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An experimental investigation of the effects of

artificial intelligence systems on the training of

novice auditors

Nitaya Wongpinunwatana
Department of Management Information System, Faculty of Commerce and
Accountancy, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand,
Colin Ferguson
Commerce Department, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Paul Bowen
Commerce Department, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

Keywords Consequently, either case-based reasoning or

Auditors, Training, 1. Introduction rule-based reasoning is likely to be more
Artificial intelligence,
Expert systems Artificial intelligence techniques such as suitable for particular auditing domains, i.e.
rule-based reasoning[1] and case-based rule-based reasoning is effective for auditing
Abstract reasoning[2] can be used to implement activities that use theory to solve problems
The primary objective of this (Chi and Kiang, 1993; Allen, 1994).
intelligent tutoring systems. These training
research is to investigate the
systems enhance cognitive information Conversely, case-based reasoning is
impact of task-technology fit on
users' performance when using processing by providing the knowledge and proficient for auditing tasks that use
artificial intelligence systems for the problem-solving strategies of experts to experience to solve problems. Therefore,
auditing tasks. Four artificial
novice users (Murphy, 1990; Leidner and artificial intelligence systems that are more
intelligence auditing systems, two consistent with the characteristics of the task
problem-solving programs, and Jarvenpaa, 1995). Recently, institutions such
four questionnaires were as the University of Massachusetts and domain are expected to be more successful as
developed. A laboratory London School of Economics have developed training tools. This research investigates the
experiment was performed with
intelligent tutoring systems to improve the impact of task-technology fit on users'
292 undergraduate auditing performance in problem-solving. It also
students. The results suggested effectiveness of both classroom education
determines whether task-technology fit plays
that the effect of task-technology and on-the-job-training (Garcia, 1990;
fit on accuracy in solving problems Angelides and Doukidis, 1990; Soloway, 1991; a role in the users' certainty of the
was marginal for case-based correctness of their solutions.
Woolf, 1996). Top engineering students at the
reasoning with unstructured The remainder of this paper proceeds as
tasks. No significant effect was University of Massachusetts indicated that
follows. The first section presents and
found on problem-solving accuracy intelligent tutoring systems helped them to
for rule-based reasoning with
explains the cognitive fit model. The second
develop a deeper level of understanding and
structured tasks. The task- section presents a task-technology fit
enhanced communication with engineers
technology fit, however, framework and the impact of task-technology
marginally increased users' and technicians (Woolf, 1996). Intelligent
fit on users. The third section describes the
certainty of the correctness of tutoring systems are also currently employed
research method. The fourth section
their solutions. in the field of auditing (see, e.g. BoÈer and
discusses the results and the last section
Livnat, 1990; Eining and Dorr, 1991; Morris,
provides conclusions, limitations of the
1992; Marcella and Rauff, 1994). These research, and directions for future study.
systems improve novices' problem-solving
performance (BoÈer and Livnat, 1990; Eining
and Dorr, 1991).
2. Theoretical issue
Researchers are currently debating the
benefits of case-based reasoning versus rule- Various theories from cognitive psychology
based reasoning. Riesbeck and Schank (1989) have been adopted by researchers to explain
believe that people do not reason from prior the effect of expert systems on users'
cases when well-established rules are judgmental performance in problem solving.
available. In contrast, Ross (1989) argues that Some studies have applied cognitive theories,
novices solve problems by using earlier such as memory theory[3] and cognitive
examples without examining explicit learning theory to predict the effects of
statements of the relevant principles, artificial intelligence systems on problem
explanations, or procedures. People solve solving and learning (see e.g. Murphy, 1990;
problems either by using prior cases or by Eining and Dorr, 1991). Other studies have
using rules, depending on how well each used mental models theory[4] to predict the
method fits the characteristics of the task. effect of matching the structure of the
Managerial Auditing Journal artificial intelligence system with the users'
15/6 [2000] 306±318 previous knowledge structures on problem
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
# MCB University Press solving (see e.g. Pei and Reaneau, 1990).
[ISSN 0268-6902]
Finally, some studies have used cognitive-fit
[ 306 ]
Nitaya Wongpinunwatana, theory (see e.g. Vessey and Galletta, 1991; versus case-based reasoning systems to be
Colin Ferguson and Sinha and Vessey, 1992; Vessey, 1994). evaluated. Rule-based reasoning is suitable
Paul Bowen Cognitive fit theory predicts that effective
An experimental investigation for tasks with well-known and highly
of the effects of artificial and efficient problem solving occurs when structured knowledge (Denna et al., 1991;
intelligence systems on the the problem representation (information Slade, 1991; Winston, 1992; Gupta, 1994; Kesh,
training of novice auditors
represented in different ways such as graphs 1995). Rule-based reasoning outperforms
Managerial Auditing Journal
15/6 [2000] 306±318 and tables) and the task to be solved are case-based reasoning for tasks which focus
matched (Vessey and Galletta, 1991; Sinha on rules (Gupta, 1994). In addition, if past
and Vessey, 1992; Vessey, 1994). In addition, it cases do not contain relevant knowledge that
suggests that when technology matches task, can be learnt, rule-based reasoning systems
the user develops an appropriate mental are preferred over case-based reasoning
model for performance effects to occur (Gupta, 1994). Rule-based reasoning systems,
(Vessey and Galletta, 1991). however, perform poorly when confronted
Matching the problem representation with situations outside their problem
directly to task has significant effects on domain. They cannot find solutions for
problem-solving performance. Vessey and problems that do not match the rules in their
Galletta (1991) found that users make faster knowledge base. Thus, their capabilities to
and more accurate decisions on symbolic solve unfamiliar problems are limited.
