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To get to the beginning of your spreadsheet press ctrl+home.

CTRL+End goes to the last cell in the bottom-


When you hold the CTRL key and click cells/columns/rows with your mouse you can select multiple items
that are non-contiguous. Non-contiguous means the items are not directly next to each other.

Transposing columns into rows (and vice versa)

Sometimes you’ll be working with data formatted in columns and you really need it to be in rows (or the
other way around). Simply copy the row or column you’d like to transpose, right click on the destination cell
and select Paste Special. A checkbox on the bottom of the resulting popup window is labeled Transpose.
Check the box and click OK. Excel will do the rest.

To create a new workbook or new file, you do not need to go into any menu's. You can simply press: CTRL+N

For absolute cell referencing use dollar sign . Eg $J$1 . there is also a shortcut for this. click on your J1,

and then immediately press fn+ F4.

You'll see the dollar had been put in for you automatically.

Shift+fn+F3 open formula builder/Function wizard

While making a table , if the text does not fit in the cell , use the wrap text option from the formatting menu.

Use format painter option in the formatting menu to copy the formatting. “format painter” is useful when
you want to copy the formatting of one table to another. Also, there is a option to clear all formatting in the
same menu.

You can double-click on the Format Painter and it will remain active as long as you need it. When you are
done, simply press Escape.

Banded rows alternate in colors to improve readability of spreadsheets. They can be set up by manually filling
the background of one row and the next one with no fill. Now you use the format painter and drag those
rows in which you want to see the banded rows.

Widening Columns

So, you have been entering data into your spreadsheet but all of sudden you notice that one entry has turned
into this: #####.Don't panic, your data is still there - Excel is just giving you a nudge to let you know that your
column is not wide enough to display all of the data. There are three easy ways of widening your column.
Option 1: Double click on the black line between your column and the next. Your column will automatically
widen to display your number. Option 2: Hover your mouse cursor over the little black line between your
column and the next, then drag it to the desired width. Option 3: right-click on the column and select
'Column Width' from the context menu, then enter a width of your choosing.

Use “CONCAT” function to combine text (video downloaded)

The CONCAT function joins text together. The text being joined can be entered by referring to other cells, e.g.
=CONCAT(B4,B3), or the text can be typed directly =CONCAT("John","Smith"), the comma specifies what you
would like to join. Remember that when inputting text into a function use " " around the text.

The & works in a similar way. It can be viewed that & is what tells Excel to join the text so =B4&B3 joins B4
and B3. The same rules apply if the reference is made to text directly ="John"&"Smith". Remember that & is
used as part of a formula so you need to start with =.

The CTRL (CMD) key When you are using a function like CONCAT to join text from multiple cells, hold down
the CTRL key while selecting the cells and Excel will automatically insert the comma between each cell
reference for you. For example, if you want the formula =CONCAT(A2,D2,G2) then hold down CTRL while you
click on cell A2 then D2 then G2.

Find and Let's say we want to replace some specific data in this spreadsheet. We find out from our
replace customer that the address is slightly incorrect in our spreadsheet for Sydney Fish Market.
The suburb is actually not Sydney. The suburb should actually be Pyrmont. It will take a long
time to replace each of these individually. Excel offers us a tool to do this very quickly.
Go back to your button, Find & Select and choose Replace.

Printing Spreadsheets

The other recommendation is to crop to the Page Layout tab. This gives us a lot of options for setting
up our page. Now, looking at this data, first thing we probably want to do is change the orientation.
So, I'm going to click orientation and choose landscape.Already that's made a huge difference.
It's just not quite fitting, but before we start trying to squish all of our columns, a very quick and easy
option is margins. By default, the margins are set to normal which are quite generous. I'm going to
change it to narrow and that has already fixed the problem. Now, I'd probably be happy with that,
but those people quite perfectionist might not like the fact the margins are quite narrow on this side,
a little wider on the other. So, here's a well-hidden little option, backup to margins and come down to
custom margins and here, you can set your margins to any width you like. But the option I really like is
the option to center on page, and we're going to center it horizontally and then say "Okay".
That's looking great.

