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“Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.

― Socrates

“It is not knowledge, but the act of learning, not the possession of but the act of
getting there, which grants the greatest enjoyment.”
― Carl Friedrich Gauss

“Purpose drives the process by which we become what we are capable of being.”
― Lolly Daskal

“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.” Beverly Sills

Learn as if you were to live forever.     

Mahatma Gandhi

Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with

ardor and attended to with diligence.      
Abigail Adams

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. —Albert Einstein

 “The key to success is dedication to life-long learning.”

-Stephen Covey

Attached herewith are my photos while watching the videos. From those videos,
I got some ideas on how to answer properly in an interview. In addition, I also
learned the possible questions that the interviewer might ask. Being prepared in
an interview makes you more confident and more likely to ace the interview

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