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1 Echo / Echocardiography 88.72

2 GV / Ganti Verban 93.57
3 EKG 89.52
4 Pasang Kateter 57.94
5 EKG Monitor 89.50
6 Gips 93.53 / 79.0
7 Hemodialisa 39.95
8 Incubator 93.35
9 Infus Pump 86.06
10 Infus 99.18
11 Injeksi Analgentik 04.81
12 Injeksi Anti Biotik 99.21
13 Intubasi 96.02
14 Herniorrhphy 53.05
15 Kontrol Pendarahan 39.98
16 Labolatorium 90.54
17 Adhesiolis 57.19
18 Nebulizer 93.94
19 Oksigen 93.96
20 Xray abdomen 88.19
21 Xray clavicle 87.43
22 Xray shoulder 88.21
23 Xray Thorax 87.49
24 RJP 99.60
25 Suctioning 96.04
26 Suture Kaki 83.89
27 Suture Kepala 86.59
28 Suture Tangan 82.46
29 Syiring Pump 09.43
30 USG Abdomen 88.76
31 USG Fast 87.76
32 USG Hepatobilier 88.74
33 USG Kandungan / Hamil 88.78
34 Cystotomy 57.19
35 USG Urinary 88.75
36 Persalinan Forceps 72.9
37 Radiotherapy 92.23
38 Chemoteraphy 99.25
39 Ct Scan Kepala 87.03
40 Pencabutan Gigi 23.09
41 Mastoidectomy 20.49
42 Renografi 92.03
43 Photo Pelvis 87.24
44 Photo Schedel (Skull) 87.17
45 Photo Torax 87.44
46 Biopsy of bone 77.4
47 Suctioning 96.04
48 Aff Heacting 97.89
49 Aff Heacting Colon 97.84
50 Aff Heacting Abdomen 97.83
51 Aff Heacting Head And Neck 97.38
52 Heacting 86.59
53 Heacting Abdominal Wall 54.63
54 Heacting Chest Wall 34.71
55 Debridement 86.22
56 Debridement Skull 01.25
57 Debridement Spine Cord 03.4
58 Debridement Of Peripheral Nerve 04.07
59 Debridement Abdominal 54.3
60 Debridement Bone Graft 78.0
61 Debridement Open Fractur 79.6
62 Debridement Of Muscle 83.45
63 Debridement Of Nail 86.27
64 Debridement Ulcer/ Ganggren 86.28
65 Wsd / West Tube 34.04
66 Wsd / Cheraktosintesis 34.91
67 TMT / Test Treadmill 89.41
68 Endoskopi Ear 18.11
69 Endoskopi Nose 21.21
70 Endoskopi Thorax 34.21
71 Xray / Ro 88.39
72 Tubectomi 66.61
73 ORIF 79.3
74 Xray Clacle 87.43
75 Xray Femur/ Thigh 88.27
76 Xray Atas 88.24
77 Xray Bawah 88.29
78 Xray Nasal, Sinus 87.16
79 Xray Thorax 87.49
80 Xray / Ro 88.39
81 Excision Tumor Ear 18.29
82 NGT 96.07
83 Fistulectomy 49.12
84 Repair Luka 86.59
85 Pinning Remove Metacarpal 78.54
86 Internal Fixation Tibia - Fibula 78.57
87 Closed Reduction 79.0
88 Toilet Tonsil 86.28
89 Pasang Tampon Anterior Hidung 21.01
90 Pasang Tampan Posterior Hidung 21.02
91 Irigasi Sinus 22.00
92 Irigasi Hidung 96.53
93 Ganti Tampon Hidung 97.21
94 Inspecullo 89.26
95 Partus Normal 73.59
96 Kaustik Faring 29.39
97 Removal Implant 78.6
98 Eksisi Tumor 80.87
99 Eksisi Soft Tissue 83.39
100 Eksternal Fixation 78.10
101 Toilet Faring 28.0
102 Eksisi Granuloma 86.3
103 Varikolectomy 63.1
104 Debridement Wound 86.28
105 Wide Eksisi 86.3
106 Removal Necrosis 86.28
107 Debridement Insisi Selulitis 86.09
108 Sectio Alta / Vesikolithotomi 57.1
109 Audimetri 95.41
110 Usg Lainnya 88.79
111 Devit/ Endodentik 23.71
112 Tumpatan Komposit/ Lc / Gic 23.2
113 Exo / Cabut Gigi Utk Org Dewasa 23.09
114 Exo / Cabut Gigi Utk Anak Kecil 23.01
115 Rawat Luka / Cuci Luka 96.59
116 Ir / Us 93.35
117 Tens 93.39
118 Exercise / Terapi Latihan 93.19
119 Swd/ Mwd 93.34
120 Cuci Telinga 96.52
121 Tampu Telinga 96.11
122 Cros Insisi 86.01
123 Kuretase 69.02
124 Ekstraksi Corpal Hidung 98.12
125 Ekstraksi Corpal Telinga 98.11
126 Ekstraksi Kuku 86.23
127 Insisi Abses 86.04
128 Lepas Gips Lower Limb 97.12
129 Lepas Gips Upper Limb 97.11
130 Open Bur Gigi 23.70
131 Sc / Sito Sstp 74.1
132 Tubectomy Bilateral 66.39
133 Laringoskopi 31.42
134 Phototherapy newborn 99.83
135 Ct Scan bone 88.38
136 Ct Scan abdomen 88.01
137 Ct Scan thorax 87.41
138 Ct Scan lainnya 88.38
139 USG total body / Lainnya 88.79
140 USG thorax 88.73
141 USG breast 88.73
142 Tonsillectomy 28.2
143 Transfusion Darah 99.03
144 Salpingo-oophorectomy 65.49
145 Salpingohysterostomy 66.74
146 Salpingotomy 66.01
147 Appendectomy 47.09
148 Irigasi gigi / drainase gigi 96.54
149 AFF Kateter 97.64
150 konsultasi 89.09
151 Bone graft 78.0
152 otoskopi 18.11
153 Tubectomi bilateral 66.39
154 Partus normal 73.59
155 Manual plasenta 75.4
156 Histerektomy vaginal 68.59
157 Sequestrectomy 77.0

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