problems[5] when information is represented Case-based reasoning is useful for tasks
in the form of tables than in the form of having several types of characteristics
graphs. Their results show that users with (Kolodner, 1993; Gupta, 1994; Zeleznikow and
graphs solve problems faster than those with Hunter, 1995; Kesh, 1995). First, it is suitable
tables on spatial tasks[6] but are less accurate when knowledge is incomplete. It allows
than those with tables. Similarly, Jarvenpaa users to fill in incomplete knowledge and
(1989) found that matching between the then gives proposed answers. Though the
demands of the task and the graphical format solutions might not be optimal, they provide
used affects decision time but not decision users with guidelines to generate their own
accuracy. Although much empirical evidence solutions. Second, case-based reasoning is
supports the theory of cognitive fit, the useful when no algorithmic methods are
problem-solving tasks employed in most available to solve a problem. Using previous
research are simple (i.e. table and graph). similar cases can be helpful in finding
The stability of the theory for complex tasks solutions when there are unknown or
still remains untested (Vessey, 1994). vaguely defined methods for evaluating
This study proposes that when the task and problems. Nevertheless, users need to
technology are well matched, users will evaluate solutions based on what worked in
develop a better mental model than when the the past. Third, cases are useful for
task and technology are less well matched. interpreting open-ended and ill-defined
The mental model that is developed then will concepts. Using specific knowledge such as
enhance the users' performance in problem cases to reason can be more useful than using
solving. This study differs from previous generalisation (Kolodner, 1993). Finally, case-
studies on task-technology fit in several based reasoning systems match past cases to
ways. First, this study employs auditing the new problem. These cases are ranked
tasks that are more complex than tasks used from high to low based on their strength of
in the previous task-technology fit research. match. Users can analyse and use past cases
The previous studies typically used graphs to derive their own conclusions for the
and tables to represent problem solving tasks current problem (Kesh, 1995).
(for example, Jarvenpaa, 1989; Vessey and The different characteristics between rule-
Galletta, 1991). Second, many studies have based reasoning and case-based reasoning
been conducted by using rule-based are used to derive four factors involved in the
reasoning. The experiment used in this matching of tasks to artificial intelligence
research adds case-based reasoning. Third, technologies. These factors are
this study emphasises the matching of 1 well-established guidelines;
characteristics of auditing tasks to 2 input variables;
characteristics of artificial intelligence 3 availability of algorithms; and
systems. 4 predefined solutions.
Well-established guidelines are clear and
complete knowledge from textbooks,
3. Hypotheses development organisational policies, or experts.
3.1 Task-technology fit framework Guidelines are required for rule-based
The task-technology fit framework permits reasoning systems to solve problems. In
the distinct characteristics of rule-based auditing tasks, well-established guidelines
[ 307 ]
Nitaya Wongpinunwatana, consist of AICPA guidelines, questionnaires (Sutton, 1990). The main factors in building
Colin Ferguson and for internal control evaluation, etc. an artificial intelligence system are
Paul Bowen (Abdolmohammadi and Wright, 1987; Karan knowledge and input variables.
An experimental investigation
of the effects of artificial et al., 1995). To solve problems, deductive Consequently, well-established guidelines
intelligence systems on the reasoning is appropriate in areas where well- and input variables are the first factors to be
training of novice auditors
established guidelines to solve problems can considered.
Managerial Auditing Journal be represented as a set of production rules
15/6 [2000] 306±318
(Allen, 1994; Gupta, 1994; Zelezniknow and 3.2 Research hypotheses
Hunter, 1995). That is, rule-based reasoning is Figure 1 illustrates the model of the impact of
appropriate for well-defined tasks. In task-technology fit on users. Hypotheses
contrast, expert decision makers often developed from this model are discussed in
compare current problems to similar past the following sub-sections.
experiences where prior knowledge is ill-
3.2.1 Effect of task-technology fit on
defined (Wong, 1993). For example, auditors
problem solving performance
use analogical reasoning for unfamiliar
Various artificial intelligence methods have
situations (Marchant, 1989; Koonce, 1993).
been developed to cope with a broad range of
When situations are familiar, experienced
problem domains. Each technique is
auditors use procedural knowledge instead of
applicable to different kinds of problems
analogy (Marchant, 1989). Consequently, ill-
(Yoon and Guimaraes, 1993). The theoretical
defined knowledge is more appropriately
knowledge used in rule-based reasoning is
stored in the form of cases.
suitable for solving structured tasks[7].
Input variables are the parameters used to
Conversely, the experience knowledge used
reach a conclusion. The input variables can
in case-based reasoning is suitable for
be quantitative or qualitative. Qualitative
solving unstructured tasks[8]. Previous
variables are open-ended or ill-defined
research shows that the task-technology fit
variables. Open-ended or ill-defined variables
affects users' performance. For example, both
are not suitable for rule-based reasoning
task-technology fit and use of systems
because the fuzzy problems cannot be
significantly affect the effectiveness,
structured in the form of production rules
productivity, and performance of users' jobs
(Zeleznikow and Hunter, 1995). Case-based
(Goodhue and Thompson, 1995).
reasoning is more appropriate for ill-defined
Technology is likely to have a positive
input variables.
impact on individual performance if that
Availability of algorithms is the
technology fits the task well (Goodhue and
availability of methods used to solve
Thompson, 1995). In addition, novices'
problems. Algorithms are sets of rules. If
accuracy of problem solving increases when
well-defined algorithms are available, rule-
the users use an expert system with
based reasoning is suitable. Conversely, case-
structured tasks (Lamberti and Wallace,
based reasoning is more appropriate where
1990). As a result, matching technology with
well-defined algorithms are not available.
tasks implies the following hypotheses:
