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School ID

2nd Semester 2019 ~ 2020

( 2019 ~ 2020 学年 第 二 学期)

Subject (科目): Chemistry II

Major(专业): Foundation

Class(班级): 1953526208

Teacher(出题人): Li Xianliang


Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ Scores

June, 2020

1. Determine the equation is balanced or not. (use a table to list all the elements) (16 points)
(1) S + O2 ---- SO3
(2) H2 + N2 ---- NH3
(3) 2Al + 3Cl2 ---- 2AlCl3
(4) 2H2 + Al2O3 ---- 3Al + 3H2O

2. Classify each of the reactions as a combination, decomposition, single replacement, double

replacement, or combustion: (10 points)
(1) Pb + O2 ---- PbO2
(2) C4H8 +6O2 ---- 4CO2 + 4H2O
(3) CaCO3 ---- CaO + CO2
(4) NaOH + HCl ---- NaCl + H2O
(5) Na + H2O ---- NaOH + H2

3. Classify each process as exothermic or endothermic. (12 points)

(1) Water boils in a kettle being heated on a stove.
(2) Ice cream melts.
(3) The ice gets warmer when you touch it.
(4) Your hand gets cold when you touch ice.
(5) a reaction, A + B ---- C ΔH = -100kJ
(6) a reaction, X + 110kJ ---- Z + Y

4. Identify the following as alkane, alkene or alkyne. (12 points)


(3) (4)

(5) (6)

5. Identify the following as organic or inorganic compound. (12 points)

(1) C4H10
(2) C4H10O2
(3) C3H7Cl
(4) CaCl2
(5) KCl
(6) H2SO4

6. 4500J energy was added to 100g Al metal. if the initial temperature is 10℃, then what is the final
temperature? SH for Al is 0.90J/g*℃. (10 points)

7. C2H6O is a main component in all kinds of alcohol drinks.(12 points)

(1) Calculate the formula mass of C2H6O. Atomic mass:C=12, H=1, O=16
(2) How many grams it is in 5mol C2H6O?
(3) How many moles are contained in 9.2g C2H6O?
(4) How many C2H6O molecules are contained in 9.2g C2H6O?

8. Butane gas will burn in air. (16 points)

C3H8(g)+5O2(g) 3CO2(g) +4H2O(g) ΔH = -2000kJ
(1) Write the conversion factors between O2 and CO2.
(2) How many mole of CO2 are formed if 2.5 mol O2 reacted?
(3) Write the conversion factors between O2 and energy.
(4) How many kJ are released if 2.5 mol O2 reacted?


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