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Characteristics of Revival

Times and Seasons

An interesting passage in Acts 1:7-8 comes
from the disciples questioning Jesus about
when he would return to establish his
kingdom on earth...Jesus replies, It is not for
you to know the times or the seasons, which
the Father fixed by his own power. But you
shall receive power..after the Holy Spirit
comes upon you.
What Two Things Can You Gather from this
First, God’s timing, regardless of your human
curiosity or desperation, is of no consequence.

Only God Knows How Much Time is Needed to Turn the

Hearts of Men.

2Peter 3:8-10
Second, you shall receive POWER!

If you KNOW you have power, you can speak to the mountain
to be cast into the sea
Smith Wigglesworth wrote: Some people said, “We have a brother here who believes in the
Lord, and he is paralyzed from his loins downward. He cannot stand on his legs and he has
been twenty years in this condition.” They took me to this man and as I saw him there in his
chair I put the question to him. “What is the greatest desire in your heart?” He said, “Oh, if I
could only receive the Holy Ghost!” I was somewhat surprised at this answer, and I laid my
hands on his head and said, “Receive ye the Holy Ghost.” Instantly the power of God fell upon
him and he began breathing very heavily. He rolled off the chair and there he lay like a bag of
potatoes, utterly helpless. I like anything that God does. I like to watch God working. There he
was with his great, fat body, and his head was working just as though it was on a swivel. Then
to our joy he began speaking in tongues. I had my eyes on every bit of him and as I saw the
condition of his legs I said, “Those legs can never carry that body.” Then I looked up and said,
“Lord, tell me what to do.” The Holy Ghost is the executive of Jesus Christ and the Father. If
you want to know the mind of God you must have the Holy Ghost to bring God's latest thought
to you and to tell you what to do. The Lord said to me, “Command him in My name to walk”
But I missed it, of course. I said to the people there, “Let's see if we can lift him up.” But we
could not lift him, he was like a ton weight. I cried, “Oh Lord, forgive me.” I repented of doing
the wrong thing, and then the Lord said to me again, “Command him to walk.” I said to him,
“Arise in the name of Jesus.” His legs were immediately strengthened. Did he walk? He ran all
round. A month after this he walked ten miles and back. He has a Pentecostal work now.
When the power of the Holy Ghost is present, things will happen.
TIMING: Revivals emerge during
times of spiritual and moral
decline, which leads to intense

1Thessalonians 2:1-3
PRAYER: God puts a longing into
the hearts of many to pray for
Luke 24:49 - And, behold, I send the promise of my
Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem,
until ye be endued with power from on high.

Acts 1:4 - And, being assembled together with them,

commanded them that they should not depart from
Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which,
saith he, ye have heard of me.
THE WORD: The preaching or
reading of God’s Word brings deep
conviction and desire for Christ.
Matthew 5:10 Bless are those who hunger and thirst after
righteousness, for they…..

Jeremiah 15:16 - ”Thy words were found, and I did eat them;
and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine
heart: for I am called by thy name, O Lord God of hosts,".
THE HOLY SPIRIT: The Holy Spirit
takes people to a spiritual depth
they could not achieve on their
Zeccariah 4:6 - Then he told me, “This is the message
from the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘You will not succeed by
your own strength or by your own power. The power will
come from my Spirit,’ says the Lord of heaven’s armies.
ICB version
CONVICTION: Affected sinners
are inconsolable except in Christ.
Acts 2:37-40 What must we do to be saved?
Acts 9:6 – What would you have me do?
Smith Wigglesworth - A woman came to me one day and said, “My
husband is such a trial to me; the first salary he gets he spends it in
drink, and then he cannot do his work and comes home; I love him very
much, what can be done?” I said, “If I were you I would take a
handkerchief and would place it under his head when he went to sleep at
night, and say nothing to him, but have a living faith.” We anointed a
handkerchief in the name of Jesus, and she put it under his head. Oh,
beloved, there is a way to reach these wayward ones. The next morning
on his way to work he called for a glass of beer; he lifted it to his lips, but
he thought there was something wrong with it, and he put it down and
went out. He went to another saloon, and another, and did the same
thing. He came home sober. His wife was gladly surprised and he told
her the story; how it had affected him. That was the turning point in his
life; it meant not only giving up drink, but it meant his salvation.
GLORY FOR GOD: God receives
praise, honor, and glory for
bringing revival.
What has the Spirit of God done for you? When
were you last excited about the power of God
moving in you life or family? Tell your story.
Revival produces lasting fruit.
New ministries are founded and
society experiences a reform of
morals as more and more people
Manifestations like fainting,
groaning prayer, and miracles
vary by culture and
Smith Wigglesworth (1919) - She was moved in a new
way and said, "That is not my Smith that is preaching.
Lord, you have done something for him." As soon as I
had finished, the secretary of the mission got up and
said, "Brethren, I want what the leader of our mission has
got." He tried to sit down but missed his seat and fell on
the floor. There were soon fourteen of them on the floor,
my own wife included. We did not know what to do, but
the Holy Ghost got hold of the situation and the fire fell. A
revival started and the crowds came. It was only the
beginning of the flood-tide of blessing. We had touched
the reservoir of the Lord's life and power.
MESSY: Revivals are messy–
controversies swirl about
miracles, abuses, excesses,
suspicions, and theological
disputes (to name but a few).
CYCLICAL: Revivals inevitably
crest and decline.
A Man
A Mission
A Ministry
A Monument
A Memorial

Isaiah 42:8 - I am the Lord: that is my name: and

my glory will I not give to another, neither my
praise to graven images.

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