “Software systems, like race cars,
need to be tweaked and tuned over time. In most forms of auto racing, scheduled pit stops can
be one of the most important strategies in a race.”

6. m-commerce: comercio móvil
“Muchos hemos escuchado hablar sobre el e-commerce o comercio electrónico pero muy pocos
sobre el m-commerce. El m-commerce o el comercio móvil es una nueva forma en el que los
consumidores interactúan con el comercio, en este caso, lo hacen a través de cualquier
dispositivo móvil (smartphones, tablets, etc).”

7. PowerPoint project: proyecto de presentación power point
“Free Project Management template for PowerPoint is a free project management slide
design for your presentations with an abstract background that you can use for Project
Management topics as well as other project management program for example to combine this
PM template with other software like Sharepoint project management template or embedding
Excel diagrams in the slide including Gantt diagrams that is widely used as a project
management tool.”

8. Read-only values: valor de sólo lectura
“I believe this is the same as setSubmitMode("always") issue for read-only fields. I am
wondering if there is a way to resolve this issue inside the Business Rule or Form/Field
settings ?”

9. Silver bullet: fórmula milagrosa
“In How the Mighty Fall, the author points out there is no silver bullet for business success. It’s
a point that’s well made and sadly can’t be made enough. A lot of business owners have this
idea that there is a silver bullet that will help them be successful and stay successful. when
social media first hit the scene, it was treated as silver bullet, only for business owners to realize
it was anything but that. QR codes were treated the same way and undoubtedly when something
else comes out that can effect a business it will also be treated as a silver bullet. However there
is no silver bullet and eventually people realize that what they thought was a silver bullet was
something that could help their business, but wouldn’t automatically make it successful.”

10.Upgrade the herd: renovar la plantilla
“On John’s desk in his small office was a plaque, given to him years earlier by a friend. The
plaque’s message was terse: “Upgrade the Herd” is what it said. To John, this meant that every
hire had to improve the overall quality of his operation, from people in his machine shop to the
Vice Presidents who made up his management team. It was his mantra, his creed, and it helped
him build Cisco into the powerhouse it has become today.”

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