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1 ACL / PCL rupture S83.5 58 Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis M08.0

2 Amputasi Wrist and Hand S68 59 Kanker Otak C71

3 Amputasi Above Elbow S48.1 60 Kanker Payudara C50

4 Amputasi Below Elbow S58.1 61 Kanker Rahim C55

5 Amputasi Finger S68.2 62 Kanker Tulang C40

6 Amputasi Shoulder S48 63 Kontraktur Sendi M24.5

7 Amputasi Above Knee S78.1 64 LBP M54.5

8 Amputasi Below Knee S88.1 65 Lesi N. Medianus G56.1

9 Amputasi Hip S78 66 Lesi N. Radialis G56.3

10 Ankylosing Sendi M24.6 67 Lesi N. Sciatic G57.0

11 Ankylosing Spondilitis M45 68 Lesi N. Ulnaris G56.2

12 Asma J45.9 69 Lesi Plexus Brachialis G54.0

13 Autism F84.1 70 MTPS M79.1

14 Bell's Palsy G51.0 71 Myasthenia Gravis G70.0

15 Calcaneal Spur (Plantar Fasciitis) M77.3 72 Meningitis (Meningococcal Meningitis) A39.0

16 Cauda Equina Syndrome S34.3 73 Myalgia M79.1

17 Cidera extensor wrist S56.4 74 OA M19.9

18 Cidera fleksor wrist S56.1 75 OA Heberden M15.1

19 Cervicalgia M54.2 76 OA Bouchard M15.2

20 Claw hand/claw foot/club hand/club foot M21.5 77 OA Generalized M15.9

21 CP G80.9 78 Osteoporosis M81.9

22 CRS G54.2 79 Paraplegia G82.2

23 Crushing Injury of Wrist and Hand S67 80 Parese N. VII (Disorder of Facial Nerve) G51.9

24 CTEV Q66 81 Parkinson G20

25 CTS G56.0 82 Polyneuropathy G62.9

26 Combustio (Burn) T29.0 83 Prolaps Uteri N81.4

27 de Quervain Tenosynovitis M65.4 84 Radiculopathy M54.1

28 Developmental Delay Milestone R62.0 85 Retensi Urin R33

29 DM E11 86 Rheumatoid Arthritis, unspecified M06.9

30 Down Sindrom Q90 87 Rotator Cuff Syndrome M75.1

31 Dysphagia R13 88 Sequele of Leprose B92

32 Erb Paralysis P14.0 89 Sinusitis Maxillaris J32.0

33 Flat Foot M21.4 90 Skoliosis M41.9

34 Fraktur Clavikula S42.0 91 Spinal Cord Injury S14.1

35 Fraktur Lower End of Humerus S42.4 92 Speech Delay (Expressive Language Dis) F80.1

36 Fraktur Colles S52.5 93 Spondylitis TB M49.0

37 Fraktur Femur S72 94 Spondylolisthesis M43.1

38 Fraktur Lower Leg S82 95 Spondylosis M47

39 Fraktur Patella S82.0 96 Sprain S93.4

40 Fraktur Pedis & Ankle S92 97 Stiffnes M25.6

41 Fraktur Ribs, Sternum, Thorax S22 98 Strain M62.6

42 Fraktur Lumbar & Pelvis S32 99 Stroke I64

43 Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis) M75.0 100 Tendinitis Achilles M76.6

44 GBS G61.0 101 Tendinitis Bicipitalis M75.2

45 Genu Valgus M21.0 102 Tendinitis Patellar M76.5

46 Golfer Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis) M77.0 103 Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis) M77.1

