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LESSON 1 organization.

Then let’s look at the manager’s job;

LEARNING CONTENT specifically, what do managers do?
Recognition of the importance of Managers get things done through other people.
developing managers’ interpersonal skills is closely They make decisions, allocate resources, and direct
the activities if other to attain goals. Managers do
tied to the need for organizations to get and keep
their work in an organization. This is a consciously
high-performing employees. This becomes coordinated social unit, composed of two or more
particularly crucial in a tight labor market. people that functions on a relatively continuous
Companies with reputations as a good place to work- basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals. On
such as Hewlett-Packard, Lincoln Electric, Southwest the basis of this definition, manufacturing and
Airlines, and Starbucks-have a big advantage. A service firms are organization and so are schools,
recent national study of the U.S. workforce found hospitals, churches, military units, retail stores,
police department, and local state, and federal
that wages and fringe benefits aren’t the reason
government agencies. The people who oversee the
people like their jobs or stay with an employer. Far activities of others and who are responsible for
more important is the quality of the employees’ jobs attaining goals in these organizations are managers
and the supportiveness of their work (although they’re sometimes called administrators,
environments.3 So having managers with good especially in not-for-profit organization.
interpersonal skills is likely to make the workplace
more pleasant, which, in turn, makes it easier to hire Function of Management
and keep qualified people. Planning - defining objectives to be achieved for a
given period and what needs to be done to achieve
According to the Center for Creative the objectives. Managers need to develop objective
Leadership in Greensboro, North Carolina, about 40 in line with the overall strategies of the organization.
percent of new management hires fail within their
first 18 months.4 When the center looked into why Organizing - Determining what task to be done.
Who will implement and coordinate tasks. How the
these new hires failed, it found that “failure to build
tasks are be grouped. Who report to whom and
good relationships with peers and subordinates” was
where decision to be made. Managers need to
the culprit an overwhelming 82 percent of the time.5 logically and effectively the information, resources
Consistent with these findings are surveys that have and workflow of obligation.
sought to determine what skills college recruiters
consider most important for job effectiveness of Controlling - The meaning of performance in all pre
determined objectives, determining reasons for
MBA graduates.  These surveys consistently identify
deviation and taking appropriate action, where
interpersonal skills as most important. necessary. Its provide ways to ensure that the
organization moves towards achieving its objective.
We have come to understand that technical
skills are necessary but insufficient for succeeding in Leading - Involves motivating subordinates,
management. In today’s increasingly competitive selecting the most effective communication
and demanding workplace, managers can’t succeed channel;. Resolving conflict, and directing as well as
on their technical skills alone. They also have to have guiding the action of others with the intention of
achieving all objectives
good people skills.
Management Functions
Lesson Proper:
In the early part of the twentieth century, a French
What Managers Do? industrialist by the name of Henri Fayol. Wrote that
Let’s begin by briefly defining the terms manager all managers perform five management functions:
and the place where managers work-the They plan, organize, command, coordinate, and
control. Today, we' have condensed those down to shown in Exhibit 1-1, these 10 roles can be grouped
four: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. as being primarily concerned with interpersonal
Since organizations exist to achieve goals, someone relationships, the transfer of information, and
has to define those goals and the means by which decision making.
they can be achieved. Management is that someone.
The planning function encompasses defining an Interpersonal Roles - All managers are required to
perform duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in
organization’s goals, establishing an overall strategy
nature. When the president of a college hands out
for achieving those goals, and developing a diplomas at commencement or a factory supervisor
comprehensive hierarchy of plans to integrate and gives a group of high school students a tour of the
coordinate activities. Managers are also responsible plant, he or she is acting in a figurehead role. All
for designing an organization’s structure. We call this managers also have a leadership role. This role
function organizing. It includes the determination of includes hiring, training, motivating, and
what tasks are to be done. Who is to do them, how disciplining employees. The third role within the
interpersonal grouping is the liaison role. Mintzberg
the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom,
described this activity as contacting others who
and where decisions are to be made. provide the manager with information. These may
be individuals or group inside or outside the
Every organization contains people, and it is organization. The sales manager who obtains
management’s job to direct and coordinate those information from the personnel manager in his or
people. This is the leading function. When managers her own company has an internal liasison
motivate employees, direct the activities of others, relationship. When that sales manager has contacts
select the most effective communication channels, with other sales executives through a marketing
or resolve conflicts among members, they are trade association, he or she has an outside liaison
engaging in leading.
Information Roles - All managers, to some degree,
The final function managers perform is controlling.
collect information from organizations and
To ensure that things are going as they should, institutions outside their own. Typically, they get
management must monitor the organization’s information by reading magazines and taking with
performance. Actual performance must be other people to learn of changes in the public’s
compared with the previously set goals. If there are tastes, what competitors may be planning, and the
any significant deviations, it’s management’s job to like. Mintxberg called this monitor role. Managers
get the organization back on track. This monitoring, also act as a conduit to transmit information to
organizational members. This is the disseminator
comparing, and potential correcting is what is meant
role. Managers additionally perform a spokesperson
by the controlling function. role when they represent the organization to
So, using the functional approach, the answer to the
question, What do managers do? is that they plan, Decisional Roles - Finally, Mintzberg identifies four
organize, lead, and control. role that revolve around the making of choices. In
the entrepreneur role, managers initiate and
Management Roles oversee new projects that will improve their
organization’s performance. As disturbance
In the late 1960s, a graduate student at MIT, Henry handlers, managers take corrective action in
Mintzberg, undertook a careful study of five response to unforeseen problems. As resource
executives to determine what these managers did on allocators, managers are responsible for allocating
their jobs. On the basis of his observations of these human, physical and monetary resources. Last,
managers perform a negotiator role, in which they
managers, Mintzberg concluded that managers
discuss issues and bargain with other units to gain
perform 10 different, highly interrelated roles, or advantages for their own unit.
'sets of behaviors attributable to their jobs.8 As
Management Skill think that the managers who were the most
Still another way of considering what managers do is effective in their jobs would also be the ones who
to look at the skills or competencies they need to were promoted fastest. But that’s not what appears
successfully achieve their goals. Robert Katz has to happen.
identified three essential management skills: Luthans and his associates studied more than 450
technical, human, and conceptual. managers. What they found was that these
managers all engaged in four managerial activities:
Technical skills encompass the ability to apply
specialized knowledge or expertise. When you think 1. Traditional management. Decision making,
of the skills held by professionals such as civil planning, and controlling
engineers or oral surgeon; you typically focus on 2. Communication. Exchanging routine
their technical skills. information and processing paperwork
3. Human resource management. Motivating,
Through extensive formal education, they have
learned the special knowledge and practices of disciplining, managing conflict, staffing, and
their field. Of course, professionals don’t have a training’
monopoly or technical skills, and not all technical’s 4. Networking. Socializing, politicking, and
skills to be learned in schools or formal training interacting with outsiders
programs. All jobs require some specialized
expertise, and many people develop their technical The "average" manager in the study spent 32
skills on the job.
percent of his or her time in traditional management
activities, 29 percent communicating, 20 percent in
Human skills - the ability to work with, understand
and motivate other people, both individually and in human resource management activities, and 19
groups, describes human skills. Many people are percent networking. However, the amount of time
technically proficient but interpersonally and effort that different managers spent on those
incompetent. They might be poor listener, unable to four activities varied a great deal. Specifically,
understand the needs of others or have difficulty managers who were successful (defined in terms of
managing conflicts. Since managers get things done
the speed of promotion within their organization)
through other people, they must have good human
skills to communicate, motivate and delegate. had a very different emphasis than managers who
were effective (defined in terms of the quantity and
Conceptual Skills  - Managers must have the mental quality of their performance and the satisfaction and
ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations. commitment of their employees). Among successful
These tasks require conceptual skills. Decision managers, networking made the largest relative
making, for instance, requires managers to spot contribution to success, and human resource
problems, identify alternatives that can correct management activities made the least relative
them, evaluate those alternatives, and select the contribution. Among effective managers,
best one. Managers can be technically and communication made the largest relative
interpersonally competent yet still fail because of contribution and networking the least.
an inability to rationally process and interpret
Enter Organizational Behavior
We’ve made the case for the importance of people
Effective vs. Successful Managerial Activities skills. But neither this book nor the discipline upon
which it’s based is called People skills. The term that
Fred Luthans and his associates looked at the issue
is widely used to describe the discipline is
of what managers do from a somewhat different Organizational Behavior. That’s a lot of words, so
perspective. They asked the question: Do managers let’s break it down.
who move up most quickly in an organization do the
same activities and with the same emphasis as Organizational Behavior - is a field of study. That
managers who do the best job? You would tend to statement means that it is distinct area of expertise
with a common body of knowledge. What does it - concerned with describing, understanding,
study? It studies three determinants of behavior in predicting, and controlling human
organizations: individuals, groups and structure. In behavior in an organization.
additions, OB applies the knowledge gained about
- a level of analysis helps managers to look
individuals, group, and the effect of structure on
at the behavior of an individual within the
behavior in order to make organizations work more
effectively. environment.
To sum up our definition, OB is concerned with the  OB is concerned with the study of what
study of affects the performance of the people do in an organization and how that
organization. And because OB is specifically behavior affects the performance of the
concerned with employment- related situations,
you should not be surprised to find the emphasizes
behavior as related to jobs, work, absenteeism,
 OB is specifically concerned with
employment turnover, productivity, human
performance, and management. employment-related situation.
- behavior as related to jobs, work,
There is increasing agreement as to the components absenteeism, employment turnover,
or topics that constitute the subject area of OB. productivity, human performance and
Although there is still considerable debate as to the management.
relative importance of each, there appears to be
general agreement that QB includes the core t0pics Please note that organizations exist to serve people.
People, as well as all know are the most important
of motivation, leader behavior and power,
resources of any
interpersonal communication, group structure and organization/entity/business/company that helps in
processes, learning, attitude development and the attainment of goals and objectives.
perception, change processes, conflict, work design, Organizational Behavior therefore, simply
and work stress. encompasses the relationship between the employer
and his employees within the organization.
Like any other courses, let’s acquaint ourselves first Relationship is usually “work-related” situations.
with these important terms that you will be
encountering throughout this module.
Examples of work-related behaviors:
 Definition of Terms:
1. Happy workers are productive workers.
Organization  – a consciously coordinated social 2. All individuals are most productive when
unit composed of two or more people that function their boss is friendly, approachable and
on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a trusting.
common goal or set of goals. 3. Everyone wants a challenging job.
4. You have to scare people a little to get them
Behavior  – the activities or processes that can be to their job.
observed objectively such as the organized patterns 5. Everyone is motivated by money.
of responses as a whole.  6. The best leaders are those that exhibit
consistent behavior, regardless of the
Organizational Behavior situation they face.

