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“How nature & nurture influences the growth and development of me”.

I was born perfectly on 3 rd of August 2001. There’s no disabilities found in me. As time
goes by, I grew up just like a normal kid started from crawling, walking and running. At the
age of 13, I started to experience puberty changes. Throughout my lifetime, I realised that I
am good at Mathematics just like my Dad so it makes sense that nature does influencing the
growth and development in a person. About my physical appearance, I am more likely
resembling my mom except for my skin tone. Regarding how nurture influences me, I grew up
in a loving family in which I did not experience child abused or having family issues. I am
lucky to be born in such family. I believe a good parenting brings the biggest impact on child
development. When I was at the age of 15, I always get jealous over my friends as they have
their own mobile phone. I pleaded my dad so that I could own one, but he refused to fulfil my
request. He kept saying that children at my age are not supposed to be exposed with social
media and I was mad at him for sure. Now, thinking of those days made me realised that what
he said was indeed true. I grew up as high school students without having any social media
accounts and I am thankful for that. He wants me to get matured so that I did not get
emotional over depressing tweets or anything negative on social media. In conclusions, I am
thankful that I grow up well until today.

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