Predefined solutions are the possible
H1a: When presented with structured
solutions for a given problem. The solutions
tasks, novices trained using rule-
for the problem can be a single solution, a
based reasoning solve problems more
best solution, or plausible solutions. For
accurately than novices trained using
alternative solutions, case-based reasoning is
case-based reasoning.
a suitable technique. The system provides
H1b: When presented with unstructured
not only a solution but also a set of cases
tasks, novices trained using case-
similar to the current problem. The users are
based reasoning solve problems more
likely to accept the system's solution or can
accurately than novices trained using
reach their own conclusions by using
rule-based reasoning.
information from matched cases (Garfinkel,
1995). In contrast, for a single or a best 3.2.2 Effect of task-technology fit on
solution, rule-based reasoning is appropriate. users' certainty of the correctness of their
The system provides a solution for the solutions
problem. Pei and Reneau (1990) found that students
Table I presents the task-technology fit have a high degree of certainty of the
framework showing how the four correctness of their solutions when they use
characteristics of tasks relate to artificial an expert system with a structured task
intelligence techniques. When the (inventory control and purchasing) that
framework evaluation responses do not all matches their previous knowledge gained
favour a single technique, the most through the lectures provided. In addition,
important factors are likely to be used to participants in a video-modeling condition
select the more appropriate technique exhibit higher certainty of the correctness of
[ 308 ]
Nitaya Wongpinunwatana, their solutions when using financial software unstructured, while the two artificial
Colin Ferguson and than participants in visual instruction on the intelligence techniques are rule-based
Paul Bowen reasoning (RBR) and case-based reasoning
An experimental investigation computer monitor (Gist et al., 1989).
of the effects of artificial Therefore, it is likely that novices' certainty (CBR). Participants were divided into four
intelligence systems on the of the correctness of their solutions will groups: participants in rule-based reasoning
training of novice auditors
increase after experiencing a tutoring system for structured task, participants in rule-
Managerial Auditing Journal based reasoning for unstructured task,
15/6 [2000] 306±318 with a good task-technology fit. H2a and 2b
reflect the influence of task-technology fit on participants in case-based reasoning for
the users' certainty of the correctness of their structured task, and participants in case-
solutions. based reasoning for unstructured task.
H2a: When presented with structured
tasks, novices trained using rule- 4.2 Construction of the research
based reasoning have higher instruments
certainty of the correctness of their 4.2.1 Selection of the task type
The proposed task-technology fit framework
solutions than novices trained using
in subsection 3.1 was applied to classify six
case-based reasoning.
audit tasks (as shown in Table II). Empirical
H2b: When presented with unstructured
data from Karan et al. (1995) were used to test
tasks, novices trained using case-
the framework. Features that are relevant to
based reasoning have higher
well-established guidelines and predefined
certainty of the correctness of their
solutions were selected from Karan et al.'s
solutions than novices trained using
questionnaire. The data about input
rule-based reasoning. variables and availability of algorithms were
collected from four experts. The degree of
auditors' agreement with each statement was
4. Research method averaged for a grand total score. A nine-point
4.1 Research design scale from 1 for ``no'' to 9 for ``yes'' was used
A laboratory experiment was designed to for characteristics of tasks. Open-ended or ill-
gather the data to test the hypotheses. The defined input variables were reverse coded
experimental design consists of task type (R). As a result, a score of nine indicates a
greater degree of suitability of the task for
with two levels and artificial intelligence
rule-based reasoning. A score of one
technique with two levels. The two levels of
indicates that case-based reasoning is the
the task type are structured and
most appropriate. The midpoint of the scale
is used to divide the selection of artificial
Table I
intelligence techniques. Case-based
Task-technology fit framework
reasoning is more suitable if the grand total
Artificial intelligence techniques score is between 1 and 4.5. A grand total score
Rule-based Case-based between 4.6 and 9 indicates that rule-based
Characteristics of tasks reasoning reasoning reasoning is likely to be more appropriate.
Well-established guidelines Yes No Table II indicates that case-based
Open-ended or ill-defined input variables No Yes reasoning is likely to be suitable for going
Availability of algorithms to derive solution Yes No concern judgments, inherent risk
Predefined solutions Yes No assessments, and for setting materiality
levels. Rule-based reasoning is likely to be
more appropriate for disclosure compliance
Figure 1 evaluations, control risk assessments, and
Model of the impact of task-technology fit on users for adequacy of allowance account
evaluations (e.g. allowance for doubtful
accounts, loan loss reserves, etc).
Two common tasks, going concern
decisions and internal control over
purchases evaluations[9], were selected.
These tasks were chosen because they
possess distinct characteristics that can be
used to differentiate them. In addition, there
were an adequate number of previous studies
which provided information for task
4.2.2 Development of rules and cases
Two types of knowledge bases, namely rules
and cases, were developed and implemented
[ 309 ]
Nitaya Wongpinunwatana, Table II
Colin Ferguson and Classification of average score of auditing task by using task-technology fit framework
Paul Bowen
An experimental investigation GC MAT IR CR ALL GAAP
of the effects of artificial
intelligence systems on the Well-established guidelines: 5.49 6.31 6.13 6.28 5.67 7.18
training of novice auditors
1. The knowledge required for the task is well defined by AICPA
Managerial Auditing Journal guidelines, GAAS, textbooks, firm policies, etc. 5.54 5.02 5.05 5.47 4.63 7.80
15/6 [2000] 306±318
2. The knowledge available for performing the task is incomplete (R) 5.64 6.48 6.38 6.38 6.10 7.29
3. The knowledge available for performing the task is unclear (R) 5.63 6.34 6.12 6.08 5.98 7.29
4. The task often presents unique situations that experts have never
encountered before (R) 5.15 7.41 6.97 7.17 5.98 6.32

