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Program 1

Andy Hello. I’m Andy Jones. I’m a university

This is my father. He’s an airline pilot.
This is my mother. She’s a graphic designer.
This is my sister Amy. She’s a
This is my grandmother. She’s a good cook.
And this is my home.
Mother It’s eight o’clock.
Andy! Andy! Get up!
Andy?! Andy? Andy!
It’s eight o’clock.
Andy That’s my mother. Her name’s Claire, Claire Jones.
Mother Andy, it’s time to get up.
Andy Okay, Mum. Coming.
That’s my father. His name’s Arthur, Arthur Jones.
Good morning, Dad. Dad?! Good morning.
Father Good morning.
Mother Toast?
Andy Thanks, Mum.
Mother Don’t forget, Andy. Louise is arriving today.
Andy Louise?
Father Louise. Remember? Our friends’ daughter. She’s a lovely girl.
Andy Okay.
Father She’s going to study at university.
Mother You're both at the same university.
Father So, please. Take care of her at the university.
She’s only eighteen. Okay?
Andy Okay, Dad.
Father The taxi.
Mother Jacket, suitcase …
Andy My father’s an airline pilot. He’s a captain.
Where are you flying today, Dad?
Father Rome.


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