- studies about the behavior of the

individual, groups and structure.
- the study and application of knowledge Goals of Organizational Behavior:
about how people act and behave within
the organization.
1.To describe, systematically how people Question: How do people affect OB?
behave under a variety of conditions –
achieving this goal allows managers to Answer: diversity of workforce – which means
communicate about human behavior at people bringing a wide array of educational
work using a common language. backgrounds, talents, and perspective to their jobs.
2. To understand, why people behave as they
2. STRUCTURE (Jobs , relationships) - define
do – managers must be able to find reason
the formal relationships and use of people
behind the action of workers
in organizations. Flat and tall structures,
3. To predict, future employee behavior –
mergers, acquisition, new ventures.
managers must have the capacity to predict
which among employees are dedicated and 3. TECHNOLOGY (machinery; computer
productive or which ones might be tardy so hardware and software)- provides the
that they take preventive actions. resources with which people work and
4. To control, at least partially, and develop affects the task that they perform.
some human activity at work – managers Examples: Increasing use of robots an
are held responsible for performance out automated control systems. Widespread of
comer – being able to make an impact on the information (interact).
employee behavior, skill development, Technological advancements place
team effort and productivity. increased pressure on OB to maintain the
Remember It! delicate balance between technical and
social systems.
 organizational excellence begins with the
performance of people 4. ENVIRONMENT (government; competition;
 it is what people do or do not do that societal pressure) - a single organization
ultimately determines what the does not exist Individual organization
organization can or cannot become. cannot escape being influenced by both
 it is our job as an I.E. to develop and internal and external environmental
promote behavioral patterns that are forces.
consistent with the achievement of goals
Internal                                               External
Key Forces Affecting Organizational Behavior (OB) Competition                                     Government
Investors                                            Family
There are four (4) key forces affecting Organizational Labor union                                       Other organization
Behavior. These include the following:  Consumer

1. PEOPLE (Individual, group or larger group) - Business Environment

make up the internal social system of the Question: How does the environment affect
organization. They are the living, thinking, OB?
feeling beings who work in the Answer: The environment influences the
organization to achieve their objectives. attitudes of people, affects working
Organizations exist to serve people, rather condition and provides competitions for
than the people exist to serve organization. resources and power and so OB is affected.
Their diversity presents challenges for
management to resolve and managers need
to be turned into these diverse patterns and
trends and be prepared to adapt to them. Basic Approaches of OB
1. Human Resource (supportive) Approach Law of Individual Differences  - the belief that each
– Developmental, employee growth and person is different from all others.
development are supported. “Give a person
a fish, and you feed that person for a day. 2. Perception - Unique way in which a person
Teach a person to fish, and you feed that sees, organizes and interprets things. It is
person for life”. the unique way in which person sees,
2. Contingency Approach - Different behaviors organize, and interpret things.
are supported by different environments             - having unique views in another way
for effectiveness. “no one best way”. in which people insist on acting like human
3. Results-Oriented Approach – OB program beings rather than rational machines.
ate assessed in terms of their efficiency People tend to act on the basis of their
TQM – attempts to improve the quality of a firm’s
Selective Perception - people tend to pay
products through a variety of techniques and
attention to those features of their work
environment which are consistent or which
                        It focuses on creating high customer
reinforce their own expectations.
satisfaction, building relationships, searching for
continuous improvement training employees. How people perceive things is different. Male
and female employees have a different line of
System Approach
interests. Young and old employees have
                        All parts of an organization interact in a
different attitudes in the workplace. For
complex relationship.
example, men may seem to be more
Nature of People authoritative than women. The young
employees especially the millennials are fond to
Managers have to be effective in handling their explore things, fond of trying new things. So,
people. They must be aware of the attitudes and they are more likely to look for new work or
behavior of their employees to be able to new business, causing them to leave anytime
understand how they act when performing their from the organization as compared to the old
roles and jobs. The following are some of the nature employees who are more of establishing their
of people managers have to be aware of. security in the work.   How will managers
address these issues?
1. Individual differences - Every person is
different from the others. Science-each
person is different from all others. Psycho- 3. A Whole Person - when management
from the day of birth, each person is practice OB, it’s trying to develop a better
unique. Means that management can employee, but also wants to develop better
motivate people but by treating them person in terms of growth and fulfillment.
differently. Management wants to employ only
personal’s skill or brain but the whole
People come from different places, have their own person should be considered. While it is
family orientations, possess their own culture, belief, true that employees render service to the
religion, ethnicity, educational background and many organization in exchange of the salaries
more.  The challenge for management is on how to they receive, management must always
handle different kinds of people within the consider their employees’ human
organization. How do managers treat each and every development. Managers should help
unique individual to bring out the best of him/her? employees in attaining their personal goals
in life by providing a safe, healthy and motivate employees to work hard and give their best
conductive workplace, work benefits, every time they are in the workplace. Providing them
professional growth and development, with higher incentives, commissions and other
monetary benefits would just be one way of
work life balance, and many more.
motivating them.
4. Motivated behavior   - turn on the power to Nature of Organization
start and to keep the organization running Organizations are made up of people. It consists of
effectively. People are motivated not by structure, relationships, jobs, units, divisions, and
what they ought to have but what they departments. The social system, mutual interests,
want. Motivation turns on the power to and ethics may be considered in understanding the
start and keep the organization running nature of organization.
1. Social System - Organizations are social
Employees feel more comfortable in the workplace if
systems therefore activities therein are
they feel that they are given importance. Thus,
governed by social laws as well as
involving them in any decision-making activities may
psychological laws. All parts are
help them bring out what is expected of them in the
interdependent. Activities of organizations
are governed by social laws. The behavior
5. Desire for involvement - Can be achieved of people is influenced by their group as
through employee empowerment. People well as their individual driver. All parts of
tend to feel good about themselves. This is the system are interdependent.
reflected in their desire for self-efficacy. 2. Mutual Interests - Organization needs
people and people needs organization.
Self Efficacy - that belief that one has the necessary Organizations need people, and people
capabilities to perform a task, role expectation, need organizations.
make meaningful contributions or meet a 3. Treat Employees Ethically - It has to treat
challenging situation successfully. people in an ethical manner. Ethical
treatment is necessary to attract and retain
This simply calls for good interpersonal relationships
valuable employees.
among the people within the organization. Managers
must treat its employees as human beings and not as Limitations of Organizational Behavior
1. Behavioral bias - overlooking the broader
6. Value of the person - respect, people deserve to perspective. People who lack system
be treated differently from other factors of understanding give them a narrow
production because they are of a higher order in the viewpoint of emphasizing the satisfaction of
universe. Employee wants to be valued for their employee experiences while overlooking
skills and abilities and be provided with the broader system of the organization in
opportunities to develop themselves. relation to all its publics.

Try not to become a man Tunnel Vision - they see only the tiny view at the
of success, but rather try to end of the tunnel while missing the broader
become a man of value landscape.

- Albert Einstein Law of diminishing return - Overemphasis on OB

Managers’ role is to encourage employees to work practice. This implies that for any situation there is
for the attainment of the company’s goals and
objectives. There must be ways and means to
an optimum amount of a desirable practice. More amount of research that has specifically analyzed
of good things is not necessarily good many of these biographical characteristics
- it states that an additional amount of a
single factor of production will result in a Biographical Characteristics
decreasing marginal output of production. 1. Age
The relationship between age and job performance
Unethical manipulation of people - Knowledge of is likely to be an issue of increasing importance
technique in OB is used during the next decade. Why? There are at least
Used of the principle of three reasons. First, there is a widespread belief
a. Social responsibility that job performance declines with increasing age.
b. open communication Regardless of whether it’s true or not, a lot of people
c. cost benefit analysis believe it an act on it. Second is the reality that the
workforce is aging. For instances, workers 55 and
Continuing Challenges older are the fastest-growing sector of the labor
1. Seeking quick fixes-immediate expectation force. The third reason is recent U.S. legislation
are not realistic that, for all intents and purpose, outlaws
2. Varying environments mandatory retirement. Most U.S workers today no
3. Lack of single definition longer have to retire at the age of 70.

Lack of consensus on: Evidence indicates that employers hold mixed

feelings. They see a number of positive qualities that
 Unit of analysis older workers bring to their jobs: specifically,
 Greatest need experience, judgment, a strong work ethic, and
 Focus commitment to quality. But older workers are also
perceived as lacking flexibility and as being resistant
OB Mod Program to new technology. And in a time when
1. Identifying Critical Behaviors organizations strongly seek individuals who are
2. Developing Baseline Data adaptable and open to change, the negative
3. Identifying Behavioral Consequences perceptions associated with age clearly hinder the
4. Developing and Implementing An initial hiring of older workers and increase the
Intervention Strategy likelihood that they will be let go during
5. Evaluating Performance Improvement downsizing. Now let's take a look at the evidence.
What effect does age actually have on turnover,
FOUNDATIONS OF INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOR absenteeism, productivity, and satisfaction?

As discussed previously, this text is essentially The older you get, the less likely you are to quit
concerned with finding and analyzing the variables your job. That conclusion is based on studies of the
that have an impact on employee productivity, age-turnover relationship. Of course, it should not
absence, turnover, citizenship and satisfaction. be too surprising. As workers get older, they have
Many of the concepts-motivation, say, or power and fewer alternative job opportunities. In addition,
politics or organizational culture-are hard to assess. older workers are less likely to resign than are
It might be valuable, then, to begin by looking at younger workers because their long tenure tends to
factors that are easily definable and readily provide them with higher wage rates, longer paid
available; data that can be obtained, for the most vacations, and more attractive pension benefits.
part, simply from information available in an
employee's personnel file. What factors would these It’s tempting to assume that age is also inversely
be? Obvious characteristics would be an employee's related to absenteeism. After all, if older workers are
age, gender, marital status, and length of service less likely to quit, won’t they also demonstrate
with an organization. Fortunately, there is a sizable higher stability by coming to work more regularly?
Not necessarily! Most studies do show an inverse nonprofessional employees. When the two types
relationship, but close examination finds that the are separated, satisfaction tends to continually
age-absence relationship is partially a function of increase among professionals as they age, whereas
whether the absence is avoidable or unavoidable. In it falls among nonprofessionals during middle age
general, older employees have lower rates of and then rises again in the later years.
avoidable absence than do younger employees.
However, they have higher rates of unavoidable 2. Gender- Few issues initiate more debates,
misconceptions, and unsupported opinions than
absence, probably due to the poorer health
whether women perform as well on jobs as men
associated with aging and the longer recovery period do. In this section, we review the research on that
that older workers need when injured. issue.