Let's now look at a slightly bigger worksheet. So, I'm going to click into orders, and this is quite big, so we
will see some problems. Let's come back to our page layout view and click. Now, even before I scroll
around, just having a little peek of my status bar on the left-hand side, you'll see page one of a 100.
I'm sure we can bring that number down a little bit. So, once again, let's come on to our page layout view
and let's change our orientation to landscape, and let's change our margins to narrow. Well, it's looking a
bit better, but if I scroll to the right you can see it's still kind of spilling onto three pages and not looking
great. Now, I'm never going to be able to fit all the data onto one page wide and still be able to read it.
But I think I can probably get it to two pages wide and there's a great tool to help us with this. It's called
the scale to fit. In the scale to fit, you can adjust either your height or your width, or just manually change
the scale. I'm going to come up to width. Click the dropdown and change it to two pages wide.
Now, if I scroll to the right and that's already looking better, there we go, the whole spreadsheet sitting
nicely on two pages. If I check the bottom here, page one of 50 would actually halved our paper usage.
One thing though that you should also check is what percentage you've scaled it down to. Anything down
to about 75 is probably fine. If it's down to 23, no one's going to be able to read it.So, you might need to
still change. At the moment, you will also know might notice my scale is grayed out. That is because I've set
it to always fit to two pages wide even if I go and add another 25 columns. So, do be a little careful leaving
it like this. What I'd suggest is, come back and flip this back to automatic. Now, it hasn't adjusted my scale,
it's left at 79, but if I need to manually adjusted it I can, and if I need to add more columns they will spill
onto the other sheets.

To keep the headings of the table fixed on every page(similar to freeze panes) use “print titles” in the
page layout option .


One of the things we sometimes need to do in Excel

is work with values that are sitting in different worksheets.

This is exactly the problem shown has right now,

where he's been asked to put together a summary of the 2015-2016 sales data.

The values are sitting in the 2015 sales sheets.

Unlike with anything, there's a good way and there's a not so good way to do this.

Let's have a look at something that won't work first.

So, I need my 2015 sales total for Aanya.

I'm going to come to my sales 2015, click on the sheet,

come up to my total, which is over here,

and it makes sense to copy paste it.

So, I'm going to right-click copy,

but you could Control-C as well.

Come back to my sales summary,

click in the sale and paste,

Control-V, or right-click paste.

That did not work. Now, the reason it didn't work is

because of relative references which we looked at in the previous video.

When I have a look at the calculation in the sale,

it says add up the four sales to the left of me.

Now, coming back to our sales summary,

you'll see there aren't four sales to the left,

and that's why I'm getting this reference error.

So, with formulas, you can't

just copy them and necessarily expect to get the right answer.

So, what are other options?

Well, what some people may think is the obvious choice is to come

and actually get that value and just type it in or copy the value in.

That is a really bad idea,

because if something should update in my sales 2015,

this is now going to be incorrect.

That's how our workbooks can get out of step and cause us real problems.

What we really want to do is somehow pull that value through from sales 2015 sheet.

This is actually easier than you might think.

Imagine, for example, that I have the value 200 sitting in this sale,

and I want whatever sitting in that sale to appear in B4.

I come to B4, type equals,

click on the sale that contains the value, and enter.

That is now pulling my 200 through.

If I change this to 600,

it pulls that value through.

Now, what we want to do is exactly the same,

except we want to do it from a different sheet.

So, the mechanics are identical.

Play video starting at 2 minutes 37 seconds and follow transcript2:37

So, I click in B4, type my equals,

come to my sales 2015,

click on my total,

and be very careful,

don't try and click back into the worksheet,

makes sure you press enter.

That work perfectly.

Not only that but if the value updates in 2015, this will update.

Let's see how to do that again.

So, click in C4, type equals,

this time I want my sales 2016 total.

So, I'm going to come to here, click on it,

and again, press enter.

That's work beautifully.

To get my total, very simple,

just use my "AutoSum", and then tab.

One thing left to do,

and that's our commission.

Now, the rates were different for the two years,

so we're going to have to actually add up the two commission values.

Pretty much the same thing we did before,

except we're throwing a little calculation into the mix.

I start with my equals,

I click into sales 2015,

I click on my commission.

Now, I have to type my plus.

If you have a look in my formula bar here,

you can see what I'm doing.

Then I come to sales 2016,

and I click on my commission.

This is the most important part.

Do not attempt to click back into summary data.

It's like clicking on another sale halfway through a calculation.

It will break your calculation.

You're finished, you press enter.

Now, I'm back in my workbook and my commission has been calculated.

Just as we've done in the past,

we can select all of those values relative references

works even across sheets and I drag it down,

and there is my sales summary drawing data from other workbooks.

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