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1-1899 These words, which come from Universal Reason, are the scent of those

flowers, cypresses and hyacinths.

1-1900 Did you ever smell the scent of a rose where there was none? Did you ever see
the foaming of wine where there was none?

1-1901 The scent is your guide and leads you on your way: it will bring you to
Paradise and Kawthar326.

1-404 That this mind, eye and ear might be delivered from the Flood of wakefulness
and consciousness!

1-441 Whoever has no scent is without a nose; the scent referred to is that scent
which is religious.

The human body resembles a guest house in which the unseen guests
are received with honour and respect. The guests come and go, and
do not come back. But new guests will come in the future. [2.1.1]
5-3644 This body, o youth, is a guest house: every morning a new guest comes running
into it.

5-3646 Whatever comes into your heart from the invisible world is your guest: treat it

5-3676 Every day, too, at every moment a different thought comes, like an honoured
guest, into your bosom.

5-3677 O dear soul, regard thought as a person, since every person derives his worth
from thought and spirit.

5-3693 Whenever the thought of sorrow comes into your heart again, meet it with
smiles and laughter.

5-3688 So that it may speak gratefully of you to the Lord of the heart when it reunites
with the Moon.

1-2190 God gave me a life. He alone knows the value of its every single day.

3-124 Your life is like a purse of gold: day and night are like him who counts the gold
coins (the money changer).

3-125 Time counts and gives the gold without stopping, until the purse is empty and
the eclipse (death) comes.

3-126 If you take something away from a mountain and do not replace what you have
taken, the mountain will be demolished by that deed327.

In Arabic, Kawthar literally means “abundance”. It is also the name of a fountain, pond, basin or river in
Paradise. It is mentioned in the Qur’ān in the Sūra called Sūratu’l-Kawthar (Sūra 108).


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