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--Fixed incorrect warning text.
--Spam count now resets when cooldown ends.

*Works with GoldEdition, Revolution, and any revision 1536-based ZEQ2-lite.

*NOTE: This will replace any vm mods you've installed before.

Back up the vm folder in ZEQ2-lite/ZEQ2. Extract/Copy the downloaded vm folder to
'ZEQ2-lite/ZEQ2/', overwrite/replace when prompted.

--Features and Instructions--

-Model Change Cooldown(courtesy of scifispirit)-

/g_modelchangecooldown(Default: 2 sec)

-Chat Cooldown-
/g_ChatCooldown (Default: 500 ms)

-Prevent Player Spam-

Customize the warning messages sent to the offending players:
/g_spamMessageConsoleTarget, g_spamMessageChatTarget- In their consoles and/or
private chats(note: these messages can only be viewed by the offending players and
the server host's console). Applies for private chat/target chat. Defaults: "PM
spam blocked. Slow down.", "PM spam blocked. Slow down." respectively.
/g_spamMessageConsoleAll- In their consoles. Applies for normal chat/chat to
everyone. Default: "Spam blocked. Slow down."
/g_enableWarningChatTarget, g_enableWarningConsoleTarget,
g_enableWarningConsoleAll- Enable/Disable the previously mentioned warnings being
sent to offending players. Set to 0 or less to disable. All enabled(set to 1) by
/g_WarningLimit- Limits the amount of messages can be sent by a player while in
cooldown. Reaching this limit will lead to a kick. Set to 0 or less to disable.
Default value: 25
/g_displayWarningCounter- Displays the warning counter on spam warnings after the
warning messages. Set to 0 or less to disable. Default value: 1

Fixed Transformations.
--Transformations are now in ascending order. (note: calling this a "fix" is
inaccurate, given that the SVN's way of transforming is accurate in respect to the
series. Thus, this will be a feature that users can opt for in the next version.)
Fixed client names with whitespaces and colored names such as "Player Name",
"^2Player Name".
Fixed empty names.
--Empty names will be replaced with "Anonymous".
Fixed crashed cause by Private Chat/Target Chat.
Fixed crash which was caused when the attacker spammed in a specific manner.

v0.0 - v1.6
"Fixed" Transformations. (See notes in --Fixes--)
Added model change cooldown.
Fixed client names with whitespaces and colored names such as "Player Name",
"^2Player Name".
Fixed empty names.
Fixed Private Chat/Target Chat's crash.

Fixed the crash which was caused when the attacker spammed in a specific manner.
Added Chat Cooldown

Implemented chat cooldown in Private Message/Target Chat.
Added player spam warnings.
Removed bloat trace statements.

Spam warning messages are now customizeable.
Users now have the options to disable the spam messages.
Added spam limit and the subsequent kick.

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