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10 Netiquette Guidelines Online Students Need to Know

By Ashley Brooks on 01/28/2019 of Rasmussen College

Proper etiquette is nothing new for most people. You grew up with your parents constantly telling you
to mind your manners. But in a digital age where the unwritten online “rules” are constantly changing,
proper netiquette may seem a bit mystifying. Add in the atmosphere of an online classroom, and
suddenly the proper netiquette guidelines don’t seem as easy as a simple “please” and “thank you.”

As you might have guessed, netiquette is essentially rules and norms for interacting with others on
the internet in a considerate, respectful way. We enlisted several experts to set some guidelines to
make sure your online manners are up to.

10 Netiquette guidelines every online student needs to know

Learn how to be on your best behavior in an online classroom with 10 netiquette guidelines every
online student needs to know.


There’s a time and a place for everything—BUT IN MOST SITUATIONS TYPING IN ALL CAPS IS
INAPPROPRIATE. Most readers tend to perceive it as shouting and will have a hard time taking what
you say seriously, no matter how intelligent your response may be. If you have vision issues, there
are ways to adjust how text displays so you can still see without coming across as angry.

2. Sarcasm can (and will) backfire

Sarcasm has been the source of plenty of misguided arguments online, as it can be incredibly difficult
to understand the commenter’s intent. What may seem like an obvious joke to you could come across
as off-putting or rude to those who don’t know you personally. As a rule of thumb, it’s best to avoid
sarcasm altogether in an online classroom. Instead, lean toward being polite and direct in the way
you communicate to avoid these issues.

3. Don’t abuse the chat box

Chat boxes are incorporated into many online classes as a place for students to share ideas and ask
questions related to the lesson. It can be a helpful resource or a major distraction—it all depends on
how well students know their classroom netiquette.

“Rather than asking relevant questions or giving clear answers, students might use the chat box to
ask questions irrelevant to the discussion, or to talk about an unrelated topic,” says Erin Lynch, senior
educator at Test Innovators. The class chat box isn’t an instant messenger like you’d use with
friends. Treat it like the learning tool it’s meant to be, and try not to distract your classmates with off-
topic discussions.

4. Attempt to find your own answer

If you’re confused or stuck on an assignment, your first instinct may be to immediately ask a question.
But before you ask, take the time to try to figure it out on your own.

For questions related to class structure, such as due dates or policies, refer to your syllabus and
course FAQ. Attempt to find the answers to any other questions on your own using a search engine.
If your questions remain unanswered after a bit of effort, feel free to bring them up with your

5. Stop ... grammar time!

Always make an effort to use proper punctuation, spelling and grammar. Trying to decipher a string of
misspelled words with erratic punctuation frustrates the reader and distracts from the point of your

On the other hand, it’s important to be reasonable about others’ grammar mistakes. Nobody likes the
grammar police, and scolding a classmate because he or she used “your” instead of “you’re” isn’t
practicing proper netiquette.

6. Set a respectful tone

“An increasingly common netiquette faux pas is treating e-correspondence with faculty and staff as an
ongoing chat among friends,” says Alexey Timbul, online professor at the Academy of Art

Every day may feel like casual Friday in an online classroom where you don’t see anyone in person,
but a certain level of formality is still expected in your communication with instructors. In addition to
proper punctuation and spelling, it’s good netiquette to use respectful greetings and signatures, full
sentences and even the same old “please” and “thank you” you use in real life.

7. Submit files the right way

You won’t be printing assignments and handing to them to your teacher in person, so knowing how to
properly submit your work online is key to your success as an online student. Online course
instructors often establish ground rules for file assignment submissions, like naming conventions that
help them keep things organized or acceptable file formats. Ignoring these instructions is a common
example of bad netiquette.

“Receiving work that does not adhere to the file format and naming protocol means a student is not
paying attention,” says Timbul. If you don’t follow instructions, you’re taking the risk that your
instructor won’t be able to find or open your assignment. Save yourself and your instructor a
headache and read their instructions carefully before submitting.

