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5-1725 Consider how delightful such a dream is!

Without having seen death, the

dreamer goes into Paradise.

5-1736 People will say, “Poor so-and-so is dead,” but you will say, “I am living, o you
heedless ones!

5-1737 Even though my body, like other bodies, is laid to rest, the Eight Paradises
have blossomed in my heart.”

5-1738 When the spirit is lying at rest amidst roses and eglantines, what does it matter
if the body is buried in that dung?

5-1739 What should the spirit that has been laid asleep in this way know of the body,
or care whether the body is in a rose-garden or an ash-pit?

5-1740 For in the bright celestial world the spirit is crying, “O, if only my people

4-442 Those persons, then, who have passed from the world are not non-existent, but
they are immersed in the Divine Attributes.

4-443 All their attributes are absorbed in the Attributes of God, just like the star is left
without trace in the presence of the sun.

4-444 If you demand a citation from the Qur’ān, o stubborn one, recite all of them
shall be brought into Our presence288.

4-445 The person denoted by the word muḥḍarūn (those brought into the presence) is
not non-existent (ma‘dūm). Consider this well, that you may gain some
knowledge of the everlasting life (baqā) of the spirits.

3-3571 Every state of heaviness (sloth) and indolence, indeed, is derived from the
body; the spirit is always flying because of its lightness (subtlety).

Qur’ān 36:26.
Qur’ān 36:32 and 36:53.


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