Input variables: 2.00 1.50 1.50 5.00 4.00 5.00

1. The task requires input data that include open-ended or ill-defined
concepts (R) 2.00 1.50 1.50 5.00 4.00 5.00

Availability of algorithms: 2.50 4.00 3.50 6.50 5.00 6.50

1. The task has a good algorithm or method from which to derive
solutions 2.50 4.00 3.50 6.50 5.00 6.50

Predefined solutions: 5.35 5.10 4.95 5.05 4.50 5.27

1. The task involves finding either one solution, a best solution, or all
plausible solutions. (Enter 1 for one solution, 5 for best solution
and 9 for all plausible solutions) (R) 6.20 5.71 5.43 5.43 4.57 5.21
2. Decisions for this task involve selecting between close
alternatives 5.68 5.44 4.53 4.58 5.53 5.19
3. The possible task solutions are pre-defined and the objective is to
select from among this set of solutions 4.17 4.14 4.88 5.14 3.39 5.42

Grand total score 3.84 4.23 4.02 5.71 4.79 5.99

Notes: GC = going concern judgment; MAT = setting materiality level; IR = inherent risk assessment;
CR = control risk assessment; ALL = adequacy of allowance (e.g. allowance for doubtful account, loan loss
reserves, etc.); GAAP = financial statement disclosures in compliance with generally accepted accounting
principles; Likert scale: 1 = strongly disagree; 9 = strongly agree; R = reverse coded
Sources: Data for well-established guidelines and predefined solutions are from Karan et al. (1995); data for
nature of input variables and availability of algorithms are from an auditing academic, an auditing manager, and
two senior auditors; these two variables were not analysed in Karan et al. (1995)

