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Professor’s name: Carmen Stella Franco Vidal

Student’s name: Andres Camilo Cuyato Cuartas

Group: 3

Dear student.

Welcome to level 5. We are happy to have you this semester and to be part of your learning process. Here,
you will find the instructions with all the activities you have to accomplish during the first period. These
activities are related to your writing process, mainly. It is important to be responsible with all of them in order
to have a good performance. The main objective of the writing log is that of self- learning by putting into
practice the topics covered in class.



There are 4 exercises in your first period writing log. They are described in the list below:

1. Exercise 1: Your article with the main ideas, vocabulary highlighted, and vocabulary meaning. ______
2. Exercise 2: writing your first draft for your composition. ______
3. Exercise 3: Improving your article’s summary
4. Exercise 4: Improving your article’s critique

Teacher’s feedback:




Writing log general grade:________


Specific Objective: To identify the different library services from the university such as
books, magazines, newspapers and databases in order to find and to select academic
readings about his/her field of expertise using some search commands as well as to put into
practice the skimming and scanning reading strategies when reading an academic texts for being able to
identify its main and specific ideas.

a. Choose an article from the databases of the university with a minimum of 2 pages, maximum 3 pages.
Underline the main ideas of the article with a marker and use a different one to underline the words that
help you to understand it. Choose 10 words you don’t understand and complete the following chart.

Word Definition in English

1. Entrepreneurship Skill in starting new businesses, especially when this involves

seeing new opportunities.

2. Approaches To come close in distance or time, to deal with something.

3. Growth The process of getting bigger or developing.

4. Welfare A person’s welfare is his or her health and happiness, money or

help that a government gives to people who are poor or do not
have jobs.

5. Besides In addition to.

6. Duties Something you must do because the law says you must or because
it is right.

7. Knowledge Information and understanding that you have in your mind

8. Sustainability Improving the sustainability of the food chain is essential in

tackling climate change.

9. Purchasing The act of buying something.

10. Approach To come close in distance or time, to deal with something.


Specific Objective: To recognize and to apply the most important writing tips to write a
well-structured article review.
Before getting started, please take a look at the article review structure:
 Mention the author(s) the title, and briefly explain the main topic of the text.
 Explain the main objective of the article and its contribution(s)/finding(s).
 State your evaluation of the article. It can be positive, negative or both.
Summary: Explain in your own words the key points of your article along with a limited number of examples.
Critique: Evaluate your article: Think about the relevance of your article for people in your field nowadays. Are
there any gaps in the information given in the article? Do you have any recommendations?
Note: since this is your first article review, I suggest you to select whether your critique is positive or negative.
 Restate your overall opinion of the text.
 Briefly present recommendations.

Now, let’s start with the activities:

1. Introduction: Write sentences according to each component of your introduction.

Author: Jaime H. Mendoza-Chacón*, John F. Ramírez-Bolaños*, Hemilé S. Floréz-Obceno*,

Jesús D. Diáz-Castro*
Title: Developing and evolution of industrial engineering and its paper in education.
Main idea of the article: This article intended to show a vision of engineering through a literature review
from its birth to what could be in its future; particularly the role of industrial engineering in education.
What you think about the article (not about the topic presented in the article): It is an article of the
utmost importance since it shows how industrial engineering is too influential in various areas and activities of
daily life, this article helped me to infer that my career is of great importance both in the field of work and in
day-to-day life.

Specific Objective: To use reporting verbs and phrases when summarizing.


state report announce stress argue respond claim
suggest express believe demonstrate show
According to…, In … ´s view… As …. explains, …

Tips to summarize:
1- Use your OWN words
2- Mark with reporting verbs and phrases
3- Give importance to the author. Example: In David Khan’s view, the
4- Be general.
5- Avoid word repetition. Use synonyms!
6- Use connectors to organize your ideas!


Keeping in mind the vocabulary & common expressions as well as the tips to summarize, please write your
article summary.

This paper intended to show a vision of engineering through a literature review from its birth to what could be
in its future; particularly the role of industrial engineering in education, based on articles from authors who
have already researched and written on this subject, whose main conclusion is that the Industrial Engineering
must be more participative regarding the institutionalism represented by universities, the company with its
determining factor in society and the welfare of the population, for example: the world needs professionals
with knowledge of industrial processes to ensure the best performance of the companies arisen in order to
response to the needs of a society that constantly adapts and changes facing nature.

Specific Objective: To write stronger critiques.


General point of view: No one can argue that…/ It is generally accepted that…/Most people say that…/
Agreeing with an opinion: I agree with the idea of…./ I completely agree with this view…./ I couldn’t
agree more on…
Partial agreement: The idea is right, but…/ I partly agree with …./ I am not sure that I compketely
agree with this idea…/
Disagreeeing with an opinion: However,…/ On the contrary,…/I don’t believe that…/ I disagree that…

When writing your critique, think of the following aspects of your article to have more ideas you
can criticize about:
1- How confident are you in the article’s results/ 5- How complete and thorough a job did the
information and why? authors do? Do the authors include an adequate
2- Are its ideas really new, or do the authors simply discussion, analysis and conclusions? Did they
repackage old ideas and give them a new name? justify everything adequately? Did they provide
3- What are the article’s faults and limitations? Did enough background information for the intended
it discuss all the important aspects and issues in audience to understand it? For you to
its field? understand it?
4- In what way should the article have made a 6- Were there adequate and appropriate examples
contribution, but then did not? and illustrations?

IMPORTANT: Reference the author when you want to refute his ideas. Example: In David
Khan’s view, the……However, I consider that…
Always use your OWN words!

Activity: Keeping in mind the expressions to give opinions as well as suggestions, please elaborate your
critique. Use the information you wrote about the critique of your article, in exercise 2.

The article shows great opinions about industrial engineering as a career, and as a person who has studied
this career greatly influences society, the author indicates that engineering has played a basic role in the
development of society to the extent that that meets the needs in different fields such as social, economic,
official, financial, environmental and technological, given this opinion I fully agree that this engineering
influences a variety of fields because the engineer of the future faces a society in constant change with new
disciplines, which have to be integrated with technological processes and have to fight in a competitive society
recovering ethics and professionalism, thus seeking to meet the specific needs of society, this article aims to
show how Industrial Engineering has to be more participatory with the institutions represented by the
universities, the company with its factor determining factor in society and the well-being of the population, in
order to achieve a common goal: quality and social responsibility within production and the satisfaction of

Specific Objective: To write the conclusion of your article review.

Please go back to the initial chart to find out what needs to be addressed in the conclusion .
At present, the industrial engineer fulfills a very important role, since this person is in charge of development
in the world of technology, gives the implementation of new bases that make life easier, to offer productivity
to companies employing intelligently and rational necessary services, these are some of the reasons why I am
sure that the industrial engineer is important, The vast majority of the occasions, we do not know what is the
true motivation that engineers have to continue with the arduous work they do because they do not They
always appear giving interviews and posing in the most popular magazines. However, they are the engine that
drives most of the technological changes in our society, for that reason I recommend valuing the work of
industrial engineers because they are one of the most important pillars of society in general.

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