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Batch 1

I have learned about self-introspection. Self-introspection is the examination or
observation of one's own mental and emotional processes. It is self-examination, analyzing
yourself, looking at your own personality and actions, and considering your own motivations.
An example is when you meditate to try to understand your feelings. Imprinting is also an
example of self-introspection. Imprinting is when someone recognizes his parents.
Some examples of imprinting are: 1) A baby can identify his/her parents. He/she can
identify them by their shadow, and smell. For example, when the baby's mommy or daddy is
busy at work, they cannot take care of their child at all time so they will hire a yaya. The yaya
must have a pleasing personality because the baby will possibly adopt the traits and behavior of
the baby. A baby can feel his surroundings. Environment is a crucial aspect to develop
personality. What is seen is imitated. Baby knows the signal of danger. Mother and father are the
principal origin of who we are. 2) Tarzan. Tarzan is wild, fearless, brave and strong. He is from
the jungle. He knows that his mother is a monkey because it what was her who he has seen first.
3) Duck. Ducks bared eggs.
Personality is the total person in his overt and covert behavior. Overt is Overt behaviors
are those which are directly observable, such as talking, running, scratching or blinking. Covert
behaviors are those which go on inside the skin. They include such private events as thinking and
imagining. Dewey and Humber define personality as the way an individual is interrelated
through his ideas, actions, and attitudes with the many non-human aspects of his environment,
and his biological heritage. Personality is also the overall pattern or integral of a person’s
structure, modes of behavior, intellectual abilities, and many other distinguishable personality
According to Sigmund Freud, human personality is complex and has more than a single
component. In his famous psychoanalytic theory, Freud states that personality is composed of
three elements known as the id, the ego, and the superego. These elements work together to
create complex human behaviors.

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