in rule-based and case-based reasoning companies in Australia[11]. The internal

systems respectively. The four main factors control cases were developed using one of the
in internal control over purchases big six auditing internal control
evaluations and going concern decisions[10], questionnaire (ICQ) manuals.
and the information used to develop the help Because the artificial intelligence systems
files were retrieved from had to provide ratings of the internal control
. auditing text books (Gul et al., 1994; over purchases evaluations and the going
Trotman, 1995; Arens et al., 1996; Gill and concern evaluations, three partners from
Cosserat, 1996); three of the big six auditing firms in
. uniform final examination reports (The Thailand were asked to evaluate and provide
Institutes of Chartered Accountants of the rating for each rule (or factor) for both
Canada, 1995); and auditing tasks. A seven-point scale from 1 for
. articles in going concern evaluation ``extremely weak'' or ``total disbelief'' to 7 for
(Boritz, 1991; Selfridge et al., 1993). ``extremely strong'' or ``no doubt'' was used
The rules were used to create cases so that for the rating of internal control over
both rules and cases had the same auditing purchase evaluation and going concern
factors. Each case was limited to one A4 page decision respectively. The mean score of the
of text. The cases had to be short enough so rating of each rule (or factor) was calculated
that the participants would be able to learn to represent the auditors' judgment.
how the auditor made a judgment in the time Meanwhile, the rating of each case was
allocated for the experiment. To simulate real derived from the rating of rules (or factors) to
world cases, the going concern cases were ensure the same results for both systems
adapted from annual reports of 30 liquidating under the same auditing condition.
[ 310 ]
Nitaya Wongpinunwatana, 4.2.3 Development of artificial intelligence test separately. The test simulated the real
Colin Ferguson and systems experimental procedures. After the pilot
Paul Bowen
An experimental investigation Because of the lack of access to real artificial tests, the research instruments and
of the effects of artificial intelligence systems used by auditing firms, procedures were modified.
intelligence systems on the the systems[12] had to be developed. Two Furthermore, one professor in accounting,
training of novice auditors
commercially available artificial intelligence two lecturers in accounting and information
Managerial Auditing Journal
15/6 [2000] 306±318 shells, a rule-based reasoning shell and a systems, and one manager in auditing
case-based reasoning shell, were used to examined the artificial intelligence systems.
build four artificial intelligence auditing The case studies in training and problem-
systems. The shells selected have the ability solving sessions, and the questionnaires
to provide explanations of rules and cases were adjusted based on their comments.
after reaching a solution. Each shell was used
to build going concern decision and internal 4.3 Participants
control over purchases evaluation systems. Of the third-year undergraduate students
The systems were modified to log the users' studying the auditing course at one
answers to questions. university in Australia, 292 participated in
The rule-based reasoning system provided this study. These students were selected
procedural explanations[13]. Such because they represent novice auditors. The
explanations have been found to have experiment was included in the course
positive effects on users' performance in outline as an artificial intelligence exercise
problem solving by Lamberti and Wallace (AI) worth 5 per cent of the total course
(1990). The case-based reasoning system grade. Students were informed that their
provided details of cases and the reasoning score depended on their participation in the
used to derive their solutions. Unlike rule- AI procedures for the full two hours as well
based reasoning explanations, little research as the quality of their answers to the
has been conducted on case-based reasoning problem-solving cases.
explanations (Kolodner, 1993).
4.2.4 Development of problem-solving 4.4 Experimental procedures
The experiment was conducted in the
computer rooms of the Faculty of Business,
As participants had to enter answers to
questions on the six problem-solving cases Economics, and Law. The experiment ran
using microcomputers, the two problem over a two-hour period and consisted of four
solving programs (internal control over sections: instructions (ten minutes), AI
purchases evaluations and going concern training (one hour), problem-solving (40
decisions) were developed using Visual minutes), and commenting on the
Basic. Each program has two screens: the experiment (ten minutes). During AI
instruction screen and problem solving training, participants interact with rule-
screen. The instruction screen contains the based reasoning (going concern decision or
instruction to answer the case problems, the internal control over purchases evaluation)
scale used to rate the internal control over or case-based reasoning (going concern
purchases evaluation or going concern decision or internal control over purchases
decision, and the degree of certainty of the evaluation). During the problem-solving
correctness of the user's solution. The section, the participants answer the rating of
problem solving screen has two windows: the going concern decision or internal control
case window and the question-answer over purchases evaluation, the degree of
window. The case window provides the certainty of the correctness of user's
problem-solving case (as explained in solution, and briefly explain the reason for
subsection 4.2.2). The question-answer the solution without consulting artificial
window is for the questions about the case intelligence systems.
and their answers (the rating of internal
control or going concern, the certainty of the
correctness of user's solution, and the brief 5. Results
explanation of the solution).
This section reports the results of assessing
4.2.5 Test of the research instruments the variables with respect to the assumptions
To avoid bias and ambiguity in the research underlying the statistical tests and also
instruments, a pilot test was conducted with reports the research results. The SAS
12 postgraduate students studying an statistical package, run under UNIX, was
auditing course. Four out of the 12 students used to evaluate the assumptions before
were also studying an information system proceeding with a factorial multivariate
subject. Three students were allocated to analysis of covariance with repeated
each group. Each student took the two-hour measures (factorial MANCOVA).
[ 311 ]
Nitaya Wongpinunwatana, 5.1 Evaluation of assumptions 5.2.1 Effect of task-technology fit on level
Colin Ferguson and Of students studying an auditing subject, of accuracy in solving problems
Paul Bowen
An experimental investigation 292 participated in this study. Responses H1a suggests that accuracy in solving
of the effects of artificial from 60 of the 292 participants were not structured tasks is higher for RBR than for
intelligence systems on the included in the analysis because of CBR. H1b suggests that accuracy in solving
training of novice auditors
incomplete data, not following instructions unstructured tasks is higher for CBR than for
Managerial Auditing Journal
15/6 [2000] 306±318 etc. Deletion of this unusable data reduced RBR. The results of a factorial MANCOVA
the available sample size to 232 participants. with repeated measures of the combined six
Sample sizes of the remaining data were problem-solving cases after adjustment for
quite similar for the four groups: 60 the covariate in Table IV indicate only
participants in rule-based reasoning for marginal significance for the effect of task-
internal control over purchases evaluation, technology fit on the level of accuracy in
61 participants in case-based reasoning for solving the problem with a p-value of 0.0815.
internal control over purchases evaluation, The GPA covariate was found to be
57 participants in rule-based reasoning for associated with the level of accuracy in
going concern decision, and 54 participants solving the problem with a p-value of 0.0004.
Analysis of the individual six problem-
in case-based reasoning for going concern
solving cases after adjustment for the
decision. Table III presents demographic
covariate in Table V (see also Figure 2)
data for the participants who provided
indicates that the marginal significance of
usable results in each group. Results of the
task-technology fit was made by case 1. The
evaluation of assumptions of normality,
task-technology fit appears to affect users'
homogeneity of variance, linearity, and
performance in problem solving in terms of
multicollinearity of each dependent
accuracy with unstructured tasks in the
variable were satisfactory.
directions predicted. The sign of the
parameter estimates indicates that
5.2 Analysis of the results and participants trained using case-based
reasoning have fewer errors in solving going
Factorial multivariate analysis of covariance
concern decisions than those trained using
with repeated measures (factorial
rule-based reasoning. Therefore, some
MANCOVA) was used to analyse the effect of
support was obtained for H1b. However, only
task-technology fit on the data of 232 one of six problem-solving cases was
participants. This statistic was used because significant (p = 0.0001). A few possible
each participant answered six problem- reasons may explain this finding. First,
solving cases. The analysis was performed on participants may experience fatigue with the
dependent variables by cases. The experiment. Second, the amount of time
independent variable is effects of two spent in the experiment might not be enough
artificial intelligence systems within two for participants to develop appropriate
auditing tasks. Because the experiment knowledge from the systems. This result is
conducted by Murphy (1990) indicated that consistent with those obtained by Borgman
grade point average (GPA) was significant in (1986), Murphy (1990), and Gregor (1996), who
his model, GPA was used as a covariate to found that insufficient experiment time
adjust for the participants' performance hinders the novice users' ability to develop
differences in this study. A p-value of 0.05 cognitive learning of the systems.
was used as the significance level in the Furthermore, some participants made the
statistical tests. A p-value between 0.05 to 0.10 following comments, which support the
is deemed as marginally significant. above assertions.

