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Note to Building Owners and

Facility Managers

From marketing and negotiating leases concerns underlie many complaints about
and maintenance contracts to planning for “poor air quality.” Furthermore, tempera-
future expansion, operating a commercial ture and humidity are among the many
or public building is a complex process factors that affect indoor contaminant
that leaves you little time for unnecessary levels.
activities. Working with your facility staff, It is important to remember that while
you make an effort to provide a pleasant occupant complaints may be related to
setting and are accustomed to dealing time at work, they may not necessarily be
with occupant complaints about room due to the quality of the air. Other factors
temperature, noise, plumbing system such as noise, lighting, ergonomic stressors
problems, and other elements of the (work station and task design), and job-
building environment. related psychosocial stressors can —
A healthy indoor environment is one in individually and in combination —
which the surroundings contribute to contribute to the complaints. These
productivity, comfort, and a sense of health problems are briefly addressed in this
and well being. The indoor air is free from document.
significant levels of odors, dust and con- Good indoor air quality enhances
taminants and circulates to prevent occupant health, comfort, and workplace
stuffiness without creating drafts. Tem- productivity. Rental properties can gain a
perature and humidity are appropriate to marketing advantage if they are known to
the season and to the clothing and activity offer a healthy and pleasant indoor envi-
of the building occupants. There is enough ronment. Failure to respond promptly and
light to illuminate work surfaces without effectively to IAQ problems can have
creating glare and noise levels do not consequences such as:
interfere with activities. Sanitation, ■ increasing health problems such as
drinking water, fire protection, and other cough, eye irritation, headache, and
factors affecting health and safety are well- allergic reactions, and, in some rare
planned and properly managed. cases, resulting in life-threatening
Good air quality is an important conditions (e.g., Legionnaire’s disease,
component of a healthy indoor environ- carbon monoxide poisoning)
ment. For the purposes of this document, ■ reducing productivity due to discomfort
the definition of good indoor air quality or increased absenteeism
includes: ■ accelerating deterioration of furnishings
■ introduction and distribution of adequate and equipment
ventilation air ■ straining relations between landlords and
■ control of airborne contaminants tenants, employers and employees
■ maintenance of acceptable temperature ■ creating negative publicity that could put
and relative humidity rental properties at a competitive
A practical guide to indoor air quality disadvantage
(IAQ) cannot overlook temperature and ■ opening potential liability problems
humidity, because thermal comfort (Note: Insurance policies tend to exclude
pollution-related claims)

Note to Building Owners and Facilities Managers ix

Provision of good air quality requires problems has sometimes led to reduced
conscientious effort by both building staff energy use due to the efficiency associated
and occupants. The commitment to with a cleaner, and better controlled
address IAQ problems starts with the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
building owner or facility manager, the (HVAC) system. The energy needed to
person who has an overview of the condition and distribute ventilation air is
organization, sets policy, and assigns staff only a small part of total building energy
responsibilities. You have the authority to consumption and is far overshadowed by
see that an IAQ policy is articulated and other operating costs (such as personnel).
carried out, the ability to identify staff with Attempting to limit operating costs by
skills that enable them to react promptly reducing ventilation can be a false
and effectively to complaints, and the economy, if it leads to problems such as
incentive to initiate a program that will increased occupant complaints, reduced
prevent indoor air problems in the future. productivity, and absenteeism.
As you decide how best to respond to the Every complaint merits a response.
challenge of preventing and resolving
Many indoor air quality problems are not
indoor air quality problems in your
difficult to correct and can be solved with
building, it will be helpful to keep in mind
in-house expertise. However, gathering
the following thoughts:
relevant information about the problem
It is important to establish a process and identifying appropriate corrective
that encourages an active exchange of actions is likely to require a coordinated
information. effort by people with a variety of skills.
Without an open communications policy, An indoor air quality problem may
an atmosphere of distrust may be created be the direct or indirect result of an
that complicates your efforts to diagnose apparently minor modification.
and correct problems.
Actions such as the placement of interior
Facility staff are in a position to notice room dividers, the introduction of new
malfunctioning equipment or accidental office equipment, and personal activities
events that could produce indoor air such as cooking can have an impact on
quality problems. indoor air quality. Communication
They can play a critical role in identifying between building management and
problem situations and averting IAQ building occupants regarding their respec-
crises. On the other hand, if staff are not tive responsibilities is a critical element in
aware of IAQ issues, their activities can the management of indoor air quality.
also create indoor air quality problems. Indoor air quality in a large building is
the product of multiple influences, and
Facility staff are often instructed to keep attempts to bring problems under control
energy costs to a minimum. do not always produce the expected result.
Changes in building operation intended to Some indoor air quality problems are
save energy have sometimes contributed to complex and may require the assistance of
IAQ problems (for example, by reducing outside professionals. When contracting
the flow of outdoor ventilation air without for services, you need to be an informed
taking action to maintain the quality of the client to avoid unnecessary costs and
recirculated air). The correction of IAQ delays in solving the problem.

