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8 000 watching*Vrma
Dase Herrón, the home club Pulfhmf\
h' X°lf oífp»on*h'v hole
the putt
a the ,4,h '

°* Oakmont with
that defeated Bobby Jones, of Atlanta,
out 5
and 4 up
to go
big gallery of1
Dave Herrón, amateur golt ZUU-pound ¿¿-year-old
s new is champion, a Princeton graduate '

Mot».- i. i.

'L-ejl_Talk about your Roman baths! Here's a The rows of pup tents that shelter our future generals at the splendid summer camp
modern one at the Fifth Avenue Public Library where of the West Point Cadets at Monroe, N. V.. photographed from an airplane at an
street youngsters enjoy themselves daily. r,., r/.o ,.»..... altitude of about 2.000 feeti. r í

Roland Rholfs, one of the 39 aeroplan«-

pilots in the great international handicap
Beloved Queen Marie of Rumania mingles with her country people racefrom New York to Toronto and re¬
and helps in the distribution of American Red Cross supplies. Little turn. He made the 520-mile trip from
Princess Illyana is on the left, holding the bridle of her pon}'. Rumor Toronto to Mineóla in six hour?«
has it that the Queen will visit America this year. ; t s and a half. Rholfs holds the
unofficial American altitud«"
.«^fTt-ilA record of 30
For the first time in five years Germany begins to show some of the old-time interest
in her painters and sculptors. Berlin holds a great art exhibit and Professor
Schlichting addresses the opening standing at the base of ihe famous Beethoven
jl¡f& 700 feet.

statue. '.'¦' ¦' n ¦>,./,-.,

The gia\e of Lieutenant Quentin Roosevelt in France at the edge

of the wood of Chamery, east of Fere-en-Tardenois, and Mine.
Pasquar Cagnet and her little daughter, caretakers of the bit of
ground sacred to all America. Lieutenant Roosevelt was killed
in an aerial combat with German aviators in July, 1018.

Three bosses of the navy, Secretary Daniels, Mary Picklord and .Admiral Hugh Rodman,
commander of the new Pacific Fleet, from a photograph taken on the U. S. S. Texas in Los
Angeles harbor, just after the ceremony at which Miss Pickford was made "little sister of the
navy." the title won by the- film stai v as sponsor of the Texas, which won the "Match the
Navy" Victory Loan contest-" u i

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