Table III
Demographic data for the participants who provided usable results
Internal control over purchases evaluation Going concern decision
Items RBRa (n = 60) CBRb (n = 61) RBRa (n = 57) CBRb (n = 54)
Gender: Male 31 32 27 25
Female 29 29 30 29
Mean score (Std. Dev.) of age 20.47 20.38 20.72 21.65
(1.32) (1.25) (2.08) (2.29)
Mean score (Std. Dev.) of 4.74 4.92 4.95 4.98
grade point average (0.78) (0.74) (0.72) (0.69)
Notes: a RBR = Rule-based reasoning; b CBR = Case-based reasoning

[ 312 ]
Nitaya Wongpinunwatana, Table IV
Colin Ferguson and Effect of task-technology fit on level of accuracy in solving problems
Paul Bowen
An experimental investigation Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F
of the effects of artificial
intelligence systems on the SYSTEM(TASK)a 2 2.816 1.408 2.53 0.0815**
training of novice auditors
GPA 1 7.158 7.158 12.89 0.0004*
Managerial Auditing Journal Error 227 12.087 0.555
15/6 [2000] 306±318
Notes: * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.10; a Effect of task-technology fit on level of accuracy in solving problems

There are too many problems to be solved. It is Third, detailed analysis revealed that the
interesting to answer the first three questions impact of task-technology fit showed only in
but not the others. Maybe a longer time period the case of simple problems (case 1 in Table
could be allowed to answer the problems. V). The reason may be the effect of immediate
(or short-term) learning. Immediate learning,
Table V
however, is facilitated by simple tasks
Effect of task-technology fit on level of accuracy in solving problems for
(Bonner, 1994).
cases 1 to 6
H1a is not supported. All p-values of the
Parameter T for Ho: six problem-solving cases are greater than
Sourcea DF estimateb parameter = 0 Pr > |T|c R2 0.10. In addition, some of the signs of the
Case 1: 4, 227 0.1756 parameter estimates are not in the predicted
RBR ± Internal control ±0.0352 ±0.20 0.8393 direction. Contrary to expectations,
CBR ± Internal control 0.0000 participants who used rule-based reasoning
CBR ± Going concern ±0.7510 ±4.17 0.0001* with structured tasks solve problems less
RBR ± Going concern 0.0000 accurately. The results observed could be
due to the nature of the structured task used
Case 2: 4,227 0.1426 in the experiment. The structured task
RBR ± Internal control 0.1655 1.41 0.1607 might be easier to understand and learn in
CBR ± Internal control 0.0000 respect to its characteristics. In addition, the
CBR ± Going concern 0.1942 1.59 0.1137 participants might have possessed adequate
RBR ± Going concern 0.0000 skills for this task prior to the experiment.
Case 3: 4,227 0.0970 Some aspects of internal control and the
RBR ± Internal control 0.0994 0.87 0.3827 skills needed to solve the problems are
CBR ± Internal control 0.0000 taught in other courses. Consequently, it
CBR ± Going concern ±0.0728 ±0.62 0.5386 appears that prior knowledge may reduce
RBR ± Going concern 0.0000 the benefits of the system in training
Case4: 4,227 0.0224
RBR ± Internal control ±0.0453 ±0.33 0.7414 5.2.2 Effect of task-technology fit on
CBR ± Internal control 0.0000 degree of users' certainty of the
CBR ± Going concern ±0.1596 ±1.12 0.2638 correctness of their solutions
RBR ± Going concern 0.0000 H2a suggests that degree of novices'
certainty of the correctness of their
Case 5: 4,227 0.0065 solutions related to structured tasks is
RBR ± Internal control 0.0499 0.43 0.6641 higher for RBR than for CBR. H2b suggests
CBR ± Internal control 0.0000 that degree of novices' certainty of the
CBR ± Going concern 0.0359 0.30 0.7642 correctness of their solutions related to
RBR ± Going concern 0.0000 unstructured tasks is higher for CBR than
Case 6: 4,227 0.0475 for RBR. Some marginal support was
RBR ± Internal control 0.0115 0.10 0.9185 obtained for the effect of task-technology fit
CBR ± Internal control 0.0000 on the degree of novices' certainty of the
CBR ± Going concern 0.0157 0.13 0.8930 correctness of their solutions with a p-value
RBR ± Going concern 0.0000 of 0.1034 (see Table VI). The GPA covariate
was also found to marginally affect novices'
Notes: * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.10; a Comparisons of the effect of task-technology fit on
certainty of the correctness of their
level of accuracy in solving problem; RBR = rule-based reasoning, CBR = case-based
reasoning; Internal control = structured task, Going concern = unstructured task; b a solutions with a p-value of 0.0889.
negative sign of the first parameter estimate on each pair of independent variables Analysis of the individual six problem-
means that the first user group (i.e. the user group that performs the first task in the solving cases after adjustment (see also
pair of independent variables) has fewer errors (or more accuracy) in solving problems Figure 3) for the covariate in Table VII
than the second user group. The positive sign of the first parameter estimate indicates indicates that the degree of users' certainty of
that the first user group does not have fewer errors than the second user group; c a the correctness of their solutions of cases 1, 2,
student's t probability (Pr > |T|) indicates whether mean differences of each pair of and 3 was affected by the task-technology fit.
independent variables are significant The participants trained using rule-based
[ 313 ]
Nitaya Wongpinunwatana, reasoning show more certainty of the more certainty of the correctness of their
Colin Ferguson and correctness of their solutions of internal solutions of going concern decisions than
Paul Bowen control over purchases evaluation than those those trained using rule-based reasoning
An experimental investigation
of the effects of artificial trained using case-based reasoning, i.e. cases (cases 1 and 3 in Table VII with p-values of
intelligence systems on the 1 and 2 in Table VII with p-values of 0.0387 0.0705 and 0.0087 respectively). Hence, the
training of novice auditors
and 0.0159 respectively. The participants results provide some support for H2a and 2b.
Managerial Auditing Journal
15/6 [2000] 306±318 trained using case-based reasoning indicate All p-values of cases 4, 5, and 6 were greater