How does age affect productivity? There is a The evidence suggests that the best place to begin is
widespread belief that productivity declines with with the recognition that there are few, if any,
age. It is often assumed that an individual’s skills- important differences between men and women
particularly speed, agility, strength, and that will affect their job performance. There are, for
coordination-decay over time and that prolonged instances, no consistent male and female differences
in problem solving ability, analytical skills,
job boredom and lack of intellectual stimulation all
competitive drive, motivation, sociability, or learning
contribute to reduced productivity. The evidence, ability. Psychological studies have found that
however, contradicts that belief and those women are more willing to conform to authority
assumptions. For instance, during a three-year and those men are more aggressive and more likely
period, a large hardware chain staffed one of its than women to have expectations of success, but
stores solely with employees over 50 and compared those differences are minor.
its results with those of five stores with younger
Given the significant changes that have taken place
employees. The store staffed by the over-50
in the last 25 years in terms of increasing female
employees was significantly more productive
participation rates in the workforce and rethinking
(measured in terms of sales generated against labor
what constitutes male and female roles, you should
costs) than two of the other stores and held its own
operate on the assumption that there is no
with the other three. Other reviews of the research
significant difference in job productivity between
find that age and job performance are unrelated.
men and women. Similarly, there is no evidence
Moreover, this finding seems to be true for almost
indicating that an employee’s gender affects job
all types of jobs, professional and nonprofessional.
The natural conclusion is that the demands of most
jobs, even those with heavy manual labor One issue that does seem to differ between genders,
requirements, are not extreme enough for any especially where the employee has preschool
declines in physical skills due to age to have an children, is preference for work schedules. Working
impact on productivity; or, if there is some decay mothers are more likely to prefer part-time work,
due to age, it is offset by gains due to experience. flexible work schedules, and telecommuting in order
to accommodate their family responsibilities.
Our final concern is the relationship between age
and job satisfaction. On this issue, the evidence is But what about absence and turnover rates? Are
mixed. Most studies indicate a positive association women less stable employees than men? First, on
between age and satisfaction, at least up to age 60. the question of turnover, the evidence is mixed.
Other studies, however, have found a U-shaped Some studies have found that women have higher
relationship. l0 Several explanations could clear up turnover rates; others have found no difference.
these results, the most plausible being that these There doesn’t appear to be enough information from
studies are intermixing professional and which to draw meaningful conclusions. The research
on absence, however, is a different story. The of the seniority-productivity relationship have been
evidence consistently indicates that women have conducted.  If we define seniority as time on a
higher rates of absenteeism than men do. The most particular job, we can say that the most recent
logical explanation for this finding is that the evidence demonstrates a positive relationship
research was conducted in North America, and between seniority and job productivity. So tenure,
North American culture has historically placed home expressed as work experience, appears to be a good
and family responsibilities on the woman. When a predictor of employee productivity. The research
child is ill or someone needs to stay home to wait for relating tenure to absence is quite straightforward.
the plumber, it has been the woman who has Studies consistently demonstrate seniority to be
traditionally taken time off from work. However, this negatively related to absenteeism. In fact, in terms
research is undoubtedly time-bound.16 The of both frequency of absence and total days lost at
historical role of the woman in caring for children work, tenure is the single most important
and as secondary breadwinner has definitely explanatory variable.
changed in the last generation, and a large
proportion of men nowadays are as interested in day ABILITY
care and the problems associated with child care in
Contrary to what we are taught in grade school, we
general as are women.
aren’t all created equal. Most of us are to the left of
        3. MARITAL STATUS the median on some normally distributed ability
curve. Regardless of how motivated you are, it is
There are not enough studies to draw any unlikely that you can act as well as Meryl Streep, run
conclusions about the effect of marital status on as fast as Michael Johnson, write horror stories as
productivity. But research consistently indicates that well as Stephen King, or sing as well as Whitney
married employees have fewer absences, undergo Houston. Of course, just because we aren't all equal
less turnover, and are more satisfied with their jobs in abilities does not imply that some individuals are
than are their unmarried co-workers. inherently inferior to others. What we are
acknowledging is that everyone has strengths and
Marriage imposes increased responsibilities that weaknesses in terms of ability that make him or her
may make a steady job more valuable and relatively superior or inferior to others in
important. But the question of causation is not clear. performing certain tasks or activities. From
It may very well be that conscientious and satisfied management’s standpoint, the issue is not whether
employees are more likely to be married. Another people differ in terms of their abilities. They do! The
offshoot of this issue is that research has not issue is knowing how people differ in abilities and
pursued other statuses besides single or married. using that knowledge to increase the likelihood that
Does being divorced or widowed have an impact on an employee will perform his or her job well.
an employee's performance and satisfaction? What
about couples who live together without being What does ability mean? As we will use the
married? These are questions in need of term, ability refers to an individual’s capacity to
investigation. perform the various tasks in a job. It is a current
assessment of what one can do. An individual’s
        4. TENURE overall abilities are essentially made up of two sets
of factors: intellectual and physical abilities.
The last biographical characteristic we’ll look at is
tenure. With the exception of the issue of male-
female differences, probably no issue is more subject
to misconceptions and speculations than the impact Intellectual ability – requires doing mental activity.
of seniority on job performance.  Extensive reviews
 Number aptitude – ability to do speedy and 7. Body coordination – ability to coordinate
accurate arithmetic. the simultaneous actions of different parts
 Verbal comprehension - Ability to of the body.
understand what is read or heard and the 8. Balance – ability to maintain equilibrium
relationship of words to each other. despite forces pulling off balance.
 Perceptual speed - Ability to identify visual 9. Stamina – ability to continue maximum
similarities and differences quickly and effort requiring prolonged effort over time
 Inductive reasoning - Ability to identify a LEARNING
logical sequence in a problem and then
All complex behavior is learned. If we want to
solve the problem.
explain and predict behavior, we need to understand
 Deductive reasoning - Ability to use logic
how people learn. In this section, we define learning,
and assess the implications of an
present three popular learning theories, and
describe how managers can facilitate employee
 Spatial visualization - Ability to imagine
how an object would look if its position in
space were changed. A Definition of Learning
 Memory - Ability to retain and recall past
experiences. What is learning? A psychologist’s
definition is considerably broader than the
2. Physical Ability - requires doing tasks demanding layperson’s View that “it’s what we did when we
stamina, dexterity, strength and similar went to school.” In actuality, each of us is
characteristics. continuously going “to school.” Learning occurs all of
the time. A generally accepted definition of learning
Nine Basic Physical Abilities is, therefore, any relatively permanent change in
These physical abilities are necessary in the field of behavior that occurs as a result of experience.
work that requires physical presence. Ironically, we can say that changes in behavior
Strength Factors: indicate that learning has taken place and that
learning is a change in behavior.
1. Dynamic strength- ability to exert muscular
force repeatedly or continuously over time. Theories of Learning
2. Trunk strength- ability to exert muscular
strength using the trunk 1. Classical conditioning- a type of
3. Static strength- ability to exert force conditioning in which an individual
against external objects responds to some stimulus that would not
4. Explosive strength- ability to expand a ordinarily produce such a response.
maximum energy in one series of explosive 2. Operant conditioning- a type of
acts. conditioning in which desired voluntary
behavior leads to a reward or prevent a
Flexibility Factors: punishment.
3. Social-learning theory- people can learn
5. Extent flexibility – ability to move the trunk through observation and direct experience.
and back muscles as far as possible.
6. Dynamic flexibility – ability to make rapid,
repeated flexing movements.
Other factors:
This module looked at three individual variables- to the specific talents of a given employee.
biographical characteristics ability, and learning.
Let’s now try to summarize what we found and
consider their importance for the manager who is
trying to understand organizational behavior. Any observable change in behavior is prima facie
evidence that learning has taken place. What we
Biographical Characteristics
want to do, of course, is to ascertain if learning
Biographical characteristics are readily available to concepts provide us with any insights that would
managers. For the most part, they include data that allow us to explain and predict behavior.
are contained in almost every employee’s personnel
Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool for
file. The most important conclusions we can draw
modifying behavior. By identifying and rewarding
after our review of the evidence are that age seems
performance-enhancing behaviors, management
to have no relationship to productivity; older
increases the likelihood that they will be repeated.
workers and those with longer tenure are less likely
to resign; and married employees have fewer Our knowledge about learning further suggests that
absences, less turnover, and report higher job reinforcement is a more effective tool than
satisfaction than do unmarried employees. But what punishment. Although punishment eliminates
value can this information have for managers? The undesired behavior more quickly than negative
obvious answer is that it can help in making choices reinforcement does, punished behavior tends to be
among job applicants. only temporarily suppressed rather than
permanently changed. And punishment may
produce unpleasant side effects such as lower
Ability directly influences an employee's level of
morale and higher absenteeism or turnover. In
performance and satisfaction through the ability-job
addition, the recipients of punishment tend to
fit. Given management’ 5 desire to get a compatible
become resentful of the punisher. Managers,
fit, what can be done?
therefore, are advised to use reinforcement rather
First, an effective selection process will improve the than punishment.
lit. A job analysis will provide information about jobs
Finally, managers should expect that employees will
currently being done and the abilities that
look to them as models. Managers who are
individuals need to perform the jobs adequately.
constantly late to work, or take two hours for lunch,
Applicants can then be tested, interviewed, and
or help themselves to company office supplies for
evaluated on the degree to which they possess the
personal use should expect employees to read the
necessary abilities.
message they are sending and model their behavior
Second, promotion and transfer decisions affecting accordingly.
individuals already in the organization’s employ
Below are examples of Organizational behavior:
should reflect the abilities of candidates. As with
new employees, care should be taken to assess OB MODE
critical abilities that incumbents will need in the job 1. Identifying Critical Behavior
and to match those requirements with the 2. Developing Baseline Data
organization’s human resources. Third, the fit can be 3. Identifying Behavioral Consequences
improved by fine-tuning the job to better match an 4. Developing and implementing
An intervention
incumbent’s abilities. Often modifications can be
5. Evaluating Performance Improvement
made in the job that while not having a significant
impact on the job’s basic activities, better adapts it Lesson 2
Lesson 2: Values, Attitudes, and Job Satisfaction understanding of these differences should be helpful
in explaining and predicting behavior of employees
Judge the picture above. What is your understanding from different countries. One of the most widely
about it? How can attitudes and values affect job referenced approaches for analyzing variations
satisfaction? The answers lie in the individuals’ among cultures has been done by Geert Hofstede.
perceptions. Today attitudes, values are the most They are listed and defined as follows:
important criteria in hiring an employee. In this
module you would see how these play in the success Values across Culture
of organization. Hofstede’s A framework for assessing culture; five
value dimensions of national culture.
Values represent basis convictions that –
A specific mode of conduct or end-state of  Power distance. The degree to which
existence is personally or socially preferable to an people in a country accept that power in
opposite or converse mode of conduct or end-state institutions and organizations is
of existence.
distributed unequally.
Value is judgmental element of what is right, good,
 Individualism versus collectivism.
or desirable.
Individualism the degree to which people
Values have both content and intensity attributes. prefer to set as individuals rather than as
The content attribute says that a mode of conduct or members of a group. Collectivism on the
end-state of existence is important. The intensity other hand describes a tight social
attribute specifies how important it is. When we framework in which people expect others
rank an individual’s values in terms of their intensity, of which they are part to look after them
we obtain that person’s value system.
and protect them.
Importance Values
 Quantity of life versus quality of life.
1. Values lay the foundation for the
Quantity of life refers to the extent to
understanding of attitudes and motivation
because they influence our perception. which societal values are characterized by
2. Individuals enter organizations with notions assertiveness and materialism while quality
of what is right and wrong with which they of life emphasizes relationship and concern
interpret behaviors or outcomes. to others
3. Values generally influence attitudes and
behavior.  Uncertainty avoidance. The degree to
which people prefer the structured over
the unstructured situations.

 Long term versus short term orientation.

People in cultures with long term
orientations look to the future and value
thrift and persistence. A short term
orientation values the past and present,
and emphasizes respect for tradition and
fulfilling social obligations.

