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Task: List 10 areas you wish to improve for your aural perception skills. Link them to the brief.

Give at
least three stages for each of these ten areas for improvement, e.g. Identifying time signatures: Stage
1 - identifying time signatures with simple time signatures (2,3 or 4 beats in a bar), Stage 2 -
identifying compound time signatures, (6,9,12 beats in a bar), Stage 3 - identifying changes in time
signature, Stage 4 - Identifying time signatures that are more complex e.g. 5/4 or 7/8.

 Practicing recognizing intervals

 Practice recognizing scales: Start with the more common scales i.e major scales like A, C and D
major, as those scales are the most common to come across.
 Practice recognizing keys: Going on YouTube and going on google to look for quizzes and such to
test my knowledge of those keys and practice playing them on guitar, first by notation and then
gradually learn to play them by ear.
 Tuning guitar by ear, recognizing 5 ths – Tuning guitar by ear, then checking the tuning with the
guitar tuner on my phone
 Learn the very subtle difference between Diminished and Augmented chords – Listen to the
chords that are being played one note at a time, and try to identify it there.
 Identify the structure of different genres of music – Listen to specific songs of all genres and try
to pick out the different parts of the structure
 Learn the elements of music within a song: Identify the elements of music, start identifying the
elements of music with a simple song that’s shorter than other songs
 Work on your relative pitch, by finding the key of a song without searching it up and try to play
the chords of that specific song and play it to make sure it matches. Play songs that either don’t
need a capo or start with power chords as they’re the easiest to move around the fret board and
can also be used to identify open chords, then search up the chords and compare how far
you’ve gone off by – which chords are correct, which ones aren’t.
 Identifying time signatures – start with the basic time signatures 2/4, 4/4, 3/v4 and count them
and make sure you’re identifying it correctly – gradually increase the difficulty to compound
time signatures, eventually listen to songs that change time signatures mid song and identify the
 Begin on developing my sight reading: begin with simple pieces i.e songs that only have chords –
move on to songs that mainly have a lead melody, but it’s a simple melody. This can be a simple
vocal line etc. then focus on chords and melody and work on that gradually, then work on finger
styling the chords so that you get the melody as well.

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