Figure 2
Comparison of mean score of errors in solving problems for cases 1 to 6

Table VI
Effect of task-technology fit on degree of novices' certainty of the correctness of their solutions
Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F
SYSTEM(TASK) 2 11.701 5.850 2.29 0.1034***
GPA 1 7.450 7.450 2.92 0.0889**
Error 227 579.335 2.552
Notes: ** p < 0.10; *** p = 0.1034; Effect of task-technology fit on degree of novices' certainty of the
correctness of their solutions

Figure 3
Comparison of mean score of certainty of the correctness of solutions for cases 1 to 6

[ 314 ]
Nitaya Wongpinunwatana, than 0.10. The parameter estimates have both students). The statistical results for all data
Colin Ferguson and expected and unexpected signs. are quite similar to the results obtained after
Paul Bowen It may be possible that the comparisons of
An experimental investigation discarding some cases. Even though the
of the effects of artificial mean differences of the four groups are results indicate some improvement after
intelligence systems on the significant by excluding some cases from the cleaning the data, the improvement is not
training of novice auditors
analysis. The cases excluded were mostly significant. In addition, factorial MANCOVA
Managerial Auditing Journal
15/6 [2000] 306±318 from the missing value and may be with repeated measures will throw out
representative of the population. The incomplete data in its calculations. As a
findings of this research, however, revealed result, the significant results are more likely
the significance of both combined effect of six to be due to the matching of task to technique
problem solving cases and individual tests of (or manipulations) rather than due to
each case within a particular main effect. chance.
Furthermore, factorial MANCOVA with
repeated measures was run with all data (292
6. Conclusions and suggestions for
Table VII future research
Effect of task-technology fit on degree of users' certainty of the 6.1 Conclusions
correctness of their solutions for cases 1 to 6 To conclude, this research has contributed to
knowledge in the following ways. First, it
Parameter T for Ho:
Sourcea DF estimateb parameter = 0 Pr > |T|c R2 developed a task-technology fit framework
and a model of the impact of matching
Case 1: 4,227 0.0557 between a task and an artificial intelligence
RBR ± Internal control 0.3693 2.08 0.0387* system on users. Second, it extended prior
CBR ± Internal control 0.0000 research on the impact of expert systems by
CBR ± Going concern 0.3356 1.82 0.0705** comparing the effect of two different
RBR ± Going concern 0.0000 artificial intelligence systems with two
Case 2: 4,227 0.0903 different auditing tasks on performance in
RBR ± Internal control 0.3933 2.43 0.0159* problem solving. Third, the results obtained
CBR ± Internal control 0.0000 from this research have partially provided
CBR ± Going concern 0.2731 1.62 0.1062
support that the task-technology fit affects
RBR ± Going concern 0.0000
the users' performance in problem-solving.
Case 3: 4,227 0.0662
Finally, the research results also provide
RBR ± Internal control 0.0634 0.44 0.6616
evidence that the task-technology fit affects
CBR ± Internal control 0.0000
the novices' performance in problem solving
CBR ± Going concern 0.3977 2.64 0.0087*
and certainty of the correctness of their
RBR ± Going concern 0.0000
solutions. The educational institutions or
Case 4: 4,227 0.0826
accounting firms (that want to use artificial
RBR ± Internal control 0.1473 0.94 0.3467
intelligence systems as training tools) have
CBR ± Internal control 0.0000
to consider that different types of tasks affect
CBR ± Going concern 0.0097 0.06 0.9524
RBR ± Going concern 0.0000 the performance of users in solving problems
Case 5: 4,227 0.0226 differently.
RBR ± Internal control 0.0285 0.18 0.8581
CBR ± Internal control 0.0000 6.2 Limitations of the research
CBR ± Going concern ±0.0776 ±0.47 0.6391 The results of this study are limited to only
RBR ± Going concern 0.0000 the novice auditors so they may not be
Case 6: 4,227 0.0539 generalised beyond the novice auditors (i.e.
RBR ± Internal control 0.2491 1.38 0.1702 the auditing experts). In addition, the
CBR ± Internal control 0.0000 research is applicable only to auditing
CBR ± Going concern ±0.0223 ±0.12 0.9058 novices studying the auditing course in
RBR ± Going concern 0.0000 Australia. The research may not be
generalised to all auditing novices in
Notes: * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.10; a Comparisons of the effect of task-technology fit on countries where they may emphasise
users'certainty of the correctness of their solutions; RBR = rule-based reasoning, CBR =
different auditing aspects. Moreover, this
case-based reasoning; Internal control = structured task; Going concern = unstructured
task; b a positive sign of the first parameter estimate on each pair of independent experiment concerns only a section of
variables means that the first user group (i.e. the user group that performs the first task auditing. Therefore, the results of the
in the pair of independent variables) has more degree of users' certainty of the research in this study should be generalised
correctness of their solutions than the second user group. The negative sign of the first with care.
parameter estimate indicates that the first user group does not have more degree of As the experiment was conducted in a
users' certainty of the correctness of their solutions than the second user group; c a short period of time (two hours), with the