Describe a workplace example of how people seek

In the previous module, we described the new global consistency among their attitudes and their behavior
village and said “managers have to become capable by reducing cognitive dissonance. Then, sort your
of working with people from different cultures.”. example into the three main components of
Because values differ across cultures, an attitudes.
Possible answer: A person working for a tobacco
company can ignore the scientific information that  Job Satisfcation - A collection of positive
tobacco is harmful, because he receives high and/ or negative feelings that an individual
holds toward his or her job.
rewards in the form of a high salary. This allows him
 Job Involvement- Identifying with the job,
to reduce the cognitive dissonance between his
active participating in it, and considering
feelings of discomfort with his company's product, performance important to sell-worth.
and his job satisfaction. The cognitive part of the  Organizational Commitment-Identifying
person's attitude would be the evaluation that with a particular organization and its goal,
tobacco is harmful. The affective part of the attitude and wishing to maintain membership in the
would be feeling certain discomfort knowing that he organization.
works for a company that I shaming people. The  ATTITUDES AND CONSISTENCY
Did you ever notice how people change what
behavioral component of the person's attitude
they say so it doesn’t contradict with what they
would be the ignoring of the information to continue do? Research has generally concluded that
to receive the high salary. people seek consistency among their attitudes
and between their attitudes and their behavior.
Attitude is defines “a learned predisposition to This means that individuals seek to reconcile
respond in a consistently favorable or unfavorable divergent attitudes and align their attitudes so
manner with respect to a given object.” That is that they appear rational and consistent.
attitudes affect behavior at a different level than do
values … The Theory of Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive Dissonance = Conflict
Attitudes are evaluative statements either favorable
or unfavorable concerning objects, people or events. Reduction Strategies =
They reflect how one feels about something. Seek out new Info reducing health concerns
Example, when I say “I like my job”, I am expressing
my attitude about work. Have you experience the Dissonant Cognitions
same? How were your activities for that matter?
I like eating hotdogs ----Attitude ,I often eat
Attitudes are not the same as values, but the two are
hotdogs----Behaviour. Hot Dogs are healthy
interrelated. You can see this by looking at the three
components of an attitude listed below.

Attitude Components Cognitive Dissonance Theory sought to explain the

 Cognitive Component - the opinion or linkage between attitudes and behavior. Any
belief segment of an attitude incompatibility between two or more attitudes or
 Affective Component - thee emotional or between behavior and attitudes. Individuals seek to
feeling segment of an attitude reduce this gap, or “dissonance”. Dissonance, simply
 Behavioral Component - An intention to put, means an inconsistency.
behave in a certain way toward someone or
something. Desire to reduce dissonance depends on:
• Importance of elements creating
Viewing attitudes as made up of three components dissonance
mentioned is helpful toward understanding their • Degree of individual influence over
complexity and the potential relationships between elements
attitudes and behavior. But for clarity’s sake, keep in • Rewards involved in dissonance
mind that the term attitude essentially refers to the
Measuring the A-B Relationship
affective part of the three components.
Recent research indicates that attitudes (A)
Attitude Types significantly predict behaviors (B) when moderating
Most of the research in OB has been concerned with variables are taken into account.
three attitudes.
A-B market segmentation, targeting strategy as well as
Moderating Variables positioning. Such attitude surveys are also
• Importance of the attitude administered using attitudinal research to
• Specificity of the attitude understand the attitude of consumers towards the
• Accessibility of the attitude current or proposed marketing communications
• Social pressures on the individual strategy. For example, Amul, before deciding
• Direct experience with the attitude whether a new ad campaign should be aired or not,
may like to observe the reactions of the consumers.
Self-Perception Theory states that people’s attitude It may also want to compare it with the attitude of
are developed by OBSERVING THEIR OWN the consumers towards its present “Amul girl”
BEHAVIOR. campaign.

