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In the ancient time, lived a little family. The family consists of father, mother, and
a beautiful girl named Bawang Putih. They are a harmonious and happy family
despite his father worked as an ordinary merchant. One day, the happiness in this
family was lost because the mother died. Bawang Putih was very sad because she
was very fond of her mother. Her father was also so sad because he loved his wife
so much.

After Bawang Putih’s mother died, her house was visited frequently by a widow
who had a daughter named Bawang Merah. The widow often came with Bawang
Merah to the Bawang Putih’s home by bringing food, helping to clean the house,
and chatting with Bawang Putih’s father. Finally, the father thinks that he should
marry the widow and made the widow as a new mother for Bawang Putih.

He asked for consideration of the proposal to Bawang Putih. After being allowed
to get married by Bawang Putih, then her father immediately carried out the
marriage. They become a new family and lived in a house. At first, the mother and
Bawang Merah’s behaved Bawang Putih very well. However, the good behavior
did not to be last long. Soon, the Bawang Merah and her mother began to show
their bad attitude. Bawang Putih was often scolded and given heavy works when
the father went to trade. She had to do a lot of housework while the Bawang
Merahs just sit and did not work at all. However, the situation was never told by
her to his father, so the Bawang Putih continued to be treated badly by Bawang
Merah’s and her mother.

One day, his father was sick and passed away. Since then, Bawang Putih was
treated worse than before. Bawang Putih almost never had a break every day. In
the morning, she had to get up in order to prepare breakfast and the water for
Bawang Merah and her mother. Later, she also gave eating to the livestock,
washing clothes, and even watering the entire garden. Although she should do so
many works, she always did it happily. She hoped, with such sincerity, her mother
would love her sincerely someday.

On the morning, Bawang Putih went to the river to wash the clothes. She was so
excited and washed vigorously. Because of getting too excited, she was not aware
that there was a shirt that washed away. She realized that the shirt had been
washed away when the flow carried it far enough. Later, she pursued but did not
get the shirt. She felt hopeless and immediately went home.

The shirt was her mother's favorite. Of course, the mother was angry and told her
to look for the shirt until she could found it. Bawang Putih came back to the river
and walked to the west to seek her mother's favorite shirt. She walked along the
river up to tens of kilometers. After that, Bawang Putih suddenly saw someone
who was bathing the buffalo in the river. She asked the man about the clothes
were washed away. Later, she was informed that the shirt drifting and it was not
far from where she was standing. At that moment, Bawang Putih immediately ran
down the river to find the shirt.

It was getting dark and the Bawang Putih found a home. Because of completely
exhausted, she decided to take a break in the house. Apparently, it housed an old
lady who had previously found the shirt. The old lady wanted to return the shirt
to her, but she should accompany the old lady during a week. She agreed to stay
with the lady for a week. Within a week, she made the old lady to be so happy
because she was diligent and never complained even though felt so tired.

After accompanying for a week, she was given a pumpkin as the gift. When
opening it, she was very surprised because there were so much gold and gems.
She immediately went home and told the happening to her mother and also
Bawang Merah. However, the gold and jewels that she got immediately seized
and she was forced to tell where the jewelry could be obtained. Bawang Putih
immediately said that she got it from an old lady who lived near the river.

In the next day, Bawang Merah came to that house and stayed for a week like
what Bawang Putih did. However, because Bawang Merah was a lazy girl, the old
lady gave a different pumpkin from Bawang Putih. Bawang Merah did not care
and Bawang Merah immediately went home to open the pumpkin with her
mother. Apparently, the content was not gems or gold, but the venomous snake
that bit of Bawang Merah and the mother. Both of them died because of their

After the happening, Bawang Putih was living alone, but she was more calm and
lived happily with its gold and gems.

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