8. Read first

Take some time to read through each of the previous discussion post responses before writing your
own response. If the original post asked a specific question, there’s a good chance someone has
already answered it. Submitting an answer that is eerily similar to a classmate indicates to the
instructor that you haven’t paid attention to the conversation thus far.

Remember, discussions can move fairly quickly so it’s important to absorb all of the information
before crafting your reply. Building upon a classmate’s thought or attempting to add something new to
the conversation will show your instructor you’ve been paying attention.

9. Think before you type

A passing comment spoken in class can be forgotten a few minutes later, but what you share in an
online classroom is part of a permanent digital record. “Whether or not privacy settings are in place,
the internet has a tendency to house things forever, and what you say privately can easily become
public,” advises etiquette expert Devoreaux Walton.

Not only is it good practice to be guarded when it comes to personal information, you always want to
be just as respectful toward others as you would be if you were sitting in the same room together.
Zink says a good rule of thumb to follow is if you’re comfortable standing up in front of a classroom
and saying your message, then it’s most likely okay to share.

10. Be kind and professional

Online communication comes with a level of anonymity that doesn’t exist when you’re talking to
someone face-to-face. Sometimes this leads people to behave rudely when they disagree with one
another. Online students probably don’t have the complete anonymity that comes with using a screen
name, but you could still fall prey to treating someone poorly because of the distance between
screens. Make a point to be kind and respectful in your comments—even if you disagree with

“At the core, all of these mistakes come down to forgetting that an online classroom is still a
classroom,” Lynch says. “Good netiquette means conducting yourself in an online class with the
same respect, politeness and professionalism that you would exhibit in a real-life classroom.”

Practice makes perfect

You’ve just completed your crash course in netiquette guidelines, so go out there and post like the
well-mannered student you are! If you’re looking for more assistance as you navigate your online
courses, you’ll want to check out our article, “9 Surprising Student Resources You Didn’t Know
Rasmussen College Offered.”

Online etiquette or ‘netiquette’ – The dos and don’ts of online communication


The internet often plays a huge part in many young people’s daily activities; allowing them to
communicate freely with others and share information with ease via messaging apps, social media
and gaming networks.

At any one time they can be navigating a whole host of different apps, with some of the most popular
ones being Snapchat, Instagram and WhatsApp. With so much of their lives playing out online, it is
important for young people to consider how their online behaviour and choices can have an impact on
themselves, and others.

Here are 7 top tips to help young people with online etiquette:
1. Be respectful. Everyone has different feelings and opinions and it is important to respect this
online. You may wish to comment on something someone has shared but always remember that
behind every account is a real person. If you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face, the internet
is not the place to say it either.
2. Be aware of how your comments might be read: Strong language, capital letters, and
exclamation marks can be easily misinterpreted online. In the real world we have the addition of
body language, tone of voice and facial expressions to help us understand what someone has
said. We also have the opportunity to re-phrase what we say if we’re misunderstood in the offline
world. When you are online, these are missing.  Think; if you were to receive this comment
how would you have felt?
3. Be careful with humour and sarcasm. It’s always great to share jokes with others and it is
important to be yourself online and let your personality shine through. However,  not everything is
always clear online and sometimes people might not realise you are joking. Often people  rely on
emojis or text speak, eg ‘lol’, to help show they are not being serious, but it isn’t guaranteed other
people will understand this. Reread what you have written and think; will everyone get the
4. Think about who can see what you have shared. Privacy settings are a simple way to
restrict who can see what you are sharing, but even with them in place nothing is ever truly
private online. Make sure you keep as much of your personal information off the internet as
possible and never share anything inappropriate or that may get you into trouble. Remember
you are only as private as your much public friend.
5. Remember to check friend requests and group invites before accepting them. The
internet is a great place to share content and chat to friends but remember to review any new
requests before accepting them. Check if they are from someone you know or were expecting to
receive a request from. If it isn’t from someone you know or recognise then it is ok to
decline the request.
6. Take time to have a read of the rules of conduct/ community standards. Most online
forums, social networks and gaming networks have their own code of conduct or guidelines for a
user’s online behaviour.  Every user has the right to have the same positive experience online.
The services you’re using use these guidelines to help guide and support you so that you know
what will and won’t be tolerated on their service. Before using a new account take a moment
to read the guidelines, so you know the appropriate rules of posting, behaviour and what
to do if you need to report something you see on this service.  
7. Be forgiving. The online world can be very different from the offline world so try to be
understanding of others when they struggle with online communication. If you see something
online that you don’t think is appropriate, you can use reporting tools to flag it to the site’s safety
team.  Remember that not everyone will know these rules before posting or realise that
they have upset someone else.