Self-Perception Theory - attitudes are used after the

fact to make sense out of an action that has already Attitude Survey Questionnaire Sample
occurred. Attitudes are used after the fact to make
sense out of an action that has already occurred. B – Although quantifying attitude is a Herculean task, an
A attitude survey often uses a Likert Scale approach. A
survey helps in collecting vital information known
An Application: Attitude Surveys as attitudinal data. A typical questionnaire to
Knowledge of employee attitudes can be helpful to understand consumers’ attitude towards the cookie
managers in attempting to predict employee category could have questions like these:
behavior. But how does management get
information about employee attitudes? The most Job satisfaction essentially reflects the extent to
popular method is through the use of attitude which an individual likes his or her job. Formally
surveys. defined, job satisfaction is an affective or emotional
response toward various facets of one’s job.
Attitude Surveys - eliciting responses from
employees through questionnaires about how they Effect of Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance
feel about their jobs, workgroups, supervisors, and Manager’s interest in job satisfaction tends to center
the organization. An attitude survey seeks to on its effect on employee performance. Researchers
understand and evaluate the consumers’ (users and have recognized this interest, so we find a large
non-users) attitude towards a particular number of studies that have been designed to assess
product/service/idea. Such an attitude survey is the impact of job satisfaction on employee
often administered keeping in mind target productivity, absenteeism and turnover.
consumers, clearly spelling out the respondent
profile. An attitude survey helps the company
obtain insights related to the different attitudinal
aspects of consumers towards the product, service
or category.
Satisfaction & Productivity
Importance of Attitude Survey As the “myth or Science?” box concludes, happy
On a broader perspective, attitude encompasses all workers aren’t necessarily productive workers. At
of a person’s emotional, perceptual, behavioral and the individual level, the evidence suggests the
rational processes in response to some aspect of the reverse to be more accurate- that productivity is
environment. In case of marketing specifically, likely to lead to satisfaction.
attitude can be considered a person’s persistent
emotional feelings, action tendencies and favorable Interestingly, if we move from the individual level to
or unfavorable disposition towards a product, that of the organization, there is renewed support
service or idea. Attitude survey in turn helps the for the original satisfaction- performance
company decide on the marketing strategy for the relationship. When satisfaction and productivity
brand. It allows the company to identify latent data are gathered for the organization, we find that
markets, new target groups or the more profitable organizations with more satisfied employees tend
demographic segments. These are important for to be more effective than organizations with less
satisfied employees. So while we may not be able to smiling face, or is a finalist for “Happiest and
say that a happy worker is more productive, it might friendliest”. When psychologists talk of personality,
be true that happy organizations are more they mean a dynamic concept describing the growth
and development of a person’s whole psychological
Satisfaction & Absenteeism
We find a negative relationship between satisfaction
It is most often described in terms of measurable
and absenteeism, but the correlation is moderate.
Satisfaction & Turnover traits. The most frequently used definition of
Satisfaction is also negatively related to turnover personality was produced by Gordon Allport more
but the correlation is stronger than what we found than 60 years ago. He said personality is "the
for absenteeism. dynamic organization within the individual of those
psychophysical systems that determine his unique
How Employee Express Dissatisfaction? Employee
adjustments to his environment. Personality is the
dissatisfaction can be expressed in a number of
sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and
ways. For example, rather than quit, employees can
complain, be insubordinate, steal organizational interacts with other people.
property or shrink part of their work responsibilities.
Below offers four responses that differ from one Are personality Traits cause by genes?
another along two dimensions:
constructiveness/destructiveness and PERSONALITY DETERMINANTS An early argument in
activity/passivity. personality research was whether an individual's
personality was the result of heredity or of
1. Exit - leaving the organization and environment. Was the personality predetermined at
looking for a new position (resigning) birth, or was it the result of the individual's
2. Voice - an attempt to improve interaction with his or her environment? Clearly,
there is no simple answer. Personality appears to be
3. Loyalty - passively but optimistically
waiting for conditions to improve. a result of both influences. In addition, today we
4. Neglect - allowing conditions to recognize a third factor-the situation. Thus, an
worsen. adult's personality is now generally considered to
be made up of both hereditary and environmental
How Manager Create a Satisfied Employee? factors, moderated by situational conditions.
1. Mentally Challenging Work - people prefer
jobs that give them the opportunity to use Determinants of Personality: Biological Factors,
their skills and abilities.
Cultural, Family, Social, Situational Factors
2. Equitable Rewards - pay systems and
promotion policies must be just, Heredity
unambiguous and in line with expectations.
3. Supportive Working Conditions - people Refers to those factors that were determined at
concerned with their environment for
conception Physical stature, facial attractiveness,
personal comfort and facilitating a good
job. gender, temperament, muscle composition and
4. Supportive Colleagues - people get more reflexes, energy level, and biological rhythms are
out than merely money or tangible characteristics that are generally considered to be
achievement. Their work fills the need for either completely or substantially influenced by who
social interaction. your parents were, that is, by their biological,
physiological, and inherent psychological makeup.
Lesson 3
The heredity approach argues that the ultimate
When we talk of personality, we don’t mean that a
explanation of an individual's personality is the
person has charm, a positive attitude toward life, a
molecular structure of the genes, located in the easy-going as a child, for example that would be the
chromosomes result of your genes, and it would not be possible for
you to change those characteristics.
Three different streams of research lend some
credibility to the argument that heredity plays an Environment
important part in determining an individual's
personality. Among the factors that exert pressures on our
personality formation are the culture in which we
1. The first looks at the genetic underpinnings of are raised, our early conditioning, the norms among
human behavior and temperament among young our family, friends, and social groups, and other
children. influences that we. Recent studies of young children
2. The second addresses the study of twins who lend strong support to the power of heredity.
were separated at birth. Evidence demonstrates that traits such as shyness,
3. The third examines the consistency in job fear, and distress are most likely caused by inherited
satisfaction over time and across situations. genetic characteristics. This finding suggests that
some personality traits may be built into the same
Researchers have studied more than 100 sets of genetic code that affects factors such as height and
identical twins who were separated at birth and hair color..
raised separately. If heredity played little or no part
in determining personality, you would expect to find For example, culture establishes the norms,
few similarities between the separated twins. But attitudes, and values that are passed along from one
the researchers found a lot in common. For almost generation to the next and create consistencies over
every behavioral trait, a significant part of the time. An ideology that is intensely fostered in one
variation between the twins turned out to be culture may have only moderate influence in
associated with genetic factors. For instance, one set another. For instance, North Americans have had the
of twins who had been separated for 39 years and themes of industriousness, success, competition,
raised 45 miles apart were found to drive the same independence, and the Protestant work ethic
model and color car, chain-smoked the same brand constantly instilled in them through books, the
of cigarette, owned dogs with the same name, and school system, family, and friends.
regularly vacationed within three blocks of each
Situation A third factor, the situation, influences the
other in a beach community 1,500 miles away.
effects of heredity and environment on personality.
Researchers have found that genetics accounts for
An individual's personality, although generally stable
about 50 percent of the personality differences and
and consistent, does change in different situations.
more than 30 per cunt of the variation in
The varying demands of different situations call forth
occupational and leisure interests.
different aspects of one's personality.
Further support for the importance of heredity can
It seems only logical to suppose that situations will
be found in studies of individual job satisfaction,
influence an individual's personality, but a neat
which we discussed in the previous chapter.
classification scheme that would tell us the Impact of
Individual job satisfaction is found to be remarkably
various types of situations has so far eluded us.
stable over time. This result is consistent with what
"Apparently we are not yet close to developing a
you would expect if satisfaction is determined by
system for clarifying situations so that they might be
something inherent in the person rather than by
systematically studied. However, we do know that
external environmental factors, if personality
certain situations are more relevant than others in
characteristics were completely dictated by heredity,
influencing personality.
they would be fixed at birth and no amount of
experience could alter them. If you were relaxed and
It seems only logical to suppose that situations will minds and great drive for their own ideas and
influence an individual's personality, but a neat purposes are visionaries.
classification scheme that would tell us the Impact of
various types of situations has so far eluded us. They are characterized as skeptical, critical,
"Apparently we are not yet close to developing a independent, determined and often stubborn ESTIs
system for clarifying situations so that they might be are organizers. They are realistic logical, analytical,
systematically studied. However, we do know that decisive, and have a natural head for business or
certain situations are more relevant than others in mechanics.
influencing personality,
They like to organize and run activities. The INTP
What is of interest taxonomically is that situations type is a conceptualizer. He or she is innovative
seem to differ substantially in the constraints they individualistic versatile, and attracted to
impose on behavior. Some situations (e.g., church, entrepreneurial ideas.
an employment interview) constrain many
The Big Five Model MBTI may lack valid supporting
behaviors; other situations (e.g., a picnic in a public
evidence, but that can't be said for the five-factor
park) constrain relatively few.
model of personality --more typically called the Big
PERSONALITY TRAITS he early work in the structure Five." In recent years, an impressive body of
of personality revolved around attempts to identity research supports that five basic di bensons
and label enduring characteristics that describe an underlies all others and encompass most of the
individual's behavior. Popular characteristics include significant variation in human personality.
shyness, aggressiveness, submissiveness, laziness
The Big Five factors
ambition, loyalty, and timidity. These characteristics,
when they are exhibited in a large number of Extraversion. This dimension captures one's
situations, are called personality traits. The more comfort level with relationships. Extraverts tend to
consistent the characteristic and the more be gregarious assertive, and sociable. Introverts
frequently it occurs indiverse situations, the more tend to be reserved, timid, and quiet.
important that trait is in describing the individual.
Agreeableness. This dimension refers to an
Early Search for Primary Traits Efforts to isolate traits individual's propensity to defer to others. Highly
have been hindered because there are so many of agreeable people are cooperative, warm, and
them. In one study, 17,953 individual traits were trusting. People who score low on agreeableness are
identified. It is virtually impossible to predict cold, disagreeable, and antagonistic
behavior when such a large number of traits must be
taken into account. As a result, attention has been Conscientiousness. This dimension is a measure of
directed toward reducing these thousands to a more reliability. A highly contentious person is
manageable number. responsible organized, dependable and persistent.
Those who Score low on this dimension are easily
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator One of the most distracted, disorganized, and unreliable
widely used personality Frameworks is called the
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)." It is essentially Emotional stability. This dimension taps a person's
a 100-question personality test that asks people how ability to withstand stress. People with positive
they usually feel or act in particular situations. emotional stability tend to be calm, self-confident,
and secure those with highly negative scores tend
These types are different from the 16 primary traits, to be nervous, anxious, depressed, and insecure.
let's take several examples INT ally have original
Openness to experience. The final dimension labelled internals, whereas the latter, who see their
addresses an individual's range of interests and lives as being controlled by outside forces, have
fascinations with novelty Extremely open people are been called externals. A person's perception of the
creative, curious and artistically sensitive. Those at source of his or her fate is termed locus of control. A
the other end of the openness category are large amount of research comparing internals with
conventional and find comfort in the familiar. externals has consistently shown that individuals
who have high scores in externality are less satisfied
For the other personality dimensions, predictability with their jobs, have higher absenteeism rates, are
depended upon both the performance criterion and more alienated from the work setting, and are less
the occupational group. For stance, extraversion involved on their jobs than are internals.
predicted performance in managerial and sales
positions. This finding makes sense since these Locus of Control
occupations involve high social interaction. Similarly,
openness to experience was found to be important The degree to which people believe they are masters
in predicting training proficiency, which, too, seems of their own fate.
logical. What wasn't so clear was why positive
Internals Individuals
emotional stability wasn't related to job
who believe that they control what happens to
Bill Gates co-founder and chairman of Microsoft Externals Individuals
would score high on the conscientiousness who believe that what happens to them is
dimension of the Big Five model. His success stems controlled by outside forces such as luck or chance.
from his personality an intense drive to succeed, Why are externals more dissatisfied? The answer is
persistence, personality, brilliant intellect and probably because they perceive themselves as
competitiveness. Gates's personality has influenced having little control over those organizational
the cultured success of Microsoft and made him the outcomes that are important to them. Internals,
most famous business celebrity in the world. facing the same situation, attribute organizational
outcomes to their own actions. If the situation is
MAJOR PERSONALITY ATTRIBUTES INFLUENCING unattractive, they be believe that they have no one
OB else to blame but themselves. Also, the dissatisfied
internal is more likely to quit a dissatisfying job.
In this section, we want to evaluate more carefully
specific personality attribute that have been found The impact of locus of control on absence is an
to be powerful predictors of behavior in interesting one. Internals believe that health is
organizations. The first is related to where a person substantially under their own control through
perceives the locus of control to be in his or life. The proper habits, so they take more responsibility for
others are Machiavellianism, self-esteem, self- their health and have better health habits.
monitoring, propensity for risk taking, and Type A Consequently, their incidences of sickness and,
personality. In this section, we shall briefly hence, of absenteeism are lower.
introduced these attributes and summarize what we
know about their ability to explain and predict We shouldn't expect any clear relationship between
employee behavior. locus of control and turnover because there are
opposing forces at work. "On the one hand, internals
Other people see themselves as pawns of fate, tend to take action and thus might be expected to
believing that what happens to them in their lives is quit jobs more readily. On the other hand, they tend
due to luck or chance. The first type, those who to be more successful on the job and more satisfied,
believe that they control their destinies, have been factors associated with less individual turnover.
Machiavellianism to expectations for success. High SEs believe that
they possess the ability they need in order to
The personality characteristic of Machiavellianism succeed at work.
(Mach) Named after Niccolò Machiavelli, who wrote
in the sixteenth century on how to gain and use Individuals with high self-esteem will take more
power. An individual high in Machiavellianism is risks in job selection and are more likely choose
pragmatic, maintains emotional distance, and unconventional jobs than people with low self-
believes that ends can justify means. "If it works, esteem. Not surprisingly, self-esteem has also been
use it is consistent with a high-Mach perspective. found to be related to job satisfaction. A number of
studies confirm that high SEs are more satisfied with
A considerable amount of research has been their jobs than are low SES.
directed toward relating high and low. Mach
personalities to certain behavioral outcomes." High Self-Monitoring
Machs manipulate more, win more, are persuaded
less, and persuade others more than do low Machs. A personality trait that has recently received
Yet these high-Mach outcomes are moderated by increased attention is called self-monitoring. It
situational factors. It has been found that high refers to an individual's ability to adjust his or her
Machs flourish (1) when they interact face-to-face behavior to external, situational factors.
with others rather than indirectly; (2) when the
Individuals high in self-monitoring show considerable
situation has a minimum number of rules and
adaptability in adjusting their behavior to external
regulations, thus allowing latitude for
situational factors. They are highly sensitive external
improvisation; and (3) when emotional
cues and can behave differently in different
involvements with details irrelevant to winning
situations. High self monitors are capable of
distract low Machs.
presenting striking contradictions between their
Should we conclude that high Machs make good public persona and their private self. Low self-
employees? That answer depends on the type of job monitors can't disguise themselves in that way.
and whether you consider ethical implications in They tend to display their true dispositions and
evaluating performance. In jobs that require attitudes in every situation; hence, there is high
bargaining skills (such as labor negotiation) or that behavioral consistency between who they are and
offer substantial rewards for winning (as in what they do.
commissioned sales), high Machs will be productive.
A personality trait that measures an individual's
But if ends can't justify the means, if there are
ability to adjust his or her behavior to external
absolute standards of behavior, or if the three
situational factors.
situational factors noted in the preceding paragraph
are not in evidence, our ability to predict a high The research on self monitoring is in its infancy, so
Mach's performance will be severely curtailed. predictions must be guarded. However, preliminary
evidence suggests that high self monitors tend to
Machiavellianism Degree to which an individual is
pay closer attention to the behavior of others and
pragmatic, maintains emotional distance, and
are more capable of conforming than are low self-
believes that ends can justify means.
monitors. In addition, high self-monitoring managers
Self-Esteem. People differ in the degree to which tend to be more mobile in their careers and receive
they like or dislike themselves. This trait is called more promotions (both internal and cross
self-esteem. The research on self-esteem (SE) offers organizational)." We might also hypothesize that
some interesting insights into organizational high self-monitors will be more successful in
behavior. For example, self-esteem is directly related managerial positions in which individuals are
required to play multiple, and even contradicting,
roles. The high self-monitor is capable of putting on more things at once
different "faces" for different audiences.
eating rapidly cannot cope with leisure
Risk Taking Donald Trump stands out for his time
willingness to take risks. He started with almost
nothing in the 1960s. By the mid-1980s, he had
made a fortune by betting on a resurgent New York are obsessed with measuring their success
City real estate market. Then, trying to capitalize on numbers in terms of how many or
his previous successes, Trump overextended himself. how much of everything
By 1994, he had a negative net worth of $850 they acquire
million. Never fearful of taking chances, "The
Donald" leveraged the few assets he had left on
several New York, New Jersey, and Caribbean real Type A personality
estate ventures. He hit it big again. By 1999, Forbes
Aggressive involvement in a chronic, incessant
estimated his net worth at over $2 billion.
struggle to achieve more and more in less and less
People differ in their willingness to take chances. time and, if necessary, against the opposing efforts
This propensity to assume or avoid risk has been of other things or other people.
shown to have an impact on how long it takes
Type B's
managers to make a decision and how much
information they require before making their choice. 1. never suffer from a sense of time urgency with its
For instance, 79 managers worked on simulated accompanying impatience
personnel exercises that required them to make 2. feel no need to display or discuss either their
hiring decisions achievements or accomplishments unless such
exposure is demanded by the situation;
While it is generally correct to conclude that
3. play for fun and relaxation rather than to exhibit
managers in organizations are risk averse, there are
their superiority at any cost;
still individual differences on this dimension. For
instance, a high risk-taking propensity may lead to Differences
more effective performance for a stock trader in a
brokerage firm because that type of job demands Type A’s operating under moderate to high levels of
rapid decision making. stress. They subject themselves to more or less
continuous time pressure, creating for themselves a
Type A Personality.. A person with a Type A life of deadlines. These characteristics result in some
personality is "aggressively involved in a chronic, rather specific behavioral outcomes. For example,
incessant struggle to achieve more and more in less Type A's are fast workers because they emphasize
and less time, and, if required to do 50, against the quantity over quality. In managerial positions, Type
opposing efforts of other things or other persons. A's demonstrate their competitiveness by working
long hours and, not infrequently, making poor
decisions because they make them too fast. Type A's
Type A's are: are also rarely creative. Because of their concern
with quantity and speed, they rely on past
always moving feel impatient with the experiences when faced with problems. They rarely
rate at which most vary in their responses to specific challenges in their
events take place milieu; hence, their behavior is easier to predict than
that of Type B's.
walking to think or do two or
Are Type A's or Type B's more successful in (1) categorize them by specific traits,
organizations? Despite the Type A's hard work, the (2) assess job tasks in terms of the type of
Type B's are the ones who appear to make it to the personality best suited for effectively completing
top. Great salespersons are usually Type A's; senior those tasks, and
executives are usually Type B's. Why? The answer (3) match applicants and job tasks to find an
lies in the tendency of Type A's to trade off quality of appropriate fit.
effort for quantity. Promotions in corporate and
professional organizations "usually go to those who The prevalence of Type A personalities will be
are wise rather than to those who are merely hasty, somewhat influenced by the culture in which a
to those who are tactful rather than to those who person grows up. There are Type A's in every
are hostile, and to those who are creative rather country, but there will be more in capitalistic
than to those who are merely agile in competitive countries, where achievement and material success
strife. are highly valued. For instance, it is estimated that
about 50 percent of the North American population
PERSONALITY AND NATIONAL CULTURE is Type A.39 This percentage shouldn't be too
Do personality frameworks, such as the Big Five
model, transfer across cultures? Are dimensions ACHIEVING PERSONALITY FIT
such as locus of control and the Type A personality
relevant in all cultures? Let's try to answer these Twenty years ago, organizations were concerned
questions. with personality primarily because they wanted to
match individuals to specific jobs. That concern still
There are no common personality types for a given exists. But, in recent years, interest has expanded to
country. You can, for instance, find high and low risk include the individual-organization fit. Why?
takers in almost any culture. Yet a country's culture Because managers today are less interested in an
influences the dominant personality characteristics applicant's ability to perform a specific job than
of its population. We can see this by looking at locus with his or her flexibility to meet changing
of control and the Type A personality. situations.

