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Starting a water refilling station is a promising business.

Given the right location

and marketing, you can earn from Php 30,000 to Php 40,000 a month. Water
refilling station business is easy to operate and the whole family can benefit from
How to Start a Water Refilling Station Business?
Step 1. Decide if you want to put up your own water refilling station or just
acquire a water refilling station franchise. If you have decided to put up your own,
proceed to step 2.
Step 2. Make sure to have a business plan. Click here on How to Make a
Business Plan.
Step 3. Find a good location. Having your water refilling station business at a
good location where foot traffic can flow into your station can be just the thing
that can improve sales. Click here on How to find a good location. Situate in
places near offices, hotels, schools, banks, hospital and dental clinics, apartment
and high-rise buildings, and subdivisions.
Step 4. Find a good water equipments supplier and make a good deal.

Step 5. Register your business. Click here on How to Register your Business.

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