Online networks and communities can provide a really positive experience for many young people. As
a parent, you can support your child with these sites by focusing on the positive uses, showing them
how to block and report and showing an interest in their online lives.
Remember that social networking sites and messaging apps require users to be 13 to use them.. You
can check websites like NetAware if you are not sure about an apps age restriction.

For more information about etiquette in group chats look at our blog Group Chats - the new digital

For more help and guidance, have a look at our parents’ leaflets Supporting young people
online and Young people and social networking sites.

10 Basic Rules of Netiquette or Internet Etiquette

Know Your Manners When Using Technology

Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD 
 Reviewed by 
Amy Morin, LCSW 

The rules of etiquette are just as important in cyberspace as they are in the real world—and the
evidence of poor netiquette can stick around to haunt you for much longer. Follow these basic rules of
netiquette to avoid damaging your online and offline relationships.

Make Real People a Priority

jhorrocks / Getty Images

Nothing is more irritating than trying to have a conversation with someone who is engrossed in their
phone or computer. If someone is in the room with you, stop what you are doing and look at
them. Don't answer your cell phone unless it is to tell the person on the other end that you will call
them right back. 

If you are expecting an important call or email, let the person with you know upfront, and apologize for
taking the call.

This is doubly true if the person you are with is your date, partner, or child. Constantly checking your
email, voicemail, or Facebook while you are with them gives them the message that you don't care
about them. And it is extremely annoying to be with someone who is having a conversation that you
are not part of.

This is also true of public places, such as restaurants, public transit, stores, elevators, and
libraries. Avoid taking phone calls and having conversations in these shared spaces.

5 Tips to Help You Quit Your Cell Phone Addiction

Use Respectful Language

Name-calling, cursing, expressing deliberately offensive opinions—if you wouldn't do it to the face of
anyone who might conceivably see what you write, don't write it. This goes for any social media site,
forum, chat room, or email message, even if you think it can't be traced back to you. It can.
And it's not just what you say, but how you say it. Either take the trouble to use the shift key for capital
letters, or write in all lower case, but don't use caps lock. Text in all caps is generally perceived as
yelling. Please don't forget to say please and thank you as appropriate.

Avoid Being Embarrassed, Exploited or Harassed Online

Share With Discretion

Avoid sending naked sext pictures, drunk pictures, drug use pictures or unedited home video. If you
would have a problem with your boss, your parents, or your kids seeing it now, or at any point in the
future, don't post it online.

The same goes for phone conversations in public places. Just because you can't see the person you
are talking to doesn't mean everyone around you can't see and hear you.

Don't Exclude Others

If you have an in-joke to share with one other person, or a small number of people in a larger online
group, send them a private message. Don't make everyone else feel left out by posting an obscure
comment to your Facebook status, forum, or Instagram story. 

The same goes for laughing at texted or emailed jokes when you are in the presence of others. If you
don't want to share the joke, save it for later.

Choose Friends Wisely

It is insulting to be dropped from someone's friend list on a social media site. So, think about it before
sending a friend request or accepting an invitation. If you don't want to be in touch with someone,
don't add them in the first place. 

If you want to stay in touch with a colleague for professional reasons, tell them you only use
Facebook for close personal friendships. Then join LinkedIn or another professional networking site
for more distant contacts.

The obvious exception to this is if you "friend" someone while you are getting along, and then you
have a disagreement. Then, by all means, unfriend them if the relationship is beyond repair. But don't
torture them with on-again-off-again friending. 