"Deep Down, People Are All Alike" The Person-Job Fit. In the discussion of personality
attributes, our conclusions were often qualified to
This statement is essentially false. Only in the
recognize that the requirements of the job
broadest sense can we say that "people are all
moderated the relationship between possession of
alike." For instance, it's true that people all have
the personality characteristic and job performance.
values, attitudes, likes and dislikes, feelings, goals,
This concern with matching the job requirements
and similar general attributes. But individual
with personality characteristics is best articulated in
differences are far more illuminating.6 People differ
John Holland's personality-job fit theory." The
in intelligence, personality, abilities, ambition,
theory is based on the notion of fit between an
motivations, emotional display, values, priorities,
individual's personality characteristics and his or her
expectations, and the like.
occupational environment. Holland presents six
Take the task of selecting among job applicants personality types and proposes that satisfaction and
Managers regularly use information about a the propensity to leave a job depend on the degree
candidate's personality (in addition to experience, to which individuals successfully match their
knowledge, skill level, and intellectual abilities) to personalities to an occupational environment.
help make their hiring decisions. Recognizing that
What does all this mean? The theory argues that
jobs differ in terms of demands and requirements,
satisfaction is highest and turnover lowest when
managers interview and test applicants to:
personality and occupation are in agreement. Social to influence manager
individuals should be in social jobs, conventional others and
people in conventional jobs, and So forth. A attain power
realistic person in a realistic job is in a more
congruent situation than is a realistic person in an Artistic Prefers Imaginative Painter,
investigative job. ambiguous and disorderly, musician,
unsystematic idealistic, writer, interior
Holland's Typology of Personality and activities that emotional, decorator
Congruent Occupations allow creative impractical
Type Personality Congruent
Characteristics Occupation
The Person-Organization Fit. As previously
Realistic Shy, genuine, Mechanic, drill noted, attention in recent years has expanded
Prefers persistent, press operator, to include matching people to organizations as
physical stable, assembly-line well as jobs. To the degree that an organization
activities that conforming worker, farmer
faces a dynamic and changing environment and
require skill, practical
requires employees who are able to readily
strength, and
coordination change tasks and move fluidly between teams,
it's probably more important that employees'
Investigative: Analytical, Biologist, personalities fit with the overall organization's
Prefers original, economist, culture than with the characteristics of any
activities that curious, mathematician,
specific job.
involve independent news reporter
thinking, The person-organization fit essentially argues
organizing and that people leave jobs that are not compatible
with their personalities. Using the Big Five
Social Prefers Sociable, Social worker, terminology, for instance, we could expect
activities that friendly, teacher, that people high on extraversion fit better with
involve helping cooperative, counselor, aggressive and team-oriented cultures; people
and developing understanding clinical high on agreeableness will match up better with
others psychologist a supportive organizational climate than one
Conventional Conforming, Accountant, that focuses on aggressiveness; and that people
Prefers rule efficient corporate high on openness to experience fit better into
regulated, practical. manager, bank organizations that emphasize innovation rather
orderly, and unimaginative, teller, file clerk than standardization." Following these
unambiguous inflexible guidelines at the time of hiring should lead to
activities selecting new employees who fit better with the
Enterprising Self-confident, Lawyer, real organization's culture, which, in turn, should
Prefers verbal ambitious, estate agent, result in higher employee satisfaction and
activities in energetic, public relations reduced turnover.
which there domineering specialist, small
are business
Lesson 5 Certainly some emotions, particularly when
exhibited at the wrong time, can reduce
EMOTIONS On one recent Friday, a 37-year-old employee performance. But this doesn't change
U.S. postal worker in Milwaukee walked into his the reality that employees bring an emotional
place of work. He pulled out a gun and shot and component with them to work every day and
killed a co-worker with whom he had argued, that no study of OB could be comprehensive
wounded a supervisor who had scolded him, without considering the role of emotions in
and injured another worker. He then killed workplace behavior.
himself." For this worker, anger had led to
violence. "People work hard, but they have a good time.
We are allowed to let our personalities show,"
Going on a shooting rampage at work is an says Mary Ann Adams, project director at
extreme example but it does dramatically Southwest Airlines. Southwest uses the
illustrate the theme of this section: Emotions person-organization fit during its selective
are a critical factor in employee behavior. hiring process. During interviews, applicants
must prove that they have a sense of humor.
Given the obvious role that emotions play in
our everyday life, it might surprise you to learn WHAT ARE EMOTIONS?
that, until very recently, the topic of emotions
had been given little or no attention within the Although we don't want to obsess analysis, we
field of OB. How could this be? need to clarity three terms that are closely
intertwined. These are affect, emotions, and
We can offer two possible explanations. The moods.
first is the myth of rationality. Since the late
nineteenth century and the rise of scientific Affect is a generic term that covers a broad
management, organizations have been range of feelings that people experience. It's
specifically designed with the objective of an umbrella concept that encompasses both
trying to control emotions. A well-run emotions and moods.
organization was one that successfully
Emotions are intense feelings that are directed
eliminated frustration, fear, anger, love, hate,
at someone or something.
joy, grief, and similar feelings. Such emotions
were the antithesis of rationality. Moods are feelings that tend to be less intense
than emotions and that lack a contextual
So while researchers and managers knew that
emotions were an inseparable part of everyday
life, they tried to create organizations that were Emotions are reactions to an object, not a trait.
emotion free. They're object specific. You show your emotions
when you're happy about something. angry at
The second factor that acted to keep emotions
someone afraid of something. Moods, on the
out of OB was the belief that emotions of any
other hand, aren't directed at an object
kind were disruptive. When emotions were
Emotions can turn into moods when you lose
considered, Emotions were rarely viewed as
focus on the contextual object. So when a work
being constructive or able to stimulate
performance-enhancing behaviors.
colleague criticizes you for the way you spoke to their actual feelings Not surprisingly, this is a
a client, you might become angry at him. frequent occurrence.

That is you show emotion (anger) toward a There are people at work with whom you find it
specific object dispirited. You can't attribute this very difficult to be friendly: Maybe you consider
feeling to any single event: you're just not your their personality abrasive. Maybe you know
normal, upbeat self. This affective state they've said negative things about you behind
describes a mood. your back.

