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Interchange 1 – Unit 10

Listening Practice

I. Complete each conversation with the verbs in the box.

Conversation #1
Man: Has Bob _get_____ yet?
Woman: No, he hasn’t _try_____ here yet? Oversleep
Man: Has anyone __arrive___ to call him?
Woman: I don’t think anyone has. Arrive
Man: Maybe he has _oversleep_____.
Woman: Or maybe he’s forgotten there’s a meeting. Get

Conversation #2 Have
Man: Have you ___send___ the report?
Woman: No, I haven’t. Have
Man: Why haven’t you __have____?
Woman: I haven’t __finish____ time to check the spelling. Send
Man: Have you finished writing it?
Woman: Yes, I __have____. Almost done!

Conversation #3
Man: How long have you __be____ Joe? See
Woman: I’ve known him since high school.
Man: Wow! That’s a long time. Know
Woman: Yeah, we have __see____ best friends for a while.
Man: Have you seen him recently? Be
Woman: No, I haven’t __know____ him for some time.

Conversation #4 See
Man: Nice sweater. I haven’t ___ssee___it before.
Woman: Oh, this old thing. I’ve __wear____ it forever. Have
Man: How come you haven’t __have____ it very much?
Woman: Well, it has ___be___ too hot to wear it. Wear

II. Click one the link below to watch a video. Review your answers in the previous exercise.

III. After watching the video, answer these questions:

1) In conversation 1, who has called Bob?
a) No one has.
b) The woman has.

2) What is their guess for Bob not being present?

a) He has gone to the office
b) He hasn’t woken up early.

3) In conversation 2, has she finished the report?

a) Yes, she has.
b) No, not yet.

4) Why is the report incomplete?

a) She hasn’t been working.
b) She has been busy.

5) In conversation 3, how long has Katie known Joe?

a) She just met him.
b) Since high school

6) Has Katie seen Joe lately?

a) Yes, she has.
b) No, she hasn’t.

7) In conversation 4, what does she say about the sweater?

a) She has not worn it much.
b) She hasn't had it long.
8) Why hasn’t he seen the sweater before?
a) Because she has just bought it.
b) Because it’s been too hot for the woman to wear it.

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