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Grade 9

Learner Portfolio Project

Consider the requirements for the new Learner Portfolio.

Choose an issue that is of global significance and examine how it is explored through three
different texts.

Big picture issues of global significance could include (but are not limited to):

 Climate change
 Large scale conflict/war
 Income inequality
 Religious conflict
 Access to food and water
 Surveillance, security and general human wellbeing
 Unemployment
 Government corruption
 Nuclear arms development
 Group identity and individual rights
 Freedom of speech
 Mass extinction
 Technology
 Is social media making us stupid?

The terms above are very big picture issues, so you would need to narrow your focus when
deciding which texts to include in your portfolio. Start with something that is happening
now and that you find interesting. Cast a wide net and search reputable news and
information services.

When reading or viewing your texts, try to answer the following questions.

 What is the main idea being explored in this text? How is it being portrayed? Why do
you think that is?
 Does this text remind you of anything else you’ve read or seen? If so, how?
 What connections can you make between this text and your own life or experience?
 What moments in this text stood out for you? Why?
 Were there any surprises? Anything that challenged what you know — or thought
you knew?
 What messages, emotions or ideas will you take away from this text? Why?
 What other questions do you have? Is there anything you want to learn more about?
Record your responses for each text in your portfolio. Then consider what the texts reveal
about each other. Do they provide different points of view on the same issue? (See my

Some final guidelines:

 You may use any point of reference as a starting point for this. A music video, lyrics
from a song, a television program or film, an Instagram account or a news story. It is
completely up to you.
 Keep the material in your portfolio appropriate.

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