Your Facebook Habit Might Actually Be an Addiction

Don't Email Large Files

You might think that sequence of nature pictures with inspirational statements is wonderfully
moving. It might even give you a sense of serenity. But that is the last thing it will give the person you
email it to if it crashes their server, or depletes their inbox quota. Post large files to your own space
and send people a link. Don't attach it to an email.
And if you reply to a message, delete all but the most recent correspondence from the sender,
otherwise, the message gets really, really long. One of you will be upset if you have to print it out one
day, and the whole conversation uses up 20 pages.

Respect People's Privacy

Don't forward information sent to you without checking with the original sender first. Use BCC (blind
carbon copy) rather than CC (carbon copy) if you are sending something out to more than one
person. You might think that we are all friends online, but your friends may not want their names and
or email addresses publicized to people they do not even know.

The same goes for uploading photos or videos that include other people to public space or sending
them out to your own contacts. And remember, if you tag people on Facebook, others can access
pictures of those people, unless they have adjusted their privacy settings.

Finally, don't sign up for newsletters and other communications using someone else's email address. 

Fact Check Before Reposting

That cure for cancer might sound pretty impressive, but it will just cause upset if it is a hoax. And
urban myths add to the noise of the internet and waste people's time. If you aren't sure of the facts,
email it to someone who does know or can find out. Or do a search on Google or

Don't forget that many viruses are circulated via chain letters and invitations to send some seemingly
pertinent piece of information to ten of your friends, or everyone in your address book. So don't be
naive. Forwarding that message will not bring you good luck, just bad karma. 

Respond to Emails Promptly

By all means, ignore and delete spam, unsolicited messages, and crazy stuff. But if you have given
someone your email address or if you are in a position where people could reasonably be expected to
contact you by email and your email address is public, have the courtesy to reply to their message
within a few days. If it is going to take longer to reply, email them and tell them that. 

Don't simply ignore a question because you don't want to give the answer. Write back saying that it is
a difficult question and they might be better off seeking the information elsewhere.

Update Online Information

Don't leave inaccurate information online just because you can't be bothered to update your
website. If you are going to be unavailable, for example, don't leave your hours of operation
online indicating you will be available. If you can't keep your website up to date, take it down. 

A Word From Verywell

It is easy to lose your sense of what is going on around you when you are using technology, but
engaging directly with others is more important than ever. Don't forget the positive impact you can
make by putting down your phone and having a real, face-to-face conversation.
Online Etiquette

A key distinguishing feature of an online course is that communication occurs solely via the written
word. Because of this the body language voice tone and instantaneous listener feedback of the
traditional classroom are all absent. These facts need to be taken into consideration both when
contributing messages to a discussion and when reading them. Keep in mind the following points:

1. Respect others and their opinions. In online learning students from various backgrounds
come together to learn. It is important to respect their feelings and opinions though they may
differ from your own.
2. Consider others’ privacy. Ask for permission if you want to forward someone’s email
messages to third parties. Keep in mind that all private email mail is considered copyrighted by
the original author.
3. Pick the right tone. Since we depend on the written word in online learning, it is especially
important to choose the right words to get your meaning across. For example, sarcasm is
harder to detect when you read the words rather than hearing them.
4. Avoid inappropriate material. Distribution of pornographic material will result in disciplinary
5. Be forgiving. If someone states something that you find offensive, mention this directly to the
instructor. Remember that the person contributing to the discussion might be new to this form
of communication. What you find offensive may quite possibly have been unintended and can
best be cleared up by the instructor.
6. Think before you hit the send button. Think carefully about the content of your message
before contributing it. Once sent to the group there is no taking it back. Grammar and spelling
errors reflect on you and your audience might not be able to decode misspelled words or
poorly constructed sentences.
7. Brevity is best. Be as concise as possible when contributing to a discussion. Your points
might me missed if hidden in a flood of text.
8. Stick to the point. Contributions to a discussion should stick to the subject. Don’t waste
others’ time by going off on irrelevant tangents.
9. Do not type in all caps. Typing in caps is considered shouting or screaming online. Various
studies on the topic reflect that it is more difficult and takes longer to read text that is typed in
all caps.
10. Frivolous email. Don’t forward jokes, “chain letter’s” or unimportant email to other students
without their permission. Not only does it fill up their mailboxes but may offend people who do
not share the same sense of humor or who are tired of these types of email.

Adapted from:

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