A related behavior term that is gaining They're not Innate: they're learned "The ritual
increasing importance in organizational be is look of delight on the face of the font runner-up
emotional labor. Every employee expends as the new Miss America is announced is a
physical and mental labor when they put their product of the display rule that losers should
bodies and cognitive capabilities, respectively, mask their sadness with an expression of 10 for
into their job. But most jobs also require the winners
emotional labor. This is when an employee
expresses organizationally desired emotions Effective managers have learned to be serious
when giving an employee a negative
during interpersonal transactions." The concept
of emotional labor originally developed in performance evaluation and to cover up their
anger when they've been passed over for
relation to service jobs Airline flight attendants,
for instance, are expected to be cheerful, promotion. . And the salesperson who hasn't
learned to smile and appear friendly, regardless
funeral coin selors sad, and doctors emotionally
neutral But today the concept of emotional of his or her true feelings at the moment, isn't
typically going to last long on most sales jobs.
labor seems relevant to almost every job You're
expected, for example, to be courteous and not The key point here is that felt and displayed
hostile in interactions with co-workers. emotions are often different. In fact, many
FELT VERSUS DISPLAYED EMOTIONS people have problems working with others
simply because they naively assume that the
Felt Emotions: The individuals actual emotion. emotions they see others display is what those
others actually feel.
Displayed Emotions: The learned emotions that
the organization requires workers to show and EMOTION DIMENSIONS
considers appropriate in a given job.
How many emotions are there? In what ways
Surface Acting: hiding one’s true emotions. do they vary? We'll answer these questions in
this section.
Deep Acting: trying to change one’s feelings
based on display rules. Variety - There have been numerous efforts to
limit and define the fundamental or basic set of
Emotional labor creates dilemmas for emotions.
employees when their job requires them to
exhibit emotions that are incongruous with
Research has identified six universal emotions: Jobs make different intensity demands in
anger, fear, sadness, happiness, disgust, and terms of emotional labor. For instance, air
surprise. traffic controllers and trial judges are expected
to be calm and controlled, even in stressful
One factor that has strongly shaped what is and situations.
isn't listed in this basic set is the manner in Frequency and Duration. How often does an
which emotions were identified. Researchers emotion need to be exhibited? And for how
tended to look for universally identified facial long?
expressions and then convert them into
categories. Emotions that couldn't be readily Sean Wolfson is basically a quiet and reserved
identified by others through facial expressions, person. He loves his job as financial planner. He
or which were considered a subset of one of the doesn't enjoy, however, having to give
basic six, were not selected. occasional speeches in order to increase his
visibility and to promote his programs. "If I had
The closer any two emotions are to each other to speak to large audiences every day, I'd quit
on this $7 continuum, the more people are this business," he says. "I think this works for
likely to confuse them. For instance, happiness me because I can fake excitement and
and surprise are frequently mistaken for each enthusiasm for an hour, a couple of times a
other, while happiness and disgust are rarely month."
Emotional labor that requires high frequency or
Do these six basic emotions surface in the long durations is more demanding and requires
workplace? Absolutely. I get angry after more exertion by employees. So whether an
receiving a poor performance appraisal. I fear employee ca successfully meet the emotional
that I could be laid off as result of a company demands of a given job depends not only which
cutback. I'm sad about one of my co-workers emotions need to be displayed and their
leaving to take new job in another city. I'm intensity, but also how frequently and for how
happy after being selected as employee-of the long the effort has to be made.
Intensity People give different responses to
identical emotion-provoking stimuli. In some Are people who seem outwardly calm or
cases this can be attributed to the individual's apathetic in situations, in which others are
personality. People vary in their inherent ability clearly emotionally charged, without feeling?
to express intensity. You undoubtedly know Can people be emotionless?
individuals who almost never show their
feelings. They rarely get angry They never show Some people have severe difficulty in
expressing their emotions and under standing
rage. In contrast, you probably also know
people who seem to be on an emotional roller the emotions of others.
coaster. When they're happy, their ecstatic. Psychologists call this alexithymia (which is
When they're sad, they're deeply depressed. Greek for "lack of emotion"). People who suffer
from alexithymia rarely cry and are often seen
by others as bland and cold. Their own feelings
make them discomfort able, and they're not smiling) than men, and they do. A second
able to discriminate among their different explanation is that women may have more
emotions. innate ability to read others and present their
emotions than do men. Third, women may
Does this inability to express emotions and read have a greater need for social approval and,
others mean that people who suffer from thus, a higher propensity to show positive
alexithymia are poor work performers? Not emotions such as happiness.
necessarily. Consistent with our discussion on
matching personality types with appropriate Reading Emotions
jobs, people who lack emotion need to be in
Understanding another person's felt emotions is
jobs that require little or no emotional labor. a very difficult task. But we can learn to read
These people are not well suited to sales and others displayed emotions. We do this by
managerial positions focusing on verbal, nonverbal, and paralinguistic
CONTINUE The easiest way to find out what someone’s
GENDER AND EMOTIONS feeling is to ask them. Saying something as
simple as "Are you OK! What's the problem?"
It's widely assumed that women are more "in can frequently provide you with the information
touch" with their feelings than men-that they to assess an individual's emotional state but
relying on a verbal response has two
react more emotionally and are better able to drawbacks:
read emotions in others. Is there any truth to
First, almost all of us conceal our emotions to
these assumptions?
some extent for privacy and to reflect social
expectations. So we might be unwilling to share
The evidence does confirm differences our true feelings.
between men and women when it comes to
Second, even if we want to verbally convey our
emotional reactions and ability to read others. feelings, we may be unable to do so.
In contrasting the genders, women show
greater emotional expression than men; they As we've noted previously, some people have
difficulty understanding their own emotions and
experience emotions more intensely, and they hence, are un- able to verbally express them.
display more frequent expressions of both So, at best, verbal responses provide only
positive and negative emotions, except anger. partial information.
In contrast to men, women also report more You're talking with a co-worker. Does the fact
comfort in expressing emotions. Finally, that his back is rigid, his teeth clenched, and his
facial muscles ought tell you something about
women are better at nonverbal and his emotional State? It probably should, facial
paralinguistic cues than are men. expressions, gestures, body movements, and
physical distance are nonverbal cues that can
One explanation is the different ways men and provide additional insights into what a person is
feeling. Notice the difference in facial features
women have been socialized. Men are taught
the height of the cheeks, the raising or lowering
to be tough and brave; and showing emotion is of the brow, the turn of the mouth, the
inconsistent with this image. Women, on the positioning of the lips. and the configuration of
the muscles around the eyes. Even something
other hand are friendlier than men. For
as subtle as the distance someone chooses to
instance, women are expected to express more position himself or herself from you can convey
positive emotions on the job (shown by their feelings, or lack thereof, of intimacy, ag
aggressiveness, repugnance, or withdrawal.
As Janet and I talked, I noticed a sharp change •Again, there are exceptional conditions in which
in the tone of her voice and the speed at which this isn't true-for example, a brief grieving over
she spoke. I was tapping into the third source of the sudden death of a company's CEO or the
information on a person's emotions- celebration of a record year of profits But for the
paralanguage. most part, consistent with the myth of rationality,
well-managed O organizations are expected to
This is communication that goes beyond the be essentially emotion free.
specific spoken words. It includes pitch,
amplitude, rate, and voice quality of speech. Cultural influences
Paralanguage reminds us that people convey
their feelings not only in what they say but also •Cultural norms in the United States dictate that
in how they say it. employ sees in service organizations should
smile and act friendly when interacting with
Women show greater emotional expression customers. But this norm doesn't apply
than men and experience emotions more worldwide.
•In Israel, smiling by super market cashiers is
An emotion that is acceptable on the athletic seen as a sign of inexperience, so cashiers are
playing field is acceptable when exhibited at the encouraged t look somber." In Moslem cultures,
workplace. Similarly, what's appropriate in a smiling is frequently taken as a sign of sexual
country is often inappropriate in another. These attraction, so women are socialized not to smile
facts illustrate the role that internal constraints at men.
play shaping displayed emotions. Every
organization defines boundaries that identify The foregoing examples illustrate the need to
what emotions are acceptable and the degree to consider cultural factors as inti fencing what is or
which they can be expressed. The same applies isn't considered as emotionally appropriate.
in the different cultures. In this section, we look What's acceptable in one culture may seem
at organizational and cultural influences on extremely unusual or even dysfunctional in
emotions: another. A cultures differ in terms of the
interpretation they give to emotions.
Organizational influences
FIGURE 1: Hierarchy of Emotions Viewing
•If you can't smile and appear happy, you're un customer emotions as negative or positive and,
likely to have much of a career working at a within each category, as one of four basic
Disney amusement park. emotions exemplified by specific emotional
states, is a useful and actionable framework for
•And a manual produced by McDonald's states marketers.
that its counter personnel "must display traits
such as sincerity, enthusiasm, confidence, and a
sense of humor." There is no single emotional
"set" sought by all organizations. However, at NEGATIVE
least in the United States, the evidence indicates
that there's a bias against negative and intense Sadness- Miserable Helpless Guilty
Anger- Frustrated Irritated Discontented
•Expressions of negative emotions such as fear,
and anxiety, and anger tend to be unacceptable Shame- Embarrassed Ashamed Humiliated
except under fairly specific conditions.
Fear- Nervous Worried Tense
•For instance, one such condition might be a
high-status member of a group conveying
impatience with a low-status member. Moreover, POSITIVE
expressions of intense emotion, whether
negative or positive, tend to be typically Pride- Pride
unacceptable because they're seen as
undermining routine task performance. Contentment -Contented Fulfilled Peaceful
Love- Passionate Sentimental Warm-hearted Social skills. The ability to handle the emotions
of others.
Happiness- Hopeful Pleased Enthusiastic
Several studies suggest El may play an
There tends to be high agreement on what important role in job performance. For instance,
emotions mean within cultures but not between. one study looked at the characteristics of Bell
For instance, one study asked Americans to Lab engineers who were rated as stars by their
match facial expressions with the six basic peers. The scientists concluded that stars were
emotions. The range of agreement was between better at relating to others. That is, it was EI, not
86 and 98 percent. When a group of Japanese academic IQ, that characterized high
was given the same task, they correctly labeled performers. A second study of Air Force
only surprise (with 97 percent agreement). On recruiters generated similar findings. Top
the other five emotions, their accuracy ranged performing recruiters exhibited high levels of El.
from only 27 to 70 percent. In addition, studies Using these findings, the Air Force revamped its
indicate that some cultures lack words for such selection criteria. A follow-up investigation found
standard emotions as anxiety, depression, or that future hires who had high El scores were
guilt. Tahitians, as a case in point, don't have a 2.6 times more successful than those who didn't.
word directly equivalent to sad ness, When A recent poll of human resource managers
Tahitians are sad their peers typically attribute asked: How important is it for your workers to
their state to a physical illness. demonstrate EI to move up the corporate
ladder? Forty percent replied "very important."
We conclude our discussion of emotions by Another 16 percent said "moderately important."
considering their application to several topics in
OB. In this section, we assess how a knowledge The implications from the initial evidence on El is
of emotions can help you to better understand that employers should consider it as a factor in
the selection process in organizations, decision selection, especially in jobs that demand a high
making, motivation, leadership, interpersonal degree of social interaction.
conflict, and deviant workplace behaviors.
Decision Making
Ability and Selection
As you'll see in our next weekly lessons,
People who know their own emotions and are traditional approach to the study of decision
good at reading others' emotions may be more making in organizations have emphasized
effective in their jobs. That, in essence, is the rationality. They have downplayed, or even
theme underlying recent research on emotional ignored, the role of anxiety, fear, frustration,
intelligence." doubt, happiness, excitement, and similar
emotions. Yet it's naive to assume that decision
Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to an choices aren't influenced by one's feelings at a
assortment of noncognitive skills, capabilities, particular moment. Given the same objective
and competencies that Influence a person's data, we should expect that people may make
ability to succeed in coping with environmental different choices when they're angry and
demands and pressures. It's composed of five stressed out than when they're calm and
dimensions: collected.
Self-awareness. The ability to be aware of what Negative emotions can result in a limited search
you're feeling for new alternatives and a less vigilant use of
information. On the other hand, positive
Self-management. The ability to manage one's emotions can in crease problem solving and
own emotions and impulses facilitate the integration ofinformation." You can
improve your understanding of decision making
Self-motivation. The ability to persist in the
by considering "the heart" as well as the head."
face of setbacks and failures.
People use emotions as well as rational and
Empathy. The ability to sense how others are intuitive processes in making decisions. Failure
feeling. to incorporate emotions into the study of
decision processes will result in an incomplete
(and often inaccurate) view of the process.
Emotional Intelligence is an assortment of Corporate executives know that emotional
noncognitive skills, capabilities, and content is critical if employees are to buy into
competencies that influence a person's ability to their vision of their company's future and accept
succeed in coping with environmental demands change. When new visions are offered,
and pressures. especially when contain distant or vague goals,
change is often difficult to accept. So when
Motivation effective leaders want to implement significant
changes, theyrely on the evocation, framing, and
We'll discuss motivation thoroughly in the next mobilization of a notions." By arousing emotions
chapters. At this point, we want to merely and linking them to an appealing vision, leaders
introduce the idea that, like decision making, the increase the likelihood that managers and
dominant approaches to the study of motivation employees alike will accept change.
reflect an over rationalized view of individuals.
Interpersonal Conflict
Motivation theories basically propose that
individuals are motivated to the extent that their Few issues are more intertwined with emotions
behavior is expected to lead to desired than the topic of interpersonal conflict.
outcomes. The image is that of rational Whenever conflicts arise, you can be fairly
exchange: the employee essentially trades effort certain that emotions are also surfacing. A
for pay, security, promotions, and so forth. But manager's success in trying to resolve conflicts,
people aren't cold, unfeeling machines. Their in fact, is often largely due to his or her ability to
perceptions and calculations of situations are identify the emotional elements in the conflict
filled with emotional content that significantly and to get the conflicting parties to work through
influences how much effort they exert. their emotions. And the manager who ignores
Moreover, when you see people who are highly the emotional elements in conflicts, focusing
motivated in their jobs, they're emotionally singularly on rational and task concerns, is
committed. People who are engaged in their unlikely to be very of effective in resolving the
work become physically, cognitively, and conflicts
emotionally immersed in the experience of
activity, in the pursuit of a goal. Deviant Workplace Behaviors

Are all people emotionally engaged in their Negative emotions can lead to a number of
work? No! But many are. And if we focus only on deviant workplace behaviors. Anyone who has
rational calculations of inducements and spent much time in an organization realizes that
contributions, we fail to be able to explain people often engage in voluntary actions that
behaviors such as the individual who forgets to violate established norms and that threaten the
have dinner and works late into the night, lost in organization, its members, or both. These
the thrill of her work. actions are called employee deviance.

