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Janina Myka P.




Another Fundamental Skills in Arnis is the Six Basic Blockings, and for our Assessment No. 3 we
were assigned to master and record a video of us executing the Six Basic Blockings which are Inward Block,
Outward Block, Downward Block- left knee, Downward Block – right knee, Upward Block, Block the
Stomach Trust. I find this easier to learn and to master compared to the 12 Striking Techniques.

As far as I know a blocking is made against the opponent's weapon. Like the standard blocking
techniques include a block to the inside, a block to the outside, downward block- left knee, downward
block – right knee, upward block and block the stomach trust. By demonstrating the six basic blockings
I learned how to do each of them properly. Like in Inward block I should place my free hand on the
stick and from forward stance I should shift my body obliquely then parry inward. Next is Outward
block, same with the last one but this time it is on the opposite side then parry outward. Next is the
Downward block – left knee, from the forward stance, I should lower my body then extend weapon
hand, palm up. Next is Downward block – right knee, same with the last one but I should extend
weapon hand, palm down. Next is the Upward block, from the forward stance I should push the stick
upward over the head. Lastly is the Block the stomach thrust, when the opponent wants to thrust my
stomach, I should do this blocking technique and to perform this I should raise my elbow of the hand
holding the cane to the shoulder level while my other hand is supporting it at the middle. I also learned
that in Arnis you should be wise in what to do, because you wouldn’t know the consequence that your
opponent will give to you. You should be aware of your opponent’s strike and you should be fast in
blocking when your opponent strikes, because once you give a wrong position of blocking, you will be
hurt. In Arnis, it is not about the number of techniques you know. It is on how many techniques you can
execute effectively and properly, efficiently, and accurately.

It teached me well to become more aware of myself and to be wise thinker. With these techniques
I will learn to have patience and to defend myself. Patience, for me to execute techniques I have to be
patient, because it takes time to master a skill that arnisadors are doing. It takes courage, strength and
value. I hope that I will execute the right techniques and I will never forget all the techniques that I learned
while doing this activity. It can be useful for me in a way that in these techniques I will learn how to protect
myself from others. These basic blocking techniques can be my guide, my savior in times that I am in
danger, specially, when the person has a weapon.

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