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Soulellis, Urgent Archive

ano 2017
autor Paul Soulellis
f.leitura feito
key 6
media Urgent Archives // Paul Soulellis
notas (alguns apontamentos)
ref bib Soulellis, P. 2017 . Urgent Archives. Soulellis. Acedido a 3 de
Novembro de 2019 em
título Urgent Archives

conceitos: curadoria; impressão; fluxo; novos media; new aesthetic
curadoria dos arquivos digitais;
fluxo de informação;
omnipresença dos novos media;
impressão como acto político
[não definida]

principais pontos
Soulellis, Urgent Archive 1
— «How do we choose what to preserve? Any text, image, threaded
conversation, or tweet may be considered a valuable artifact in today’s post-
truth condition. While the pressure to save and accumulate is immense, so is
our need to curate and amplify particular messages.» (par. 1
em relação à utilização de tweets impressos como cartazes de protesto]
— «This act of drawing from digital archives and displaying printed
material publicly serves as a material reminder, or proof: at this particular
moment, something was said. As each utterance is broadcast, indexed, and
archived into our hyperreal state, printing still seems to be one way to
control—or at least resist—the narrative.» (par. 1
o acto de imprimir — do online para o offline
— «Printing has always been political. The act of transferring material to paper
carries with it a charge, a potential transfer of state—from private to public,
from speech to text, from one copy to many. (...) Contained within “making
public” are paper’s properties of exposing, giving visibility, circulating, and
saving. Printing digital material is especially fraught with this charge, because
embedded within it is a particular instinct to pause and preserve what might
otherwise be lost—to downshift from fast to slow, to resist the speed and
ephemerality of digital flow.» (par. 2
conceito: new aesthetic
— «term coined by artist James Bridle around 2012, referring to “a way of
seeing that seemed to reveal a blurring between ‘the real’ and ‘the digital,’ the
physical and the virtual, the human and the machine.” It was also the
beginning of total network saturation, as artists and designers learned to
construct identity, negotiate presence, and present work in truly networked
We began to carry the browser around with us all day, and to sleep beside it at
night.» (par. 4 5

Soulellis, Urgent Archive 2
« Between 2008 to 2015 It was the time when the network began to get
personal, to build our trust, to travel with us, to reveal itself in more surprising
places.» (par. 4

«The condition of total saturation has arrived, and it’s not going anywhere. As
we struggle to make sense of all of our material, questions around agency,
trust, surveillance, automation, and labor seem imperative now. The
collective need to know, print, share, track, preserve, and interrogate our
archives is doubtless an urgent one. The question now is not whether but
how to mobilize curatorial practice as a strategy of resistance.» (par. 10

Soulellis, Urgent Archive 3

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