47 Gout M10.9 104 Tetanus A35

48 Hallux Valgus M20.1 105 Tetraplegia G82.5

49 Hemiplegia G81.9 106 Thoracis Root Disorders G54.3

50 Hernia Inguinal K40 107 Tic Facialis (Clonic Hemifacial Spasme) G51.3

51 Herpes Zoster B02.2 108 Tortikolis M43.6

52 Hypermobility Syndrome M35.7 109 TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) S06.1

53 HNP (Lumbosacral Plexus Disorders) M51.2 110 Trigeminal Neuralgia G50.0

54 Illiotibial Band Syndrome M76.3 111 Trigger Finger M65.3

55 Impingement Syndrome of Shoulder M75.4 112 Trismus K08.9

56 Incontinensia Urin R32 113 Vertigo H81.1

57 Ischialgia M54.4 114 Wrist / Foot Drop M21.3

1 A39.0 Meningitis (Meningococcal Meningitis) 58 M47 Spondylosis
2 A35 Tetanus 59 M49.0 Spondylitis TB
3 B02.2 Herpes Zoster 60 M51.2 HNP (Lumbosacral Plexus Disorders)
4 B92 Sequele of Leprose 61 M54.1 Radiculopathy
5 C40 Kanker Tulang 62 M54.2 Cervicalgia
6 C50 Kanker Payudara 63 M54.4 Ischialgia
7 C55 Kanker Rahim 64 M54.5 LBP
8 C71 Kanker Otak 65 M62.6 Strain
9 E11 DM 66 M65.3 Trigger Finger
10 F80.1 Speech Delay (Expressive Language Dis) 67 M65.4 de Quervain Tenosynovitis
11 F84.1 Autism 68 M75.0 Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)
12 G20 Parkinson 69 M75.1 Rotator Cuff Syndrome
13 G50.0 Trigeminal Neuralgia 70 M75.2 Tendinitis Bicipitalis
14 G51.0 Bell's Palsy 71 M75.4 Impingement Syndrome of Shoulder
15 G51.3 Tic Facialis (Clonic Hemifacial Spasme) 72 M76.3 Illiotibial Band Syndrome
16 G51.9 Parese N. VII (Disorder of Facial Nerve) 73 M76.5 Tendinitis Patellar
17 G54.0 Lesi Plexus Brachialis 74 M76.6 Tendinitis Achilles
18 G54.2 CRS 75 M77.0 Golfer Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis)
19 G54.3 Thoracis Root Disorders 76 M77.1 Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)
20 G56.0 CTS 77 M77.3 Calcaneal Spur (Plantar Fasciitis)
21 G56.1 Lesi N. Medianus 78 M79.1 MTPS
22 G56.2 Lesi N. Ulnaris 79 M79.1 Myalgia
23 G56.3 Lesi N. Radialis 80 M81.9 Osteoporosis
24 G57.0 Lesi N. Sciatic 81 N81.4 Prolaps Uteri
25 G61.0 GBS 82 P14.0 Erb Paralysis
26 G62.9 Polyneuropathy 83 Q66 CTEV
27 G70.0 Myasthenia Gravis 84 Q90 Down Sindrom
28 G80.9 CP 85 R13 Dysphagia
29 G81.9 Hemiplegia 86 R32 Incontinensia Urin
30 G82.2 Paraplegia 87 R33 Retensi Urin
31 G82.5 Tetraplegia 88 R62.0 Developmental Delay Milestone
32 H81.1 Vertigo 89 S06.1 TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)
33 I64 Stroke 90 S14.1 Spinal Cord Injury
34 J32.0 Sinusitis Maxillaris 91 S22 Fraktur Ribs, Sternum, Thorax
35 J45.9 Asma 92 S32 Fraktur Lumbar & Pelvis
36 K08.9 Trismus 93 S34.3 Cauda Equina Syndrome
37 K40 Hernia Inguinal 94 S42.0 Fraktur Clavikula
38 M06.9 Rheumatoid Arthritis, unspecified 95 S42.4 Fraktur Lower End of Humerus
39 M08.0 Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis 96 S48 Amputasi Shoulder
40 M10.9 Gout 97 S48.1 Amputasi Above Elbow
41 M20.1 Hallux Valgus 98 S52.5 Fraktur Colles
42 M21.0 Genu Valgus 99 S56.1 Cidera fleksor wrist
43 M21.3 Wrist / Foot Drop 100 S56.4 Cidera extensor wrist
44 M21.4 Flat Foot 101 S58.1 Amputasi Below Elbow
45 M21.5 Claw hand/claw foot/club hand/club foot 102 S67 Crushing Injury of Wrist and Hand
46 M24.5 Kontraktur Sendi 103 S68 Amputasi Wrist and Hand
47 M24.6 Ankylosing Sendi 104 S68.2 Amputasi Finger
48 M15.1 OA Heberden 105 S72 Fraktur Femur
49 M15.2 OA Bouchard 106 S78 Amputasi Hip
50 M15.9 OA Generalized 107 S78.1 Amputasi Above Knee
51 M19.9 OA 108 S82 Fraktur Lower Leg
52 M25.6 Stiffnes 109 S82.0 Fraktur Patella
53 M35.7 Hypermobility Syndrome 110 S83.5 ACL / PCL rupture
54 M41.9 Skoliosis 111 S88.1 Amputasi Below Knee
55 M43.1 Spondylolisthesis 112 S92 Fraktur Pedis & Ankle
56 M43.6 Tortikolis 113 S93.4 Sprain
57 M45 Ankylosing Spondilitis 114 T29.0 Combustio (Burn)