student's t probability (Pr > |T|) indicates whether mean differences of each pair of participants using the artificial intelligence
independent variables are significant system for the first time, the participants
[ 315 ]
Nitaya Wongpinunwatana, may not be able to learn because of a lack of 2 Case-based reasoning systems represent
Colin Ferguson and time for learning. As a result, the findings of knowledge in the form of cases. These systems
Paul Bowen this research will not be generalised to use previous experiences or cases to solve new
An experimental investigation
of the effects of artificial situations where the participants used the problems.
intelligence systems on the system for a long period of time. 3 Memory is an aid to problem solving (Glass et
training of novice auditors al., 1979). Problem-solving skills depend on
The use of four experts for data about input
Managerial Auditing Journal how users encode sets of facts in their memory
15/6 [2000] 306±318 variables and availability of algorithms (see
and later retrieve this knowledge to produce
subsection 4.2.1) may not be a representative
results or answers for particular tasks or
of auditors' agreement. Furthermore, the
problems (Glass et al., 1979; McArthur, 1987;
proposed method of selection of the task type
Murphy, 1990).
may not be the best approach to match task to
4 Mental models are conceptual representations
technology. Therefore, different methods of the software that the user builds in his or
could yield different results. her mind when he or she interacts with a
system (Borgman, 1986; Sein and Bostrom,
6.3 Directions for future research 1989; Satzinger, 1994).
The results of this study suggest several 5 A symbolic task involves retrieving discrete
areas for future research. First, as this or precise data value (Vessey, 1994).
research required users to answer not only 6 A spatial task involves a comparison of trends
the rating of the problems but also to briefly (Vessey, 1994).
explain the reasons for the solutions, the 7 Structured tasks are routine or well-defined
time measured may also include the time problems (Abdolmohammadi and Wright,
spent on explaining the solution. Future 1987). The tasks demand only limited
research could measure only the time judgment or experience from a decision
required to solve the task. Furthermore, the maker, e.g. the completion of standardised
replicated research should expand the questionnaires with well-specified factors.
experimental time (i.e. one week) to measure 8 Unstructured tasks are undefined problems
with no clear guidelines (Abdolmohammadi
long-term learning which is not short-term
and Wright, 1987). To accomplish
recall (Eining and Dorr, 1991).
unstructured tasks requires the experience,
Second, the effect of task-technology fit on
knowledge, and insight of an expert decision
the confidence and perceptions of users needs
to be investigated further. As this research 9 The internal control over purchases
used the retrieval-only case-based reasoning evaluations is linked to control risk
system which provides only similar cases to assessment. As internal control incorporates
the problems, the users have the many applications (such as cash, account
responsibility to derive their own solutions receivable, inventories, and purchases), one
through using these retrieved cases. To reach application was chosen. The internal control
the solution, the users, in particular the over purchases evaluations was selected
novices, may find that it is a difficult task. If because there are many sources of
the case-based reasoning system provides the information (e.g. AICPA) which can be
answer to the problem automatically, users retrieved for this task.
may show high confidence and favourable 10 The four factors in internal control over
perceptions of the case-based reasoning purchases evaluations are preparing purchase
system. Therefore, the studies could be orders, receiving goods, preparing payment
conducted to address the effect of automatic vouchers, and recording liabilities. The four
solutions from the artificial intelligence financial factors in going concern are
liquidity factors, operating factors, debt
structure factors, and other financial factors.
Third, this research did not allow the users
Although auditors also need to evaluate
to access the systems while they solved the
internal control over requisitioning of goods,
problems. The research used the artificial
and the implications of management, industry
intelligence systems as the training tools.
and external factors for the going concern
The systems, however, can be used as decision, these aspects are not examined in
decision aids. It is possible that the system this study. Covering all aspects of internal
may assist users by enhancing more efficient control and going concern decisions in the
and effective performance in problem solving research would make the auditing tasks too
as the users can consult the system during complicated to use as training tools for novice
solution time. auditors.
11 The activities of these companies were
Notes mining, property development, tourism,
1 Rule-based reasoning systems are typified by transportation, insurance, and high
expert systems that represent knowledge in technology. The use of liquidating companies
the form of rules. These systems match to develop going concern cases may affect the
problems with rules to find solutions. experimental results by adding a bias to the

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