x Note to Building Owners and Facilities Managers

If there is reason to believe that an IAQ tion and problem-solving processes in this
problem may have serious health implica- guide can be applied, with necessary adap-
tions, appropriate experts such as occupa- tations, to a wide range of building types.
tional physicians, industrial hygienists, This document was written to be a use-
and mechanical engineers should be ful resource for you and your staff in pre-
called in as soon as possible. venting and resolving occupants’ com-
In-house investigations by non-profession- plaints that may be related in some way to
als are not recommended in such cases the quality of the indoor air. It provides
(e.g., if individuals are being hospitalized background information followed by
because of exposure inside the building). “how-to” guidance for you and your in-
house staff. The practical problem-solving
Public and commercial buildings can techniques it describes have been applied
present a wide range of IAQ problems. successfully by NIOSH and other investi-
The variety of unique features in their gators. If complaints are not resolved after
design and usage (e.g., apartment build- careful application of this guidance, out-
ings, hospitals, schools, shopping malls) side help will probably be needed. Infor-
make a wide range of IAQ problems pos- mation on possible sources of outside help
sible. In apartment buildings, for example, is included. As you read this document, or
each residential unit can produce cooking turn it over to your staff to implement,
odors and the operation of kitchen exhaust EPA and NIOSH urge you to maintain a
fans is generally outside the control of personal involvement in this issue.
building management. The basic informa-

Note to Building Owners and Facilities Managers xi

SELECTED INDOOR This box is provided to help building owners and facility managers get ac-
AIR QUALITY quainted with examples of IAQ problem indicators and associated responses.
PROBLEMS Some IAQ problem situations require immediate action. Other problems are
less urgent, but all merit a response.

Problems Requiring There have been complaints of head- Carbon monoxide poisoning is a
Immediate Action aches, nausea, and combustion odors. possibility. Investigate sources of
combustion gases right away.

One or more occupants of your building This is a potentially life-threatening

have been diagnosed as having illness. Request Health Department
Legionnaire’s disease. assistance in determining whether your
building may be the source of the

Staff report that water from a roof leak If damp carpeting cannot be lifted and
has flooded a portion of the carpeting. thoroughly dried within a short time, it
might need to be discarded. Proper
cleaning and disinfection procedures
must be used to prevent the growth of
mold and bacteria that could cause
serious indoor air quality problems.

Problems That Inspection of the humidification system Inadequately maintained humidifiers can
Require A reveals an accumulation of slime and promote the growth of biological
mold. There have been no health contaminants. Clean equipment
Response, But
complaints suggesting IAQ problems. thoroughly, and consider modifying
Are Not maintenance practices.
A group of occupants has discovered The symptoms described suggest an
that they share common symptoms of IAQ problem that is not life-threatening,
headaches, eye irritation, and respira- but it would be wise to respond
tory complaints and decided that their promptly.
problems are due to conditions in the

Immediately after delivery of new Volatile compounds emitted by the new

furnishings (furniture or carpeting), furnishings could be causing the
occupants complain of odors and complaints.

Local news articles suggest that some The only way to determine the indoor
buildings in the area have high indoor radon concentration in a given
radon levels. structure is to test in appropriate

You wonder whether some old pipe Asbestos can be positively identified
insulation contains asbestos. only by laboratory analysis.

xii Note to Building Owners and Facilities Managers

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