Leadership is the ability to lead others is a Employee Deviance-Voluntary actions that

fundamental quality sought by organizations. For violate established norms and that threaten the
this module, we briefly introduce how emotions organization, its members, or both. This fall into
can be an integral part of leadership. categories such as production (e.g., leaving
early, intentionally working slowly); property
Effective leaders almost all rely on the (c.8., stealing, sabotage); political (eg.
expression of feelings to help convey their gossiping, blaming co-workers); and personal
messages. In fact, the expression of emotions in aggression (e.g., sexual harass- mem, verbal
speeches is often the critical clement that results abuse). Many of these deviant behaviors can be
in individuals accepting or rejecting a leader's traced to negative emotions. For instance, envy
message. "When leaders feel excited,
enthusiastic, and active, they may be more likely Envy - an emotion that occurs when you resent
to energize their subordinates and convey a someone for loving something that you don't,
sense of efficacy, competence, optimism, and which you strongly desire. It can lead to mall
enjoyment. Politicians, as a case in point, have serious deviant behaviors. Envy, for example,
learned to show enthusiasm when talking about has been found to be associated with hostility,
their chances for winning an election, even when "backstabbing" and other forms of political
polls suggest otherwise. behavior, negatively distort others’ successes,
and positively distorting one's own Do emotions affect job performance? Yes. They
accomplishments. can hinder performance, especially negative
emotions. That's probably why organizations, for
SUMMARY AND IMPLICATIONS FOR the most part try to extract emotions out of the
MANAGERS PERSONALITY workplace. But emotions can also enhance
performance. How? Two ways:
A review of the personality literature offers
general guidelines effective job performance. As First, emotions can increase arousal levels, thus
such, it can improve hiring, transfer, and acting as motivators to higher performance.
promotion decisions. Because personality
characteristics create the parameters for people Second, emotional labor recognizes that feelings
behavior, they give us a framework for predicting can be part of a job's required behavior.
behavior. For example, individuals who are shy,
introverted, and uncomfortable in social So, for instance, the ability to effectively manage
situations would probably be ill-suited as emotions in leadership and sales positions may
salespeople. Individuals who are submissive be critical to success in those positions.
and conforming might not be effective as
advertising "idea" people. What differentiates functional from dysfunctional
emotions at work? While there is no precise
Can we predict which high performers in sales, answer to this, it's been suggested that the
research, can lead people to work on the basis critical moderating variable is the complexity of
of their personality characteristics alone? The the individual's task. The more complex a task,
answer is No. Personality assessment should be the lower the level of arousal that can be
used in conjunction with other in formation as tolerated without interfering with
skills, abilities, and experience. But a knowledge performance. While a certain minimal level of
of an individual's personality can aid in reducing arousal is probably necessary for good
mismatches, which in turn, can lead to reduced performance, very high levels Interfere with the
turnover and higher job satisfaction. ability to function, especially the job requires
calculative and detailed cognitive processes.
We can look at certain personality Given that the trend is toward jobs becoming
characteristics that tend to be related to job more complex, you can see why organizations
success, test for those traits, and use the data to are like to go to considerable efforts to
make selection more effective. A person who discourage the overt display of emotions-
accepts rules, conformity, and dependence and especially intense ones-In the workplace.
rates high authoritarianism is likely to feel more
comfortable in, say, a structured assembly line Traits are Powerful Predictors of Behavior
job, as an admittance clerk in a hospital, or as The essence of trait approaches in OB is that
an administrator in a large public agency than as employee possesses stable personality
a researcher or an employee whose job requires characteristics that significantly influence their
a high degree of creativity. attitudes toward, and behavioral reactions to,
organizational settings. People with particular
Emotions traits tend to be relatively consistent in their
attitudes and behavior over time and across
Can managers control the emotions of their situations. Of course, trait theorists recognize
colleagues and employees? No. Emotions are a that all traits are not equally powerful. They tend
natural part of an individual's makeup. Managers to put them into one of three categories:
err if they ignore the emotional elements in
organizational behavior and assess individual Cardinal traits strong and generalized that they
behavior if it were completely rational. As one influence every act a person performs
consultant aptly put it, "You can't divorce
emotions from the workplace because you can't Primary traits generally consistent influences
divorce emotions from people. Managers who on behavior, but they may not show un up in all
understand the role of emotions will significantly situations Secondary traits attributes that do
improve their ability to explain and predict not form a vital part of the sonalitytions but come
individual behavior. into play only in particular situa- For the most
part, trait theories have focused on the power of
primary traits to predict employee behavior
Trait theorists do a fairly good job of meeting the include very different kinds of members, and
average person's face-validity test. Think of they adapt to those different situations. Instead
friends relatives, and acquaintances you have of being the prisoners of a rigid and stable
known for a number of years. Do they have traits personality framework, as trait theorists propose,
that have remainedessentially stable over time? people regularly adjust their behavior to reflect
Most of us would answer that question in the the requirements of various situations.
affirmative. If Cousin Anne was shy and nervous
when we last saw her 10 years ago, we would First, organizationa l settings are strong
be surprised to find her outgoing and relaxed situations that have a large impact on employee
now. Managers seem to have a strong belief in be behavior.
the power of traits to predict behavior. If
managers be lied that situations determined Second, individuals are highly adaptive and
behavior, they would hire people almost at personality traits change in response to
random and structure the situation properly, But organizational situations
the employee selection process in most
organizations places a great deal of emphasis It has been well known for some time that the
on how applicants perform in interviews and on effects of traits are likely to be strongest in
tests. Assume you're an interviewer and ask relatively weak situations and weakest in
yourself: What am I looking for in job relatively strong situations. Organizational
candidates? If you answered with terms such as settings tend to be strongest nations because
conscientious, hard working persistent, confident they have rules and other formal regulations that
and dependable, you're a trait theorist! define acceptable behavior and punish deviant
behavior; and they have informal norms that
Few people would dispute that there are some dictate appropriate behaviors. These formal and
stable individual attributes that affect react to the informal constraints minimize the effects of
workplace But trait theorists go beyond that personality traits. By arguing that employees
generosity and argue that individual behavior possess stable traits that lead to cross-
consistencies are widespread and account for situational consistency in behaviours, trait
much of the differences in behavior among. theorists are implying that individuals don't really
There are two important problems with using adapt to different situations. But there is a
traits to explain large proportion of behavior in growing body of evidence that an individual's
organizations: It has been well known for some traits are changed by the organizations in which
time that the effects of traits are likely to be that individual participates. If the individual's
strongest in relatively weak situations and personality changes as a result of exposure to
weakest in relatively strong situations. organizational settings, in what sense can that
Organizational settings tend to be strongest individual be said to have traits that persistently
nations because they have rules and other and consistently affect his or her reactions to
formal regulations that define acceptable these very settings? Moreover, people typically
behavior and punish deviant behavior; and they belong to multiple organizations that often
have informal norms that dictate appropriate include very different kinds of members, and
behaviors. These formal and informal they adapt to those different situations. Instead
constraints minimize the effects of personality of being the prisoners of a rigid and stable
traits. By arguing that employees possess stable personality framework, as trait theorists propose,
traits that lead to cross-situational consistency in people regularly adjust their behavior to reflect
behaviours, trait theorists are implying that the requirements of various situations.
individuals don't really adapt to different
situations. But there is a growing body of Quiz 1 True or False
evidence that an individual's traits are changed
by the organizations in which that individual 1. Organizational Behavior is specifically
participates. If the individual's personality concerned with employment related
changes as a result of exposure to situations. True
organizational settings, in what sense can that
individual be said to have traits that persistently 2. Conceptual skills are applied when a
and consistently affect his or her reactions to salesperson is good at using a sales
these very settings? Moreover, people typically force automation platform. False
belong to multiple organizations that often
3. Organizational excellence begins with 4.  People are more selective about
the state of the art operation. False exposure to content when: An attitude
4. Managers have to look at how all the is personally important
department are working together, spot 5.  Which of the following is a difference
any particular issues, and then decide between terminal values and
what steps need to be taken is an instrumental values?
interpersonal skills. False Terminal values are related to desirable
5. Men may seems to be more ends, while instrumental values are
authoritative than women is an exam of desirable means.
whole person. False 6.  If a person has two important
6. Happy workers are productive workers. attitudes, those attitudes are likely to
True be: All of the given
7. Notice the accomplishments of the 7.  Sara loves puppies. Which of the
people around you and compliment following could be an example of the
them, the manager applied technical behavioral component of her attitude
skils. False towards puppies? When she thinks
8. Organizational Behavior starts with a about puppies, she experiences a boost
set of fundamental concepts revolving in her mood.
around the nature of people and 8.  Which of the following is true of
organization. True individuals with a positive effect? They
9. Organizational Behavior is concerned generally tend to be enthused.
with the study of what people do in an 9.  How can a person reduce dissonance?
organizations and how that behavior All of the given
affects the performance of the 10.  Among the Big Five personality traits,
employee. False which of the following is typically
10. Employees feel more comfortable in the associated with an individual being
workplace if they feel that they are good-natured and trustful?
given importance. True Agreeableness

Quiz 3
Quiz 2
1.  Dr. Briosos attributes his success for his
1. An attitude can be inferred from a determination to finish his studies
person’s: all of the given despite the financial difficulties of his
2.  Greg wants to buy a new car. He does family. Internals
some research and test-drives several 2.  Our personalities developed as a result
cars before deciding to purchase the of ___. genetic inheritance &
one with the highest safety rating and environmental influences
best gas mileage. Which type of attitude 3.  Which of the following statements is
influenced his decision? Explicitly true?
based attitude We often share personality traits with
3.  Which of the following is true of the others, especially members of our own
perceptual error of availability bias? family and community.
It is rooted in limitations in the 4.  Jia cites her being a College
information we possess or our memory. undergraduate to the government’s
inefficiency to make programs for free trustworthy making her act on behalf of
education for less fortunate students the manager. Conscientiousness
like her. Externals 11.  Maggy is a complete resemblance of
5.  During this pandemic, most universities her mother, taking her facial
cut costs by ending contracts of faculty attractiveness and height. Heredity
and some heads were given additional 12.  Marian is very much dedicated to her
teaching load. Miss Kylie was one work. She loves accomplishing tasks
among chosen to teach aside from because she knows that meeting the
having an office schedule. She was demands of her work will make her
given new subjects to teach but did not succeed in her career. Self-esteem
resist because she wants to enjoy the 13.  Ronie enjoys every seminar his
experience. Openness to experience company sends him to because he can
6. The company’s group of Supervisors has easily get along well with other
no problem working with the delegates. He is very friendly and
Production Supervisor, Mr. Delos outgoing, making others comfortable
Santos because he is very cooperative with his presence. Extraversion
when it comes to ways and means on 14.  President Duterte’s critics consider him
managing and monitoring people. as the one behind the closure of ABS-
Agreeableness CBN because he is manipulating the
7.  Filipino domestic helpers are the best Congress to achieve power.
choice of employers abroad because of Mach
their industriousness and reliability. 15.  The new entrant of the company, Mr.
Environment Jaybee did not find difficulty adjusting
8.  The head of the Provincial Learning to his new job because he is very much
Resource Center (CPLRC) is tapped by capable of handling situations that
the Provincial Governor to administer require his attention.
the BalikProbinsya program this Self-monitoring
pandemic on top of his functions as the 16.  In China, children are usually taught to
CPLRC head. He rarely comes home to ______.
his family because he is busy organizing think and act as a member of their
the trips and the passengers. Despite all family and to suppress their own wishes
of these, his overwork cannot be when they are in conflict with the needs
manifested in his face. of the family
Emotional Stability 17.  The prevalence of Type A personalities
9.  Talkative vs. silent; frank, open vs. will be somewhat influenced by the
secretive; adventurous vs. cautious; ______________.
sociable vs. reclusive? these traits culture in which a person grows up.
describe which dimension of 18.  Eula was never interested to attend
personality? Extraversion mass during Sundays because her
10.  The Bank Manager is not worried parents rarely bring her out when she
whenever he is not present in their was a kid. Now that she’s studying in
branch because Ms. Rosemarie is there USL, she initiates going to mass every
to take charge. She can be dependent Sunday. Situation
upon assigned tasks and is very much
19.  Vice Ganda always make it to a
trending twitter hashtags. Her “Mas
Testing” idea was a hit because he’s
one effective conceptualizer and
innovative. INTP
20.  Graciella is a natural leader. Her
teacher trusts her when it comes to
school programs because she loves
organizing activities for her classmates
to enjoy. ESTI

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