Adaptasi aktivitas sehari- hari 93.83
Cold pack 99.81
Dry needling (termasuk bahan habis pakai) 93.39
Injeksi intraartikuler/ paraartikuler 93.39
Injeksi intraartikuler khusus ( tanpa obat) 93.39
Injeksi soft tissue (termasuk obat) 93.39
LASER 93.39
Spray dan stretch (termasuk obat dan bahan habis pakai) 93.39
Latihan lingkup gerak sendi, peregangan, inhibisi aktif 93.11
Latihan otot dasar panggul 93.11
Latihan penguatan otot dengan alat (OHP, staircase, shoulder wheel, 93.13
quadricep bench, static bicycle, dll)
Latihan pernafasan 93.18
Latihan koordinasi dan keterampilan motorik (Frenkel, NDT, PNF, 93.19
Rood, MRP)
Latihan scoliosis, osteoporosis, koreksi postur 93.19
Latihan ambulasi dan keseimbangan 93.22
Latihan endurance cardiopulmonal 93.36
Latihan jalan menggunakan orthesa, prothesa dan alat bantu jalan 93.24
Manipulasi (spinal, sendi perifer) 93.6
Massage 93.6
Massage bayi 93.6
MLDV 93.66
Musik terapi 93.84
Nebulizing (1x tindakan) / terapi inhalasi 93.94
Postural drainage 93. 99
Penanganan gangguan bahasa tidak spesifik 93.71
Penanganan gangguan bahasa 93.72
Penanganan gangguan proses fungsi pasca laringektomi 93.73
Penanganan gangguan proses bicara pada kelainan kraniofacial 93.74
Penanganan gangguan fonasi 93.75
Penanganan gangguan artikulasi 93.75
Penanganan gangguan menelan 93.75
Penanganan gangguan persepsi kognititf 93.89
Penanganan gangguan kognisi 93.89
Rehabilitasi prevokasional dan rehabilitasi okupasi 93.85
Rehabilitasi paliatif 93.89
Terapi edukasi 93.39
Terapi sensory integrasi 93.89
Taping dan straping (tanpa bahan habis pakai) 93.39
Tindakan electrical stimulasi/ ES 93.39
Tindakan infra merah general/ IRG 93.35
Tindakan infra merah local/ IRL 93.35
Tindakan micro wave diathermy/ MWD 93.34
Tindakan short wave diathermy/ SWD 93.34
Tindakan TENS/ Interferensi 93.39
Tindakan traksi leher/ CT 93.21
Tindakan traksi pinggang/ LT 93.21
Tindakan ultra sound diathermy/ USD 93.35
Vibrator 93.6
Ortotik/ prostetik :
LS korset 93.23
TLSO FEL control 93.23
Sepatu koreksi 93.89
LSO 93.23
Alat bantu jalan 93.89

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